Static:Self-organized Sessions
Self-organized sessions used to be called "workshops", but we changed the naming to include everything - even if it's not hands-on or about making things - as long as it's done by YOU!
Such an event can be...
- ... a gathering of a project group or on a special topic,
- ... a contest or a game
- ... something happening outside of the building
- ... a small talk or lecture
- ... a screening of a movie
- ... something with music, literature and art
- ... a follow-up-discussion on one ob the "big talks" or another topic that happened rencently
- ... everything else you think that needs to take place at the congress!
Your Self-organized Session goes 36C3
On this page you can find a list of planned self-organized sessions by participants of the 36C3 and you'll find the necessary information to create your own one.
The idea is to provide a global workshop and talk calendar: Everyone being at the 36C3 can look at this calendar to find out what self-organized sessions are currently running besides the "big" talks in the halls.
Registering own workshops or talks
To register your self-organized sessions just use the self-organized session form.[1]
For now, the crucial information are
- Name of the self-organized session (which will be used as the site name)
- A short description
- A valid email address that might be used by the orga team to contact you
It might even be great, if you give some information about the person and assembly performing the self-organized session and a rough start- and end-time for the schedule, as well as a location. You can always update this information later.
For a detailed description, you can use the Free text field. This field allows the usual mediawiki syntax, and it will be the body of your page at the end.
You can also select a location for your self-organized. Please book a room with tables only if you really need tables for your session!
You can find a list of all valid locations here.
At the moment valid locations are all assemblies that have selected yes in their local lectures field, as well as the the following locations:
in CCL
- Lecture room 11, FCFS – with 125 square meters and 100 seats (classroom seating) – projector, tables
- Seminar room 13, FCFS – with 33 square meters and 12 seats (banquette seating) – projector, tables
- Seminar room 14-15, FCFS – with 66 square meters and 20 seats (banquette seating) - projector, tables
in "Messehaus"
- Lecture room M1, FCFS – with 118 square meters and 48 seats (classroom seating) – projector, tables
- Lecture room M2, FCFS – with 118 square meters and 48 seats (classroom seating) – projector, tables
- Lecture room M3, FCFS – with 324 square meters and 330 seats (classroom seating) – projector, tables, microphone
Space provided by assemblies
- Vintage Computing Cluster, FCFS – 12 seats (workshop tables) – tables, maybe shared projector
- c-base, FCFS – 40 seats (circular) – tables, projector
- 1komona headnut, ask first via pretalx – 30 seats (artrium style seating) – projector
- 1komona nokingdome, ask first via pretalx – 30 seats (chairs) – 2 tables, projector, PA
- 1komona soupworx, ask first via pretalx – 30 seats (ball pit) – PA, ball pit
- 1komona dezentrale*, ask first via pretalx – 15 seats (banquet seating and chairs) – table, printer
- 1komona Boredome, ask first via pretalx – 20 seats (chairs) –
- Roter Salon, ask first – 70 seats (theater seating) – projector, audio, light
- Studio Datscha, ask first – seats () –
- Hackers Beauty Palace, ask first – 20 seats (theater seating) –
Important note: To which extent these areas are bookable via this wiki, has to be clarified with the individual assembly/cluster.
Further information
Planning self-organized sessions within the workshop rooms and other areas marked with "FCFS" works on a "fair use policy":
- You can plan any time slot that is still free – first come, first served. Take a look into our Calendar or the timelines on the workshop location pages. FCFS stand for 1st come, 1st served.
- You may register self-organized sessions in one of the workshop rooms with a maximum duration of 3 hours. If you need more time, you might kindly want to ask one of the Static:Assemblies that provide space for workshops, if you can perform your workshop there.
- Give a valid contact on your self-organized session page. If no name given, we are not able to contact you in case of questions.
- In case you have any further questions, please contact the self organized sessions orga via DECT 1SOS (1767).
Planing self-organized sessions within space provided by assemblies marked with "ask first" works on stricter model than "fcfs":
- Before planning a session in one of this spaces contact the assembly providing the space.
- Get the permit from the assembly before creating the session.
Registered Self-organized Sessions
Already registered self-organized sessions are available as list or calendar. You can use the existing self-organized sessions as a reference, if you do not yet know where to start.
The calendar is updated using the semantics feature of the self-organized sessions form and template. This may take some time, so be patient …
There are 530 registered self-organized sessions.
description | organized by | |
"Join us now and ..." sing together the Free Software song | Everyday at 20:00 at the Assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe we invite you to sing together the Free Software song; We have the lyrics and a conductor. Simply come, bring your hacker buddies and your voice and maybe an instrument and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing out loud our love for Free Software! Sing-along sessions will happen everyday at 20:00. | Dreirik |
'Natur und Nachhaltigkeit' | Nachhaltigkeit gehört auf unsere Agenda. Von der Forschung in die Praxis #actionsforfuture | Kreatur |
'audio-tanzperformance: ObstKabelKörper | Deine datsche | |
'performanceworkshop: robotic nail art studio | Deine datsche | |
3.8 Billion users' future: Email 3.0 | What formula made email outlive it's contenders until now? What recent innovations are making it hip again? And what economic model could bring a renaissance of decentralised, Free Software messaging on the multi-billion user scale? | Dreirik |
30. Geburtstag | die Haecksen feiern ihren 30sten | Zitro |
36C3 Fahrplan App | Session for people who want to join the project | Tbsprs |
36c3-Plotterei | Taschen mit eigenen Logos bedrucken. | Goldwaage |
36c3fiveK | Jog from Hbf to CCL | Hudson |
36i3 - what's in your config? | Storys from the config: The i3 Window Manager | Elcorto Ricma |
42birds: Bewegungspause | Hier trifft sich jung und alt für eine bewegte Pause | Birdy1976 |
42birds: Hacker’s Digest | We'll talk about fiction and non-fiction books. | Birdy1976 |
42birds: Hacking E-Assessment | Lösungshinweise in Multiple-Choice-Fragen exploiten | Birdy1976 |
42birds: Hitchhiker's Towel-Yoga | We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on ;-) | Birdy1976 |
42birds: Nerd Game Show | 🙈 🙉 🙊 You Know Stuff ☐ ☒ ☑ Answer nerdy questions on your notebook / smartphone and win a (small) price 😸 😹 😻 | Birdy1976 |
42birds: Tipp des Tages – Calibre | Calibre dient der Verarbeitung, Konvertierung und Verwaltung von E-Books | Birdy1976 |
A capella workshop! | Wir singen a capella | Zitro |
A journey through the Solar System: Planets and moons | Every planet and moon has crazy mysteries to unveil. We will make a journey through the Solar System discussing about unique landscapes like on Iapetus and mechanisms like the formation of Saturn's rings as well as the possibility of alien life inside the icy moons. In the funnier moments we will see two moons that looks like the Death Star (I bet you don't know the second one), get to know one that is even more laughable than Uranus and think about a totally awesome fun fact about mercury, basically the queen of fun facts about the Solar System. | Samuel Antz |
A quick tour through some of Haskell's crazy features | Haskell is the language of choice of our assembly. It is also weird. In this session, experience a quick guided tour through some of Haskell's features. | Iblech MatthiasHu MichaelStruwe |
A trip down the memory l̶a̶n̶e̶ dump | This workshop covers the fundamentals of memory internals and then dive into hands-on analysis with volatility. Newbie or seasoned, professional or hobbyist, this session is for you! | November |
A/V Angel Meeting | Daily Meetup for A/V Angels | |
A:f meetup | this session is an internal meeting for all organisations inside about:freedom and about:future to discuss our current state and where we like to go - content-wise and geographically. shall we move into hall 3 or stay in CCL? shall we run our own stage or have other kinds of installations? Who are we and what do we like to achieve? let's discuss our goals and resources we have for 37C3 so we can prepare in advance. | |
ADHD & me - ... and you? | I was diagnosed with ADHD just two years ago. I want to share what I learned so far and provide a space to exchange stories, tools, strategies and support. | Stormwind |
ADHS - Emotionen & Probleme | ADHS Treffen um Probleme und Lösungen auszutauschen | Rebecca |
AFAR | AFAR | Dj-spock |
AG KRITIS | Meeting der AG KRITIS | TheC |
AKTIV, KREATIV, REAKTIV MIT DIGITALE FREIHEIT | In this workshop we will produce tactics and materials to sensitize people for topics such as facial recognition and surveillance. | Dfkreativ |
ATX Breakoutboard Workshop - Solder your own Power Supply | Build your own 3.3-12V power supply (moderate soldering experience helpful) | Marove |
Abdocccecwencen - eine einfu:hrung in c-lang | c-lang ist die geschriebene sprache der c-base. dieser talk gibt einen generellen überblick zur letzten rechtschreibreform. | Nerdbeere |
Absolute Sicherheit? - Gesänge zur Stärkung der digitalen Kampfmoral | Musikerin Silvia Seitz präsentiert ihre CD „Absolute Sicherheit? - Gesänge zur Stärkung der digitalen Kampfmoral“ | Davlee |
Accessibility and Inclusion | Hacking everyday communication practices to change the world (en+de) | Erdbeerblau Vishnee Hirnsalat |
Advanced Probiotic Brewing | If you are into the brewing and you have been "in" already for some time this workshop is here for you, however if you are really interested and it seems like there are some spots left well pop in too. You should already know a bit what is going on, sugars are being broken down by microbes on different compounds like lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol and so on. | Algoldor |
Air Quality Particulate Matter Sensor Workshop | Measure local pollution levels by building your own particle matter sensor system. This DIY setup allowed everyone to measure air quality. Join thousands around the world by contributing the data to citizen science projects with open data. The system uses off the shelf parts (design by OK Lab Stuttgart as part of the project). Cost of the kit will be €50 This workshop will be given twice(both identical): Max 10 places per session Day 2: 28-Dec, 4pm - 5:30pm Day 3: 29-Dec, 6pm - 7:30pm (This is one of many cool things happening throughout 36C3 in the huge Hardware Hacking Area!) | Tdr112 |
Akrobatik & Animal Walks | Little funny Warmups & Basic Acrobatic Tricks with partner | Alibi |
Alles ganz anders! | Wie kann man eigentlich sein Smartphone bedienen, wenn man nichts sehen kann? Wir gucken uns an, wie das geht! | Nwng |
Alternative Ansätze - Pilotprojekte zum Thema 'Umwelt, Natur & Nachhaltigkeit' | Kreatur | |
Alternatives to Google Apps on Android | I will go over my experience with finding and implementing alternatives. I go over how I used different tools, protocols, and software such as OwnCloud, CardDAV, CalDAV,, RSS, FreeOTP. and OpenVPN to decentralize my digital life and the pros and cons of doing such. | Dreirik |
An introduction to Anarchism | Abcdd | |
An introduction to Smalltalk (The programming language) | We will get to know the almost forgotten mother of OO Programming environments. For beginners and intermediate/experts alike. | Ckeen |
An introduction to the post-apocalyptic skill of spinning yarn | We will show you and explain how to make your own yarn from wool and other fibres. | Trinn |
Android's build system is messier than your distro's | Android Open Source Project (AOSP)'s build system differs greatly from other GNU/Linux based distribution: software components are built and bundled together into a single image without using any package manager during the build process; external software components are also tasked with maintaining support for AOSP build system themselves. Theses differences creates some extremely serious issues that also affect Replicant, a fully free software Android distribution. To solve that, we aim to foster a discussion with other projects and the community on sustainable ways to achieve an AOSP build that properly incorporates GNU/Linux projects such as Linux and Mesa. This talk might also be interesting to people packaging Android utilities like adb in GNU/Linux distributions, as they also have to deal with some of the issues created by the Android build system. | RicardoGrimCabrita GNUtoo |
Angelmeeting: Hall Angel Coordinator | Introduction for Hall Angel Coordinators (HAC) | Zaurak |
Angelmeeting: Stage Support & Stage Manager | Introduction and Refresher for StageSupporter and StageManager | Katzazi |
Anti-governmental protests in Chile | Presentation on the recent protests in Chile from the anarchist perspective | Abcdd |
Arch Linux Meetup | Meetup for users and people interested in the Arch Linux project | Foxboron |
ArduTouch Music Synthesizer Workshop | Learn to solder together a cool, powerful music synthesizer, and learn to make cool music, sound, and noise! (This is one of many cool things happening throughout 36C3 in the huge Hardware Hacking Area!) This workshop will be given: Day 4: 30-Dec, 12pm - 2pm | Maltman23 |
Arduino For Total Newbies | Learn Arduino using TV-B-Gone as an example project You've probably heard lots about Arduino. But if you don't know what it is, or how you can use it to do all sorts of cool things, then this fun and easy workshop is for you. As an example project, we'll be creating a TV-B-Gone remote control out of an Arduino you can take home with you. (This is one of many cool things happening throughout 36C3 in the huge Hardware Hacking Area!) This workshop will be given twice (both identical): Day 2: 28-Dec, 1pm - 4:30pm Day 3: 29-Dec, 1pm - 4:30pm | Maltman23 |
Are You ready to sustain IT? | Discussion: In Lightning Talk ⚡ "Are You ready to sustain IT?" on day 2, I propose to refuse exponentially increasing resource consumption. | |
Art Inspired by Assange and Wikileaks | A collection of art projects inspired by Julian Assange and Wikileaks | Crickets |
Ask the Electronic Frontier Foundation | "Ask the EFF" will be a panel presentation and question-and-answer session with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, featuring Kurt Opsahl, Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel; and Staff Technologists Alexis Hancock and Mona Wang | Dreirik |
Auti-Ruhe-Raum | Ausweichmöglichkeit Meltdownroom | Benjaminwand |
Awarenessteam Introduction and Q&A | In this session, the Awarenessteam will answer the following questions and more: What is the CCC Awarenessteam and how can it help me? What does it do and what does it not currently do? There will be room for your questions and for discussion. | Theresa Rafiot |
BEAM LIKE THE MAYA DID: With cacao to inner and outer beauty | Alibi | |
BODILY CHATROOM: Contact Improvisation Dance Workshop | Get in Reallife Touch! A very special dancing lesson that aims to get you closer: with yourself and with others. | Alibi |
Badgelife Meetup | Informal gathering of people interested in artistic, electronic conference badges and PCB design in general | Tf |
Beekeeping presentation | Learn about beekeeping. | 0x378 |
Beer Tasting | Taste a variety of franconian beers | Jur |
Beer tasting | The Legendary foodhackingbase beer tasting. | 0x378 |
Beewax Sheets | Bienenwachstücher DIY | Laugenschneiderin |
Beginner's guide to anal stretching | Anal stretching for beginners | Squack |
Behavioural change and changing habits | Let’s discuss the power of habits and what it takes to change behaviour. | Andru |
Bildet Katzen (z.kollektiv) | Bildet Katzen (z.kollektiv) | Dj-spock |
Binäre Zahlen mit Montessori – Mathe kann jeder! | Ich stelle am Beispiel von binären Zahlen vor, wie Montessorimaterial funktioniert. | Schnuppi |
Binäre Zahlen und Montessori - Wiederholung!! | Wiederholung vom Vortrag am Tag 1 | Schnuppi |
Binärgewitter Hörertreffen | Hörertreffen des Binärgewitter Podcasts | Makefu |
Bitcoin to the Post-Quantum Era | Can we transition Bitcoin to a Post-Quantum World? In this talk, I present the basic principles Quantum Computers rely on to perform certain calculations much faster than classical computers. I will give a beginner’s explanation to some quantum algorithms that can undermine Bitcoin’s security and show how they can be used to hijack transactions. Finally, I describe a protocol that can be deployed in Bitcoin to allow users to securely transition their funds to quantum resistance even in the presence of a quantum computer! | Dragos |
Bits und Bäume konkret: Was man selber tun kann | Sammeln und evaluieren von Vorschlägen für konkretes individuelles Handeln mit dem Ziel der Veröffentlichung | Cark |
Blackhoodie Meetup | Waldwesen | |
Blind Navigation workshop | Saizai | |
Blinkenpoi Assembly Party | We build Blinkenpois | Overflo |
Blockchain Interoperability: NIPoPoWs & Sidechains | Moving value between chains | Gtklocker Dionyziz |
Blue Teamers Unite! | Meetup, discussion and shenanigans of blue teamers | Mat Marides |
Blåhaj Meetup | All fishes welcome! | SpaceLena |
Board Games etc. | Just playin' | Penta |
Body intelligence for authentic connection / Tantric speed dating | Learning Somatic safety, feel what you want, playfully meet people with honesty | Gwfung |
Book club for grown-up victims | I am proposing to share information, thoughts, likes, dislikes... about useful books for victims | Procrastinator |
Borgbackup | BorgBackup: Meeting and Q&A session | TW |
Bridging the silicon gap in open hardware | Paradigms from the open source / free software community are increasingly being applied in the hardware domain, but at the moment everyone relies strongly on proprietary chips. Open source chip design is a challenge and opportunity. I will give an overview about previous and current related projects, explain how the chip development cycle works, what the barriers to open source chips are, why we need open source chips, who will benefit, and how you can get involved. There will also be room for discussion and connecting. | Morn |
Bug Bounty Meetup | A meetup with lightning-talks for Bug Bounty hunters. | Xdavidhu |
Building a Synth for the web in C++ and WASM | How to use modern web technologies to build a synthesizer (at the Social Dist0rtion Protocol assembly!) | TimDaub |
Burner Meetup | Burner Meetup at Discotheque Nouveauancien | Datenpate2 |
Butoh Performance: Jatoba | Deine datsche | |
Bypassing the Suprema BIOStar Fingerprint Access Control | I'll show you how you can bypass a biometric access control (fingerprint reader) from Suprema. This device is broken AF | C |
Bäume pflanzen mit QGIS und R | Bäume pflanzen kann sehr lange dauern. Mit interaktiven Karten können Orte in der Landschaft erkundet werden, welche bei einer Aufforstung als Multiplikatoren dienen. Wir schauen uns gemeinsam zwei interaktive Kartenbeispiele (mit QGIS und R) an und können bei Interesse ein kleines Kärtchen programmieren. Geodaten können stehen hier zum download bereit: (ca. 230Mb, bitte rechtzeitig herunterladen falls ihr an den Karten basteln möchtet) Für weitere Informationen zum Projekt, bzw. falls ihr euch am Projekt beteiligen möchtet, schickt bitte ein Mail an oder schaut bei vorbei. | Bella |
Bügelperlen-Ohrringe/Perler Beads Earrings | Mache dir selbst coole Pixelart-Ohrringe aus Bügelperlen. / Creat cool pixelart earrings from perler beads yourself. | Contenna |
C3auti | Lasse | |
C3blind community meetup | Let's get to know each other and discuss c3blind's future! | Nwng |
C3lingo tech | c3lingo tech meeting about improvements for next year | Katti |
C3sus public meeting | an invitation to join c3sus orga team | Aimeejulia |
CCC und European Digital Rights | Short presentation and discussion by and with EDRi and CCC people. #uploadfilter #cryptowar #netzdg #softwarepatents | Kantorkel |
CCChoir | Come and sing with us! Even if you think you didn't sing for years: All Creatures Welcome. We sing Heaven Can't Wait by Thies Mynther | Piko |
CO2-neutral Live Interviews: Back to Nature | Kreatur | |
CTF Einführung | Einführung in das 36C3 Capture the Flag für Neulinge | Zitro |
CV DAZZLE: Facial Treatment against Facial Recognition | Try out a CV Dazzle to hack your face to recognition tech. Break up the lines of your face and get a make-up of extremes. Never hide! Always dazzle! | Alibi |
Calliope | spielerisch und kreativ die Welt der Computer kennenlernen | Bate |
Calliope Games Workshop | Spiele mit dem Calliope programmieren | DerMicha Bengoshi |
Captain Sonar | Captain Sonar | Ankylotech |
Carbon.txt - what would a robots.txt for green infrastructure look like? | We all know computers run on electricity, and that we need to, as responsible professionals, get our infrastructure off fossil fuels to stand a chance of avoiding the worst of climate change. But how can you know if organisations in a digital project’s supply chain really are running on renewable power? After spending ten years building an open database to make this easy to check at the The Green Web Foundation, we are proposing a convention called carbon.txt, to decentralise this process. | |
Card10: Using the pressure sensor and accelerometer with MicroPython | Schneider | |
Cecilia Tosh (SEV) | Cecilia Tosh (SEV) | Dj-spock |
ChameleonMini Workshop | Details about using and programming ChameleonMini from the makers | Timo |
Chaoszone Junghacker CTF | Einfaches CTF | KlObs |
Chaoszone Junghackertag | for all kids who like soldering and controlling robot cars etc. | R2d2data |
Cheese Rendez-vous | If you love cheese this event is a must ! | 0x378 |
Chili seeds exchange | Chili seeds exchange | Algoldor |
Chill time for Japanese talk | This is a placeholder for the previous two sessions to push the Q&A to this timeslot or to dynamically start with the IT talk a bit later. | Taulex |
Chilli | We will prepare and eat chilis in many ways: in the oven, deepfried or raw | |
Chinese Characters and Tones - An interactive introduction | Let's dive into the fascinating world of the Chinese language. We'll talk about the meaning of characters, pronounce the four tones and learn how words and sentences are created | Andru |
Cidre Flows | The legendary foodhackingbase Cidre tasting! | Algoldor |
Cidre Making | This workshop is heavily hands on (and also shoulders, arms and so on) with some demonstrations and of course product tasting. The idea is to share knowledge about cider making. | Algoldor |
CoderDojo Neopixel Hacking | ATTiny+Neopixel hacking | DerMicha Bengoshi |
Cohousing projects meeting | an annual meeting of existing cohousing projects | Aimeejulia |
Commie Curious | a safe place for those who think they might be a little commie | Baruch |
Community Accountability | Community Accountability | Buecherwurm |
Community Visual Storytelling: A Practical Q&A | A Q&A about documentary photography | K8 |
Conceptual Models of Sustainability | This talk is about a set of (mainly european) conceptions of sustainability which I came across during my research. As more and more parts in an economy seem to become quantified and qualified, a new monitoring system for sustainable development will be installed. But how do people thought to measure sustainability? | |
Consequence Scanning: Hacking Online Misogyny | We will use consequence scanning as a method to think through building tools against online harassment | Opt Out Tools |
Continuous Security Testing | See | C |
Coreboot workshops | build your toolchain, compile coreboot for QEMU | Depate |
Crashkurs Soziokratie | Entscheidungen als Organisation (von einer Person bis zu einigen Millionen) per Konsent, gleichgestellt, verantwortlich, kontinuierlich verbessernd, transparent, effektiv und empirisch treffen | MichaelStruwe |
Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices | Hacking around Z-Wave smart home protocol | PoltoS |
Critical Mass Leipzig | Critical Mass bicycle ride through Leipzig | Malte Hübner |
CryptoParty: Digital Self-Defense Workshop | CryptoParties are free and open for everyone, but especially those without prior knowledge, who haven't yet attended one. CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web, and general security advice regarding computers and smartphones. To try the tools and apps directly at the CryptoParty, bring your laptop or smartphone. | Dawning Sun |
Curtisannes Cake Center | Bringing curtisannes cantine from OpenLab Augsburg to 36C3! | 0x378 |
Cyber4EDU | Nachhaltig gute Software, Lernmaterialien und Hardware für Schulen | DerMicha |
DIYBio Meetup | Let’s come together, connect and talk about DIYBio | |
DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME | What not to do when the shit hits the fan | MikeTango |
Daniel Domscheit Berg - Verstehbahnhof Fürstenberg | Einfach mal mitgedacht. Offene Prozessentwicklung anhand anschaulicher Beispiele wie dem Verstehbahnhof erklärt. | Kreatur |
Das Freie Software 1 x 1 | Der Talk ist ein "Foundation Talk" vom Präsident der FSFE und dazu gedacht den Zuhörenden einen leichten Einstieg in die Welt Freier Software zu ermöglichen. | Dreirik |
Das Gutachten der Datenethikkommission - eine praktische Diskussion | Wir werden das Gutachten der Datenethikkommission aus einem praktischen Blickwinkel betrachten und diskutieren. | Kaplannie |
Das Günther (PEP - Punkt Elektro Performance) | Das Günther (PEP - Punkt Elektro Performance) | Dj-spock |
Dat project devs & community meetup | Dat protocol & surroundings gathering for devs and people interested | Frando |
Data and tools for investigative work | Meetup to discuss tools and ideas around investigative work (OSINT, journalism, forensics, etc.) | Pdow |
Datenschutz-Sprechstunde mit den Aufsichtsbehörden | Mitarbeiter der Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörden stehen Rede und Antwort | Alvar Freude |
Debrief on e-voting in Estonia | Is it worth to be constructive in a flawed policy debate? | Tramm |
DebugYourBack | Walking and sitting all day long makes your body ache? Find some release here. | 0rmeli |
Decentralized and centralized control: global trends in network censorship | Let's review the proliferation of network censorship in countries around the world in the past two years, and talk about the areas where we can continue to push back, including current battles being fought to fix Internet privacy leaks. | |
DeliberativeDemocracy | Do not miss this co-creative workshop on citizens’ assemblies and why deliberative democracy may pave the way for a just and sustainable transition in a green future. Come and experience a deliberative session by yourself which will follow an introduction into the concept by activists of Extinction Rebellion Germany. | Andre |
Delta Chat Hands On: Development Status iOS, Android, & Desktop | Learn more about the development approach of Delta Chat, an encrypted E-Mail messenger. | Compl4xx |
Demystifying Deepfakes | I wanted to know what the fuzz is all about in the newspapers and tried to understand some details in deepfake video generation. This talk aims to be slightly more technical than a youtube introduction on deepfakes and slightly less useful for creating your own deepfake video. | A0b1 |
Detox Seaweed Bibimbab | Hands on workshop on detox seaweed Bibimbap | 0x378 |
Die Hysterischen MILFs | Die Hysterischen MILFs | Dj-spock |
Digital nomads / itinerant hackers meet-up | A meet-up for digital nomads / itinerant hackers. | Countermeasure |
Digitale Freiheit Zündschnurtreffen | Digitale Freiheit Kick-Off Treffen | Dfkreativ |
Digitale Gewalt | Digitale Gewalt gegen Frauen hat viele Formen. Dieser Workshop hat das Ziel, sich darüber auszutauschen, was die Hacker- und Netz-Community(s) dagegen tun können. Sonst wird es bald Vorschläge vom Innen- oder Justizministerium geben. | Anne |
Dining Cryptographers | Dining Cryptographers Meetup | BenBE |
Diskussionsrunde Menstruationsbeschwerden | Mein Ziel ist es eine grosse Masse damit zu erreichen, dass Periodenschmerzen nicht psychisch sind. | Sakara |
Diy lip care cosmetics | Humidity in the halls of Leipzig is low and your lips are cracking? Make your own refillable lip care in just a few minutes. | Zornem |
Documentary Photography Workshop | Story development workshop - idea, conceptualisation, planning, shooting, editing | K8 |
Drachenlord Autogrammstunde | Autogrammstunde mit Rainer Winkler | CB6BOB |
Dragonbox Pyra handheld PC/phone(?) demo | Pyra handheld | Kingu1 |
Dream Journey & Cacao Ceremony | Deine Augen fangen an zu flimmern? Deine Batterien sind alle? Klingt als bräuchtest du eine Portion analoge Realitätsfluchtbespassung in der Kuschelmaschine. Geniesse leckeren Rohkakao und drifte mit entspannenden Traumreisen in andere Dimensionen ab. | Alibi |
ESAeScooter | Meetup for owners of DocGreen ESA 5000, 1919 or 1950 eScooters | M4GNV5 |
Edu-Stammtisch | Stammtisch für Menschen aus dem Bildungsbereich | Wi-wissen |
EightOS Bodymind Operating System | In this session we will explore the notions used in hacking through interactive physical exercises. Creating the body-based code for the software, based on systemic thinking and non-equilibrium dynamics. Physical practice workshop + interactive exercises. No prior experience needed. Total refresh. | Aerodynamika |
EightOS Improv Sound + Body + Software Movement Session | Taking on the movement principles of EightOS practice, we will combine them with sound and music to create an interactive open immersive improvisational space for everyone to take part and join in. Physically or otherwise. | Aerodynamika |
Einführung - vielfältiger Protest als Erfahrung | Kreatur | |
Einführung Schneidplotter | Plottern der Ergebnisse von Tag 1 | E-punc |
Elektrobastelei | Tinkering with wires, magnets and batteries, Elektrobastelei mit Draht, Magneten und Batterien | Aram |
Elfaux. (Radio Antishanti) | Elfaux. (Radio Antishanti) | Dj-spock |
Ende Gelände – peaceful climate activism (civil disobedience) for people like us | Peacefully blocking coal infrastructure – a tutorial | Iblech |
Esperanto | A short introduction into the international language Esperanto. A planned language actually spoken by nerds all over the world | Johmue |
Exploring sustainability in a playful way with improv | Get to know a workshop design that uses improvisational theater methods to explore the topic of sustainability, called 'Sustainable Improv'. The idea is to deal with serious topics like the climate crisis in a playful way and share knowledge and ideas for change in the process. | IChr |
F-Droid Meetup | F-Droid Community Meetup | Bubu |
FFF-Demo | „$password=saveForFuture“: Peaceful “Fridays for Future” protest for climate justice (better climate politics) in the city. Officially registered at the relevant government agency, legal to attend for citizens of any country.Deteils:Angemeldete Demonstration im Rahmen von Fridays for Future in der Stadt; Termin am Vormittag, damit 36c3-Besuchende direkt morgens von der Schlafgelegenheit zur Demo können und nach der Demo weiter zum Messegelände. | E1mo |
Factorio | 10 Rechner zum Factorio spielen, Leute die das Spiel erklären | Cisz Ben |
Fahrräder zeichnen und analysieren | Fahrräder zeichnen und analysieren | Ruru4143 |
Fairphone Workshop and Meetup | A meetup for Fairphoners and an occasion to see the modular Fairphone models | Hnms |
Fancy RGB-LED Cube Workshop (Junghacker Edition) | A very simple but fancy RGB LED Cube especially made for learning how to solder. | Marove |
Fediverse Meetup | get together of our fediverse community | Ckeen |
Feministischer Buchclub | Feministischer Buchclub: Wir reden über Bücher | Melzai |
Film "Deckname Jenny" | Movie on activism and it's challenges in the modern German state | Abcdd |
Finding your new home: Canadian Immigration system | Options to make Canada your new home from obtaining visa to immigration. | |
Firmware development meetup | meetup for firmware developers no2 | IzidorMakuc |
Follow-up meeting to the Netzpolitik in der Schweiz talk | Nach dem Vortrag «Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn» sind alle interessierten Personen eingeladen, die Diskussion an diesem Workshop der Digitalen Gesellschaft fortzusetzen. Es werden Aktivisten von verschiedenen aktiven Organisationen der Netzpolitik in der Schweiz anwesend sein (Digitale Gesellschaft, CCC-CH, CCCZH, Piratenpartei Schweiz, Digitale Allmend). | Kire |
Fomu | Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | Mithro |
Formalizing mathematics in the proof assistant Agda | for students of mathematics, computer science or a related subject | Iblech |
Forschungsinfrastrukturen als öffentliches Gut | Rupi Lambo Anjalorenz | |
Foundation workshop: Fun with fractals and programming for absolute beginners of fractals and programming | Experience a guided tour through the first steps of programming. Simultaneously, you learn about imaginary numbers which, unlike any number you learn about in school, square to negative numbers. The end result will be a basic fractal viewer. | Iblech MatthiasHu MichaelStruwe |
Foundation workshop: Hands-on, how does the Internet work? | This workshop is for all who only have a vague idea or might not know at all what an "IP address" is. We'll learn how the Internet works by making Internet traffic visible. This is a beginner's workshop. If you toyed with Wireshark before, you will be bored to hell in this workshop. | Iblech |
Foundation worshop: Git, a version control system to solve filename chaos and collaborative editing – a tutorial for absolute beginners | Tired of filename chaos such as "report_final_really_v2_corrected.txt"? There is a technological solution to this problem, a version control system such as Git. Learn in this hands-on workshop how to use it. Git is useful both for personal files and for files which are edited by teams. | Iblech |
Free Software for Open Science | In this session we will discuss the state of FOSS within the various European scientific communities. | Purine.bitter |
Free Software for Qualitative Social Research | Discussing Free Software tools for social research | Dreirik |
Free software for minorities of Turkey with their own languages | Free software and freedom philosophy gives a ray of hope to Anatolian minorities. With free documentation and free software, with using their devices in their own language, people may keep their language alive by contributing projects like Wiktionary and Wikisource. | Dreirik |
Freedom to go | You like an Android withough Google? This is an interactive workshop to present the Free Software App repository called F-Droid and the outstanding functionalities of its clients called F-Droid and G-Droid. After that we discover the best (imho!) Android-based Free Software apps including anonymization, encryption and syncronization - and you have the possibility to present your personal favorite Free Software app as well. | Dreirik |
From growing Mushrooms to a open Microbiology Laboratory | A story on how I build a mushroom lab from zero to the first flush. | |
Frühstücksrevival | Für alle, die das Haecksen-Frühstück am Tag 2 verpasst haben oder mehr davon brauchen. | Zitro |
Fuzzing Round Table | Open discussion about recent trends and advancements in fuzzing. | Domenukk |
Game Over Society | Game Over Society | Claudius |
Gameboy Tetris Tournament | Gameboys! Link Cables! Tetris! Competition! | Michaelem |
Gazelle Horn (Monis Rache/Eclectic) | Gazelle Horn (Monis Rache/Eclectic) | Dj-spock |
Gefragt - Gejagt: Junghacker*innen Edition | Rasante Quiz-Show für Jugendliche | Nwng N0emis |
Gemeinsam sind wir mehr - in Gespräch und Aktion | Über kollektives Entscheiden und Handeln | Kreatur |
Gemeinsam sind wir mehr! | Über kollektives Entscheiden und Handeln | Kreatur |
General Angel meeting day -1 / Introduction meeting for new angels | General Angel meeting day -1 / Introduction meeting for new angels | DLange |
General Angel meeting day 0 / Introduction meeting | General Angel meeting day 0 / Introduction meeting for new angels | DLange |
General Angel meeting day 1 / Introduction meeting | General Angel meeting day 1 / Introduction meeting for new angels | DLange |
General Angel meeting day 3 | General Angel meeting day 3 | DLange |
General Angel meeting day 4 / Teardown info | General Angel meeting day 4 / Teardown info | DLange |
General Relativity - why it's necessary | What rather simple failures and contradictions in the physics of the early 20th century made Einstein create General Relativity? What problems did he face and why? How to unify two theories - like electromagnetism - is crucial in modern physics. It's a problem we are facing again. | Samuel Antz |
Germany stands with Hongkong | Germany stands with Hongkong! What is necessary, what can be done to support Hongkong? | J0 Mx |
Getting to know Julia | This workshop is for everyone who wants to get an idea and some first look at the programming language Julia, which was originally designed for data analysis or scientific computing | Mfh |
Gettogether des CCC-CH | As every year, the CCC-CH (Chaos Computer Club Switzerland) holds its last Gettogether of the year at the congress. Everyone is welcome | Jenix |
Git bottom up | ever wanted to how git internals look? | Wtjerry |
Gled | Short introduction and Q&A for the light installation at the wall behind !decentral | Elwerene |
Google-Sensei and Contract Work - IT in Japan | Japan is especially known for its technology among other things. Games and hardware of all kinds from Japan are everywhere but does anyone know good Japanese software? What IT in Japan looks like from inside and if Japan really is as high-tech as it is made out to be is the topic of this talk as experienced by a young German. | Mona144 |
Google-sensei und Leiharbeit - IT in Japan | Japan ist neben vielen Dingen auch als Land der Technik bekannt. Vor allem Games aller Art und Hardware aus Japan sind weltweit verbreitet, aber kennt irgendwer gute japanische Software? Wie IT in Japan von innen aussieht, und ob das Land wirklich so hightech ist wie man vielleicht denken mag, berichtet eine zurückgekehrte Deutsche. | Mona144 |
Google-sensei und Leiharbeit - IT in Japan (Zugabe 1) | this session is obsolete. See description or delete this session if you are an admin. | Mona144 |
Google-sensei und Leiharbeit - IT in Japan (Zugabe) | Japan ist neben vielen Dingen auch als Land der Technik bekannt. Vor allem Games aller Art und Hardware aus Japan sind weltweit verbreitet, aber kennt irgendwer gute japanische Software? Wie IT in Japan von innen aussieht, und ob das Land wirklich so hightech ist wie man vielleicht denken mag, berichtet eine zurückgekehrte Deutsche. | Mona144 |
HAKET | we will discuss the Haket roadmap and priorities | Baruch |
HTTC - Hacker Trip To China MEET-UP | To Quote the Great M/Altman "For the Hacker Trip To China (HTTC): the only requirements are curiosity and showing up." And we all did :) | Maltman23 Mx Power Torrey |
Hackbases or Barbarianism | Hackbases are several different types of hackerspaces where people can also live at. The 6th yearly self-org session will be a common presentation of the existing and planned bases, tools to organize new ones, etc. Come if you're interested in different ways of living and doing work. | Dcht00 |
Hacker Boardgames | We willl play nice hacker boardgames | DerMicha Bengoshi |
Hacker Workflows: Tools for X (v3.0) | Collecting all the tools for all the things you can do with computers | Dcht00 |
Hackerfleet's Isomer/HFOS | A short introduction into Isomer and the Hackerfleet Operating System | Riot |
Hackerfleet's Maritime Hacker Meetup | The Maritime Hackers Meetup! | Riot |
Hackers against Climate Change (HACC) Meeting | "Hackers against Climate Change" is a preliminary name for a variety of working groups/action groups that gathered during the "Hackers against Climate Change" session at the 35th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig. We'd like to meet up again at 36c3 | Moep |
Hackerspace Erlangen | Latest news, open discussions and meet-and-greet. | Codemonk | meetup | an opportunity to get involved and catch up with the community | Aimeejulia |
Hacking BCI | Let us gather and to do some BCI hacking | WasabiWasabi |
Hacking Licence | Your daily basic hacking learning lesson. | Chpietsch CryptGoat |
Haecksen für NichtHaecksen | Die Haecksen für Nicht-Haecksen - eine Fragerunde | Melzai |
Haecksenfrühstück | Gemeinsames Frühstück für Frauen und NTI*, die Haecksen werden möchten | Zitro |
Haecksenplenum | Pleeeenum! Ple-he-he-num, Plenum ist wichtig für die Revolution! | Janepie |
Hands-on with Wi-Fi hacking | Hands-on with Wi-Fi hacking | Skickar |
Helfe mit der modernisierung der Webseite noch mehr gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung unternehmen zu können | Wir von foodsharing sind eine Initiative, mit dem Ziel sich gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung einzusetzen: Unsere Homepage ist seit vielen Jahren das zentrale Werkzeug unserer Initiative. Die gesamte Vernetzung untereinander, die gemeinsame Arbeit an verschiedensten Themen und zu guter Letzt die Organisation all unserer Lebensmittelrettungen sind dank dieser Plattform möglich. | Jo |
Heralds Meeting | Annual Refresher and Updates for the Heralds | Ijon |
Hilfe, ich muss mein Türschloss tauschen | Du hast deinen Schlüssel verloren? Du willst ehemalige Mitbewohner von deiner Wohnung fernhalten? Wir schauen uns an, wie einfach so ein Schloss zu tauschen ist! | Janepie |
Hitchhiking Meetup | A meetup for anyone interested in Hitchhiking and other forms of low-cost spontaneous travel | Tjg |
Hodographs matter: a skewed perspective on the gravitational n-body problem | Short improvised lecture/talk about a recent perspective change in studying the problem of n masses in the plane | JuliusCaesar |
Home Assistant Alternativen | Austausch zu alternativen Home Assistants | Geiddlyne |
Hoodie & Shannon Soundquist (ProZecco) | Hoodie & Shannon Soundquist (ProZecco) | Dj-spock |
Hoola Hoophoophoop | Hoola Hoop Hands On Workshop for beginners | Alibi |
How to (re)start a hackerspace | We explain how to run a do-ocracy and the lessons we learned from 6 years of hacking our own community. | Galgalesh |
How to deal with any Git situation using three basic commands | (for people who already know Git) | MichaelStruwe |
How to make politics more transparent | Contact We present our project politicindex after that lets discuss about transparency in politics | Politicindex |
How we built a zero-knowledge calendar | Unfortunately, this session was cancelled | Dreirik |
Human Punishment Day 1 | Lasst uns eine Runde Human Punishment spielen | Echsenkoenig |
Human Punishment Day 2 and beyond | Human Punishment, kann man auch an zwei Tagen spielen. Oder drei... | Echsenkoenig |
Hygienebelehrung / Frikadellendiplom | für alle Engel, die etwas mit Essen zu tun haben (wollen) | Waldwesen |
I am a Kernel Dev - Ask me anything! | Reddit style Q&A, where you can ask all the questions you wanted to know about the life of a kernel programmer. | Chrysh |
I am a feminist cyborg mushrOOm shaman and that is ok- | lecture by S. Poxy | Deine datsche |
I got 99 problems but being a feminist listening to rap ain't one | "I got 99 problems but being a feminist listening to rap ain't one" mit Lena Grehl und Miriam Davoudvandi | Dj-spock |
ICEBreaker FPGA Workshop | iCEBreaker FPGA Workshop | Esden |
Ideen-/Erfahrungsaustausch Linux Install Café | Wir wollen in unserem Hackerspace ein Linux Install Café auf die Beine stellen. | S3lph |
Ikea Tradfri Hacking | Replace Ikea Tradfri device firmware with MicroPython | Hudson |
Improtheater 2.0 | Bewegte Emotionen im Rahmen vom Improtheater | Toni |
Improv Theater/ Applied Improvisation | Come join us for a joyful session with some improvisational theater training activities and games! Topic: '10 ways of anything' • Improv theater is basically theater without a script, with characters and stories created in teamwork between the actors. • You do not need to know anything about improv to attend, and we will try to make everyone feel safe and welcome. | IChr |
Insulin hackers meetup | Type 1 diabetes meetup. Lets discuss experiences and learnings with Continuos glucose monitoring (CGM), the open artificial pancreas system (OpenAPS) and looping in general. Bring your T1D hardware! | InsulinJunkieDe |
Interactive lecture: Why can't we just have fun? - exploring boundaries | Deine datsche | |
Intro to Arduino Shield Soldering and Programming | In this 2-3 hour workshop I teach you how to solder and program an Arduino! | Hammes Hacks |
Intro to CTFs and binary Exploitation | Part I: Intro to CTFs with the example of picoCTF. Can be used as guided preparation for junior (and/or main) C3 CTF. Part II: Binary exploitation with Stack Based Buffer Overflows. Workshop VM provided (please download before) | Chiliz |
Intro to binary exploitation (FTI only) | binary exploitation - same as yesterday - this time women (FNIT) only | Zitro |
Introduction for Soldering Angels | Introduction for angels helping at the soldering workshop organized by "Chaos macht Schule" | Hbr |
Introduction to Beef Jerky Drying Boxes | This workshop is an introduction to a cheap and simple beef jerky drying box. It will take you through making the box from provided materials. | 0x378 |
Introduction to Effective Altruism | Introduction workshop to effective altruism | Chaotika |
Introduction to Natural Language Processing | This workshop will introduce you to the basics of natural language processing in Python. | Ingo |
Introduction to Tempeh Making | Workshop as an introduction to soybean fermentation. It will take you through the preparation of the soybeans or other legumes. | 0x378 |
Introduction to Voltage Glitching | Voltage glitching for beginners, with fun and faults | Noopwafel |
Irgendwas mit Holz. | Brandschutz, siehe unten. | MikeTango |
JHT: Beweise ohne Worte | (für Kinder und Erwachsene) In der Schule besteht Mathematik zu einem großen Teil aus Rechnungen. Das ist aber nicht das, was Mathematik wirklich ausmacht! Mathematik ist die Kunst, das Verborgene auf das Offensichtliche zurückzuführen, und dazu gehören ergreifende emotionale Aha-Momente beim Verstehen von Zusammenhängen. In diesem Workshop behandeln wir grafische Beweise. | Iblech |
JHT: Cosmic Call, eine Botschaft an Außerirdische | (für Kinder und Erwachsene) Vor etwa 15 Jahren schickte die Menschheit eine Radiobotschaft an ausgewählte Sterne, in der Hoffnung, dass die Nachricht Außerirdische erreicht, diese die Nachricht verstehen und uns antworten. Die Nachricht ist nicht auf Deutsch oder Englisch verfasst, sondern bedient sich einer eigens entwickelten Symbolsprache. Schaffen wenigstens wir Menschen, die Botschaft zu entziffern? Das wollen wir in dem Workshop an uns selbst testen und herausfinden! | Iblech |
JHT: Rubik's Cube Workshop (Zauberwürfelworkshop) | (for kids and adults) Learn how to solve the Rubik's cube! Lerne, wie man den Zauberwürfel löst! | Iblech |
JHT: Spiel und Spaß mit der vierten Dimension | (für Kinder) In unserer Welt können wir uns nach links und rechts, nach hinten und vorne sowie nach unten und oben bewegen. Weitere Richtungen gibt es nicht. Das muss aber nicht so sein! In der Mathematik ist auch eine weitere Dimension vorstellbar. In diesem Workshop lernen wir diese vierte Dimension spielerisch und anschaulich kennen. | Iblech |
JHT: Spiel und Spaß mit unendlichen Zahlen und unendlichen Spielen | (für Kinder) Irgendwann lernt man, dass das Spiel „wer kann die größere Zahl sagen?“ langweilig wird. Oder stimmt das gar nicht? | Iblech |
Jakob Sisterz (Sachsentrance/ Zur Klappe) | Jakob Sisterz (Sachsentrance/ Zur Klappe) | Dj-spock |
Japanese (Reading) Beginner to Expert | An overview to writing and studying Japanese from zero to native comprehension. | Taulex |
Japanese (Reading) Beginner to Expert (Encore) | An overview to writing and studying Japanese from zero to native comprehension. | Taulex |
Jenever tasting (Belgian gins) | We'll taste over 10 different kinds of jenever. | Qwaxys |
JuliaLang meetup | User and contributor meetup | Wallnuss |
Junghackertag Eröffnung | Eröffnung des Junghackertags | Hbr |
Junghaecksentag | Schülerinnen fragen Haecksen | Zitro |
KLAK Moviemiento Fahrradkino - Teil I | Bring your BIKES ! <3<3<3 | Kreatur |
KLAK Moviemiento Fahrradkino - Teil II | Kreatur | |
KNX / OpenHAB Selbsthilfegruppe | KNX / OpenHAB Ideenaustausch | Melle |
Kapitalismus und seine Folgen | Kapitalismus, seine Folgen und mögliche Alternativen im Gespräch | Kreatur |
Karaoke night | Karaoke night! | Qwaxys Galgalesh |
Kefir Making | At this workshop you will learn how to make your own kefir ferments using the kefir grain culture. | 0x378 |
Kernel Hacking | Write a simple kernel driver, debug and trace it remotely with gdb. | Vtec |
Kidspace Standup meeting | Short kidspace standup meeting | Aram |
KinkyGeeks - Bondage für Anfänger Workshop | Bondage and Safety lesson for beginner | Lil-Missy |
KinkyGeeks - Bondage für Fortgeschrittene Workshop | Advanced bondage lesson - not for beginners | Lil-Missy |
KinkyGeeks - Erste Hilfe - Kinky Edition | First aid lesson for kinky people | Lil-Missy |
KinkyGeeks - Hypnose für Anfänger Workshop | Hypnosis lesson for beginner | Lil-Missy Zinboo |
KinkyGeeks - Playfight Bondage Workshop | how to: playful overpowering and bondage someone | Lil-Missy |
Knitting workshop (Strick- und Häkelworkshop) | Learn how to knit/how to crochet. Lerne stricken/häkeln. | Iblech |
Krawalle & Liebe (non+ultras) | Krawalle & Liebe (non+ultras) | Dj-spock |
Kreislaufwirtschaft fuer Hacker*innen und Aktivist*innen | Kreislaufwirtschaft ist eine Idee fuer eine nachhaltige Zukunft, die bei der Gestaltung unserer Produkte und unseres Konsums ansetzt. Worum geht es da genau und wie kann ich als Hacker*in oder Aktivist*in damit spielen, diese Idee nutzen und mit voranbringen? | Kreatur |
Kritical - Kubernetes in Critical Infrastructure | The meeting is to exchange ideas and opinions about the upcoming use of K8S in critical infrastructure | Thomas |
Kritical - Kubernetes in Critigal Infrastructure | The meeting is to exchange ideas and opinions about the upcoming use of K8S in critical infrastructure | Thomas |
LUKi Meetup | come together for people interested in LUKi e. V. | A-mo-rex |
La potée | We cook soup (French) | 0x378 |
Learn To Solder | Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek. This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area! Throughout all of 36C3. Please come by any time to learn to solder! | Maltman23 |
Lebensdauer von Computern und warum sie so kurz ist | Ein Workshop darüber, warum unsere technischen Geräte häufig durch neue ersetzt werden und wie wir das ändern könnten. | Tropf |
Lecture: agroforestry | Deine datsche | |
Lectures: Analog Strategies | Deine datsche | |
LessWrong Congress Meetup | Meetup for everyone interested or part of the Rationality/LessWrong movement | Fkarg |
Lesswrong Rationality Workshop | Workshop for improving rationality skills | Mtijanic |
Let's Watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Phantom Blood | We will watch the first 3 episodes of the most recent anime adaption of the first part of THE BEST MANGA IN THE WORLD: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (JJBA) by Hirohiko Araki and talk a bit. | Taulex |
Let's build our own congress for real | The Tinkerings now yearly rallying to start open sourcing enough (architectural) technology to start to build our own congress building. #0c3 | Louisfabu |
Let's hack words! | Let's hack words is a workshop for everyone, who wants to explore creative writing, build worlds and lets characters dive into adventures. | Jinxx |
Letter writing to prisoners, sitting in jail for hacking | Getting together and writing letters and postcards to hackers in prison | Abcdd |
Libre software translation | Libre software translation | Kingu1 |
LibrePCB and Horizon EDA meetup | Let's meet to talk about LibrePCB and Horzion EDA, two up-and-coming PCB design applicatios. | Karotte Rnestler |
Lightningtalks bei den Haecksen | We present cool ideas and projects to each other | Zitro |
Loeten fuer Kinder und Einsteiger: Wir Bauen ein LED-Spielzeug | Ein 1-2 Stunden langer Lötunterricht (Durchsteckmontage), in dem wir ein einfaches Spielzeug bauen | Hammes Hacks |
Love is Destruction, Love is Hope - Polyamory | ||
Lötroulette | Lötroulette | ChrisC Schabi |
MAKERbuino Building Session 1 @ Junghackertag | Bau deine eigene Spielekonsole! (ausgebucht) | Micha |
MAKERbuino Building Session 2 @ Hardware Hacking Area | Build your own game console! | Micha |
MAKERbuino Programming Session | Let's make a game for the MAKERbuino! | Micha |
Mad Linn | Mad Linn | Dj-spock |
Make peace not warcraft | Introduction, discussion and networking about peace-orientated technology development and assessment in hacker- & makerspaces | Sun |
Makeup against surveillance | Explore how makeup can be used to look awesome and to prevent face detection! | MartiniMoe |
Mate Making | Morning Mate to wake you up and keep you Alert for the Day!!! | Meta Mate |
Matrix Python Chatbot Workshop | Let's use Python to make a chatbot | Benpa |
Matrix The Gathering | Centralising the decentralisation fans | Benpa |
Matthias Lintner im Interview | Das Interview entfaellt zu der angekuendigten Zeit leider, da der Filmemacher auf Reisen ist. | Kreatur |
Mead making presentation | A presentation on how to make Mead | 0x378 |
Mechanical Keyboard Meetup | Try out a mechanical keyboard or show off your collection and chat with like-minded keyclackers. | Rot13 |
Media art meetup | art ∩ computers. | Alg |
Meet and solder the Bill Badge | Learn how to solder and play the Bill Badge game! | Deantonious 13r1ckz |
Meetup of aerial performance artists and friends | Meetup of aerial aerial performance artists & friends | Pazmil |
Memorizing pi for fun (not for profit) | Using a simple non-technique, we will memorize digits of pi. It's fun. No prerequisites needed. In English and German. Bring your kids! (all sessions are independent from each other) | Iblech |
MicroG User Meetup | Gathering of people that use microG on their phone (or plan to do so) | Larma |
MicroPython on the card10 for complete beginners | Learn MicroPython on the card10 | Schneider |
Microachitectural Attacks: Round Table | An open discussion of microarchitectural attacks: Spectre, Meltdown, side channels, and so on. What can we do and what should we do about them? | TheAlex |
Microrave | Minimal space maximal entertainment | Piko |
MindFuckHS | come make your own hallucinogenic eyewear | Yair99 |
Minecraft for 36c3 Kiddies | Wir spielen MINECRAFT zusammen / We are playing MINECRAFT together | Paul |
Mini-Hackathon: Hacking Ecology | Mini-Hackathon | Sperlea |
Mobbing an der Schule | Workshop zum Thema Mobbing/Gewalt an unseren Schulen | ToBeHH |
Mobile App Entwicklung für totale Anfänger | Wir entwicklen gemeinsam eine kleine App für iPhones und Android Smartphones - und erklären dabei jeden einzelnen Schritt (We'll develop a simple mobile app - and explain each and every step along the way) | Andru |
Monitor anything you want. | Monitor anything you want with Prometheus or Graphite using Grafana. | Cellebyte |
Monsoon Traxx (vir.go/Input x Stamia) | Monsoon Traxx (vir.go/Input x Stamia) | Dj-spock |
Multigeiger bauen | Geigerzähler– Hardwarebasteln mit LoRaWAN & WiFi Wir sind die Ecocurious-Initiative und haben einen LoRaWAN- und WiFi-fähigen Geigerzähler entwickelt. Diesen Low-Cost-Multigeiger mit gutem Zählrohr kannst Du bei uns löten, im Tausch gegen Materialkosten von 75 Euro mitnehmen und damit Teil unseres wunderbaren Messnetzes werden, das wir gerade aufbauen. Die Bauteile und unsere selbstentwickelte Platine bringen wir für Dich mit. Du findest uns in der Hardware Hacking Area, im Hamsterspace. Wir bieten 2 Workshop-Zeiten an: Am 29.12. von 14-17 Uhr und am 30.12. von 10-13 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Dich, mach mit! | Ecocurious |
My first kernel module: A keylogger | Introduction to writing kernel modules | Chrysh |
NIFTI-Meetup | Netzwerktreffen aller FNIT-Gruppen | Janepie |
NO Unitary Software Patents | EU Software Patents v3.0 | Zoobab |
Nachhaltige Mobilitätsplanung mit offenen Daten | Lotet mit uns zusammen aus, wie offene Daten zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung des städtischen Verkehrs und der Mobilität in Leipzig beitragen können! | TilmanSchenk |
Nailmagic | I will provide products and help you with making your nails beautiful and shiny using stamps, different colors, different techniques, etc. It will be at the Miniassembly (Hall 3,409.58,178.83,5) | Vv |
Nerfgun Battle | Tired of egoshooters? Feeling the need for better graphics, realistic physics and surround sound? Join the big Nerf-Gun Battle at 36c3! Come around - bring your own device - get shot! | Troll |
NetzDG-Reform - Vernetzung | Das BMJV hat einen bedenklichen Referententwurf für ein Gesetz zur Bekämpfung des Rechtsextremismus und der Hasskriminalität vorgelegt. Enthalten sind Verschärfung des NetzDG, des TMG, der STPO, des StGB und des BKAG. Wir wollen uns gern mit allen treffen, die an dem Thema arbeiten oder interessiert sind. | Elisabethdigiges |
Neues vom Datenschutz und der DSGVO | Kurz-Vorträge und Diskussion über Datenschutz, Datenpannen, Datensicherheit, Bußgelder und die Aktivitäten der Aufsichtsbehörden mit Mitarbeitern dieser | Alvar Freude |
Nibble++ - A very (!) hard Soldering Challenge | A simple PCB to test your SMD hand-soldering skills. Going down to sand grain sized 01005 SMD parts, this button is a challenge for experienced "soldiers" and those who want to become one. | Marove |
NixOS Install Party | Let’s install NixOS! | Lassulus |
No satisfaction without penetration | Lecture/Hands-on combined security workshop | Mike |
Nothing to Hide - Dokumentarfilm 2017 | Überwachte digitale Welt | Kreatur |
Nudeln hacken - Wettbewerb für Junghacker von 5 Jahren bis ∞ (Session A) | Wettbewerb für Junghacker von 5 Jahren bis ∞ | Stefan |
Nudeln hacken - Wettbewerb für Junghacker von 5 Jahren bis ∞ (Session B) | Wettbewerb für Junghacker von 5 Jahren bis ∞ | Stefan |
Numerical Weather Prediction | An introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction systems | Tecer |
OPS erzählen vom Krieg | Therapiegruppe Sysadmins. Tales from the trenches | Fuero |
Offene Bühne für Wissenstransfer / Bandenbildung / Aktionen | Kreatur | |
Oliotronix + der Warst | Oliotronix + der Warst | Dj-spock |
Open Source Silicon | Update on new advances in the area of open source silicon, including interesting new announcements. | Mithro |
Open Thinking Sustainable Tech | cancelled | Dreirik |
Open and trustworthy point of sale! | Open and trustworthy point of sale solution. | DerMicha Bengoshi |
Open data | open data | Vavoida |
OpenStreetMap workshop - getting started, tools and route engine hacking | Introduction to the OpenStreetMap ecosystem + OsmAnd route engine hacking | Pietervdvn |
OpenStreetMap workshop - introduction | Basic introduction to OpenStreetMap mapping | Xamanu |
Opening ceremony for 1000 pieces | Deine datsche | |
Organspende und Hirntod | Findet nicht statt (Raumprobleme) | Duddles |
Origami | Origami for beginners | Cyberpilot |
POSTDIGITAL RELAXATION: Acupressure | It's a combination of acupressure and breathing techniques. How much pain do you carry? Can you imagine to make yourself perceptible? Can you imagine potential behind pain? | Alibi |
POSTDIGITALE RELAXATION: Massage | Get a massage by professional therapists. In 20-Minutes-Slots you can reboot your head, shoulders and back. | Alibi |
PROPERTY - TRÄUME VON RÄUMEN - Dokumentarfilm 2019 | A dreamy big city atmosphere from a haven in the middle of Berlin, where a motley community of eccentric people have created their own world. | Kreatur |
PSLab, Pocket Science Lab Self guided exploratory workshop | Learn about the open hardware pocket science lab | MarioB |
Panel: How to grab and archive knowledge about plants? | Deine datsche | |
Panel: body as interface? | Deine datsche | |
Panel: how to raise voice against populist bananas? | Deine datsche | |
Parkour - des Nerds Lieblingssport | Ein einsteigerfreundlicher Einblick in alles rund um Parkour. | Taulex |
Parkour - des Nerds Lieblingssport? | Ein einsteigerfreundlicher Einblick in alles rund um Parkour. | Taulex |
Passwordsafe für Anfänger | Du wolltest schon immer einen Passwortsafe nutzen? In diesem Workshop richten wir uns einen Passwortsafe ein! | Tjal |
Pen&Paper RPG | Round of Pen and Paper RPG | Shantalya |
Pen&Paper RPG - Deponia | Pen&Paper Session - Deponia - beginner-friendly | Braiins |
Pen&Paper RPG - T.E.A.R.S. | A Round of the P&P T.E.A.R.S. "Quest of Chaos" | Dolonnen |
Pentagame Dojo | Just playing Pentagame | Penta |
Pentagame Theory | Pentagame is a new abstract board game. We talk about some fundamental insights. | Penta |
Pentagame Turnier | Wir spielen ein Pentagame Turnier. | Penta |
Performance tentacular mapping | Deine datsche | |
Performance: Artefact Excursion | Deine datsche | |
Physics for JungHacker*innen | In this guided tour you find out about the beauty of science. We have 6 tech-related installations designed for science communication, | Xstageandi |
Planet A | Hackers gathering to kickoff a social revolution project - Planet A. Updated description. Join #planet-a chat ! We have matrix server too (, chat name: 36c3). | Zap |
Polizeidatenbanken: Wer ist drin, wer will raus? | Polizeidatenbanken: Was, wer, warum, wohin? | Demi |
Ponys auf Pump | Polys auf Pump | Dj-spock |
Powerplant Teammeeting | Team meeting for developers of/for powerplant | Aimeejulia |
Proejction Mapping with the Pi | Welcome to Pi Mapper - a free and open source tool for projection mapping on the Raspberry Pi | Kriwkrow |
Projection Mapping with the Pi: Advanced | Based on the session the day before. Bring your Pi and let's try out advanced mapping tricks together! | Kriwkrow |
Protestformen im Gespräch - ein offener Erfahrungsaustausch | Kreatur | |
Pseudo-Yoga | fast wie echtes Yoga | Piko |
Punani (non+ultras/Mensch Meier, Berlin) | Punani (non+ultras/Mensch Meier, Berlin) | Dj-spock |
Python Programming for Absolute Beginners | In this workshop, addressed at (absolute) beginners, you will get your feet wet in (Python) programming. Don't worry, everyone who wants to have a (first?) look at programming is welcome independently of their skills or background. | Ingo |
Python mit dem Lego EVO3 Roboter | Wir zeigen Schul-Projekte und bieten Einsteigern Hilfe an. | DerMicha |
Qi Gongongongongongong | Qigong (chinesisch 氣功 / 气功, Pinyin qìgōng, W.-G. ch'i-kung), in geläufiger deutscher Schreibweise auch Chigong, ist eine chinesische Meditations-, Konzentrations- und Bewegungsform zur Kultivierung von Körper und Geist. (Quelle: Wikipedia) | Alibi |
Qubes OS Translation Meetup | Meetup for people interested in translating Qubes OS website, docs and the system itself. | Marmarta |
QueerFeministGeeks - MeetUp | QueerFeministGeeks - Meetup | 0range |
Queeres-Nerd-Treffen | Meetup für Queere Menschen | Firstdorsal |
Queerfeminist Families Plus Friends Meetup | Meetup to meet other queer people who live with or care for kids | Lila |
QuietQube - Ausweichmöglichkeit | Ausweichmöglichkeit QuietQube | Benjaminwand |
REBOOT THAI STYLE: Learn how to thai massage your nerdy cramps away | In our reactor you will learn how to reprogram a body with Thai massage. | Alibi |
REBOOT: Learn how to massage your nerdy cramps away | Alibi | |
RNGed marriage | We choose your partner at random and tape you together at the wrist. | Li0n |
Radiation Detection Workshop | We'll present a number of different detectors for radiation. | Thasti |
Rahel | Rahel | Dj-spock |
Reclaim your (fitness) data | Diskuss how to reclaim the data of your fitness trackers. | Magomi |
Refugee-datathon-munich | We collect open data to inform better about asylum and migration | Ynux |
RegioPR-Treffen | RegioPR-Treffen | |
Regiotreffen | ||
Repair for Future | How Hackers and Repair Initiatives are coming together | Fraxinas |
Robotron K8917 | robotron K8917 GKS Graphics Terminal - How does it work? | Dkt |
Rrrrrr (kuko) | rrrrrr (kuko) | Dj-spock |
Rubik's Cube - Learn to Solve | Rubik's Cube - Understanding the cube | Kmkkmk |
Rum Tasting | Let's come together and have a rum tasting event. | DenkBrettl |
Running for Congress | Semi-traditional gathering of running enthusiasts | Phako |
S.ra (IfZ/Rillendisco) | s.ra (IfZ/Rillendisco) | Dj-spock |
S6/skaware Meetup | Meetup for users of s6 and related software. Come ask questions! | Profpatsch |
SSG Meetup | Meetup of people working on SSG | Krawuzikapuzi |
SSG Meetup 2 | A meeting of SSG devs | Krawuzikapuzi |
SUSI.AI Personal Assistant | Let's do stuff with your real personal assistant - Create a bot, install SUSI.AI on your Desktop and more | Mario |
SUSI.AI Personal Assistant for Creators and Artists | MarioB | |
SYSTEM ERROR - Dokumentarfilm 2018 | Ewiges Wachstum - Wie endet der Kapitalismus? | Kreatur |
Save the world! by creating a zine | What are the most important problems you want to see solved in the world? Let's create a bunch of zines and do some story telling around it. | Ghostrich |
Scheitern als Chance - im Gespräch | Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. | Kreatur |
SearchWing - Rettungsdrohne im Mittelmeer - Reloaded | Wir haben die Gruppe SearchWing Augsburg im Mai 2017 gegründet - inspiriert vom Talk auf dem 33C3 von Steini, Ruben Neugebauer und benthor. An der Zielsetzung hat sich nichts geändert - wir helfen zivilen Rettungsorganisationen im Mittelmeer bei der Suche nach Schiffbrüchigen. Die sich verschärfende Klimakrise trägt ihren Teil dazu bei, das mehr Menschen eine lebensgefährliche Überfahrt über das Mittelmeer wagen und auf ihrem Weg in Lebensgefahr geraten. In diesem Talk berichten wir von den Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen beim Bau einer autonomen Drohne, die für den robusten Search-And-Resque (SAR) Einsatz im Mittelmeer geeignet ist. Wenn beispielsweise die Akkus auf dem Flughafen Hamburg im sicheren Schrank verbleiben, weil einer vergessen hat die Akkus für den Flug anzumelden... Wir erläutern den technischen Aufbau mit PixRacer Hardware, Mini Talon EPO Rumpf und den anderen Komponenten. Ungewöhnlich im Vergleich zum klassischen Modellflug ist der Long Range Telemetrie Funk, der große Akku (10000 mAh bei 2kg Fluggewicht) und das ganze Salzwasser :-(. Im Februar 2019 waren wir für Tests auf Malta und im Mai 2019 hat Björn dann den ersten Einsatz im Mittelmeer in Zusammenarbeit mit ResQShip e.V. gemacht. Deshalb können wir auch die Einsatzerfahrungen schildern - wie man das Flugzeug auf dem Schiff startet und landet. Zum Einstieg geben wir auch eine Zusammenfassung der Situation der Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer. Unser Flugzeug sammelt im Flug Bilder, die im Anschluss vom Flugzeug geladen und analysiert werden. Um diese manuelle Bildanalyse zu beschleunigen oder diese zukünftig bereits im Flug auf der Hardware auszuführen, entwickeln wir auch Computer Vision Algorithmen - auch davon werden wir auf dem Talk einen Überblick geben. | KingBBQ |
Selbstgebaute Musik | Musik aus und mit modifizierten, selbstgebauten Klangerzeugern | Manu Lea |
Self-Organization with Getting Things Done, Bullet Journaling and Co | Open exchange for people who enjoy the tidy way of organizing oneself or who want to meet people who do so. Take your favorite todo list tool, self-orga methology or $thing and tell us how it helps you stay organized, well-informed or otherwise helps you living a well life. Remember: There's no method or tool that suits everyone and everyone has different priorities! | Saxnot |
Sensor.Community - Platform for Environmental Data | Community driven network of over 10.000 sensors in 71 countries that enables citizens to measure Air Quality. | Dreirik |
Seweable electronics with the card10 badge | Schneider | |
Sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz | Prävention und Intervention | Nachdemsturm |
Siebdruck / Screen printing | print the Haecksen-Logo on a fabric of your choice | Zitro |
Signal Angel Meeting Day 0 | Introduction Meeting for new and returning Signal Angels | Trilader |
Singerunde | We are singing using analog instruments and our very own voices. Bring some instruments and songbooks if at hand. | Hoechst |
Smartcandy | make your own sugar encased electronics | Yair99 |
Smelly Family | Smelly Family | Dj-spock |
Solare Stromversorgung Utopiastadtcampus | Dabei geht es auch um Leistungsdaten jedoch mehr um die Voraussetzungen die wir da haben, wie Sonnenstunden und Strahlungsleistung aus der die Solaranlage die Energie bezieht. Weiter habe ich mir dann noch Gedanken zur längeren Speicherung der Energie gemacht. | Kreatur |
Soldering Workshop (Chaos macht Schule) | Learn how to solder. For beginners and moderately experienced kids (age < 18) | Hbr |
Soldering for Beginners: making an LED toy | A 1-2 hour through hole soldering class where we build a simple toy | Hammes Hacks |
Soldering for Children and Beginners: Making an LED Toy | A 1-2 hour through hole soldering class where we build a simple toy | Hammes Hacks |
Solidarity By Design: Technology for organising the Grassroots | Let's have a brainstorm about how technology can help the grassroots and labor organizing. Can we make it possible for gig economy workers to organize? Can we make it easier for people who've never been activists to get started? What are the needs, and what are the risks? We've been talking to labor unions big and small, and we have a lot of experience about the logistics of social movements. So we'll start by outlining what we've learned. If there's time, we'll tell you about an app we're making that will have several functionalities we believe to be helpful - but most of all, we want this to be a collaborative discussion. | Evainfeld |
SpaceAPI | Meetup to discuss the SpaceAPI project | Rnestler |
Spielleitung von Pen&Paper für Anfänger/Pen&Paper Game Mastering for Beginners | All you need to know if you want to become a Pen&Paper Game Master! | Britt |
Sprechtraining für FNTI | Ein kleiner Sprech- und Rhetorik-Kurs, primär für Frauen und nichtbinäre Personen. | Piko |
Stagemanagement Feedback Gathering | Stagemanagement Feedback Gathering | Katzazi |
Storytelling with handcrafted Diafilm | DIY Diafilm | Ryo |
Structural Gaps in Networks as a Source of Insight | Exploring a method for generating insight based on identifying structural gaps in networks | Aerodynamika |
Subtitles Angelmeeting | Subtitles Angelmeeting | Cube |
Surface mount electronics assembly for terrified beginners | Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building an electronic touch-activated purring kitten. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 120mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 20 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area. | Kliment |
Sweater Theory for Beginners | Learn how to make a very simple knitted sweater using basic arithmatic | Zitro |
Systems design: Transparent persistence vs crash-only | Introduction to two properties of operating systems/programming languages/any software and their relationship | MichaelStruwe |
T-Shirt Druck | print your own t-shirt, Bedruckt eure T-Shirts | Ploenne Manou |
THC or how we built a decentralized treasure hunt for 36c3 | An overview of the framework we have built for our decentralized treasure hunt and a deep dive into our cheap zero knowledge proof protocol | Sirnicolaz Vrde |
TacTacLights Nano Colour Reflow Soldering | Reflow soldering of the TicTacLights Nano Colour kit | Arne |
Tantra Yoga | When is your time to breathe? Inhale. What makes you breathless? Exhale. Stop. Inhale. More. And more. What do you feel? Let go. Overcome your limits. Breathe. | Alibi |
Tape Set: Dj Shlucht | Deine datsche | |
Tech-Coops Meetup | A meetup for everyone interested in workers'-owned tech-coops or already involved in one. Just drop by! | It-kollektiv |
Technological Narratives: Solarpunk, Cyberpunk, Popculture | The western culture offers a very distilled narrative on what technology is and who builds, owns and profits from it. Most non-technical audiences are unaware of how subjective this perspective is - and how strongly it favours well-marketed multinational corporations over local solutions. This talk will explore most problematic themes and how they relate to the hacker approach. | Alxd |
Teepunsch Tasting | We are tasting a classic north german drink called Teepunsch (alcoholic). | Scammo |
Telekommunikationsüberwachung in Deutschland | Frage-Antwort-Runde mit einem Insider | Mozilla |
Tentacular Mapping: | Mikroben. Mikroorganismen. Pilze die im Mensch leben. Mensch der in Pilzen lebt. Ineinander leben. Eins werden, mehrere sein. Bewusstsein im Körper. Materie als Bewusstsein. Unsichtbar. Verloren in unseren Begrenzungen. Einander auffressen. In Bruchstücke spalten. Sich gegenseitig zersetzen. Verbindungen reißen um gleich darauf neu zu zerfließen. Vermehren, sich verdichten, verschmelzen um sich dann explosionsartig zu entfalten und die Grenzen zerbersten, die Hüllen zerplatzen. | Deine datsche |
Test 2 | Test | Nexus |
The Bisq DAO: A New Model for Sustainable Free Software | This talk covers the primary mechanisms by which this is possible, offering a completely new paradigm for funding free software...that could maybe one day be applied to make consumer services, government, and business more sustainable and more accountable. | |
The Brain Computer Interface | Overview on BCI technology and speculation of what will happen in the Future | WasabiWasabi |
The Creative Potential of Software (Mis)Use | Open session to discuss interesting use cases of creative software misuse. | Aerodynamika |
The Power of Participation: Akteursbasierte Stadtplanung | Neue Ansätze sind gefragt, die Top-Down-Planung und Bottom-Up-Initiativen miteinander zu verknüpfen, um nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Lebensräume zu gestalten. | Kreatur |
The Secret Truecrypt Audit from the BSI | In 2010 the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) created a security audit of the encryption software Truecrypt - and didn't publish it. The talk will present some of these findings and discuss the questionable role of the BSI. | Dreirik |
The chromium mess meets Android | WebView is one of the core components of the Android system, used and abused by apps to render web content (HTML, CSS, JS). WebView is nowadays built out of the Chromium source tree which has been plagued by privacy and freedom issues. As a fully free-software Android distribution, Replicant is exploring different paths to create a WebView build that respects user's privacy and freedom. Our tentative approaches go all the way from further cleaning the Chromium source after projects like ungoogled-chromium, to fully replacing WebView by a shim built around GeckoView. We will present our approaches on this lightning talk, on the hopes of getting feedback from the community and engaging other projects to collaborate with us. | Dllud JeremyRand |
The mysterious simplicity of FORTH | Introduction to FORTH – a very unusual, weird programming language. | MichaelStruwe |
The state of secure messaging: the case of OTR | On this talk, we will talk about the state of different secure messaging applications: from MLS, Signal, Wire to OTR. We will talk around what impact they have as a technology used to resist mass surveillance and why they are needed in the current ever oppressive world. We will look at the challenges they face and what need ideas come with the 4th version of OTR. | Dreirik |
Tor Organizations Meetup | Kantorkel | |
Tor relay operator meetup | Tor operator meetup, discussion and partly moderated | Utzer |
Traditional Kimchi Making | This workshop is dedicated to the traditional Korean 김치 (kimchi) making. You will learn the bases by preparing at least one or two type of kimchies based on wild style fermentation. | 0x378 |
Translation Team Meeting | The c3lingo team meets twice a day. Join us to help us doing live interpretations of all talks. | Katti |
Treffen | Wir wollen junge Leute im Chaos-Umfeld vernetzen und die Jugendarbeit in den einzelnen Spaces stärken. Komm vorbei, trink eine Mate und lass die Welt verändern. | Scammo |
Trickmisch | Trickfilme selber machen, make your own stop-motions | Silvio Julia |
Trotz Schule die Zukunft meistern? | Mitmach-Workshop für Menschen von 10-100 Jahre | Stefan |
TwinkMeetup | Twink Geeks Gathering - Flausch für Jungs 🏳️🌈 | C3twinks |
Ultraschall Betatest | Start des Betatests der neuen Ultraschall-Version | Rstockm |
Unixporn Party | Live out and share your unixporn passion with others, or just try yourself out at styling your desktop-environment. | Avocadoom |
Using Arduino to control sensors and servos | Introduction into Arduino, Sensors and Servomotors. Hands on how to get things moving depending on the sensor output. | Fm |
VCFB 2020 planning | collecting ideas for the Vintage Computing Festival Berlin 2020 | Zeltophil |
VULCRAmeetup | VULCA - Meetup | Xro |
Valeska (TRIP/L1CK) | Valeska (TRIP/L1CK) | Dj-spock |
Vaporizer user Meetup | Vaporizer Enthusiasts Meetup | |
Vektorgrafiken mit Inkscape | Grundlegendes zu Pixel vs Vektoren ür den Plotter | E-punc |
Velomobiles | Researched for next car, ended up with velomobile. | TW |
Video Editing for Absolute Beginners | All the fundamental basics of editing videos to get you started editing your own masterpieces. | Taulex |
Video Gaming Addiction - A Real Psychological Disorder? | Is there such a thing as "Gaming Addiction" and is there a cure? | Britt |
Vorstellung Thema des Tages: Back to Nature | Heute sollen alternative Ansätze zum Thema 'Umwelt, Natur & Nachhaltigkeit' sowie 'Leben und Arbeiten unter einem Dach im ländlichen Raum' vorgestellt werden. Im Im Anschluss Workshop zur Konsensdemokratie plus Fahrradkino. | Kreatur |
WELCOME TO SODOM - Dokumentarfilm 2018 | Die Rückseite deines Konsums | Kreatur |
WORKSHOP: Konsensdemokratie | 6 Gruppen 1 Workshop richtig gut! | Kreatur |
Warm-up und Brei | Sport and Porridge | Deine datsche |
Was hat es mit der Wohnungsfrage auf sich und wie stellt sie sich in Leipzig? | Beschreibung der Wohnungsfrage in Deutschland, spezifisch in Leipzig samt der sich daraus ergebenden aktuellen Konflikte. | Kreatur |
Was kann ich tun, um umweltbewusster und klimaneutraler zu leben? | Wie kann ich meine Welt verbessern?! – Niederschwellige Handlungsanweisungen | Atoll |
Was macht Bambuszahnbürsten so viel besser, außer dass du Plastik sparst? | Hast du dich schonmal gefragt, was Bambuszahnbürsten überhaupt bringen, wenn sie über die ganze Welt zu uns fliegen? | Toni |
Wein : Offline | Ein Reise durch Bioweine von unabhängige Quellen | Gnomus |
Werewolf | Werewolf, the (roleplaying)(card)game | Haurane |
Werwölfe von Düsterwald | wir wollen Werwölfe spielen (auf deutsch) und dafür einen dedicated Raum haben. | Kmille |
What is the Tinkering To Come? | The Secretary of the Tinkering To Come explains the Mission | Louisfabu |
... further results |
The following calendar shows all registered activities like workshops, talks at assemblies or in the workshop rooms, hand-ons, and stuff mentioned above.
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1komona Boredome, 1komona dezentrale*, 1komona headnut, 1komona nokingdome, 1komona soupworx, C-base, CCL Hall 2, CCL Hall 3, Hackers Beauty Palace, Haecksen, Kidspace, Lecture room 11, Lecture room 12, Lecture room M1, Lecture room M2, Lecture room M3, Monipilami, Pseudoroom, Roter Salon, Seminar room 13, Seminar room 14-15, Studio Datsche, Vintage Computing Cluster
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