All about 3d printing and 3d scanning. There will be a lot of printers and people to answer your questions or help you.
January, Obelix
3D printing and scanning
Self-organized Sessions
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Related to assembly
3d printing, 3d scanning, 3d printer, 3d scanner, stl, openscad, cad
Registered on
9 November 2015 17:01:23
Location for self-organized sessions
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Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Obelix: 8 3D printers, 3D Scanner, Stuff.
Character of assembly
place to show and meet
Seats needed
Extra seats
Assembly specification
loud place ok, want sit public, want taking pictures allowed, special requirements power, special requirements other stated below
Planning notes
Bright light would be nice but is not required.Taking pictures is wanted because we want to share prints, printers and all the related technology behind it.
One full 16A 230V is needed for the printers and scanners. Each big printer needs about 2 A, the small one about 0.5 A each and the scanner about 4A. That gives about 15A peak, if all heated printbeds are running at the same time (rare).
The idea is to create some sort of a 3d printing service desk, wehre congress visitors can get prints for their congress projects. Everything is free / give what you want. There will also be a plastic recycling unit (see the Talk re_cycle).
The scanner needs 3x3m. Last year we placed it in front of the wall, which was perfectly fine. The 4 big printers need about 80x80 cm floor space (let's say 1m^2) and 2 or 3 tables would be nice for the 4 small printers and one desktop computer.
past congress review
During the 31C3 we printed a lot of spare parts and bottle clips for attendees. We would like to repeat this at the 32C3.
The requested location is the same as we had at the 31C3 and fitted our needs perfectly.
Everything is free or give-what-you-want.
We'll try to recycle trash into new prints.
Bottle tags
Obelix wants to provide as much bottle tags as possible for everybody.
3D Scanners
Get yourself scanned for free. If you want a nice scan, please follow these suggestions:
- No black or with clothes. Sorry Gandalf!
- No patent leather.
- No fuzzy hair. Bring a brush.
- You have to stand still a little bit. Drink less coffee / ClubMate.