Document press reviews! Give us your own feedback! Link to your photos!
The press review can be found here: Press Review
- friendly people everywhere
- many interesting talks
- chillout areas with music by djs
- maps of the cch
- food at the angel area !!!
- dect network
- talk were on time
- Mix from unisex and separated toilets
- the quiet area
- Wiki too unstable / didn't work most of the time; this was in particular a problem not only for self organized sessions but for almost everything else
- The wiki was appearantly available from only some of the provided networks. Why wasn't that communicated?
- Music not bad but often a bit too loud
- Music was not loud enough
- Especially the music outside of saal1 bleeding into saal1 (might also help to close those doors...yes..that solved it!)
- The Intro music was way too loud, and sound in general between the talks were too loud for the time between the talks
- Smoke (from cigarettes) flows out of the big hall (Halle) at stage 0 to the mixed area with much tables and people in it
- Unisex toilets (why was this bad?)
- speakers in lectures sometimes too loud (volume setting on the mixing console)
- no one cared about the "photo policy" (see Flickr or SPON)
- pls use more "photo" / "no photo" buttons
- Why should I use these buttons if "no photos allowed" is printed on every door?
- The default should be, as it has been in the old days (früher(tm)), no photos of faces or displays without given permission. If people get themselves these green buttons to communicate that they may be photographed without asking them that's fine. However, it is, in my opinion, problematic to have this extra level of "no photos" red buttons. It introduces ambiguity, "oh they probably don't mind they haven't got the red one", but in fact they did mind.
- The hoodies were much too small in the size 3XL. They could pass for a size XL. The zipper were just right.
- GSM quality and reliability
- Some theater group started singing in the quiet area. WTF?
- The Design sucks donkey balls. Illegible and not usable for signs or websites (see this wiki), totally missing the motto / the rest of the design, much too late for adapting own works. We'll wear our camp 2011 and 2015 hoodies until entropy come, but this thing will be rightfully buried and forgotten. Especially after having enjoyed the good designs of 31c3 and Camp 2015, this was a major letdown. Please don't repeat this sin for 33c3. (Dynamic logo made of dancing threes, anyone? Bold Typeface? Matching Icon set? Colours? Srsly, Graphics designers, step forward, you have 8 months!)
- Board were Offers / Searches / Changes cards can be placed (simply a wall with postcards offline)
- Integrate Workshops in Fahrplan Apps
- a full map with assemblies and so on to the start of the event, as e.g. on the 29C3
- a quiet room with tables, light (at least enough for reading a longer time) and electricity at best some LAN-Internet, too
- much more sofas
- More unisex toilets. They also help making toilet queues shorter.
- T-Shirt Preorders. Each year, I worry about catching the T-Shirt queue.
- Most rooms at Congress were a bit to warm in my opinion. So 2-3 degrees lower would be more comfortable for me (and I guess most/many others) and also better for environment.
link | description |
---|---| | Flickr stream | | Flickr group | | Photos by Nexus. Feel free to use under CC-BY. |
Lost & Found?!
There is a request tracker for lost&found stuff.
- Sorry to leave the message here - but we lost in the chaos a few things - where and how can I find out if they have been found
- Ich vermisse eine faltbare Matratze, die ich nebem einem Sitzsack im CERT in Raum 16 deponiert hatte. Sie wurde leider herausgetragen, während ich noch unterwegs war.
I'm searching for a foldable mattress which I put next to a 'beanbag' in room 16 / cert für later pick up. While I was searching last things in the CCH, it was carried out and disappeared.