Session:Python Programming for Absolute Beginners

From 36C3 Wiki
Description In this workshop, addressed at (absolute) beginners, you will get your feet wet in (Python) programming. Don't worry, everyone who wants to have a (first?) look at programming is welcome independently of their skills or background.
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software, inside, coding
Tags python, programming, beginner, workshop
Person organizing Ingo
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Starts at 2019/12/28 11:00
Ends at 2019/12/28 12:30
Duration 90 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room M2

(While this abstract is in English, this workshop will be held either in English or German; depending on who wants to participate!)

Be aware: This is NOT a session for experienced developers who want to learn Python. This session is intended for beginners with little to no experience programming!

This workshop is intended as a first introduction to (Python) programming for absolute beginners. While C3 traditionally is a 'tech/hacker conference', more and more people without a background in programming attend - as far as I'm concerned, this is awesome!

While you certainly don't have to be a 'coder' to be a part of congress (or to be a hacker), programming is still fun, wonderfully creative, and also an extremely valuable skill. Don't be afraid to give it a go!

Of course, by the end of this 90-minute workshop, you will not be a programmer. You will, however, have attempted a deep dive into (Python) programming, learned some basics, and set yourself up for further learning (if you choose to do so).

About Me
My name is Ingo, and I'm currently working at Heidelberg University as a computational/corpus linguist and teacher educator. I'm particularly involved with teacher education/training and foreign language teaching. My love for Python stems from my work as a (computational) linguist and various projects I've been involved with. :)

Required Previous Knowledge
No previous knowledge is required!

Technical Requirements
If you want to participate actively (i.e., code along), you should bring a device that is capable of running a modern browser and has Internet access. Being able to type comfortably is also recommended ;). Alternatively, any device capable of running Python 3.6+ (ideally in a Jupyter Notebook) will do just fine!

All material (e.g., slides) will be provided on this page after the workshop. Please also check back here a day before the workshop because I will provide some additional material useful for active participation.

You can find all material in this GitHub repository.

If you want to code along in your browser, you can also just start this Binder. Be aware that starting the Binder (i.e. your coding environment) can take a couple of minutes.

Ps. This is a slightly updated version of the workshop(s) I gave at 35c3 last year.

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