Session:Ende Gelände – peaceful climate activism (civil disobedience) for people like us

From 36C3 Wiki
Description Peacefully blocking coal infrastructure – a tutorial
Type Meeting
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political
Tags climate, activism
Processing assembly Assembly:Curry Club Augsburg
Person organizing Iblech
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Starts at 2019/12/30 14:00
Ends at 2019/12/30 14:30
Duration 30 minutes
Location Assembly:Curry Club Augsburg

This discussion round will give a short overview over Ende Gelände, peaceful non-violent non-damaging direct actions in which coal infrastructure (coal mines, coal rails) is blocked for one day.

We will touch on the following points:

  • What is the point of Ende Gelände?
  • What are legal repercussions of joining a peaceful mass event of civil disobedience?
  • Which strategies are used in actions by Ende Gelände?
  • What is the action concensus of Ende Gelände?
  • Practical exercises
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