Session:From growing Mushrooms to a open Microbiology Laboratory

From 36C3 Wiki
Description A story on how I build a mushroom lab from zero to the first flush.
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, hardware, software, science, inside, outside, food
Tags diybio, diy, mycology, microbiology, communitylab, pilze, mushrooms, bakterien, mikroorganismen, mykologie, radicalmycology
Person organizing
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Starts at 2019/12/27 18:00
Ends at 2019/12/27 19:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Room:Studio Datscha

For some years now i've been very fascinated of mushrooms - their diversity, features and importance. And with the release of Star Trek Discovery my interest has shifted from ”World Wide Web” to “Wood Wide Web”, so I started to build a small laboratory to further explore these amazing creatures.

This talk will be a story on how I build that lab from zero to the first flush. What I needed, which tools i used, build and bought. What I learned, how i failed and why I do that at all. How everything ended and how I met other people who inspired me to open up the idea and form a vision for a open DIYBio Laboratory in Hamburg.

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