Session:36i3 - what's in your config?

From 36C3 Wiki
Description Storys from the config: The i3 Window Manager
Type Discussion
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software
Tags i3, window manager, linux, i3wm
Person organizing Elcorto, Ricma
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Subtitle Let's share what's in our configuration files (i3 Window Manager)
Starts at 2019/12/28 18:00
Ends at 2019/12/28 19:00
Duration 60 minutes

Workshop notes and example config:

Let's meet and discuss configs!

DECT 7311

This will be a very informal meeting - we'll just sit around and chat at the Border Control / Memleak Bar:

To update the workshop README, send me at PR on GH (@elcorto) or shoot me an email

Are you using i3, i3-gaps, swaywm, ...? All the cool kids use it, but you don't, yet? Fear not! This meeting is for you: We want to invite people who are using i3 or want to use it and share what they have done so far. Let's learn from each other!

What was the last improvement you were really proud of? What was hard to achieve? How did you get there?

Or are you stuck with a problem? Come join us!

Possible topics:

  • Why are vi keybindings the best? Or are they?? Tell us: What is a keybinding you couldn't live without?
  • Notification daemons
  • lock screen tool (i3lock or not?)
  • i3bar & other bars (e.g. conky) What is in your taskbar?
  • app launchers (dmenu, rofi, ...)
  • things that have icons (network managers, mount foo (such as udiskie), power manager)
  • How do you get help?
  • How do you track the requirements and dependencies for your setup?
  • Do you use /SwayWM/? What is your experience?

NB: Awesome users are also welcome :)

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