Contact Britta
Description Research into ethical issues around monitoring people living with dementia
Projects Dementia and Privacy
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Tags privacy, society, university, students, research
Registered on 30 November 2015 18:17:56
Location for self-organized sessions maybe
Self-organized session notes Discussion: Can risks outweigh the right to privacy?

Discussion: What needs to be in place for monitoring to be ethical?

Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings Design Probes: Colourful kits explaining current practices in dementia care for people to comment on. These are things for people to get crafty, angry and creative.

Privacy Living Will Project: What should happen with your social networks should you get dementia? Are people allowed to tag you to keep you safe? Explore these and other issues and print out a living will to share your thoughts with others.

Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 1
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification loud place ok, want sit public, want bright light, want taking pictures allowed
Planning notes I want to get in touch with people and for them to get crafty, so a busy and bright area would be best.
past congress review

Monitoring and tagging are current practices in dementia care. As a PhD student in Interaction Design I want to share what I have learned about this topic during the congress and discuss, collect opinion and information to inform my further research.

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