If you work on some project on 32C3 or just want to show on what you are usually working, you're encouraged to tell others about your presence and what you're doing.

So, if you like, create a page containing information about you and your project using the project form. You can also add a project section to your Assemblies page.

Reserving seats and table space for your project

This time there a lot will be different, as we want you to bring more of that Camp feeling to the Congress! There is this Assemblies thing, that should work much like Villages on the Camp, but not exactly the same way. So your project page will be for your project, but not for reserving seats.

But you feel your work will be interesting for others to come around and have a look at it or talk to you? Set up an Assembly as a home base for you and your fellow hackers and maybe even more of your projects.

List of projects

List of Projects

2, 3 oder 422,3 oder 42. A game with one right answer where you jump to conlusions.Kidsspace
22 harddrives from a Westafrican e-waste dump - Behind the Smart WorldWe bought 22 hard-drives at an e-waste dump in Ghana.

From 5 of them we recovered data and we bring this data to this years 32C3 Congress!

Together we want to explore questions like:

  • What kind of data did we find on this hard-drives?
  • How can this data be (ab)used?
  • How would you deal with this data breach?

Who can participate?

We are looking for hackers, artists and activists to deal with this data! Data as waste, waste in the sense that it is deleted, dumped in the ‘recycle bin’ on our desktop, yet possible to be recovered.

And waste as resurfacing data on hard-drives physically located at one of the largest e-waste dumps in the world.
3D printing and scanning3D printing and scanning
APB - Anonymous Paper BagCome to our freiheitsfoo assembly whenever you want and make/design your own "anonymous paper bag". It makes fun, running around in public space with that, could also be useful for protests. Enjoy your right to be left alone!Freiheitsfoo
AYABHacking Knitting Machines from the 70s/80sMuCCC
AlyaProject Alya is a keyboard which strives to create a more ergonomic experience. Placement of the physical keys are as important as form factor and layout.Leitstelle511
AmalettomatAutomatic crêpes with Nutella!Leiwandville
Anti-Kybernetische AktionAlles zwangsweise digital vernetzt? NEIN DANKE!C3D2 Penta.*
AxolotiDevelop and play the open source digital audio hardware project AxolotiAxoloti
Bepastybepasty is like a pastebin for all kinds of files (text, image, audio, video, documents, ..., binary).Python
Bibliothek (Public Library)Eine 32C3-temporäre öffentliche Bibliothek mit unterschiedlichen Titeln, meist eher politischer Natur, aber nicht nur: Kommen, Anschauen, Mitnehmen, Lesen, Zurückbringen. (Temporay public library at 32C3 with various books in it, mostly political context, but not only: Come, have a look, take away, read and bring back the book.)Analoge Gesellschaft
BorgbackupBorgBackup is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports compression and authenticated encryption. The main goal of Borg is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication technique used makes Borg suitable for daily backups since only changes are stored. The authenticated encryption technique makes it suitable for backups to not fully trusted targets.Python
BrainduinoBrainduino is a brainwave amplifier for Arduino built for artists, makers, hackers, thinkers and other enthusiasts. The idea is to build a headset that is comfortable to wear so it won't influence the brainwaves of the users. Another goal is to make it usable in different environments so the users could use according to their needs. The main focus of the project is to build a low cost, high quality brainwave amplifier that is convenient to use for everybody. We provide everything open source so everyone will have a change to learn about the technology, understand it and thinker with it.Neuro Hacking
Brainwave SonificationTransforming brainwaves into sound in real time. I'm experimenting with multi-channel EEGs, building new kinds of neurofeedback loops by translating brainwaves into audible frequencies in real time.Neuro Hacking
C-boocwe will bring c-boocs - 20 years c-base and they will be for saleC-base
C3navIndoor navigation for the 32c3.
CLESThe CLÉS project is an experimental Open Source answer to an ongoing situation which can be applied in a lot of companies which would like to control the BYOD and teleworking easily and for free.Uint64 t
Chaos tatuget a tattoo at 32c3Haquium marburgensis
CharXChangeA web app offering machine-readable character sheets for role-playing games.Tomorrowland - Gaming utopia dystopia
CheckMyHTTPSCheck your HTTPS!Uint64 t
CiTiZEN KiNOA re-embodying cinematic event mixing tactical media, theater, collective intelligence, arts and praxis, psychomedia analysis, and the community-kitchen sink to unravel and navigate the current challenges we face as an interconnected species endangered by current operating systems wreaking havoc to our planet.
CirclesCircles is a blockchain based currency that implements an universal basic income. To overcome the Sybil attack problem in a decentralized manner it uses web of trust like mechanics. The current implementation is based on Ethereum.
Code of Conduct of the Queer Feminist Geek AssemblyBuilding a "Code of Conduct": a statement that corresponds to the needs and the experiences of people, both within the Queer Feminist Geeks village itself and the broader CCC Camp community.QueerFeministGeeks
CorebootCoreboot install party! Let's run coreboot on your system.Coreboot
Creativerse on 32c3You´re searching for a little bit chilling gameing?

Then join us!

We created a world on the game creativerse. It`s a game in the style of minecraft, which you can downlaod on steam for free. Just search for the world 32c3 and enter the worlds name as the password and you´re in.

We`re sure that you will fill this world with a lot amazing stuff!
Cryptography without computers - computations with a deck of cardsWe discuss sophisticated card-based protocols for secure computations with a deck of cards, i.e. cryptography without computers. However, there is also the possibility to implement these protocols with LibTMCG - the C++ library for creating secure and fair online card games.
DARCHacking into the DAta Radio Channel in Munich.MuCCC
DN42dn42 is a big dynamic VPN, which employs Internet technologies (BGP, whois database, DNS, etc). Participants connect to each other using network tunnels (GRE, OpenVPN, Tinc, IPsec) and exchange routes thanks to the Border Gateway Protocol.
DNSSECHow to use DNSSEC to validate certificates, keys and what ever may be validatedCCC Mainz
DarkChannelA crypto agnostic, secure, modern, relay chat protocolUAVP-NG
Das GöttlicheSlot machine installation. Play Dante's Divine Comedy.Art
DefuseItInspired on the game "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes" we build a physical bomb to defuse itNerd2Nerd
Dementia and PrivacyResearch into ethical issues around monitoring people living with dementiaDementia and Privacy
DemoBlasterA 32x16 LEDs display built inside a small translucent briefcase, driven by a Fadecandy controller and a Raspberry Pi 2.Leitstelle511
DerSenderDerSender wird Deutschlands erster genossenschaftlicher Sender. Für alle. Im Netz und darüber hinaus. Mit Bild, Ton, Text, Daten und VR. All at The Same Time.Sendezentrum
Digiwell - Smart up your life!
DjangoA high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.Django
Django-marcadordjango-marcador is a free Django tutorial.Django
Dogecoinsuch currency - very cryptoBitcoin
DurgaDurga is a Python library to consume REST resources with optional schema validation.Python
EDN- Echt Dezentrales NetzBuilding bridges for a new internet.YBTI
EmbroideryGet your stuff embroidered :)RaumZeitLabor
FlynnFlynn is an open source platform as a service that makes it easy to deploy resilient containerized applications and databases across servers.
Free BiFiwe provide "Free BiFi" to the congress participants and hope you will start your own "Free BiFi" access point in the future.A2600
FördefunkFördefunk creates a Freifunk-like free wifi network in the city of FlensburgChaostreff Flensburg
GNU/BurgerEvery evening, for around two hours, we like to offer GNU/Burger at the FSFE assembly. We produce burgers using a GNU FDL-licensed recipe, written in Interlingua and use a toaster to brand each bun with the GNU logo letters. Everyone is welcome to come, to use, study, share and improve it. Free Software developers get a GNU/Burger for free! Apart from that, you are expected to make a donation at your choice to your favorite Free Software in return.Free Software Foundation Europe
Ghc-modHappy Haskell Hacking in your editorIT-Syndikat
GlobalInternationalAffenAlarmWorldChampionshipWitness the ancient tradition of SOS Affen-Alarm (aka Tumblin' Monkeys).AAA
GostCryptGostCrypt is a project made by students of ESIEA and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. GostCrypt is a fork of TrueCrypt which aim to change all the UK/USA block cipher algorithms by other algorithms that are not related to NIST.Uint64 t
Hack'n'FunFerienfreizeit für Kinder und Jugendliche, mit Gruppenfahrt aus NRWTeckids
HackbasesHackbases are hackerspaces people can live in - stable for longer periods of time, or temporary just passing by.
Hacken.inHacken.in is an open source project that gathers events for nerds, geeks, hackers... for different cities around Germany. We always love to introduce new people to the project, no matter their experience level. Come by Ruby.town, we look forward to meeting you.Rubytown
HackerSchnitzelJagdSchnitzeljagd für Hacker
Harry PlotterHarry Plotter is a cutting plotterHaSi
Haskell-ricochethaskell-ricochet is an implementation of the ricochet protocol as haskell library.Curry Club Augsburg
HerbstluftwmHerbstluftwm is an innovative manual tiling window manager for X11.CCC-CH
I2PI2P is a mixed-license free and open source project building an anonymous network. The network is a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other.I2P
IT4RefugeesInternet & Computers for RefugeesC3D2 Penta.*
InterledgerPayments across payment networks -- The open protocol for securely sending money or other types of value between different systems and countries. What if sending money internationally were as easy as sending an email?
International open magazinean english language, free (as in freedom) cretive-commons-share-alike licensed magazine to bring the ideals and ideas of the free software movement to pepole outside the nerd-bubble, especially to teachers, schools and students. .
Inventairemapping stuffs with libre software and open knowledge, starting with books!Wikidata
IoT Empire ResearchBuild an IoT Empire using bring-your-own as well as on site provided embedded hardware. We start with a physical web using Firefox OS terminals and Estimote beacons, and progress to make our own IoT systems adding Nordic Semiconductor and Freescale development boards.Mozilla
IridiumDecoding the iridium satellite network. Watch the old talk (https://media.ccc.de/v/31c3_-_6236_-_en_-_saal_1_-_201412281645_-_iridium_pager_hacking_-_sec_-_schneider) and git repo for more info.Rad1o
IssoA commenting server similar to Disqus.
JunghackertagHands-on Technology / Solder workshop for kids
Kevin-CIKevin-CI is a simple-stupid self-hostable continuous integration service tailored for github. Run your code inside temporary VMs and see feedback immediately.StuStaNet
OpenLab Augsburg
Khalkhal is a standards based CLI calendarPython
KlampfinatorArduino based midi synth, that resembles a campfire guitar. Play "guitar" with only one finger on each hand.Chaos-West
KlinZha - Klingon ChessKlinZha is best described as a kind of Chess. The Klingon version of Chess. It manages to provide the challenge and complexity of chess, while it is also completely different and alien - if you are not a Klingon. To begin with: the board is triangular.
KlinZha beschreibt man am besten als eine Art Schach. Die klingonische Version von Schach. Das Spiel schafft es eine vergleichbare Komplexität zu Schach zu bieten, während es sich gleichzeitig komplett anders und fremd anfühlt - wenn man kein Klingone ist. Es fängt damit an, dass es auf einem dreieckigen Spielfeld gespielt wird.
StopWatchingUs Köln
KonfettiKonfetti its an app for neighborhood help exchange - started at the the refugeehackathon, Berlin 2015Bitcoin
LEAPLEAP is a non-profit dedicated to giving all internet users access to secure communication. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely available.Anarchist Village
LQDN ToolsThis is a meta project to include all discussions and job related to techncal tools developped for and by La quadrature du net.TeaHouse
LightsdA daemon to control your LIFX WiFi smart bulbs. It offers the same level of functionality as the HTTP LIFX API but on your LAN.Noisebridge
Long Island Iced Tea MachinePress button, receive drink.Warsaw Hackerspace
LuciusLucius is a large display consisting of 8 lcd panels. It is used to display live-rendered shaders from shadertoy.com that contain the #32c3 tag (And have Visibility Public+API).HaSi
MagicShifterOpen Persistence of Vision Toy. New Version includes the ESP8266 so it has WiFiLeiwandville
MatrixMatrix is an open standard for decentralised persistent communication over IP.Matrix
MeetlingWeb app for collaboratively preparing meetings.Icmp
Nadja's magnetic Nail Art StudioIn Nadja's magnetic Nail Art Studio we do magnetic Nail Enhancement. Instead of implants, we are doing EXPLANTS! Feel Electric Magnetic Waves! It makes your life easier and more beautiful!AAA
Net2onet2o is a secure p2p networkForth
NewPalmyraThe digital heritage reconstruction of the demolished Palmyra sites.Mozilla
Nsupdate.infoThe Dynamic DNS service you waited for. Non-annoying free software based free service. Supports IPv6 and v4. Can update your own nameserver, relay requests to other dyndns-protocol based services, update whole v6 networks with new prefix, ...Python
OpenKeychainUsable OpenPGP for AndroidStratum 0
Openageopenage is a free software age of empires clone in opengl, c++14 and python.StuStaNet
OpenLab Augsburg
P2S - Public Printer / ScannerWe offer - regarding a fair use - our printer/scanner for public and free use: An old HP ink driven printer (HP psc 1215), with standard USB 2.0 connection. Please print only in blackwhite modus and use it fairly. We only bring 400 sheet of paper with us, but (hopefully) enough black ink.Freiheitsfoo
Paneer makingMaking delicious indian cheese from scratch.
PanopticonA libre cross-platform disassembler written in Rust.Chaos-West
ParkenDDOpen API and Apps to show parking lots in European citiesC3D2 Penta.*
PinMagicPinMagic is a code generator and prototyping tool for platforms like the RaspberryPiOpenLab Augsburg
Pixelatedsecure email solution with special focus on usability based on leap
PixlnPixln is a collection of projects around experiencing, making, hunting, and having fun with pixels for children and educators.
Plattform gegen ÜberwachungMit Überwachung geht die Selbstbestimmung der Gesellschaft und die Freiheit des Einzelnen verloren. Deshalb muss die Problematik der Überwachung mehr in die öffentliche Wahrnehmung gerückt und die Bürgerbewegung dagegen gestärkt werden. Das ist das Anliegen der Plattform gegen Überwachung.Plattform gegen Überwachung
PyneoSoftware for MobilesPyneo
QutebrowserA keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 and QtWebKit.CCC-CH
Rainbow-LollipopAn experimental web-browser for the next decades.OpenLab Augsburg
RasputinHard to kill linearizable auto-sharding database written in RustRust Community
Refugees Emancipation Donation BoxCurrently we're especially looking for: Headsets, tablets, chargers and smartphonesFreifunk
Reproducible-builds.orgReproducible builds enable everyone to recreate bit-by-bit identical binaries from a given source.Reproducible Assembly
Roikier.mediawe make stuff!Chaostreff Flensburg
SMS-Chat-RouletteChat to random strangers via SMS! To start, send SMS to RLTT (7588)!Swiss.asm
SaltstackSaltStack software orchestrates the build and ongoing management of any modern infrastructure. SaltStack is also a very scalable and flexible configuration management software for event-driven automation.Python
Scratch HologramsUse CNC machines to build scratch holograms out of STL filesNerd2Nerd
SeidenstrasseA pneumatic tube system based on vacuum cleaners and drainage pipeSeidenstrasse
Shownot.esshownot.es is a collaborative platform used to write show notes for podcasts.Sendezentrum
SidechannelSetup for a fieldphone net on the CongressSeidenstrasse
SixfwBuilding an easy-to-use, non-bloated firewall that thinks IPv6 first. See my lightning talk!NonattachedNetwork
SmrenderSmrender is a powerful, flexible, and modular rule-based rendering engine for OSM data.Cypherpunk.at
SnackCartTo sustain the Christmas's cheer at the 32c3 by continuing food-service well into the night. Normal folks stop eating at 8pm to prepare to sleep on an empty stomach. Hackers tend to stay up a bit later. To facilitate those who keep hacker hours a snack cart is proposed to provide nutritions and flavorful hacker-made=home-made food to participants after mid-night–in style.
SpaceTimeHelixArt installation - a kinetic light sculpture. This piece is created with Arduino and has a normal controller and a wearable interface - it is a collaboration between hackers and artists. It needs a tall dark space, like in the Anti Error Lounge - it goes as high as we want.Anti Error Lounge
SpeedDatingCamp2015: "We're developing a speed-dating procedure for speed-dating sessions at the Hobelschlunzen village." 32c3: SpeedDating revised.AAA
SubtitlesCreating live transcripts and subtitles by crowdsourcing!
TOTA📡🚽 After the success of our small experiment at the Camp, we are motivated to reiterate the famous TOTA radio activity. TOTA is the acronym for "Toilets on the Air" and tries to encourage ham radio operation from the various toilets in the CCH. It will help us to train operation and you even might to get an entertaining pile-up. QRG 430.200 MHz. Stay tuned for more information.Chaoswelle
TardisAs we did last year we will be bringing a life sized Tardis - the iconic blue POLICE public call BOX - with us for others to see and enjoy. It will also be usable as a public phone of course.Milliways
The WatchtowerThe Watchtower Advanced Threat Countermeasure Utility Nextgeneration Tower We aim to provide perfect security for you and your friends. The watchtower is equipped with sophisticated self-monitoring surveillance systems, highly visible as a deterrent and serves as a symbol of freedom throughout the congress. The Watchtower is there for you.Milliways
TimberdoodleTimberdoodle is an Android application for anonymous device-to-device communication. The underlying protocol takes privacy protection to a "paranoid" level, ensuring unlinkability of sender and recipients and undetectability of communications.Real Ad-hoc Mode Support
UAVP-NGThis is a community-driven open source project building a modern autonomously flying multicopter.UAVP-NG
UnderdarkMobile peer-to-peer mesh networking library for iOS and Android apps.Real Ad-hoc Mode Support
VerfolgungsprofileThe campaign "Verfolgungsprofile" aims to raise public awareness about the increasing deployment of profiling technologies. It is a joint effort by German privacy activist groups "Bündnis Privatsphäre Leipzig" (Leipzig), "#wastun" (Berlin) and "#StopWatchingUs Köln" (Cologne).StopWatchingUs Köln
Wastun gegen Überwachung
Visualizing self-diagnosisBuild a real-time visualization of self-diagnosis based on Wikipedia pageviews data.Edgeryders
Volunteer-PlannerWe will code for http://volunteer-planner.org - fix bugs, describe and implement features.

Description of the website: "You are a volunteer and want to help refugees? Volunteer-Planner.org shows you where, when and how to help directly in the field. This platform is non-commercial and ads-free. An international team of field workers, programmers, project managers and designers are volunteering for this project and bring in their professional experience to make a difference."

Its a shift planning tool like Engelsystem - but with a more decentralized focus (shelters for #refugees).
WikidataWikidata is the world's largest free general purpose knowledge base. As a Wikimedia-run sister project of Wikipedia, it provides machine readable information about just about anything. It's the encyclopedia by bots, for bots.Wikidata
WinkekatzeMQTT controlled Winkekatze aka Maneki-neko, lets create a clowder.Scottish Consulate
World domination
XMPP NotifyXMPP Notifier for the 32c3 FahrplanChaostal

There are 126 announced projects.

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