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Description Forget all the videos with people eating surströmming right from the can. We'll show you the correct way to eat it. Tasting session at the Swedish Embassy at Saturday 18:00.
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Self-organized sessions create self-organized session
Tags food, anarchism
Located at village Village:Swedish_Embassy
Other projects... ... further results

We have one can of surströmming ("fermented herring") that we will have a tasting session with. One can will probably be enough for plenty of people. Served on crispbread with sour cream, cooked potato and chopped onion, and of course snaps! We'll meet up at Saturday, 18:00 in the Swedish Embassy and head somewhere safe.

You'll get a taste of surströmming the correct way and we will also provide you with snaps! We'll be drunk so get drunk or bring more booze and we'll have a great time!

This is our only project (I think) and we've been drunk for the most of the time so we'll see how it goes! I also think that we'll have an lightning talk about surströmming, we'll see!