Contact Mario Behling +49 176 24387682

Description The Mozilla community uses, develops, spreads and supports Mozilla projects, thereby promoting exclusively free software and open standards for an open web.

Die Mozilla-Community hilft mit ihren Projekten wie dem Firefox-Browser auf Grundlage der Prinzipien des Offenen Webs Menschen, die Kontrolle über ihr Online-Leben zu erhalten.

Members Enso, Fractalfox, Hpdang, Mb, Michaesc, Silbo, Tabesin
Projects IoT Empire Research, NewPalmyra
Self-organized Sessions Build an IoT Empire, In Memoriam Caspar Bowden - Transatlantic Privacy Agenda, Knit Hacks, Loklak: Distributed Tweet and IoT Search Server, Mozilla Community Meetup, NewPalmyra, Thunderbird Update, Workshop on email encryption with GnuPG and Nitrokey hardware
Related to assembly Freifunk
Tags open web, open data, open standards, open source, open standards
Registered on 30 November 2015 19:29:36
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes Workshops on
  • How to hack FirefoxOS-TVs
  • Create Add-Ons for Firefox
  • Rust
  • Internet of Things
  • Mozilla Telemetry
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings TV, Projector, FxOS phones, gear
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 8
Extra seats 12
Assembly specification loud place ok, want sit public, want bright light, want low light, want taking pictures allowed
Planning notes We would love to be next to the Freifunk assembly as we share the vision of the Open Web
past congress review Lots of our devs and participants in the community have been to previous congresses. This year we would like to work together and share knowledge in a central location and make it easier for people to get in touch with us.

Mozilla is a free-software community, created in 1998. The Mozilla community uses, develops, spreads and supports Mozilla products, thereby promoting exclusively free software and open standards. The community is supported institutionally by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla produces many products such as the Firefox web browser, Thunderbird e-mail client, Firefox Mobile web browser, Firefox OS mobile operating system, Bugzilla bug tracking system and other projects. \\ Die Mozilla-Community hilft mit ihren Projekten wie dem Firefox-Browser auf Grundlage der Prinzipien des Offenen Webs Menschen, die Kontrolle über ihr Online-Leben zu erhalten. Die wichtigsten Endbenutzer-Anwendungen für den Desktop sind der Webbrowser Firefox und das E-Mail-Programm Thunderbird. Zudem gibt es eine Kalenderanwendung. Im Mobilbereich bietet Mozilla mit Firefox for Android einen mobilen Webbrowser für die Android-Plattform an und mit Firefox OS ein auf HTML basierendes mobiles Betriebssystem für Smartphones.

Sessions Overview

In Memoriam Caspar Bowden - Transatlantic Privacy Agenda
Starts at 2015/12/27 17:00
Ends at 2015/12/27 19:40
Duration 160 minutes
Location Hall A.1

loklak: Distributed Tweet and IoT Search
Starts at 2015/12/27 18:00
Ends at 2015/12/27 20:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall A.2

Mozilla Community Meetup
Starts at 2015/12/27 20:00
Ends at 2015/12/27 22:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Mozilla

Identifying and implementing IoT use cases with sensors and actuators
Starts at 2015/12/28 17:30
Ends at 2015/12/28 19:30
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall A.2

Thunderbird Update - What's next?
Starts at 2015/12/29 13:00
Ends at 2015/12/29 14:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Hall A.1

New Palmyra: Let's get involved
Starts at 2015/12/29 15:15
Ends at 2015/12/29 17:15
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall 13

Workshop on email encryption with GnuPG and Nitrokey hardware
Starts at 2015/12/29 17:30
Ends at 2015/12/29 18:30
Duration 90 minutes
Location Mozilla

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