Session:Planet A

From 36C3 Wiki
Description Hackers gathering to kickoff a social revolution project - Planet A. Updated description. Join #planet-a chat ! We have matrix server too (, chat name: 36c3).
Type Discussion
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political, software
Person organizing Zap
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2019/12/29 22:00
Ends at 2019/12/29 23:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room 11

This year there has been lot of attention drawn to the topic of global ecological crisis. But still people are oblivious. This may be not that obvious to members of opensource community. We care about freedom. Levels of awareness of the societal, political and ecological problems are generally higher than those among the rest of population. Not only that! We are, hackers have skills to make systemic change in the world with attitude and principles that have been the reasons of opensource movement success. And yet we surround our selves with like minded people and never beak out the bubble. It won't get any better if we will not unite and act upon.

Let's step out the bubble. Let's bring awareness to unaware and tools to powerless. How many concerned people have will and yet feel alone and powerless in the face of scale of the disaster?

In this session we will have a short presentation followed by discussion. We have some ideas we want to share and want to hear yours too. Everyone is invited to form the team.

We will soon setup a before chat for communication during the congress.


Documentary about CCC. You should watch it if you haven't yet.

What can the hacker community do to make things better?

Extinction rebelion

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