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A project is a collaborative enterprise that brings together certain people, groups or communities. A project is normally connected to one or multiple Static:Villages. You can use a project page to describe the different things which go on in your village, besides Static:Self-organized Sessions and regular camping.

Please browse through this list to find interesting projects, but even more important: Browse through the camp-site and and have a chat with the people from the projects you found interesting!

If you work on some project on Camp or just want to show on what you are usually working, you're encouraged to tell others about your presence and what you're doing.

So, if you like, create a page containing information about you and your project using the project form. You can also add a project section to your village page.

List of projects

List of Projects

3D HeadquarterWe bring 3D printing service with two i3 Berlin printers provided from our lovely small 3D Headquarter hackerspace in Berlin Mitte.BER
3D printing and scanningChat about 3d printing, see printers and/or get help.Neighbourhood Nerds
ALUHUT workshopWorkshop to make your own Aluhut - tin foil hat.C-base
AfRA electronics lab at BER workshop tentAfRA has brought and set up (almost) its entire electronics lab at the BER workshop tent (in the c-base village).C-base
Amalettomatnomz making robots!LeiwandVille
AnelokThe Anelok project aims to build a small portable password safe that stores accounts and passwords, and can retrieve and use them in various ways (via display, USB, RF). In order to ensure maximum reviewability (and also because it's The Right Thing To Do), the project follows an "open everything" approach, with source code, hardware design, artwork, development process, and also the tools we use being openly available.Neo
Anti-harassment fairiesIn case of harassment at the Queer Feminist Geeks Village, there will always be someone of us ready to help and assist.Queer Feminist Geeks
ArduinoSynthKitA simple but cool (and inexpensive) (and hackable) music synthesizer kit. Intended for people who: want to learn to solder, want to make cool noises and music, and optionally want to learn digital signal processing (from the well-documented code and extra documentation). To make it easy to hack, it is Arduino-compatible.
ArtYou can create art and beauty on a computer. Every human being is an artist (Joseph Beuys). Every artist is human being (Martin Kippenberger). Every human being can be a hacker (Wau Holland). Every hacker is an artist. (ST)
AstrophotographyLangzeitbelichtung über Nachführendes Stativ (Computergesteuert mit Stellarium) und DSLR Camera. Anschließende Auswertung der Bilder mit Datenbankabgleich der Bilder über Aladin Sky Atlas.Chaos West
AutomatedPrayingMachineAt OHM2013 a had a little screen protection setup with some servos, called the Automated Praying Machine (or Automated Flying Spaghetti Monster Praying Machine). This year's version will be bigger, better and possibly even interactive. At least, i bought servos that wont start to melt after 5 minutes.LeiwandVille
BEECreativeBring makerspace movement to luxembourgish schools
BLE Speed & Cadence SensorPlaying with Bluetooth Low Energie Sensors
  • Fitness Tracker
  • Speed & Cadence Sensor
  • TI Sensor Tag
BLE signal variances in a crowdCollecting RSSI and environmental (pressure, temperature, humidity) data from iBeacons located in crowd
Baseflightbaseflight is a 32bit no-fuzz multicopter firmware perfect for fun-flying
BetterCapA complete, modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framework.Italian Embassy
BigBoardsEver heard of this thing called Big Data? No, you don't need a large cluster for that. We build personal data clusters that you can put on your desk and help you to become a Big Data expert in no time.Open Garage
BigRepLarge-scale BigRep One.2 FFF 3D-Printer.C-base
Bl1ncBring the social dimension into gaming: bl1nc : a two player handheld gaming deviceMainframe
BlinkendomeColorful Dome with Blinkenlights and a fog machineLeiwandVille
BlinkenschlafenTent illumination colored according to the current sleep stage of the sleeping person inside. Info screen coming tonight (day 3).NeuroVillage
BpmDjBpmDj helps you to create Mixtapes. This year: no talk, but action. Come visit us to try it.
Brain-DuinoThe system is designed to process, visualize and feedback multiple channels of brainwave data

correlated to collective neural firing patterns, to allow the user to reshape neuron connections in the brain

through visual, auditory and haptic feedback stimuli and brainwave entrainment.
Bubble wrap LoungeLounge featuring a heck of a lot of bubble wrapLeiwandVille
C-boocc-booc - 20 years of c-base in a book We'll be releasing a book, which will document the excavation regarding 20 years of c-base history.C-base
C3ROCThe Radio Operation Center organised the Orga Communication on DMR UHF radio and make the frequency coordination on the camp. The C3ROC is located on HeavenHeaven
C3TalkguideA totally subjective non-official guide for CCCamp2015 talks. Sumit your own rating today!
Camp-FroggerThis is a small Frogger clone with camp vehicles. Feel free to edit cool stuff! Look at the website link to download it:)Frankonian
CampInSkyTrust in BiohackingInfuanfu
CamplapseDoing some timelapses / videos of the camp for a small "aftermovie" Feel free to share drone footage, timelapses, own created music etc @ Frubar VillageFrubar
CampmapThe makers and breakers of, an inofficcial Map of the CCCamp15 will work here. Maybe.C3VOC
CampradioWe have an FM Transmitter on 89,3 MHz on camp site. And DAB+ also on channel 10B.MuCCC
Capture the CatcherObjective: Find ways to exploit or crash an IMSI catcher.
CarComputersWe have a couple of cars on site with ongoing car-computer projects. Aims are multiple, but mainly eye gaze tracking and blink pattern recognition with video and EEG signals.Spanish village
Chaos TownGet down on the dancefloorChaos Town
Chernobyl SimulatorInteractive art-installation "simulating" RBMK reactor.PRKL
Code of Conduct of the Feminist Queer Trans VillageBuilding a "Code of Conduct": a statement that corresponds to the needs and the experiences of people, both within the Queer Feminist Geeks village itself and the broader CCC Camp community.Queer Feminist Geeks
Coffeenerds LiteLite version of the coffeenerdsFrubar
CorebootA fast and flexible Open Source firmware.BER
CrashPlay *Crash!*, a game full of intergalactic fun and inofficial spin-off from the CCCamp story.BER
D1poleA 3d-printed center part for your own Dipole (D1pole) tuned on a frequency of your choosing.Amateur Radio
DAB+ Digital RadioDevelopment of free open source tools for Digital Radio broadcasting.

Community gathering of opendigitalradio.

Setup of a low power Digital Radio DAB+ Broadcast over the camp (channel 10B, 211.648 MHz)
DAO SpaceDAO stands for Distributed Autonomous Organisation. Simply put, as any organisation, DAO is a system of governance: set of rules by which it's elements of the system interact with each other and with other systems. We will be looking at and trying out technologies developed during the past 2 years to prototype and build DAOs.Building Utopia
DAO Space Distributed Radio
DL0MUCThe Amateur Radio Club Station of the MuCCCMuCCC
DN42dn42 is a big dynamic VPN, which employs Internet technologies (BGP, whois database, DNS, etc). Participants connect to each other using network tunnels (GRE, OpenVPN, Tinc, IPsec) and exchange routes thanks to the Border Gateway Protocol. dn42 can be used to learn networking and to connect private networks, such as hackerspaces or community networks. But above all, experimenting with routing in dn42 is fun!
DVB-TWe will provide the camp live-streams (video and audio) on traditional distribution ways DVB-T a and DVB-T2 on three channels, each with approx. 6 Watt ERP power.MuCCC
DamalsTMdamalsTM is a humble, long-term, German-language podcast projectC-base
DarkChannelA crypto agnostic, secure, modern, relay chat protocolUAVP-NG
Dauerausstellung Schilderwald Brandenburg 2015Signs and friendly little things everywhere!Hackspace Siegen
Dead Tree LoversWe love books. Bring books to donate to our library! Chat with us about library systems. etc
Derail the trainHowto derail a train cartDarksystem
DevuanDevuan is a fork of Debian which removes its new dependency on systemd.Italian Embassy
Dogecoinmuch coin, reach moonBitcoin
Drive a MoonroverDrive a small version of our moon rover Asimov!SpaceVillage
DroneMotelsDrone charging station.Idiopolis
EFFElectronic Frontier Foundation
EL WireElektrolumineszenz to the rescue!RealVille
ESP-FUN/dev/lol (silent)
EaternityFood is responsible for about 30% of our greenhouse gas emissions. We created a software tool to make it possible for everyone to calculate the CO₂-impact for meals. Check us out if you want to save the world ; )CCC-CH
EspLightAn open source ESP8266 WiFi LED strip controller.Idiopolis
Slackers on holiday
Exponential GrowthExponential Growth: A full Body ExperienceHack the Planet.
FAU FabLabWe'll bring a CO2-LasercutterICMP
FAUST CTFOnline attack-defense taking place in N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ December 2015ICMP
FFOBZBBuidling a wired telephone Network using FF OB/ZB Phones.Hacksaar
FHB pizza ovenWe will build a temporary wood-fired pizza oven so we can make some healthy pizza's for everyone to appreciate.Foodhackingbase
FPGA for General Purpose ComputingTalking about and forming ideas about FPGAs for everyone.Geraffel
FabLabTruckFab Lab Truck is a mobile Fabrication Lab with laser cutter, 3d printers and a vinyl cutter. We bring some materials (plexiglas, wood, etc too). You're welcome to use our laser, make your own t-shirt or use one of our 3D printers.Hardware Hacking Area
Fairy Dust FMThe Join-In-And-Broadcast-Whatever-You-Like-Radio-Station on the camp grounds.
Fhb probiotic drinks everywhereBrew healthy and tasty probiotic drinks for the CCC camp with Food Hacking Base.Foodhackingbase
Field TelephoneField Telephones no power much profitLeiwandVille
Amateur Radio
Firefox contributing'Fix a bug -> get a t-shirt' Look up a bug in a mozilla project like firefox or firefox os, fix it, get a mozilla t-shirt.Entropolis
Fpv rovera small radicontrolled rover equiped with a 5.8ghz analog video linkAquarius
Fridafrida is an interactive disassembler based on LLVM and Qt. It is also Free Software! frida is cross-platform -- it can run on basically any Unixoid System as well as Mac OS X and Windows and it can handle Binarys for every architecture LLVM supports (and there are a lot of them!). It currently supports ELF and PE binaries and has some support for MachO files.ICMP
Genesis.regenesis: source, beginning, origin. RE: restart, renew, reset.
GeodomeA geodesic dome to house our chaotic village in.Idiopolis
GlobaLeaksGlobaLeaks is an OpenSource Anonymous Whistleblowing Software Framework operating since 2011, developed by the folks at Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights and used for by activists, anticorruption ngo, investigative journalist groups and media. It's multi-user, multi-context with an advanced questionaries builder, ability to integrate directly into website, to run multiple whistleblowing initiatives on the same servers. Made in Python (Twisted) + Javascript (AngularJS), it's packaged as a debian application, integrated with Tor, is working towards moving encryption from server with GnuPG to client with OpenPGP.js .Italian Embassy
Gnomus BeerlistThe list of people with whom I would like to have a beer at the Camp
GurkFinally we inventend "Gurk" a mix of original "Gerald's Gurkenschnaps" and Mate. Gerald's Gurkenschnaps is a special liquor from our hometown Coburg.

Our first volunteers of Hackzogtum are still allive and we decided to offer probes in an open alpha market study. Meet us anywhere at the camp wandering around with our Bollerwagen from 11:00 p.m. till the Gurkenschnaps is gone.

For more information call GURK (4875) on DECT.
Frankonian Village
Hacker BeachA spontaneous gathering of hackers on a tropical island. Happens every year in January, in a different unusual place.The Oblivion Bar
HackerfleetHackerfleet STILL conquers the seven seas. That is indeed a long and tedious task, but we're coming along well :)C-base
Hacking With CareTwinned with La Quadrature du Net's Tea House is Hacking With Care corner !

Here you can receive, learn, give, Peer-to-Peer massages and other well-being wonders, consult resources compiled in our homemade folders, pick-up tips & tools for body & soul balance in general and in the specific contexts of hacking and activism.

Look for our massage/movement/somatic awareness workshops, book (on site) an individual care sessions, or join us for tea time conversations: Let's explore what makes us feel good or bad and good again, spirited and strong - Let's take care of each other <3
La Quadrature du Camp
Hacking the Freedom of Information ActYou hack computers, I hack the law. The world needs it to be very easy to make legal requests for government information through the Freedom of Information Act. It's not! Help! More detail and lots of design ideas in the full description.Tactical Tech
Hardware Hacking PlaygroundHack a bunch of devices or try to crash our IMSI catcher.Hardware Hacking Playground
Henna Tattoonice henna tattoosSpaceVillage
HufeisenbarChill-Out-Lounge und Cocktailbar - The chilled place to hang outBER
HängemattengartenGestelle für Hacker und Ihre HängemattenFrama
IJduinoAn arduino, breadboard and 8x8 led display!Idiopolis
IdiocubatorAn Idiocubator is a service that helps new and startup villages to develop by providing services such as training or space.Idiopolis
Illumos HackingWe would like to work on Illumos to improve the Kernel, Userland and maybe some distributions. We're basically friends who like Illumos so we also have some talks and other stuff.Frubar
KnittingVilleBring your knitting projects or learn how to knit.LeiwandVille
KoKtAiL BoTWe bring our cocktailbot which is based on the bartendro b15 kit provided by california based Partyrobotics. we want to connect to other robotics geeks/nerds as well as provide visitors with cocktail drinks. We wont charge any money though donations are welcome.
Kombinat23We'll cook food. It will be amazing.Infuanfu
KosmosOpen-source group communication for the 21st centuryThe Oblivion Bar
KryoFluxKryoFlux is an USB floppy controller, which can read almost every floppy format ever created and can create preservation-quality dumps for emulation and writing back to other floppies.Chaos West
LEA 3A large pond that luminates under the right circumstancesNOP
LaaSLaaS (Location as a Service) is an open-source hardware device to provide location bound audio playback for museum style applications.Infuanfu
LasertagReverse engineering a commercial lasertag system, and building new guns and targets.Königlich Bayerisches Amtsvillage
LeGiz- Documentary TeamWe're shooting a documentary about the Chaos Communication Camp 2015.
LeapLEAP is a non-profit dedicated to giving all internet users access to secure communication. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely availableAnarchist
LoklakWe help to organize ourself, with messages, location information, event dates and live view of what is going on at the camp. We provide (not only) a GeoJson API where everyone can post live activities and such events can be shown on a map. We aim to visualize activites at the CCCamp using this framework, starting with temperatures of the Datenklos, Talk event details and all the stuff that you want to announce.
Machine love?cultural studies research project on practices of programming and creativityC-base
MagicShifterMagicShifter is an open source hardware gadget for lighting, gaming, and POV applications.LeiwandVille
MatelightTransform a bunch of empty mate crates to a huge display using a 15 year old laptop, a 13US$ microcontroller board and a couple of cheap chinese christmas lights.C-base
Model Rockets for KidsWe build model rockets with kids. Its fun 🚀Family Village
Model rockets and morei will bring 30 +x very cool model rocket kits with adjustable launchpad and ~10 +x kits for startboxes.SpaceVillage
MonkeyopolisBuild a so called 'monkeyhut', which is pretty much the default shelter-construction at Burning Man. It uses relatively little materials with a good amount of space in return.Idiopolis
MoonbounceAmateur Radio signals to the Moon and back again.LeiwandVille
Amateur Radio
MusicPlayerMusic player in Python with infinite intelligent queue and simple modular structure.Deep Learning Hackers
Neo900Neo900 is a project that aims to make an open smartphone that incorporates a number of novel security features that can help to detect and/or suppress rogue behaviour of untrusted subsystems.Neo
NeurofeedbackTry a neurofeedback session with one of 10 commercial and self-built EEGs.NeuroVillage
NodeDMXWe'll have some DMX lights and other devices to hack on.Frubar
Notillus 3D-PrinterOpen source 3d printer developed in MakeSpace MadridSpanish village
NurdNodeThese are DMX connected, 24V powered RGB led spotlights, mounted on a pan&tilt head.Idiopolis
Open Technology FundOTF supports technology-centric efforts that empower world citizens to have access to modern communication channels that are free of restrictions, and allow them to communicate without fear of repressive censorship or surveillance.Noisy Square
Open government data in germanyopen government data in germany? what (the fuck) is going on?Open Data
OpenBSCFree Software implementation of network-side GSM protocol stacks, including minimal features of BSC, MSC, VLR, HLR, AUCOsmocom Village
OpenLieroXextremely addictive realtime worms shoot-em-up 2DDeep Learning Hackers
OpenSCADOpen Source 3D modelling tool / DSL for hackers & programmers. See also
OsmocomBBFree Software GSM protocol stack running on a / as a mobile phone in GSM networks.Osmocom Village
POC - Pizza Operation CenterMake your own pizza in our pizza oven. We also have Tschunk, Club-Mate and other refreshing products from Loscher.ICMP
Physical BrowsergameEmbed a browsergame into open hardware./dev/lol (silent)
PixelflutShare a projection display with the whole camp - collaboratively or more likely competitively writing single pixels via a network protocolBigWhoop
PlottedCircuitBoardIn the AfRA we got a neat, little, old, Siemens plotter we use to mask copper boards to etch them afterwards.AfRA
Power your gadgets off-gridElectricity is a limited resource at this camp. Let us try to power as many of your gadgets as possible from solar, wind, etc.
PublicStreamingAt the Camp, the c3voc will provide a free audio-streaming infrastructure for everybody who wants to transmit music, sound or noise to the world wide webs. Those streams will appear side-by-side with the main video- and audio-streams.C3VOC
QtPassQtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.Idiopolis
Quadcopter drone moddingCheap, hackable quadcopter drone toysIdiopolis
Qubes OSQubes is a free and open source operating system focused on security and anonymity. It is based on Xen and is compatible with Debian, Whonix, Fedora, and Windows.Noisy Square
Queer Feminist Geek ManifestoThis will be a document we'll be able to take from Camp. We'll meet to discuss our idea of geekness and hacking, and how to start meeting regularly to create/invent new ways of living hacking. Maybe look at the Riot Code Grrrl Manifesto: as a reference?Queer Feminist Geeks
QueersplainingQueer people explaining basic terms and concepts about gender, harassment, feminism, use of pronouns...Queer Feminist Geeks
RFC4824A working implementation of RFC4824. We brought flags, bring interfaces!Darksystem
Rad1oThe 2015 Camp Badge is the rad1o and contains a full-featured SDR (software defined radio) transceiver, operating in a frequency range of about 50 MHz - 4000 MHz, and is software compatible to the HackRFMuCCC
Rad1o SleeveBy way of silicone molding, we create sleeves for the rad1o badges. Pay us a visit and learn about silicone molding! We'll bring enough silicone to create about 70-100 sleeves. One of these could be yours, made by yourself!BigWhoop
Rad1o-controlledI want to control some Hardware via rad1o.Chaos West
RandomFtpGrabberrandomly grabs stuff from the FTPSDeep Learning Hackers
RcccampBereitstellung von Unterkünften für RefugeesCCCamp
Refugee Action DayWe are dedicating the resources of our village for workshops, talks and gatherings on topics related to one of the most important topics of our time: finding solutions for helping a surge of people on the run from war and conflict, famine and poverty and other disastrous conditions. Lets gather to discuss how the technical community can provide support for people in dire need. Sunday, August the 16th will be Refugee Action Day at camp. Join us!V01d
RemoteStorageAn open protocol for per-user storageThe Oblivion Bar
ReplicantFully free Android distribution for mobile devices.Neo
Reproducible BuildsThe idea of “deterministic” or “reproducible” builds is to empower anyone to verify that no flaws have been introduced during the build process by reproducing byte-for-byte identical binary packages from a given source.Debian
RoboCupRoboCup is an international initiative with the aim to promote robotics and AI. The vision is to develop a team of fully autonomous robots, which would win a soccer game against the most recent FIFA champion by 2050. Our team just returned from the RoboCup world championship in China. Drop by and see humanoid robots play soccer.Adapt
S.darklab.orgWelcome to's Stuttgart ChapterInfuanfu
SIMtraceEmbedded hardware, firmware and software for sniffing data between phone and SIM cardOsmocom Village
SLTTSchwarzLicht-TischTennis (black light table tennis). We play ping pong in the dark with a ball and table illuminated by black light.C-base
Satellite CommunicationLet's talk to other people using satellitesAmateur Radio
SchlafHackMaskeWe will host a workshop for building a sleep mask that helps to induce lucid dreams by sending light or sound cues to the dreamer while dreaming. There are many projects out there, commercial (e.g. REM-Dreamer, Remee) and open ones as well (e.g. Luziduino), completed and unblushingly long overdue ones like Luciding and Aurora.

We have all the stuff and research in place to build a cheap and open, working prototype sleep hacking mask from scratch during the camp in a workshop that can:

  • detect REM sleep
  • send light or sound cues while REM sleep is on
  • fit without slipping out of place or disturb sleep
    As the mask must fit well, it has to be invidually adapted for each wearer, even better be build by the wearer themselves.
  • NeuroVillage
    SelfStreamingHow to stream TV Signals to a network using multicast on a large scaleSelfnet
    Sgizersgizer is a toolkit/simulator for the BSM-SG physics modelC3D2 is a collaborative platform used to write show notes for podcasts.Sendezentrum
    Sketchnotes: Let's Draw TogetherSketchnotes, drawings and creative note-taking. we will also provide daily draw together and make a longer talk as introduction on friday.OpenCodeTown
    Sketchup workshopI will give a tour around Google Sketchup and we'll try to build a small logo with it. Maybe we can 3d print our results afterwards.C-base
    SmartCardSmartCard OpenPGP card use with PGP & TAILS, X.509 Certificates, and turning your Smart phone into a SmartCard reader. Keep all your crypto material off your computer.La Quadrature du Camp
    SockethubA polyglot messaging service for social and interactive web apps.The Oblivion Bar
    Speed DatingSpeed dating. Get to know people for various social / interpersonal purposes.Hobelschlunzen
    Strichlistestrichliste (ʃtʀɪçˈlɪstə, German word for tally sheet) is a tool to replace a tally sheet inside a hackerspace. It is the first project developed by members of the bamberg hackerspace, backspace. It’s aim is to provide a no-frills, easy-to-setup and -to-use solution for managing your organization’s snack bar.Frankonian Village
    SurströmmingskalasForget all the videos with people eating surströmming right from the can. We'll show you the correct way to eat it. Tasting session at the Swedish Embassy at Saturday 18:00.Swedish Embassy
    TeledildonicsAnalysis, reverse engineering and innovation of sex toys for the internet of sexytimes
    TelefonzellingMetalab Phone Booth and Selfie BotLeiwandVille
    Tesla CoilTesla Coil. Big sparks. Loud noise. Wow.Idiopolis
    Testproject 0815
    TextanalyseworkshopAnalysis of popular classic germansong lyrics (Scooter etc)Darksystem
    The one ringRing making workshop. Forge your own silver ring from scratchFoodhackingbase is a group of exciting projects which together create a system for doing both recording and live event streaming for conferences, meetings, user groups and other presentations.

    At CCCamp15 we hope to concentrate on our HDMI2USB project, which aims to create fully open capture hardware for conference and user group recording. Our current boards are based around a Spartan 6 FPGA, making hardware problems software!

    We'll also be collaborating on Voctomix with the C3VOC team and looking at using the Rad1o to capture from wireless microphones.
    Totalism Hackbase (CHT)The Totalism Hackbase (Cyberhippietotalism / CHT) is:
    • coliving hackerspace, in Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain), founded in 2011
    • attended by people flying in for an average of 2 weeks and living in the desert/vulcanoes/ocean environment and setting up a space for that there.
    • an infrastructure research lab.
    TrainWe plan to build our own low-cost pallet train.Das Labor
    TrainquilizerTrainquilizer is a lounge on rail trucks. Let's build and board the soul train! The goal is to have a slow sight seeing trip through the camp.BER
    Travel hackingInterested in cheap (air) travel, hotel rooms that are significantly cheaper (or bigger) than they should be? Spending too much time on Flyertalk(.com), Milepoint(.com) and the like? Let's talk.
    UAVP-NGThis is a community-driven open source project building a modern autonomously flying multicopter.UAVP-NG
    UsablePrivacyBoxA raspberry Pi 2 based Wifi access point that transparently filters advertisements and trackers.LeiwandVille
    Useless building lotsCreate useless building lots like everyone knows them from Berlin.BER
    VoctomixGStreamer based application mixing/compositing live video and audio from various sources. Successor of DVswitch and gst-switch. Tailored to the needs of the C3VOC.C3VOC
    We'll Make Us A Gnu OneIPv6 is history. Here come cryptographic routing systems that allow for a GNU Internet that has no authorities to ask for IP numbers, domains, certificates. We choose end-to-end authenticity and security, anonymous and invisible to surveillance agents. We coded ourselves more than one such routing system, now it is time to explain…
    • how would a new Internet work
    • why it is the answer
    • how to get started using it
    • how to adapt applications to operate in distributed thinking
    • how to get people onto the streets asking for an Internet upgrade
    • how to shut down the mass surveillance nightmare and get back to having fun again
    • how to get our opponents to like our plan
    La Quadrature du Camp
    Weather & Air Quality SensorWeather & air quailty sensor, loads data toöniglich Bayerisches Amtsvillage
    Weather StationSolar-Powered Enviromental Sensor based on an an esp8266 module. The Sensor will measure Temperature, Humidity, UV Index, Light-Intensity and Barometric Pressure.Idiopolis
    WeatherballoonWe launched a Weatherballoon to the upper Stratosphere. We reached 38km altitude.Chaos West
    WebTorrentWebTorrent is a streaming torrent client for node.js and the browser. YEP, THAT'S RIGHT. THE BROWSER. It's written completely in JavaScript – the language of the web – so the same code works in both runtimes.OpenCodeTown
    WimmelbildThe entire camp in one picture.Omnomnom
    WingWing-UAVA small UAV based on the cheap hobbyking WingWing airframe. the goal is to achive autonomus flight using the Lisa/M autopilot as well as the posibility of fpv control.Aquarius
    WinkekatzeAn MQTT controlled Winkekatze aka Maneki-neko./dev/lol (silent)
    Wir bauenCollaborative architecture. On Twitch we live-stream a large construction site. Using chat you tell us where to place bricks. Let's build something awesome to hang out in at night!
    WishYouWereHereWriting postcards to imprisoned hackers, bloggers and whistleblowers. Tell them we miss them and show your support! We've made 2.500 postcards, but do also bring your own.Noisy Square
    World Crypto NetworkWorld Crypto network is an open geographically decentralised media channel which covers recent news in the world of cryptocurrency. We also cover decentralised technology.DAO Space and Bitcoin Village
    XMPP NotifyXMPP Notifier for the Camp FahrplanChaostal
    Z-UnoThe aim of this project is to introduce hackers to Z-Uno - Arduino-like developer board for Z-Wave IoT devices - and RaZberry/Z-Way - Z-Wave shield for Raspberry Pi.Lemanicus
    ZeopiDas Schlaflabor für zuhauseNeuroVillage

    There are 189 announced projects.