Contact Christoph Pilka <>
Description We are an autonomous hackerspace in Oslo.

Over the years we communally built our space and network, both physically and socially, and we're lucky enough to be economically independent and free to decide over our facilities and plans according to our members desires and initiative. We hack playfully and spontaneously, sharing ideas, knowledge and tools: we find inspiration and cooperation through human interaction, and experience tells us that either it happens this way, by tuning in and having fun, or probably it won't happen, after all.

What we do: free software, system administration, programming, information security, arduino hacking, electronics, professional audio, ham radio, lock picking, performance art, DIY, and crafting. Our community is very curious and is also interested / engaged in wearables, mechanics, fabrication, automatisation, creative recycling, socioeconomix, telecomix, heavy metal works, language wars, cipherpunk, cryptoparties, permaculture, social engineering, high and low voltage, robotics and data love.

Members Ascarter, Atluxity, Atmosx, Capitol, Comotion, Ctp, Dazm, Embla, Fnords, Frexm, Imberge, Jareth, Karltk, Krav, Lkarsten, Ntropy, Peerst, Pnk, Rdenis, Rfk, Sjn, Slon, Tazjin, Teraii, Wtw, Zacts
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Registered on 10 November 2015 21:28:30
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes SDR & radio, GSM, DevOp, Varnish, IT security
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings Electronics, tools, SDR
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 20
Extra seats 5
Assembly specification want loud place, want sit public, want bright light
Planning notes
past congress review

We are an autonomous hackerspace in Oslo.

Over the years we communally built our space and network, both physically and socially, and we're lucky enough to be economically independent and free to decide over our facilities and plans according to our members desires and initiative. We hack playfully and spontaneously, sharing ideas, knowledge and tools: we find inspiration and cooperation through human interaction, and experience tells us that either it happens this way, by tuning in and having fun, or probably it won't happen, after all.

What we do: free software, system administration, programming, information security, arduino hacking, electronics, professional audio, ham radio, lock picking, performance art, DIY, and crafting. Our community is very curious and is also interested / engaged in wearables, mechanics, fabrication, automatisation, creative recycling, socioeconomix, telecomix, heavy metal works, language wars, cipherpunk, cryptoparties, permaculture, social engineering, high and low voltage, robotics and data love.

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz