Contact rootzoll / threema: 7MVTP5M5
Description A place for all topic Bitcoin & Blockchain. Same team as on camp.
Members Emzy, Pink, Rootzoll, Tark
Projects Dogecoin, Konfetti
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Registered on 17 November 2015 01:49:24
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes Satoshi-Square, Basic Income on Blockchain
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Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings we will bring the bitcoin display from Denis Ahrens - we need a LAN connection to make it work
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 8
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification loud place ok, want sit public
Planning notes we bring a small LED beamer for sessions - its an old cheap one - so a location would be perfect where ist not to bright and a wall to project on can be used. A busy area would be preferred.
past congress review Last time was great - we where able to use the column next to our table as a projection place for the beamer. Nice neighborhood :)

A place for all topic Bitcoin & Blockchain. We will have the Bitcoin-Sofa again for you to chill out and ask us all the questions.

Planned Events at Bitcoin-Assembly

Everyday around 3pm we will have a Satoshi-Square - a meetup to buy and sell bitcoin from private person to private person.

On day 3 evening we plan to have an in-depth talk after the lightning talk "Circles - basic income on the blockchain" with Martin Köppelmann.

IF YOU LIKE/PLAN TO PRESENT YOUR BITCOIN/BLOCKHAIN PROJECT OR EXPERIENCE AT THE ASSEMBLY: Meet us at the table or contact rootzoll to coordinate. Our LED beamer has just VGA or Apple Display Port (no HDMI). All projects or research needs to be open - no proprietary startups - sorry.

Further Planning

Next orga meetup at 18.12. 7pm ThoughtWorks Werkstatt Berlin, Mülhauser Str. 6, HH (Remise) 1.OG, Berlin, de, 10405 - watch out for the doge tshirt

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