Contact Florian Gilcher <>, rust-community <>
Description After the warm reception of our Tent at CCCamp and the general high interest at 31C3, we from the Rust community would like to provide a space for those wanting to chat and try out this new programming language. "Just" sit around and hack on things.
Members 1000miles, Anderspree, Badboy, Contradictioned, Daniel collin, Esgeh, Fjh, Hoodie, Jethrogb, Klaustopher,, Musicmatze, Neinasaservice, Ralf-e, Skade, Spacejam, Tsurai, Yoshida
Projects Rasputin
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Related to assembly Rubytown
Tags rust, programming
Registered on 10 November 2015 13:13:57
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings Mostly notebooks, maybe a microcontroller or two.
Character of assembly just a gathering space
Seats needed 20
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification want quiet place, want sit public, want bright light
Planning notes We intersect with RubyTown, which has also been a very crowded and always full space the last year. We would enjoy sitting next to each others. Combining the space for both would be perfect and allow spillover from one to the other.
past congress review I was involved in RubyTown last year and this year and we were always full and had no chairs left. Also, experience from the Rust town at CCCamp was that we have a lot more visiting non-members then other assemblies and were quite good at gauging interest.

After the warm reception of our Tent at CCCamp and the general high interest at 31C3, we from the Rust community would like to provide a space for those wanting to chat and try out this new programming language. "Just" sit around and hack on things.

We will provide a nice place to hack on things (be it software or maybe even hardware).

Already know Rust? Come by to get better and mingle! Only ever heard of Rust? Here you will find people that can explain you the nitty-gritty details and the large idea at the same time.

Please note that the assembly is governed by the Berlin Code of Conduct[1] and in the faith of the Rust Community Code of Conduct[2].

[1]: [2]:

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