Description The Logan CIJ Symposium about privacy, surveillance and censorship will be held in Berlin on March 11-12, 2016 at bcc Berlin.
Members Ijon, Shiro
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Subassembly of YBTI
Tags privacy, berlin, investigative journalism, surveillance, whistleblowers, crypto
Registered on 1 December 2015 11:26:53
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 3
Extra seats 3
Assembly specification want quiet place
Planning notes We are associated with YBTI and Wau Holland Foundation and Chelsea Manning Support, can we please get our table next to them (in the "Zwischenebene" on the first floor in front of the toilets, where Wau Holland Foundation has been for the last three years). This is, where people will expect us. --> YBTI isn't a parent assembly, I just named this assembly as a parent assembly, because we want to be next to them.

Thank you.

past congress review

The Logan CIJ Symposium brings together a unique and powerful coalition of individuals with a single goal – the defence of freedom and democracy. Join us at our second annual gathering to be held in Berlin on March 11-12, 2016 at bcc (Berlin Congress Center).

Over the years, facts like those revealed by WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden have made clear that we are all vulnerable. Our free speech, human rights, civil liberties and information security, as individuals and as nations, are at risk.

For journalists, the disclosures impacted what we do and, importantly, how we do it. Remarkably, we also discovered allies we didn’t know we had: behind the headlines, reporters, activists, hackers and artists have been collaborating since the 1970s.

Journalists offer hacktivists a social and political context, and are specialists in the presentation and interpretation of facts for a broader audience. Hacktivists, experts in finding, exposing and protecting critical evidence-based material, bring formidable skills and access to information in our increasingly data-driven society.

When joined by artists, whistleblowers, legal and security experts, these communities offer each other, and the general public, charged, highly informed debate. The Logan CIJ Symposium seeks to strengthen these alliances and inspire people to challenge power. Highlighting the importance of high quality investigative journalism the upcoming Logan CIJ Symposium 2016 stands for the commitment to a world free of authoritarian invasions of privacy, that creates fear and threatens free association.

We invite leading international experts: outstanding speakers will share stories about the latest technologies, legal issues, and corporate practices which affect personal and press freedom. Discussing methods and grounds for collaboration all over the world – what our presenters share may surprise you.

The Logan CIJ Symposium is for concerned citizens, reporters, activists, researchers, editors, hacktivists, technologists, security professionals, whistleblowers and students. If you work in human rights, civil liberties, the free press, information security, data management, alternative or mainstream media this is an event not to be missed.

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