Please note that the deadline for assembly registration is on December 1st, 23:59h! But you make everyone's life easier if you apply before that.
Over the last years we've seen a shift in focus away from group meetings and discussing topics at hand towards lectures and workshops. For many groups it was hard to find a decent home base to store their equipment and to get new folks interested in their community. On the other hand, for new hackers it became harder to find someone to talk to, as everybody was wandering around.
At the Chaos Communication Camp, we had a solution for that: villages. Groups of people sharing ideas, from hackerspaces or projects come together in what is called an assembly.
So, if you're a group of hackers that likes to work and hang out together, bring your toys, work on Projects, have fun, let others participate in what you're doing, and present yourself to new hackers! See also the blog post from 29C3 on this.
We want to have workshops or talks at our assembly!
This is great! The assemblies are an integral part of the congress and make up a lot of the programme: Sharing knowledge and presenting your projects is central for the conference. If your assembly also wants to offer workshops, sessions and other activities like lectures on a small scale, state that in your assembly registration page.
If you want to have a separate place in your assembly for ongoing sessions, tell us what's your plans and how many people you want to accommodate. Please be as specific as possible. We will probably not allocate extra workshop space for your assembly if your registration doesn't really show the requirement for large space. Publishing a schedule in advance, topics and speakers will definitely help to convince us.
For bigger self-organized sessions there will be separate smaller and larger workshop rooms you can register for on-site. If you are not planning to have many events, please use them instead of requiring extra space at your assembly.
What should we consider when registering?
The more you tell us about your plans, the better your chances are that you'll actually get what you want and need. Please let us know what you are planning to do, how much space you'll need, what you'll like to bring with you, how much power your gear will consume, etc. You should also mention what kind of space you want. If you only want to hang out with a few friends, you might be ambigous about your space, but if you want to present your assembly and discuss with people passing-by, you might want a public space. Be as specific and realistic with your plans and requirements as possible.
What should we bring, what will be there?
The only infrastructure provided by the congress will be:
- tables and chairs,
- a power line and a maybe a network cable.
Though there will be large number of power outlets and switches, you cannot rely on them being available to you. This means that you have to bring all equipment yourself, which is:
- power multipliers and strips,
- switches and network cables,
- projectors and hackerspace/project swag.
Assemblies are invited to bring their toys and also to decorate their spots on the congress and its environment, as long as whatever you bring is not inflammable or blocks exit paths (This is required! Otherwise we are forced to remove them!). But please be aware that the location still has only limited space! If you want to bring bigger things or other uncommon stuff, please Contact us. There is also a special wiki site for large things you bring but cannot maintain yourself, so somebody else might take care of it during the congress.
Shared Spaces are tables that must not be permanently occupied. They are intended for those who don't have an assembly, but want to sit down for a moment, and for workshops of the surrounding assemblies. If you plan a workshop at a shared space, be fair and let the people sitting there in advance (easiest is to place a sign). Workshops do have prio, if they have been announced before.
List of already registered assemblies
The list below is automatically filled using semantic information on the assembly pages. If you want to add your assembly to the list, just create it using the assembly form. If you like to update the corresponding information below, head to your assembly page and update it using the edit button. Note that it might take some time until the information below gets updated as the list contains cached information.
List of Assemblies
Name | Description | Tags | Website |
/dev/lol | Hackerspace from Linz/Austria | hackerspace, austria | |
/dev/zero | /dev/zero community and friends | hackerspace, android, coding, hacking, karlsruhe, electronics | |
22 hard drives from a Westafrican e-waste dump - Behind the Smart World | We bought 22 hard-drives at an e-waste dump in Ghana.
From 5 of them we recovered data and we bring this data to this years 32C3 Congress! Together we want to explore questions like:
We are looking for hackers, artists and activists to deal with this data! Data as waste, waste in the sense that it is deleted, dumped in the ‘recycle bin’ on our desktop, yet possible to be recovered. And waste as resurfacing data on hard-drives physically located at one of the largest e-waste dumps in the world. |
e-waste, data-breach, datenschutz, security, hacking, art, austria, social engineering, reverse engineering, cyber crime, forensic, forensics | |
23x | 23x is the leading enterprise in quality soundboards like the famous Axel-Stoll Klangbrett ( and other quality software written in quality PHP. Such as our premium SaaS offerings like a Hacker Namegen you can use to force nicks upon people with a patched ircd and a esoterics generator ( | klangbrett, web 2.0, fefe, enterprise, #hashtag | |
27 Years Attacks on Smartcards | Forum and Workshop for Attacks on Smartcards and Security Controllers.
Smart cards and RFIDs are widely used today in manfifold applications, like banking, mobile communications (GSM/SIM), identification and access control. The silicon chip they contain are subject to manifold attacks today and in the future. Newbies, Amateurs, Students, Experts, Nerds are welcome. Beginners Training: Preparation of a chip - removal of the silicon from an RFID label under a microscope. Discussion about historic, actual and new attack scenarios. Tips for the amateur - how to set up your own lab. Discussion round for experts. |
smart card, security, rfid, reverse engineering, hardware attacks, microscopy, electron microscope, probing station | |
3D printing Berlin | 3d, 3d printing, berlin |, | |
3D printing and scanning | All about 3d printing and 3d scanning. There will be a lot of printers and people to answer your questions or help you. | 3d printing, 3d scanning, 3d printer, 3d scanner, stl, openscad, cad | |
40 Shades of Frankfurt | Here you can meet crazy students from Frankfurt/Main (Germany) who feel free to be creative. | ||
A2600 | A2600 /BiFi is a small project run by 9 people who love their old Atari 2600 and think a cheap open source version of it would kick ass. Thats is why we want to meet at the 32C3 and continue our project of building an Atari 2600 clone based on a lightly modified uzebox.
This year we co-host an homematic homebrew developer event. Both projects are related to hardware and firmware hacking and, therefore, should generate some synergies. Our camp project needs to be continued We are glad to announce, that will can provide free BiFi like we did at the Camp. |
hardware, electronics, bifi | |
AA Hackers | We are a bunch of (former) IT-Security students from Aalen University. | rfid, android, proxmark3, sdr, hardware hacking, reverse engineering, archlinux | |
AAA | The Affen-Alarm-Assembly features a wide variety of bloggers, entrepreneurs and professional “Magic:The Gathering” players. We will also host this year's Global International Affen-Alarm World Championship, a M:TG cube draft and Speed Dating sessions. | twitter, typo3, seo, mtg, affenalarm, magicthegathering | |
AG Dresdner Studentennetz | We run a FTTB and radio based gigabit network for 3000 users. | hardware, university, internet, network-services, networking, provider, linux | |
Access Now | Access Now's assembly would be a sub-division of the EDRi assembly.
Access Now is an international organisation that defends and extends digital rights of users around the world. Join us at the EDRI assembly to find out more about our work globally, our digital security helpline and have some waffles! |
digital rights, privacy, net neutrality, data protection | |
AfRA | Die Abteilung-für-Redundanz-Abteilung (AFRA) ist ein rauchfreier Hackerspace in Berlin. | hackerspace, vintage, berlin | |
AiF | Die Assembly der Informatikfachschaften! Für alle, denen die Zeit bis zur nächsten KIF zu lange ist. | education, social, university | |
Akvorrat | | ||
Amnesty International | We are the working group "human rights in the digital age" in AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL section of germany. | human rights | |
Anagrom Ataf | Sanctuary for some Muggs from Germany. Thou shalt not finkle backwards! | ||
Analoge Gesellschaft | The "analogue society" is an experimental group. Trying to escape the digital mainstream. Trying to keep the future unwritten. (The last quote has been stolen!) | | |
Anarchist Village | A place to come for (Crypto-) Anarchists and Cypherpunks from all over the world. We love politics, tech, discussion, friendship and everything in between. | linux, anarchist, noisy square, punk, politics, antifa, crypto, cypher punk, crypto anarchist, digital rights, anticapitalism | |
Anti | A small group of scattered friends since 2000, meeting at the congress whenever they can | linux, programming, radio, fpga, electronics, regensburg, leipzig |, | | assembly is an assembly for user and friends. | linux, archlinux |, |
Attraktor | Maker Space in Hamburg, Lots of international connections over all continents. | makerspace, soldering, led, beamer, hacker | |
Awesome Retro | Non-profit organization that collects, repairs and maintains old videogame consoles and homecomputers, with the goal of keeping retrogaming accessable for everyone. | retro gaming, sega, nintendo, commodore, atari, vectrex | |
Axoloti | DIY digital audio gizmo | audio, music | |
Backspace | bamberg, hackerspace, franconia | | |
Bakka | Happy hackers from Sweden | | |
BalCCon | We are small group of hackers and makers from Novi Sad, Serbia. | hackerspace, hacking, electronics, hardware, conference, serbia, balccon, lugons | |
Berndcon | Für ein freies, unzensiertes Internet.
Kein Bernd ist illegal. |
bernd, skalarwellen, internet culture, free speech | |
Binary Kitchen | Assembly for Binary Kitchen and several of our friends from all over Bavaria, Germany. 24 persons | bavaria, regensburg, passau, hackerspace | |
Bitcoin | A place for all topic Bitcoin & Blockchain. Same team as on camp. | ||
BlinkenArea | The BlinkenArea will show many blinking objects made with lots and lots of LEDs. There will also be a soldering workshop for everyone from beginners to professionals. We will sell electronics construction kits for different projects that can be used for the workshop. The workshop will take place all day, every day, whenever there is someone available at the BlinkenArea to answer any questions you might have. | soldering, workshop, led, electronics, hardware hacking | |
Bratzenamt | beer, code, hardware, lötkolben, blinkenlights, slush | dinge, 42, yolo, transformers sex, slush | |
Bytewerk | bytewerk - ein Raum für technisch-kreative Projekte in Ingolstadt | hackerspace, ingolstadt | |
C-Hack Calw | We are a Hackerspace in Calw (Baden Württemberg). | hackerspace, hacking, new | |
C-base | Berlin's largest crashed space station will make an EVA at the 32C3. | hackerspace, space, spacestation, berlin | |
C3D2 Penta.* | assembly of C3D2 <<</>> Chaos Computer Club Dresden | c3d2, dresden, hackspace, opendata, sdr, bsm-sg, generalpurposecomputermagic, bsd, debian, linux | |
C3PB | Erfa Paderborn + Friends. | hackerspace, makerspace, subraum, paderborn | |
C3S | The Cultural Commons Collecting Society (C3S) is a European Cooperative (SCE) officially founded in 2013. We aim to become a pan-european collecting society/PRO for works of music, i.e., a modern alternative to GEMA in Germany, with full support for Creative Commons Licensing, amongst other things. The C3S project was launched in 2010 as the main project of e.V., a friendly society for the support of free and open art, culture and science. | music, creative commons, c3s, free culture, gema, adore | |
C4 | We are a Hackerspace in Cologne | | |
CAcert | CAcert provides SSL certificates for free. Using a process of community-based (optional) verification of users identities (so-called Assurances), CAcert merges PKI together with Web-of-Trust. At the assembly, we will offer information about CAcert and related topics. Furthermore, we will offer new members to get Assurances and strengthen CAcert's Web of Trust even further. | cacert | |
CCC Mainz | Wir sind die Mainzer Chaoten aus Wiesbaden. | tls, https, voip, sip, cacert, let's encrypt, x.509, cdn, dns, dnssec, dane, tlsa, cryptoparty, crypto | |
CCC-CH | Chaos Computer Club Switzerland
Member organisations: CCCZH Zürich, Chaostreff Basel, Chaostreff Bern, Hackburg Freiburg, Ruum42 St. Gallen, Hackerfunk |
chaostreff, schweiz, ccc-ch, electronics, hardware hacking, hackerfunk | |
CCCAC | We are the CCC Erfa from Aachen. | ctf, hackerspace | |
CCCFr | CCC Freiburg Assembly | cccfr, freiburg | |
CCCS | CCC Stuttgart e.V. | | |
CCCZH | Der Chaos Computer Club Zürich (CCCZH) ist ein Verein, bei dem der Spass am Gerät grossgeschrieben wird, ohne aber den gesellschaftlichen Blick zu verlieren. | | |
CHT / Totalism Hackbase | hosts the Lanzarote/Canary Islands/Spain hackbase open living infrastructure project since 2011. Also, how-tos for hackbases, stickers, T-shirts, Canarian rum. | hackbases, postcapitalism, architecture, workflow, gnu | |
CTDO | | ||
CTJB | CTJB is a umbrella organization covering all Czechoslovak hackerspaces such as brmlab, Progressbar, Base48 and v01d. | hackerspace, czech, slovak, czechoslovak, nfc, smartcard, turris omnia | |
Capulcu | Widerstand gegen den digitalen Zugriff. English version is coming soon. | digital rights, anticapitalism, resistance | |
Chaos Darmstadt | ErfA in Darmstadt | erfa, hackerspace | |
Chaos inKL. | CCC-Erfa in Kaiserslautern | erfa, hackerspace, kaiserslautern | |
Chaos-West | The wild west of the German hackerspaces | hackerspace, meta, chaostreff, erfa, ccc | |
Chaosdorf | Erfa and Hackspace from Duesseldorf | | |
Chaospatinnen | The Chaos Mentors take care of people that are completely new to the Chaos Communication Congress. | | |
Chaospott | Wir sind da wat am hacken dran | | |
Chaostal | Chaostreff Wuppertal with outsourced members in Swiss, Austria, Berlin and Bavaria | wuppertal, austria, swiss, berlin | |
Chaostreff Flensburg | chaostreff flensburg - ~/ is where your chaos lives | chaostreff, chaos, flensburg, hackerspace, hackspace, foerdefunk, siebdruck, screen printing, 3d printing, non-profit, design, hydro gardening, isp | |
Chaostreff Osnabrück | Assembly des Chaostreff Osnabrück e.V. | osna, osnabrück, chaostreff, ctreffos | |
Chaostreff Salzburg | Der Chaostreff Salzburg ist eine lockere Runde von Leuten, die sich mit dem Chaos Computer Club e. V. verbunden fühlen. Wir interessieren uns für Technik und Technikkultur und treffen uns mindestens jeden Freitag in unserem Hackerspace in der ARGEkultur.
2016 findet bei uns der Easterhegg statt |
hackerspace, hackspace | |
Chaoswelle | Ham Radio group of CCC | amateurfunk, hamradio, sdr, antenna, chaoswelle | |
CiderSecurity | See HonkHase doing the mimimi performance (unrelated: or other fun stuff.
nupagadi lutz holger kids |
bronte, z-wave, zigbee | |
CocktailBot | We bring our cocktailbot which is based on the bartendro b15 kit provided by california based Partyrobotics. we want to connect to other robotics nerds as well as provide visitors with cocktail drinks. We wont charge any money though donations are welcome. | cocktailbot, robotics, raspberry pi | |
Coffeenerds | Everything around coffee - from roasting over grinding to brewing (different methods) | coffee, coffeenerds, espresso, bike, beans, exchange | |
Comix | Comix, the origin of writing. GraphicAl content warning. | comics, sequential art, freedom of speech, books | |
CoreOS | We're a Linux distro strong opinions. | linux, security, etcd, clustering, distributed systems, containers, free software | |
Coreboot | coreboot is an extended firmware platform that delivers a lightning fast and secure boot experience on modern computers and embedded systems. As an Open Source project it provides auditability and maximum control over technology. | firmware, bios, uefi, security, opensource | |
Crans | French student organization providing network access on the ENS Cachan (South of Paris) campus. We're operating a network for ~1200 members, with wired and wireless connection, and also additionnal services.
We are keen on free softwares and mainly use Debian and OpenWrt as operating systems. |
student, networking, provider, free software, openwrt, debian, gpg | |
Crypto Meetup @ Tea Tent | 3rd day: tue., 28th dec., start 22:00 at the La Quadrature TeaHouse.
please see below for more information! |
crypto, crypto anarchist, cypherpunks, privacy, anonymity | |
CryptoParty | CryptoParty is a decentralized, global movement. Introducing the most basic cryptography software (and the underlying concepts) to the general public. This assembly is set up to spread and discuss the idea but also to provide a place where people can ask ALL the questions. | privacy, freedom, human rights, activism, crypto, security, cryptoparty | |
Curry Club Augsburg | Functional Programming Group at OpenLab Augsburg. Happy gathering for all Lambda people!
You are free to join if you are into FP or want to know more. |
haskell, fp, lisp, augsburg, bavaria, free software, programming, knowledge, monads, ocaml, scala, ml, functional, meetup | | | Loose pack of internet and computer technology enthusiasts in the Austrian outback -- called the Alps -- trying to find birds of a feather in this vast mountainous territory. | security, programming, ics, privacy, crypto, networking, network analysis | |
DFRI | DFRI is a Swedish non-profit and non-party organisation working for digital rights. Our goal is a society with as little surveillance, tracking and wiretapping as possible. | privacy, digital rights, crypto, tor, swedish | |
Datenschmutz | lädt ein zum fröhlichen Stöbern in öden Dokumenten | datenschutz | |
Dead Tree Lovers | Over 700 books around hacker culture for your reading pleasure. Yes, physical books! :) | books, library genesis, culture |,,, |
Debian | A place for the Debianistas, Debianonados and Debianniks to meet. | debian, linux, gnu plus linux, open source, distribution, gnu plus sysvinit | |
Dementia and Privacy | Research into ethical issues around monitoring people living with dementia | privacy, society, university, students, research | |
Department of Hosting Service | Supporting visitors and having fun in the network:
onion routing, hosting, tor | |
Diaspora | diaspora* User Meetup space, discussions with the developers, discussions with other users. Possible cookies, some catcontent and a lot of club mate.
Call us at 3424 (dia*)! |
diaspora, social network | |
Django | A place for Djangonauts to meet, code, discuss and learn. | python, django, web, web 2.0, open source, databases, security |, |
Doubleoctothorpbuero | We are just a small, peaceful community in here. Lookit our fence! | coffee, tee, electronics, tea, led, sdr, rad1o, avr, arduino, nixos, archlinux | |
EDRi | We are European Digital Rights - an association of over 30 civil rights groups from across Europe. We defend and promote human rights in the digital environment. | digital rights, privacy, freedom of speech, net neutrality, copyright reform, data protection | |
EasternEuropeanHackerspaces | A place for the people from the Eastern-European hackerspaces to sit and meet. | hackerspace | |
Edgeryders | Learning from each other how to survive and thrive in the post-job economy. | network science, unmonastery, care | |
Eggplant | 🍆 | | |
Eindbazen | We are a Dutch CTF team. | ctf, eindbazen | |
Electronic Frontier Foundation | For 25 years, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has fought for users' rights online. We're at the Congress to keep people involved in the fight for digital freedom everywhere. | privacy, free speech, let's encrypt, surveillance, copyright reform, net neutrality, digital rights | |
Electronic GeekBag | We will show you how to make your own geeky bag with a cat, ghost or self designed motive and blinky LED-eyes (even programmable if you like).
No experience with sewing or electronics necessary – just bring some curiosity and a bit of time. We provide a quick and easy-to-make version but also a sophisticated version that is programmable if you like. Just drop by and have fun! |
sewable electronics, arduino, sewing, lilypad, wearables, adafruit gemma | |
Embassy Of Nerdistan | We are a small and friendly Hackerspace in Bremen, and the central venue of the ERFA Bremen. | | |
Entropolis | ccc, entropia, karlsruhe, hackerspace | | |
F3L | A small group of hackers and friends from Bavaria trying to replace big companies' services with own infrastructure. | linux, privacy, programming, networking |,,, |
FIfF | A place to discuss social responsibility in information technology. Home of the Cyberpeace campaign. | politics, activism, peace, responsibility, critical, fair |, |
Fail0verflow | Like the previous years, console hackers and team fail0verflow are getting together for 32C3. We hope to have some table space at the Hackcenter to set up our consoles, show off our hacks, attempt to break into newer hardware and teach people about what we do! | | |
FairLoetet | FairLoetet is an initiative working on humanrights and environmental issues in tin mining and offers a fairly produced solder wire. | fair, fairtrade, human rights, fair electronics, soldering, solder wire, environmental protection, worker rights, work place safety, rohs, empowerment, entwicklungszusammenarbeit, löten, lötdraht, bleifrei löten | |
Fedora Project | The Fedora project is a large world-wide project with the primary goal of producing the Fedora Linux distribution. | linux, open source, open-source, foss | |
Ffkbu | Freifunk KBU | freifunk, kbu, catsdeliverysystem | http://Freifunk%20KBU |
Flipdot | A bunch of members of flipdot hackerspace kassel, some quite hardware interested, as well as some people of CCC KS Erfa Kreis. | hardware, doorlock, bus system, raspberry pi, avr, can, bluetooth, quadcopters, led | |
Fnordeingang | Hackerspace from the City of Neuss, NRW, Germany | hackerspace, neuss | |
Foobar | some friends from Mainz and Wiesbaden | ||
Foodhackingbase | We are a bunch of hackers from all over the world who share the love for food, beverage and bio hacks! | food hacking, beverages, biohacking, fermentation, aseptic technique, experimental incubator | |
Foodhackingbase@CentroSociale | Food hacking base at Centro Sociale, Sternstrasse 2, Hamburg | food hacking | |
Forth | Forth programming language | forth, robot, triceps, blinkenlights, bitkanone, net2o, embedded control, secure networking, arduino |, |
FraMa | Shared Assembly of CCC-FFM and C3MA2
Orgapad: |, | |
Free Software Foundation Europe | The Free Software Foundation Europe is dedicated to spread software freedom as one way into a Free Society. We do lobbying & public relations and we offer legal advice and interest representation of and for every Free Software project. This assembly is hosted for and by our Fellows, friends and supporters to offer a common space to discuss, meet, hack and organise. | free software, free society, europe, gnu, gpl, privacy, encryption, gnupg, free your android, open standards, politics, linux, crypto, internet, freedom | |
Freies Labor | Assembly of the Hildesheim-based hackspace "Freies Labor" | gingerbeer, hackerspace, ripeatlas | |
Freifunk | International Freifunk and wireless community assembly (formerly aka "wireless corner"). | freifunk | |
Freifunk Bremen | People from Bremen who are providing free network access over the air | freifunk, bremen | |
Freiheitsfoo | We are an open an independent initiative, trying to keep an eye on:
a) privacy, human and fundamental rights, especially in context with a more and more digitalized everyday life, including the right to be left alone and the right of anonymous social participation, b) how to manage our gathering and how to treat each other. More information here (only german, sorry!): |
datenschutz, überwachung, privatsphäre, politics, activism, surveillance, privacy | |
Freitagsrunde | Studierendeninitiative an der Fakultät IV "Informatik und Elektrotechnik" der TU Berlin | | |
Friends of Ping | Our main interests are IoT, Hw Debugging with JTAG, TDD/BDD with ruby, cucumber and aruba. There is one of the maintainers of around. | ruby, tdd, bdd, aruba, cucumber, web, docker, iot | |
FuWaR | We are a bunch of techies from the University of Furtwangen in the heart of the Black Forest in Germany. | led, nixos, hfu | |
Geheimorganisation | The Geheimorganisation is a secret organization of secret conspiracy |, | |
Gentoo Linux | Notable source-based (meta and non-meta) distribution of (GNU/)Linux :)
Longer description further down! Were are located on floor two in the quiet area the table in the cornerthe quiet area is in front of haal A, B, and C. |
linux, free software, freedom, security, open source, bsd | |
Gesellschaft für Technische Sonderlösungen | A group of young Devs and Hackers from Potsdam / Berlin | potsdam | |
GfUC | Genossenschaft für Untrusted Computing - A chaotic nerd group from Munich. | ||
Grobe Elbstrabe | We are a group of colleagues from a hamburg based IT company. | security, networking, cloud, nerd2nerd, mac | |
H4x0rPsch0rr | H4x0rPsch0rr is the capture the flag team of TUM (Technische Universität München). | ctf, hacking, university | |
HaSi | A fairly young medium-sized hackspace in Siegen | hackspace | |
HackHRO | A meeting and hacking space for the Hackspace Rostock crowd and curious onlookers. | hackspace, rostock | |
Hackeriet | We are an autonomous hackerspace in Oslo.
Over the years we communally built our space and network, both physically and socially, and we're lucky enough to be economically independent and free to decide over our facilities and plans according to our members desires and initiative. We hack playfully and spontaneously, sharing ideas, knowledge and tools: we find inspiration and cooperation through human interaction, and experience tells us that either it happens this way, by tuning in and having fun, or probably it won't happen, after all. What we do: free software, system administration, programming, information security, arduino hacking, electronics, professional audio, ham radio, lock picking, performance art, DIY, and crafting. Our community is very curious and is also interested / engaged in wearables, mechanics, fabrication, automatisation, creative recycling, socioeconomix, telecomix, heavy metal works, language wars, cipherpunk, cryptoparties, permaculture, social engineering, high and low voltage, robotics and data love. | | | | Dutch hackerspaces: ACKspace, Bhack, Bitlair, Frack, Hack42, LAG, NURDSpace, Pixelbar, RandomData, RevSpace, Sk1llz, TechInc, TkkrLab, TDvenlo. | hackerspace, dutch | |
Hackertours | Welcome to HHackertours - your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts | hackertours, tours | |
HacknamStyle | We are a CTF team affiliated with the University of Leuven, Belgium | ctf, university, hacking, belgium, capture the flag, yolo, anarchy, swag | |
Hacksaar | We are the Hackerspace Saarbrücken! | hackerspace, freifunk | |
Hackzogtum | Hackerspace Coburg | | |
Haquium Marburgensis | Marburger Hackspace crew&friends | hackspace, maburg, latin, hsmr, freifunk, rechenkraft, boinc, blind, partially sighted, wlti* hours, awesome, such hacking, many soldering, wow, much rumsitzen | |
Hard-Reset | Podcast Macher und Hörer von Hard-Reset nutzen den Congress zum gemeinsamen nerden und Projekte vorran bringen | podcast, raspberry pi, remote rover, vogelhaus, brutkasten, metasploit, bitcoin, yowsup | |
HardwareHackingArea | The Hardware Hacking Area is a huge area in Saal 3/Hall 3 for people of all ages and skill levels to come together and play, teach,
learn, and share in many and diverse realms of making all sorts of physical things. |
hardware, hardware hacking, solder, soldering, electronics | |
Hardwareecke von Fritz und Emil | Wir wollen Videoanimationen mit einem Oszilloskop machen und Musik mit einem Trautonium | | |
Helferlein | A small gathering place for people connected in past congresses and camps.
Also the meeting place for developers of (its used at about 22 shelters for refugees in Germany to coordinate their volunteers and used by thousands of volunteers to sign up for shifts). |
h64, programming, networking, bright minds, debian, python, django | |
HeliumHeads | We are a project at the TU Berlin fully organized by students. We deal wir lighter-than-air-technology and build rc-airships. | airship, helium | |
HolzHacker | A small table needed for some hackers from all over Germany. | ||
Howest CCCP | The Howest University College West-Flanders' official Computer & Cyber Crime division.
Hit us up if you're interested in Cyber Security education, internship partnerships or SCADA/ICS security research. Hackaroni, the Howest CTF team, will also join us. We are a young, crazy bunch. PS we love Club Mate :-) |
university, college, school, education, belgium, students, forensics, cccp, cyber crime, internships, partnerships, scada, ics, research, ctf, club mate, hacking | |
I2P | I2P is a mixed-license free and open source project building an anonymous network. The network is a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other. | anonymity, privacy, onion routing, open source | |
IPFS | The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
IPFS is an open source project developed by the team at Interplanetary Networks and many contributors from the open source community. |
ipfs, hacking, network, security, cloud, storage, distributed systems | |
IT-Syndikat | IT Syndikat is Innsbrucks Hackerspace. The place where geeks meet to drink club Mate, solder and hack | hackerspace, austria | |
Icmp | Intergalaktische Club Mate Party - Every two years the ICMP takes place at the source of all Mate and we have a great time. So why not have fun the other years as well... | fablab, bavaria, franconia, herbstluftwm | |
Infuanfu | Institut für angewandte Futuristik. | | |
Irish Hackers | A place for people from Ireland to hang out at the congress or for people to come and meet people from Ireland. | | |
Jugend hackt | Anlaufstelle und Treffpunkt für Jugend hackt Teilnehmer/innen, Mentor/innen und Helfer/innen um sich wieder zu sehen, neu zu connecten oder einfach nur ein bisschen rumzuhängen. | jugend, jugend hackt, okf de, open data, be excellent to each other | |
KITCTF | CTF Team of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). | ctf, hacking, university, karlsruhe, security | |
Kamaro | Kamaro is a student group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, which develops robots for agricultural use(and more). | robot, kamaro | |
Keinschaf2016 | Discussing how to earn a living and luxuries some would like to afford without being the traditional 'wage slave' that actually earns money for person higher in hierarchy. E.g. neeting, freelancing, entrepreneurship. | keinschaf, bernd, neet, money | |
KinkyGeeks | This is where kinky geeks meet. | kinky, bdsm, sex-positive | |
KoFfeIn e.V. | Ein Platz für alle Nerds, Hacker, Ponies, Eichhörnchen, ... aus Karlsruhe und dem Umland! | | |
LABOR | Hackerspace from Bochum | hackerspace, foo, free, electronics, crypto, coreboot, security, blinkenlights | |
LUDD | The Luleå Academic Computer Society (LUDD), of Luleå University of Technology. | | | | HamRadio, hacking and making. We do everything with electronics which makes fun, develop stuff which makes your daily life easier, help you to understand the matter of electronics and so on. We are the average maker with the need to overkill.
Amateurfunk, Hacking und Basteln. Alles was Spaß an Elektronik macht, den Alltag erleichtert, beim Verstehen und Basteln rund um Elektronik helft und so weiter. Wir sind die verschärften Durchschnittsfrickler mit einer dezenten Neigung zum Übertreiben. |
maker, hamradio, hacking, hardware, microcontroller, electronics | |
Labor23 | We are a small Hackerspace from Würzburg. Feel free to visit us at the 32C3. | würzburg, labor23, hackerspace | |
Leitstelle511 | Assembly of people from the Erfa in Hannover. | erfa, hardware | |
Leiwandville | Metalab's Leiwandville. | metalab, amalettomat, pancakes, food hacking, hackspace, community, funkfeuer, magicshifter | |
Life-Science-Lab | We are a few students and friends from the Life-Science-Lab in Heidelberg and Karlsruhe who want to meet and hack on some projects at the congress. | crypto, education, students, school, university, programming, hacking | |
Lockpicking Area | 24/7 (almost) Lockpicking learn basic techniques improve your skills build your own tools buy or win some stuff | lockpicking, knowledge, research, workshop | |
Logan CIJ Symposium Berlin | The Logan CIJ Symposium about privacy, surveillance and censorship will be held in Berlin on March 11-12, 2016 at bcc Berlin. | privacy, berlin, investigative journalism, surveillance, whistleblowers, crypto | |
Luxeria | Hackerspace from Lucerne, Switzerland | hackerspace, free software, open source, switzerland, lucerne, linux, pgp | |
Lübecker Clusterfuck | We like Freifunk, Mate, LEDs and Beer. | freifunk, hamburg, lübeck, wireless |,, |
MafiA | We are a group of (h)activists from the computer science department of the university of hamburg. | university, hamburg, ccc, 3d printing, beer, privacy, free software, politics | |
Magrathea Laboratories (mag.lab) | We are some random hackers from Fulda, Germany. | freifunk, chaostreff | |
Mainframe | This is the Assembly of Oldenburg's Hackspace AKA Mainframe and the related local Chaostreff ( | hackspace, hackerspace, oldenburg | |
Maschinendeck | Haker & Maker Space in Trier, Germany | hackerspace, trier, maker, makerspace, arduino, raspberry pi, chaostreff | |
Matrix | Matrix is an open standard for decentralised persistent communication over IP. It provides simple HTTP APIs and open source reference implementations for securely distributing and persisting JSON over an open federation of servers. Matrix can be used for decentralised group chat, VoIP signaling, Internet of Things data transfer, and anywhere you need a common data fabric to link together fragmented silos of communication. Matrix' focus is on simplicity and security.
This assembly is a fairly open-ended chat about all things relating to Matrix, and a good chance to do some deep digging and hacking on Matrix itself! |
free communications, encryption, crypto, protocols, open source | |
MicroLabs | | ||
Milliways | the assembly at the end of the universe | | |
Moose | Bunch of geeks sharing a story about moose (or possibly meese) | cooking, moose | |
Mozilla | The Mozilla community uses, develops, spreads and supports Mozilla projects, thereby promoting exclusively free software and open standards for an open web.
Die Mozilla-Community hilft mit ihren Projekten wie dem Firefox-Browser auf Grundlage der Prinzipien des Offenen Webs Menschen, die Kontrolle über ihr Online-Leben zu erhalten. |
open web, open data, open standards, open source | |
MuCCC | Chaos Computer Club München | muccc, c3m, r0ket, rad1o, chaosradio münchen, nixos, flipdot, dl0muc, ayab, moodlamp, acab, chaos macht schule, lockpicking, flipper, hackerspace, soldering, freifunk | | | We are a small IRC intersted in tech and chatting | irc | |
NOKLAB | Chaos Computer Club Göttingen, Freifunk Göttingen, NOKLAB | freifunk, hackerspace, rad1o, rust |, |
Nad-lounge | from earth to moon | hacking, berlin, hamburg, sweden, hydroponics, making, led, soldering, self-sustainability, hardware hacking, ws2812, svenska, arduino | |
Nerd Herd | We are a bunch of hackers and makers from Dortmund and surrounding area. We'll bring light, chaos, nixies tubes, h4cked displays and a lot of fun! | hardware, electronics, flipdots, nixie tubes | |
Nerd2Nerd | Chaostreff Würzburg and Friends | nerd2nerd, würzburg, chaostreff | |
Netz39 | 1st and only Hackerspace in Magdeburg. | hackerspace, magdeburg, easterhegg2015, freifunk, maker, raspberrypi, soldering, led, knitting, cnc | |
Neuro Hacking | Neurofeedback, brain-computer interfaces and other interesting applications of EEGs. | brain, eeg, hardware hacking, diybio, biohacking | |
Nitrokey | security USB key for encryption and authentication | security, hardware, open source, crypto | |
NoName | Chaostreff Heidelberg | chaostreff, heidelberg | |
Noisebridge | Hackerspace from San Francisco, we run all kind of technical and creative projects. | hackerspace | |
NonattachedNetwork | Nonattached Network is a small Autonomous System whose raison d'etre is the greater good of educating its participants. | network, security, engineering | |
Nordige Nerds | We are some mixed nordish (which means around Bremen) hackers, doing different software projects. | keysigning, gpg, cppug-hb, cacert, engelsystem | |
Nordlichter Assembly | The Nordlichter Village is a follow up to our Nordlichter Village on the last Camp. We want to give all Nerds from the north of germany a home and all others a place to get to know us better. | | |
Nuremberg Hackers | A group of Hackers located in Nur3mberg. | openwrt, freeradius, tex | |
OCA | The Odoo Community Association, or OCA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.
Odoo is a Open Source Business Application help to manage your association, company or event. |
open source, open-hardware, python, postgres | |
OKFDE | Die Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der sich für offenes Wissen, offene Daten, Transparenz und Beteiligung einsetzt.
Treffpunkt für alle Open Data-Aktivist/innen. |
#opendata, #tech, #makers, #opensource, #hacking | |
OSAK | Open Source Arbeitskreis der Fachschaft 1/1 der RWTH Aachen und der Aachener Linux User Group | linux, open source, hardware hacking, pgp, python, c++, electronics, cryptoparty |,, |
Open Knowledge Labs | This is where the decentralized Open Knowledge Labs from all over Germany unite to provide pure awesomesauce around Open Data, learning and teaching Code Literacy and making the world a better place through “digital” civic engagement. | open data, data driven journalism, code for germany, open knowledge, open standards, oparl, civic tech, open transport | |
Open Source FPGA toolchain | We do have a working open source toolchain for Lattice FPGAs. We can generate a bitstream on a RaspberryPi or on any other CPU.
Planned sessions are : How to reverse engineer an FPGA, How to programm an Lattice FPGA on a RaspberryPi, Verilog 101, how to do Formal Verification of Verilog designs, functions of the icoboard, How to run a 32bit Risc-V CPU inside a FPGA, generating an onchip logic analyser during RTL synthesis, open source Place & Route software for a FPGA, We will make available some of our Lattice FPGA boards for the RaspberryPi to qualified hackers and demonstrate also cool demos with lots of LEDs. Clifford will hold a presentation about this toolchain and about the reverse engineering of the FPGA at the main track. |
fpga, raspberrypi, opensource, hardware, iot, reverse engineering, linux, led | |
OpenLab Augsburg | Hackerspace und Heimat des Chaos Augsburg | hackerspace, hackspace, internet, bavaria, augsburg | |
OpenStreetMap | We are supporters of the project openstreetmap & Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), map the world, create maps, print maps, play with GPS, laser rangefinders, Wochennotiz/weekly OSM, Radio-OSM | podcast, osm, opendata | |
Osmocom | Open Source Mobile Communications | gsm, umts, mobile, radio | |
P'yŏngyang Hackerspace | We present the supreme technological progress of the P'yŏngyang Hackerspace.
E.g. we will bring the Supreme Main Frame. |
best korea, only korea, hackerspace, p'yŏngyang, pyongyang |, |
PaparazziUAV | Paparazzi UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is an open-source drone hardware and software project encompassing autopilot systems for multicopters/multirotors, fixedwing, helicopters and hybrid aircraft. Paparazzi, being open, enables users to add more features and improve the system. Using and improving Paparazzi is encouraged by the community. | uav, robots, airplanes, drones, autonomous, multicopters, quadcopters, helicopters, electronics, open-source, open-hardware | |
Pasten | A gathering for hackers and CTF team from Israel. | pasten, ctf, capture the flag, hacking | |
Plattform gegen Überwachung | Mit Überwachung geht die Selbstbestimmung der Gesellschaft und die Freiheit des Einzelnen verloren. Deshalb muss die Problematik der Überwachung mehr in die öffentliche Wahrnehmung gerückt und die Bürgerbewegung dagegen gestärkt werden. Das ist das Anliegen der Plattform gegen Überwachung. | überwachung, geheimdienst, datenschutz, informationelle selbstbestimmung, privatsphäre, hinweisgeberschutz | |
Politecnico Open unix Labs | We are a student organization and hacking community located in the “Politecnico di Milano”, the largest technical university in Italy. | hackerspace, italy, unix, coffee, university, engineering | |
Pr0gramm | Das pr0gramm mag dich <3 | skalarwellen, internet culture, free speech | |
Prologin | Prologin enables young computer enthusiasts to meet and compete with one another. | | |
Pwnies | hacking, ctf | | |
Pyneo | Software for Mobiles | python, android, openmoko, mapsforge, openstreetmap | |
Python | Meeting place for all Pythonistas, Python projects and people interested in Python (the programming language). | programming, python, django | |
Qubes | Qubes is a security- and privacy-focused operating system. Come by and chat! | tor, privacy, security, debian, fedora, xen, free software | |
QueerFeministGeeks | This assembly is home to all queer/feminist/trans*/intersectional people who want to meet each other, hang out, feel safe, and make friends. | politics, queer, lgbtq, feminism, intersectionality | |
Rad1o | The rad1o was the badge of the Chaos Communication Camp 2015. It features a full fledged SDR, compatible with the HackRF.
Come to us if you want to get into programming the rad1o or if have a rad1o and need support. We will also be hacking away on more features for the firmware. |
rad1o, sdr, radio, software defined radio, badge, r0ket, hf, rf | |
RaumZeitLabor | Der berühmte™ Hackerspace aus Mannheim / The famous™ hackerspace from Mannheim | hackerspace, embroidery, slush, food hacking | |
Rautemett | Wir sind eine kleine IRC-Community die sich aus Namensmangel einfach #mett nannte. | irc, #mett | |
Real Ad-hoc Mode Support | Support of wireless ad-hoc mode on routers and mobile devices has been systematically neglected over the years. We are starting an awareness campaign to push manufacturers and OS developers to change this. Get information here, or stay and help us organize it!
We're in #rams on hackint and freenode. |
free communications, freedom, ad-hoc mode, mobile | |
Reproducible Assembly | Probably just a virtual unreproducible hangout attached to some nice assembly. Plan: have real unreproducible meetings too! Humans FTW. | archlinux, free society, free software, freedom, gnu, bsd, hacking, human rights, internet, linux, lisp, ocaml, open source, open standards, programming, ruby, scala, tee, university, free your android, debian | |
Rgbhathacker | Hackerethics 101: You can create art and beauty with a computer. | art, cgi, clocks, blinkenlights | |
Rubytown | Ruby Berlin e.V. is an umbrella organisation hosting and supporting events around the Ruby programming language in Germany.
At 32C3 we want to gather Rails Girls, local user groups as well as all individuals interested in Ruby at an assembly and create a welcoming home base to hang around, hack on projects and get to know other Rubyists. IRC: #rubytown on |
ruby, programming | |
Rust Community | After the warm reception of our Tent at CCCamp and the general high interest at 31C3, we from the Rust community would like to provide a space for those wanting to chat and try out this new programming language. "Just" sit around and hack on things. | rust, programming | |
SDF-Kurs | We are some folks from a mostly German-speaking IRC-Channel.
The abbreviation SDF is the result of our democratic consensus for a name and has no meaning so far. |
irc, community, free society, freedom, gnu plus linux, paper craft, sticker | |
SawuGo | mobile goldsmithy, where you can make the One Ring, a nice silver ring,
this year I invite everybody to bring weddingrings, to make them like new with a nice polish and shine (get to work!) | | |
Schaffenburg | Wir sind ein neu gegründeter Hackerspace aus Aschaffenburg und freuen uns über Besucher. | | |
Scottish Consulate | Sweary, Scottish kilt wearing enthusiasts, buckfast drinkers and deep fried food aficionados. | hackerspace, virtualhackerspace, virtualhacker, sdr, free software, debian, freebsd, crypto anarchist, cypher punk, politics, anarchist |, |
Secure Desktops | The Secure Desktops mailing list and related projects. Qubes, Subgraph OS, Tails, Whonix, etc | privacy, security, linux, free software | |
See-base/toolbox | Joined Assembly of lake constance spaces Toolbox e.V. Markdorf and see-base Überlingen | hackerspace, makerspace |, |
Seidenstrasse | Operation Center for the Seidenstrasse Network | seidenstrasse, silkroad | |
Selfnet | Selfnet e.V. is a non-profit student association supplying students with a broadband network in the dormitories of Stuttgart. Our aim is to offer a platform to pursue interests in communication technology and to discuss the latest developments.
To provide this we operate a powerful network for the dormitories of Stuttgart. This usually involves a variety of tasks. These range from network engineering, keeping servers running to organisational tasks of the club like membership administration. |
diy internet, ipv6, linux, unix, natv4, cgn, networking, 2x10ge uplink, selfstreaming iptv | |
Sendezentrum | Live-Shows, Workshops und andere Veranstaltungen auf der großen Bühne im Garderobenfoyer 1 | podcast, sendezentrum, podlove, ultraschall | |
Shackspace | the stuttgart hacker space! | shack, shackspace, stuttgart | |
Shellshock | We are a bunch of students from HSLU and EPFL Switzerland. We like Linux, Mate, Microelectronics and more | switzerland, microcontroller, lausanne, lucerne, linux | |
Sigrok | Portable, GPL'd software suite (including protocol decoders) for logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, MSOs, multimeters, function generators, and more. | open source, free software, hardware, hardware hacking, electronics, open-hardware, test&measurement, logic analyzer, oscilloscope, multimeter, mso, function generator, protocol decoder, reverse engineering, protocols | | | is a startup factory where we empower entrepreneur-programmers. Every 5 months, we train 24 underpriviliged smart people on web development, and help them to build web startups for social good. In this assembly we'll inform people about's educational plan and alternative ways to teach code. We'll also work on some projects. | education, society, technology, fun | |
Singularity City | Huge assembly of makerspaces and hackerspaces, similar to the CCCamp village. The assembly orga can contact us instead of all the subassemblies. | ||
Spline | hackerspace from Berlin at "Freie Universität Berlin" | berlin, university, hackerspace, linux, hardware, free software, electronics | |
Squatconf | #squatconf is a yearly occurring event which brings people together from different communities. We are scattered across the planet and are interested in many different topics, mainly decentralized technology, anarchy etc. Easiest way to get in touch is via irc. Come say hi in #squatconf channel on Freenode. | conference, anarchy, decentralisation, squatting | |
Squirrel | A group of friendly squirrels from an IRC channel aiming for world conquest. | software, java, bitcoin | |
Sticker Exchange | A big box for your stickers that travels many events -- please bring lots and fill it up! | stickers, swag, exchange | |
StopWatchingUs Köln | Organizing protest against mass surveillance in the city of Cologne. | politics, activism, ak vorrat, surveillance, privacy | |
Stratum 0 | hackerspace, embroidery, android, ctf | | |
StuStaNet | StuStaNet e. V. is the ISP of germany's largest student dorm: the Studentenstadt Freimann in Munich. | internet, hackerspace, linux, munich, networking, provider, network-services | |
Studentennetze | This is the parent assembly for all student maintained network organization assemblies. | networking, provider, network-services, linux, internet, university, hardware | |
Subraum | Some peaceful people! | coffee, tee, electronics, entropie, oculus, automation, sozializing | |
Subraumkontinuum | |||
Supergravity foundation | We do crazy stuff with physics. We follow the BSM-SG model, developed by Dr. Stoyan Sarg to save the planet and/or humanity. | physics, space | |
Swedish house mafia | Hammond organ super pop hits. Python, PHP, Perl, fuzzing, micropython, vanilla encryption, some loose arduino and some planless use of a handful of BlinkM. | encryption, perl, python, micropython, arduino, php, yubikey, u2f, ftp, pyboard, selinux, seccomp | |
Swiss.asm | A small random group of Swiss geeks. Our members are into Open Source, game development, electronics and more. Come visit us if you want to talk! | switzerland, software, programming, podcast, game development, swiss, electronics | |
Tabvillage & Katzennetzwerkende | netzwerk | ||
Tails | Tails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity, and helps you to:
use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network; leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly; use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging. Come and meet us! |
livecd, debian, tor, i2p | |
Tasteless | We are a small and international ctf-team wanting to participate 32c3ctf with the "onsite-experience". | ctf, hacking | |
TeaHouse | La Quadra'teahouse is a warm space to chill out, drink and share tea, ideas and time. As we take our shoes off to enter this space, we hope to leave our armors of stress and anxieties outside of this harbor... Initiated by La Quadrature du Net, any participation and contributions is welcome! Come and join us for goodol' analogue cozyness! <3 | datalove, relaxing, teahouse, laquadraturedunet, crypto, privacy, massages, tea, cafeine, music, workshops, freedomfighting, jamming, netneutrality, <3 | |
Team23 | We have the "Mate-Server".
Bunch of former IT Students. Projects: FreiMate-Server, Vereins-fnord (KassenChaos), 3D printing, Raspberry teasing, NetBSD, pkgsrc |
bsd, netbsd, pkgsrc | |
Teckids | Der Teckids e.V. ist ein Verein, der sich insbesondere zum Ziel gemacht hat, Kinder und Jugendliche in naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Bereichen, insbesondere im Bereich Informatik, zu fördern. Dabei sind wir im Bereich der Open Source-Projekte angesiedelt und orientieren uns stark an den Werten und dem Geist der Open Source-Gemeinschaft. | jugend, schule, kinder, lego, freizeit, python, arduino | |
Testassembly | testassembly | test | |
The (un)employed schemers & lispers guild | Lisp and Scheme Hackers from all over the world gather and discuss the state of the union. | lisp, scheme, clojure, common lisp, meetup, community, functional, programming |,,, |
The Machine to be Another | BeAnotherLab and friends will be showing The Machine to be Another and other in-development perception bending experiments and invite you to join hacking around VR, embodiment and biofeedback. | art, science, biohacking, vr, telepresence, empathy, storytelling |, |
The Math Guys | We do quite a lot of math. | math, crypto | |
ToDo: Assembly-Namen wählen | We are working on our ToDo list. Stay tuned.
Beside of our ToDo list, we'll bring the famous² ToDoList service. Even better: This service will be freely available for anyone³. |
todo, software, linux, love tent, bring your towel, #jupisexgate | |
Tomorrowland - Gaming utopia dystopia | We want to explore the possibilities of reality building and hacking with role-playing and serious games for (real-life) learning, strategy finding and evaluation. And, of course, for entertainment. | politics, anarchist, games | |
Toppoint | We are Kiel's hackerspace and home for ChaosKueste | freifunk, kiel, art, hackerspace, electronics, creativity, opensource, chaoskueste, chaostreff | |
Tower of hanoi | We are the Tower of Hanoi (a.k.a. Hanoiati), the Politecnico di Milano CTF team. We are a group of B.Sc, M.Sc, and Ph.D. students interested in information security, who love to play CTF and organize them too (check out the PoliCTF!). | ctf, capture the flag | |
Traceland | Interactive video installation: traceland is supposed to illustrate the “everyday-traces“ of personal data, left behind by people using their online devices, credit cards etc. Via Microsoft Kinect motion tracking the movement of users (within the designated tracking area) is digitally analysed and processed in a c++ app. The illustrative result of the processing is being projected on a wall in real time. Jus lika digital mirror the projection shows body contours of the people passing by filled with meta and personal data from our database simulation. | big data, meta data, personal data, art, motion tracking, kinect, projection | |
Treibsand2015 | a metaphorical construct. while you try to leave things behind, you get more and more involve. | sociology, sheep, psychology, books, linux, rap, music, love, hate, peace, speech, bernd, art, comics | |
Trollhöhle | Ein Karlsruher Kollektiv, nicht zu verwechseln mit dem großartigen Hackspace in Darmstadt.
Lametta und Arndt |
bronte, falafel, knoblauch, coffee | |
Twackers | A group of students from the University of Twente who are a bit undecided if they are going to 32C. | dutch, twente | |
UAVP-NG | This is a community-driven open source project building a modern autonomously flying multicopter. | multicopter, uavp, quadcopter, c, embedded, software | |
Uint64 t | Bunch of french students passionate about IT security.
IRC : #uint64_t on |
crypto, linux, fun, clubmate | |
Ultraschall | Forging a DAW for podcast producers | podcast, daw, audio | |
Underground | We are a group of enthusiastic hackers in various topics: from embedded devices (arduino, mbed) to large servers. We take part in some CTFS as well. | programming, networking, security, beer, games, belgium, france, ctf | |
Universities Eindhoven | Collective assembly of students from the Universities in Eindhoven (NL) including their CTF team. | ctf, university | |
V01d | Gathering of hackers around the globe dealing with software (BSD hackers), hardware (networking, FP drones) and cultural stuff (refugee hackathon, school kid education). We are also the girls and guys dealing with the annual T-Shirt sale. | ||
Verbund Offener Werkstaetten | german umbrella organisation of open workshops, makerspaces, fablabs, hackerspaces and so on | juice, electronics, open workshop, hackerspace, gbeam | |
Vintage Telco | As every year, we provide outside telephone connectivity for the congress. Also we provide helpdesk for telephone questions. Beside that we show vintage telecommunications systems and terminals and systems. And you can bluebox! | isdn, blueboxing, bluebox, amiga, c64, phreaking, teletypewriter, fernschreiber | |
Void* | Some people from Wiesbaden and Saarbruecken | ||
VoidLinux | Void is a general purpose operating system, based on the monolithic Linux® kernel. | linux, distribution, open source, free software, void | |
WHF | We are the community behind Winhistory-Forum, now under its common name. | os archaelogy, community | |
WOBspace | Arduino-Gadgets, 3D-Printers and Multicopters. | ||
Warpzone | | ||
Warsaw Hackerspace | Hackers from the Warsaw Hackerspace and friends from around the world. | hackerspace, warsaw, poland, hardware | |
Wastun gegen Überwachung | We fight surveillance | surveillance, privacy, überwachung, privatsphäre, politics, society, freedom, freedomfighting, activism, networking, digital rights | |
Wau Holland Stiftung | The foundation taking care of all kind of Projects around Freedom of Information, informational self-determination and anything else related to Wau's inheritage. | wauland, wikileaks, tor, gnome, manning, snowden, courage | |
Whonix | Whonix is an operating system focused on anonymity, privacy and security. It's based on the Tor anonymity network, Debian GNU/Linux and security by isolation.
Come and meet us! |
whonix, tor, security, anonymity, privacy | |
Wikidata | Wikidata is the world's largest free general purpose knowledge base. As a Wikimedia-run sister project of Wikipedia, it provides machine readable information about just about anything. It's the encyclopedia by bots, for bots. | open knowledge, open data, wiki |, |
Wikipedia | Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project supported by the Wikimedia Foundation and based on a model of openly editable content. It is one of the worlds most visited and used websites plus it is both free an non-commercial, but still has no ads. How can something like this exist? Come and talk to us! | wiki, editing, free culture, information, internet | |
WordPress | Treffpunkt der WordPress Community auf dem #32c3 | wordpress, cms, php, community, web 2.0, https | |
Xil | We're a small virtual hackerspace from sweden/denmark | linux, webscale, wireless, xmpp, varnish, swedish, danish, ctf | |
YBTI | Free software and research projects trying to build a secure, privacy-preserving decentralised Internet. | privacy, p2p, security, networking, anonymity, decentralisation, gnunet, taler, secushare |,, |
Yeahyeah | just some friends from Aachen visiting the congress! | aachen, cologne, rwth | |
🍆 | making gin. 🍶 | 🍽, 🍻 |
There are 278 registered assemblies. 254 of them registered before and 24 after the registration deadline on December, 1st (23:59:59.999 CET).