Village:Hardware Hacking Area
Website | |
Contact | mitch AT CornfieldElectronics DOT com
DECT: 2676 (CORN) |
Description | The Hardware Hacking Area is a large area at CCCamp 2015 for people of all ages and skill levels to come together and play, create, fix, teach, learn, and share in many and diverse realms of making all sorts of physical things. Lots of tools are available. Location: in the Belgian Village on the west side of CCCamp. |
Members | Maltman23, MeTA, Milosch, Tdr |
Projects | FabLabTruck |
Self-organized Sessions | 128 GPIOs on my RasPI, ArduinoForTotalNewbies, LearnToSolder, Playing with FPGAs, Skull Radio Workshop |
Subvillage of | Village:Belgian |
Tags | hardware, hardware hacking, soldering, solder, tools, hha, arduino |
Registered on | |
Location for self-organized sessions | Yes |
Other villages by tags... | |
Location | 122.72026, 160.52267 |
The Hardware Hacking Area is a huge area at CCCamp 2015 for people of all ages and skill levels to come together and play, create, fix, teach, learn, and share in many and diverse realms of making all sorts of physical things.
There will be ongoing workshops of many topics, all self organized through the Sessions wiki form (type in: "Hardware Hacking Area" in the "Village" field). This area is open all day and all night throughout CCCamp 2015.
Lots of shiny things! Lots of workshops! Come learn to solder, learn to make things with electronics, learn to make things with metal, fabric . . .
All ages, all skill levels, all welcome!
The Hardware Hacking Area is in the Belgian Village, on the west side of CCCamp. map
- Workshop, fixing, and Creating space
- 50+ soldering irons
- hand tools
- power tools
- lots of AC power
- beamer
- sound system
- space to give and take workshops
- space for talks/presentations
- space for demos of your cool projects
Give a Workshop!
Want to give a workshop? Please do! There will be ongoing workshops of many topics. Please go to the Sessions wiki form, and enter your workshop info (in the form, type in: "Hardware Hacking Area" in the "Village" field). This area is open all day and all night throughout CCCamp 2015.
Demo Your Project!
Want to give a demo of your project? Please do! We have plenty of table space, and plenty of space. Please go to the Sessions wiki form, and enter what you need for your demo (in the form, type in: "Hardware Hacking Area" in the "Village" field). This area is open all day and all night throughout CCCamp 2015.
Give a Talk About Making and Hacking Stuff!
Want to give a talk about your project? Please do! We have an area for giving talks about all sorts of cool physical projects of all sorts. Please go to the Sessions wiki form, and enter info about your talk (in the form, type in: "Hardware Hacking Area" in the "Village" field). This area is open all day and all night throughout CCCamp 2015.
We can use help!
If you would like to help, please add your name to this table.
If you need help adding your name, please contact Mitch.
User | I can help with | stuff I'll bring | Notes | Contact |
Mitch | teaching soldering, helping organize, setup, tear down | soldering tools, cool kits | mitch*AT*CornfieldElectronics*DOT*com | |
User:tdr | soldering lessons, helping organize, setup,workshops | Some kits | tdr112*AT*gmail*DOT*com | |
User:Mithro | FPGA stuff, VHDL, Verilog, etc? | Whole bunch of FPGA dev boards, see Projects:TimVideos | mithro*AT*mithis*DOT*com | |
User:Jaap | Laser cutting/ 3D printing / Tshirt making / Electronics | Fab Lab Truck | jaap *AT* DECT: MAKE | |
User:YourUserName | WhatYouWantToHelpWith | WhatYouBring | YourNotes | YourContactInfo |