Session:Hackerfleet's Isomer/HFOS

From 36C3 Wiki


Sorry, but due to bad planning, this session does not work anymore.

Description A short introduction into Isomer and the Hackerfleet Operating System
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, hardware, software, science, embedded, web, coding
Tags Software, Opensource, IoT, Collaboration, Maritime
Processing assembly Assembly:C-base / CCC-B / xHain
Person organizing Riot
Language en - English
en - English
Related to Projects:HFOS, Projects:Isomer
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Starts at 2019/12/30 13:30
Ends at 2019/12/30 14:15
Duration 45 minutes
Location Room:C-base

A quick overview over Isomer - Hackerfleet's application framework for decentralized collaboration and science - and its first implemented project, the Hackerfleet Operating System for opensource-loving and sailing nerds.

Since we prepared working Docker images, there might be a quick hands-on tutorial/workshop thingy after the lecture.


Sorry, but due to bad planning, this session does not work anymore.

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