Contact 004369912301240
Description We do have a working open source toolchain for Lattice FPGAs. We can generate a bitstream on a RaspberryPi or on any other CPU.

Planned sessions are : How to reverse engineer an FPGA, How to programm an Lattice FPGA on a RaspberryPi, Verilog 101, how to do Formal Verification of Verilog designs, functions of the icoboard, How to run a 32bit Risc-V CPU inside a FPGA, generating an onchip logic analyser during RTL synthesis, open source Place & Route software for a FPGA,

We will make available some of our Lattice FPGA boards for the RaspberryPi to qualified hackers and demonstrate also cool demos with lots of LEDs.

Clifford will hold a presentation about this toolchain and about the reverse engineering of the FPGA at the main track.

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Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Tags fpga, raspberrypi, opensource, hardware, iot, reverse engineering, linux, led, led
Registered on 11 November 2015 07:53:32
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes How to reverse engineer an FPGA, How to programm an Lattice FPGA on an RaspberryPi, Verilog 101, how to do formal verification of Verilog designs, functions of the icoboard, How to run a 32bit Risc-V CPU inside an FPGA, generating an onchip logic analyser during RTL synthesis, open source Place & Route software for an FPGA,
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Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings 50 FPGA boards for RaspberryPi, Demo installation of FPGA with LED pannel (installation requires about the size of a table), can be put on an table, computer, beamer, Ethernet switch, power multipliers,
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 15
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification want quiet place
Planning notes Clifford will hold his presentation at the main track on the first day at 16:00 in Saal 1, we will afterwards do training sessions on different aspects of the FPGA toolchain and FPGA hardware. We expect quite a crowd to be interested as what Clifford will present is a world-first.
past congress review

We provide all the visitors all know how and hardware to work on and use an open source FPGA toolchain for the 8kLUT Lattice FPGA.

We will give several hand on workshops on all aspects of the hardware and software.

For more information you can see

our software in use:

our demo and hardware:

some of our software:

some of our software:

We will bring a interactive demo running a self designed CPU inside the FPGA driving a 32*32 LED pannel.

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz