Description We are some folks from a mostly German-speaking IRC-Channel.

The abbreviation SDF is the result of our democratic consensus for a name and has no meaning so far.

Members BKA, Baltheit, Dnklgr, Hakase, Herri, Lotti, Miniplane, Nacht, Paul, Phi, Pongo, Rehwanne, Taake, Zwdr
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions Analyse alt misampoitamischer tapeten im kontext der digitalen gesellschaft
Tags irc, community, free society, freedom, gnu plus linux, paper craft, sticker
Registered on 17 November 2015 19:45:23
Location for self-organized sessions no
Self-organized session notes sticker workshop (bring your art with transparency or a white background!)
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings Switch (48 Port, legacy as fck), Printer, Cutting Plotter
Character of assembly just a gathering space
Seats needed 15
Extra seats 10
Assembly specification want quiet place, loud place ok, want low light, want taking pictures banned
Planning notes
past congress review
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz