Website | |
Contact | Twitter: @nodrama_de |
Description | The Affen-Alarm-Assembly features a wide variety of bloggers, entrepreneurs and professional “Magic:The Gathering” players. We will also host this year's Global International Affen-Alarm World Championship, a M:TG cube draft and Speed Dating sessions. |
Members | Alien, Berndlauert, Buckket, Dnklgr, Erlehmann, N to, Paul, Paulaner, Plomlompom, Sproodl, Waldhaustanne, Waxmuth, Ysanne, Zichy, Zwdr |
Projects | GlobalInternationalAffenAlarmWorldChampionship, Nadja's magnetic Nail Art Studio, SpeedDating |
Self-organized Sessions | Postapocalyptic jewellery workshop |
Tags | twitter, typo3, seo, magicthegathering, mtg, affenalarm |
Registered on | 10 November 2015 16:30:01 |
Location for self-organized sessions | yes |
Self-organized session notes | • Speed Dating (like on cccamp15)
• Affen-Alarm World Championship • “Magic: The Gathering” cube draft • postapocalyptic jewellery workshop |
Other assemblies by tags... | |
Location | Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.