Website | |
Contact | - PGP 0x82478939 - Fingerprint 0399 2BE6 C02F 9948 0E57 44EF 81C6 C11C 8247 8939 |
Description | We are an open an independent initiative, trying to keep an eye on:
a) privacy, human and fundamental rights, especially in context with a more and more digitalized everyday life, including the right to be left alone and the right of anonymous social participation, b) how to manage our gathering and how to treat each other. More information here (only german, sorry!): |
Members | AdPC, Micha |
Projects | APB - Anonymous Paper Bag, P2S - Public Printer / Scanner |
Self-organized Sessions | Versammlungsfreiheit in Gefahr |
Related to assembly | Analoge Gesellschaft |
Tags | datenschutz, überwachung, privatsphäre, politics, activism, surveillance, privacy |
Registered on | 10 November 2015 20:45:08 |
Location for self-organized sessions | no |
Self-organized session notes | workshop on freedom of assembly; more information soon |
Other assemblies by tags... | |
Location | Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
freiheitsfoo is a small experimental, non-profit, open and independent group in Germany since 09/2013. Our topic may be everything around privacy and human rights in a more and more digitalized world, that one or more of us care about. But we also try to focus on how to be, to work and live together. Our core is our open mailinglist, but we also provide a wiki and a blog.