Session:KinkyGeeks - Erste Hilfe - Kinky Edition

From 36C3 Wiki
Description First aid lesson for kinky people
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, hardware, inside, safety
Tags bdsm, sex-positive, first-aid, kinkygeeks, workshop
Processing assembly Assembly:KinkyGeeks
Person organizing Lil-Missy
Language de - German
de - German
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Starts at 2019/12/30 14:00
Ends at 2019/12/30 16:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room M1

Important: In the previous years, we regularly had way too many people trying to get in (rooms are objects of finite size), with waiting lines all across the hallway. This year, we want to avoid the crowd control issues that come with such scenarios. That's why you now need to pre-register for the workshop at Our website will give you a free ticket, which you need to provide at the workshop door to gain access.

First Aid is good, useful and quite generic. Let's close the gap between the overall topic and the kinky specifics. During the workshop we will not skip the thought, that something might go wrong. Instead, we talk about how to handle these situations. Please note, that the workshop is in german language only.

Erste Hilfe ist gut, nützlich und ziemlich allgemein. Lasst uns über die Dinge zwischen dem Allgemeinen und den Kinky Besonderheiten sprechen. Dabei weichen wir dem Gedanken nicht aus, dass mal etwas schiefgehen kann, sondern überlegen uns, wie wir mit solchen Situationen umgehen können.

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