Session:Physics for JungHacker*innen

From 36C3 Wiki
Description In this guided tour you find out about the beauty of science. We have 6 tech-related installations designed for science communication,
Type Meeting
Kids session Yes
Keyword(s) science, art
Tags science, physics, kids, jugendhackt, sciencecommunication
Processing assembly Assembly:Art-and-Play
Person organizing Xstageandi
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Subtitle Hall 2 - Art and Play - Gate 2.2
Starts at 2019/12/28 16:00
Ends at 2019/12/28 16:30
Duration 30 minutes
Subtitle Hall 2 - Art and Play - Gate 2.2
Starts at 2019/12/29 16:00
Ends at 2019/12/29 16:30
Duration 30 minutes

EXPERIMENTAL STAGE PROJECT is a Berlin-based association which connects art and science. Inspired by the maker movement, we aim to use science communication as a means to break down the barriers felt by the general public towards science. Using different mediums including sound, light, video and various physical phenomena, we exhibit in unusual public spaces such as festivals, fairs and galleries, aiming not to lecture, but to induce curiosity.

In this tour we want to show and explain some of our installations.

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