Session:Rum Tasting

From 36C3 Wiki
Description Let's come together and have a rum tasting event.
Website(s) tasting 36c3
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Tags Assembly:Foodhackingbase
Processing assembly Assembly:Foodhackingbase
Person organizing DenkBrettl
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2019/12/28 22:00
Ends at 2019/12/29 00:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Assembly:Foodhackingbase2

Let's come together and have a tasting event. I'm no expert and I don't want to be an expert. If you're an experienced rum lover, you're welcome to join and help me out with things I didn't know yet. But really the event is primarily about enjoying different types of rum together and getting an idea of what consitutes a good rum and which types you like best.

Please read the information on to the foodhackingbase wiki page: and register a slot in the dudle.

If you have rum that you would like to bring for others to taste, we'd be very happy and you're very welcome!

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