Session:Using Arduino to control sensors and servos

From 36C3 Wiki
Description Introduction into Arduino, Sensors and Servomotors. Hands on how to get things moving depending on the sensor output.
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, software
Tags Arduino, Sensor
Processing assembly Assembly:Haecksen
Person organizing Fm
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Starts at 2019/12/29 16:00
Ends at 2019/12/29 19:00
Duration 180 minutes
Location Assembly:Haecksen
Globoli outdoor.jpg

Getting things move in interaction with the surrounding gives your robots or other creatures more 'personality'. Here is an example of an eye starting to blink if you approach and getting faster and faster if you are getting too close.

Globuli is a Robot always circulation in the direction somebody approaches and also blinking with the eyes...which is supposed to work as a propaganda bot at events:

The Workshop will give a short introduction on programming with Arduino, the technology of different distance sensors and servos and how to get

them controlled with an Arduino. Please bring your Arduino and Servo an US- or IR-Sensor (e.g. HC - SR04) if possible. I will bring a bunch of Ultrasonic Ranging Module HC - SR04 and some sparse Arduino. You should have a running Arduino Software ( and Servo-Library (

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