Contact DECT: tba., Mail: tba., IRC: just talk to ikarus in some of the 32c3 rooms, XMPP:
Description We are a bunch of (former) IT-Security students from Aalen University.
Members Dimi, Drachenreiter, Felix92401, Ikarus, JoBo, LarienNenharma, Littlebifi, M3, MickMigosaw, Rene, Spyk
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Tags rfid, android, proxmark3, sdr, hardware hacking, reverse engineering, archlinux
Registered on 14 November 2015 22:26:15
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings Laptops, small hardware stuff (sdr, raspberrypi, proxmark3, switches, etc.)
Character of assembly just a gathering space
Seats needed 20
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification
Planning notes We really enjoyed the space we got last congress: Just a table within the hardware hacking area (hackcenter).
past congress review This is not our first time at the congress. And not the second either. And not... ;)

Each congress our assembly was moved to a new location. And each time the new location was exiting too. However, we really enjoyed the space in the hardware hacking area (last year). We head a lot of nice conversations with people interested in our projects.

About us

We are a bunch of (former) IT-Security students from Aalen University. We are interested in all things "security" (and beer! ;)

Some projects we work on

  • RFID Hacking
    • Tools: proxmark3, NFC enabled phones
  • Mifare Classic Tool
    • An Android NFC-App for reading, writing, analysing, etc. Mifare Classic RFID-Tags.
    • MCT on github
  • USB Hacking
    • Boards: facdancer21 and teensy31
    • Software: umap
  • SDR-Hacking (rad1o)
  • General software projects
    • "Darknet" based on BitTorrent to share data with your (and only your) friends.


If you are interested in any of our projects you can visit our assembly at <TBA>.

Also, you can try one of these:

  • DECT: tba.
  • Mail: tba.
  • IRC: just talk to ikarus on the typical 32c3 rooms
  • XMPP:
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