Website | http://ultraschall.fm |
Contact | Ralf Stockmann |
Description | Forging a DAW for podcast producers |
Members | |
Projects | create project |
Self-organized Sessions | create self-organized session |
Subassembly of | Sendezentrum |
Tags | podcast, daw, audio |
Registered on | 22 November 2015 21:20:53 |
Location for self-organized sessions | no |
Other assemblies by tags... | |
Location | Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Podlove and Auphonic handed us podcast producers powerful tools, but an optimized environment for the actual recording and production of the podcasts was missing.
The various DAWs (digital audio workstations) have their own pros and cons in terms of costs and features. Reaper is hitting a widely recognized sweet spot here: one obtains the Swiss army officer's knife of DAWs, developed by audio nerds (the old Winamp team) for Mac and Windows. One problem, though: Reaper's aesthetics -- rooted in the Windows world -- are a medium impertinence. Additionally, dozens of presets are well-tuned for music production, but out-of-the-box these are nearly absurdly wrong for us podcasters, such as the use of musical bars as time units.
The Ultraschall distribution of presets, layouts and a theme tries to hack Reaper as much as humanly possible for podcast production. This goal is approached from three levels:
• Design. A simple, minimalistic impression is aspired to. Distracting ornaments are unwelcome. Superfluous or redundant icons and menu entries are rigorously removed.
• Guided by workflow. Podcasters produce completely differently from musicians. We usually have the three phases of preparation, (live) show and post-production. Ultraschall's program composition is guided by these three phases and one can switch between the respective views back and forth at will.
• Rapid access to podcast features. Functions that are useful for us are prominently placed: setting and naming chapter markers, their export to Auphonic and Podlove, routing presets for pre-show and live show (Skype N-1), a Soundboard for audio shorts, as well as ripple edit that keeps tracks in sync, and so much more!