Static:Self-organized Sessions
[hide]Self-organized Sessions
Usually we called this section "workshops". Then we told you on this page, that a workshop doesn't need to be an event with hands-on and making – but sure it could! We said that a "workshop" is just something, that happens at a special time and place. Therefore we changed the name to "Self-organized Sessions" that includes everything - everything that is organized by you!
Such an event can be...
- ... a gathering of a project group or on a special topic,
- ... a contest or a game
- ... a small talk or lecture
- ... a screening of a movie
- ... something with music, literature and art
- ... a follow-up-discussion on one ob the "big talks" or another topic that happened rencently
- ... everything else you think that needs to take place at the camp
- ... and hey, it might even be a workshop!
Your Self-organized Session goes Camp
On this page you can find a list of planned self-organized sessions by participants of the Camp and you'll find the necessary information to create your own one.
The idea is, that we will be able to provide a global workshop and talk calendar: Everyone being at the Camp is able to look at this Static:calendar and will find out what self-organized sessions are currently running besides the talks.
To register your self-organized sessions just use the self-organized session form.
- For now, the crucial information are
- Name of the self-organized session (which will be used as the site name)
- Abstract (short description, 1-3 sentences)
- valid email address (might be used by the orga team to contact you)
- The following information can also be added later
- detailed description, it will be the main body of your session page (that's the Free text field: This field allows the usual mediawiki syntax, feel free to add URLs, pictures etc)
- some information about the person and village performing the self-organized session
- rough start- and end-time for the schedule
- location
Please select a location for your self-organized Session while filling the form.
- Session tents
We provide a corner (around 1/3rd of the whole area) of the three hackcenter/workshop tents for your self-organized sessions:
- Villages
All villages that have selected maybe or yes in the section "Provides location for sessions" in the village form will show up as a location. Please get in touch with the village concerned, if you want to use their location for your session.
Some villages are happy to host "external" sessions, eg:
- please add your village and your topics wanted :)
Registered Self-organized Sessions
Already registered self-organized sessions are available as list or calendar. You can use the existing self-organized sessions as a reference, if you are unsure how it should look like.
The calendar is updated using the semantics feature of the self-organized sessions form and template. This may take some time, so be patient...
There are 383 registered self-organized sessions.
List of Sessions
description | |
15 Jahre | Im Sommer 2004 erschienen die erste Artikel auf Was als Seitenprojekt begann, entwickelte sich in 15 Jahren zu einer der schlagkräftigsten Organisationen zur Verteidigung von digitalen Grundrechten in Deutschland. |
2050: A Co2 Odissey | Our "little" journey to understand how to save the human species and presentation of our project to save us all. |
2m Foxoring | Find small hidden radio transmitters |
2nd Camp Pride Orga Meeting | Planning the Camp Pride. Come along and make this Pride nice (for you). |
A capella | Einsingen, Zusammen singen |
APRS | Automatic Packet Reporting System |
AREDN | Eine Einführung in die Installation auf dem Camp |
Advanced Probiotic Brewing | Hands on workshop and discussion. |
Advanced web tracking methods | Advanced browser tracking techniques have developed over the last decade that allow remote sites to leverage the increasingly feature-rich web to track users without their knowledge or consent. Not only are distinct visits across sites logged via techniques such as browser fingerprinting, sites that handle our most intimate details are monitoring our behavior on pages and handing that information to third parties with little to no regard to our privacy. This will cover some of those advanced techniques that have emerged, and how to protect yourself against pervasive web tracking. |
Advi Weekly Aufnahme | Aufnahme des wöchentlichen Tagebuchpodcasts |
AfD-Plakate entsorgen! | Lets go to Zehdenick and dispose the AFD election posters |
Aktuelle Digimodes | Ein Blick in die Trickkiste der modernen Digimodes JT65/JT9 und FT8/FT4. |
Algorithms and AI for democratic governance | This workshop introduces into the need and the current developments of digitizing democratic politics. It's main focus is to assess and discuss options to use data analytics and plattform technologies to advance national and international governance. It includes the consideration of data and copyright politics and other essentials for change. |
All Creatures Welcome | Vorführung des Films "All Creatures Welcome" |
Als Netzaktivistin im Bundestag – Insider Einblicke und Mitmachmöglichkeiten | Der Bundestag ist anders als man denkt. |
Amateurfunk für Dummies | |
An introduction to the post-apocalyptic skill of spinning yarn | We will show you and explain how to make your own yarn from wool and other fibres. |
Analog Photography: Borrow a Camera + Film | Borrow a camera and free film from us, bring it back and get it developed the old school way! |
Analoge neuronale oszillatoren | in dem workshop bauen teilnehmer*innen analoge neuronale schaltungen mit denen ein netzwerkmodell, wie es shun-ichi amari in den 70 er jahren entwickelt hat, realisiert wird. |
Anarchist Networking Party w/ Las Vegas Lady and Planète Concrète | 21:00 Anarchist Networking Party starting 22:00-23:00 Las Vegas Lady Sensual tunes and electronic beats: Welcome to this shiny abyss. 23:00-00:00 Planète Concrète is an open universe staged by strange / loving creatures. Diy instruments, music performance and visual elements are the main instruments of this pink noise constellation |
Anfänger/Kinder-Lötworkshop | we solder a small beginners badge with a rgb-light |
Anti Capitalist CTF | We are tired of this oppressive capitalist system |
Arch Linux Meetup | Arch Linux user meetup |
ArduTouch music synthesizer | Learn to solder together a cool, powerful music synthesizer, and learn to make cool music, sound, and noise! (This is one of many cool things happening throughout CCCamp 2019 at the Hardware Hacking Area!) This workshop will be given: Day 4: 30-Dec, 1pm - 4pm |
Arduino For Total Newbies | Learn Arduino using TV-B-Gone as an example project You've probably heard lots about Arduino. But if you don't know what it is, or how you can use it to do all sorts of cool things, then this fun and easy workshop is for you. As an example project, we'll be creating a TV-B-Gone remote control out of an Arduino you can take home with you. (This is one of many cool things happening throughout CCCamp 2019 in the huge Hardware Hacking Area!) This workshop will be given twice (both identical): Day 2: 22-Aug, 1pm - 4:30pm Day 3: 23-Aug, 1pm - 4:30pm |
Argumentationstraining Datenschutz | |
Arranged Marriage | We choose your partner for you, then tape you together at the wrist. |
ArtesMobiles - SpeculativeAI | Performance // audiovisual experiment // @12m long white Bus with rooftop terasse |
Aufbau eines Sensornetzes mit LoRaWAN | Kurze technische Einführung in die Grundlagen von LoRa und LoRaWAN |
Aus- und Weiterbildung im Amateurfunk | |
Awarenessteam-Vorstellung | Vorstellung des Awarenessteams und dessen Konzept |
BSD Users and Developers Meetup | Meetup for BSD Users and Developers |
Bandpläne | Bedeutung, Aufbau und Verwendung der Amateurfunk-Bandpläne |
Bandwidth Matters, Information controls in a conflict state in India | What does information controls look like in conflict states of India? How does indias surveillance apparatus further intensify the information controls in conflict areas? How does this affect the everyday life of people esp women living and promoting peace in these regions? |
Bare Metal Camp | Bare_Metal_Camp meetup. If you plan to come to Metaldays 2020 and need a friendly group to camp with. Meet us here. |
Based solutions to the EU table Illegal content online – Bringing rights-based solutions to the EU table | |
Be a Wiki Writer | Diverse and inclusive content on Wikipedia |
Beer Tasting | Taste a variety of beers from Franconia |
Befreie deine WLAN Steckdose | Freie Firmware Tasmota auf WLAN Steckdose flashen |
Between rationality, transhumanism and AI alarmism | Some groups believe that intelligent machines are going to take over the world sooner or later. Part of the transhumanist movement sees this as redemption, another part is prophesying human extinction and working frantically on solutions. What should we make of this? This session will start with an introduction to the topic that leads into a critical, open, political, philosophical and technological discussion. |
Binärgewitter Hörertreffen | Hörertreffen des Binärgewitter Podcasts |
Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs | basics : how to create a crypto wallet, backup and to transact |
Bits&Bäume & Co: How to shape a responsible world? | Als AktivistInnen streben wir einen grundlegenden Wandel in dieser Welt an hin zu einer gerechten und verantwortungsvollen Gesellschaft. Die Ziele sind dabei angelehnt and Bits&Bäume-Bewegung, also eine Zusammenarbeit von Techies und Ökos. |
Bits&Bäume wächst: Forderungen und eine neue Bewegung | Wir stellen die Bits&Bäume-Konferenz, die -Bewegung und die B&B-Forderungen vor |
Blinkenpoi | Build a BlinkenPoi |
Blinking Selfmade LED Ear Ring Workshop | Soldering Blinking Ear Rings |
Blockchain Interoperability | Proof-of-Burn formalisation, schemes and cross-chain utilization |
Blockchain: Proof of ignorance | A rant about liberty and autonomy for some! (Recorded) |
Blåhaj-Versammlung | Blåhaj-Versammlung |
Board Meeting | Meetup for e-longboards and related e-vehicles |
Body Workout Session | we will do some physical activity together (probably jogging) |
Body/Mind Hardware/Software | EightOS bodymind operating system - physical practice session |
Bodymind Operating System | Physical practice session where we explore the notions of hacking through the human body. |
Bootstrapping NixOS | learn how Nixers bootstrap their hosts |
BornHack Party | A party to celebrate that BornHack 2019 went well, and to drink the leftover booze |
Brainstorming about Camp/Congress Schedule 2019 for Android | Let's brainstorm about the Camp Schedule app for Android. Anything goes. I - the author - am looking forward to your input. Let's meet at gate next to the TV tower at c-base. |
Bristlebots for kids! | DE/EN/FI Build a little electronic insect robot from a toothbrush and a motor |
Buchclub: Texte im Feminismus | was haben wir, ihr gelesen, was lohnt sich zu lesen? |
Building dome tarps with PVC fabric | Building tarps for the Metalab Dome |
BurnerConnect | Hacking burners, let's meet! |
Burners Out of Bounds | Hacking on information systems used to organize participatory events (in specific, The Borderland) in a collaborative way. |
Böser Sprechworkshop | Sprechworkshop, um beim Reden ernstgenommen zu werden |
C3Sus Ride excellent with each other | make something better than |
CCC-CH Gettogether | Das Gettogether des CCC-CH am CCCamp19 |
CCChoir | Offene Chorprobe und physikalische Grundlagen der Musik |
CCClasse – bezahlen für Arbeit? / CCClass – to pay for work? | talk about CCClass politics - input über CCClassen politik |
Camp CTF | Camp CTF 2019 |
Camp Pride | Let's come together to celebrate, dress up, have fun and be visible. |
Camp Pride Orga Meeting, 1st (open for all) | Planning the Camp Pride. Come along and make this Pride nice. |
Camp Pride Route Scouting | We want to check out and scout a route for the Camp Pride on Friday. Disabled people with/out reduced mobility especially welcome! |
Camp19-Schnitzeljagd | Camp2019 Schnitzeljagd. Find new Locations by searching for hidden Hints. |
Camping Cryptographers Meetup | Free meetup of people interested in cryptography. Do not confuse with cryptocurrencies. |
Capitana vs. Benito Salvini - über die Erosion von Grundrechten und was wir dagegen tun können | |
Card10 ECG Cable Workshop | Soldering ECG cables for your card10 |
Chaos Ballett | Argumente fühlen statt gefühlter Argumente |
Chaos Microgrid Working Group | We want to meet and discuss the requirements and possibilities of setting up a microgrid solution for future camping events. |
Chaos macht Schule MeetUp | MeetUp von Menschen, die sich für Chaos macht Schule interessieren oder schon dabei sind. |
Chaosradio 254 | Chaosradio 254 live von der THM-Stage auf dem Chaos Communication Congress 2019. Die erste Folge nach der Pause! |
Cheese Rendezvous | Selection of delicious cheeses and condiments for you! |
Chilli tasting | We will be eating raw chillies or from the oven with Gouda and wrapped in bacon. |
CiTiZEN KiNO | CiTiZEN KiNO #81: Embedded Dystopias - A situationist cinema for our futurist-fed times. |
Cidre Flows | Dégustation of cidres. |
Climate breakdown – the bleak reality | Heat waves, wildfires and new movements like Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion have brought the climate crisis back into the news. However, meaningful political action is still not happening and the world is on track to three to four degrees of warming. Where are we heading and why did humanity fail so badly at tackling the problem? |
Cloudlog | Webbasiertes Amateurfunk-Logbuch |
Club culture against the monopoly of Facebook | Reclaim Club Culture goes Fediverse, we want to learn about alternatives to facebook: We need a platform that includes social multimedia feeds and most importantly: a calendar for mobilization/invitation. We will prepare a campaign to get institutions of the cultural scene to use that alternative platform. |
CoderDojo | CoderDojo - between 12 and 18 years old yourh people |
ConTeXt für Anfänger | Introduction into ConTeXt |
Contributing to nixpkgs for Newbies | Learn how you can contribute to the nixpkgs git repo |
Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices | Hacking around Z-Wave smart home protocol |
Creative commons | Ein Vortrag über Creative Commons. verstehen, anwenden, weiterdenken. |
CryptoParty | |
CryptoParty Meet & Greet | Pre-CryptoParty Meetup of organisers and those, who want to help, |
Cryptography of Killing Proof-of-Work | We briefly discuss the range of cryptographic primitives being used by protocols that seek to make proof-of-work protocols obsolete. We shall focus primarily on these cryptographic building blocks themselves, not overly on the different protocols built form them. |
Cryptpad | Installing, configuring and customizing Cryptpad |
Customizing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Firmware | Introduction talk to binary patching with Nexmon for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Followed by a practical part with a focus on patching Bluetooth on off-the-shelf smartphones and laptops with a Broadcom Bluetooth chip. |
DIY Merch - Print your own T-Shirt! | Print your own camp shirt, Datenhörnchen, Datenknoten or Fairydust onto a T-Shirt! |
DIY electronics recycling into jewelry | Recycling of old electronics into jewelry |
DIY reading session / DIY lese session | come by read something - also reading out is welcome / komm vorbei und lese was - auch vorlesen willkommen |
Debate Night - Bitcoin for Socialists and Environmentalists | Debate Night - Bitcoin for Socialists and Environmentalists |
Decentralized Autonomous Organization. | Hands on Decentralized Autonomous Organization - Aragon DAO. |
Decentrathon | the decentralisation hackathon |
Denn so wissen wir, was sie tun: Das Berliner Transparenzgesetz | Ein Hoch auf Volksentscheide! Wir erzählen vom Berliner Volksentscheid für ein Transparenzgesetz, das wir ins Leben gerufen haben. Hier könnt ihr unterschreiben. Und wir zeigen, wie ihr mitmachen könnt. |
Der Goldene Schuß - Lesung am Späti | Die Redaktion des Goldenen Schusz liest Klolektüre vor |
Der Haecksen-Hack | Die Haecksen erklären das Memorial-Projekt und die Briefmarken und freuen sich auf konstruktive Kritik und Ideen |
Developing Film with Coffee | We develop some black and white films with coffee. Visit us to see how that's done (boring) or take a look at some developed films and get paper prints of them. |
Deviser & trummerschlunk – Modular Synths Impro LIVE performance | modular synths impro |
Digital Activism Training - Infrastructuring for the upcoming rave protests for climate | We are looking for supporters and advisors, because we would to upgrade our communication infrastructure being used in mass scale demonstrations in the city. |
Digital Self-Defense Workshop | Learn about the basics of practical cryptography and privacy enhancing measures for your digital devices in the spirit of a CryptoParty. |
Digital Services Act: The future of Internet in the next rules on Intermediary Liability | CDT - Center for Democracy & Technology, will discuss with valuable guests the political and legislative initiatives already in place and the safeguards that the new Digital Services Act must take into consideration in order to do not harm freedom of expression, access to information, and innovation and entrepreneurship on the internet. |
Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis der Energiewende | |
Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis der Energiewende Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis der Energiewende | |
Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis von Klima und Wetter | |
Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis von Klima und Wetter Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis von Klima und Wetter | |
Discussion on privacy-friendly green policies in the European Union | How can we combine environmental issues with privacy-friendly solutions? Knowing that privacy comes at a cost of efficiency, what should the red lines be in the privacy VS environment debate? Is the fight for privacy in green policy the beginning of the end for surveillance capitalism? |
Dissecting the AMD Platform Security Processor | The AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP) is a security subsystem in AMD CPUs comparable to the Intel ME and was introduced in 2013. It is essential for system startup – in fact, in runs before the main processor is even started – and offers runtime services to the main processor. For this, it has full access to the system memory space (inlcuding MMIO). The PSP runs undocumented, proprietary firmware. This talk presents efforts of investigating what the PSP does and if it's secure. For the first time, it documents the PSP firmware's proprietary filesystem and provides insights into reverse-engineering such a deeply embedded system as the PSP. The talk further sheds light on how we might regain trust in AMD CPUs despite the delicate nature of the PSP. |
Distortion Social Party | Dist0rtion Party. Continuous music and more the whole night. |
Do you hear the people sing – the song of the Hong Kong protests | Singing the song and learning about it's background in the Hong Kong protests |
Dogeville | |
Draht, Blut, und schwarze Magie | Antennentechnik |
Drumm and bass - benks | drumm and bass |
E-Mail-Privatheit und Mailbox-Verschlüsselung | Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Privatheit von E-Mails und Präsentation von Userli, einer Webapplikation um E-Mailboxen zu verschlüsseln. |
EU Feedback Wall | creativly air your opinions about the EU and Europe |
Educational Filk: Der Hacker-Song | Wir schreiben gemeinsam ein Lied, das auf unterhaltsame Weise Muggles erklärt, was Hacker sind und machen. |
EightOS | !!! Time change !!! A physical practice session: bodymind operating system — human firmware update. Hackcenter is the meeting point. We will do the session at a space outside. |
Einführung in LaTeX | Short introduction into typesetting with LaTeX for complete beginners |
Einführung ins Podcasting mit Reaper/Ultraschall | Einführung ins Podcasting |
Elektroschrott - Welchen letzten Weg geht mein PC? | Elektronikschrott ist eine Handelsware. Schrott wird zu Gold. Geräte werden überall in der Welt mal gut, mal nicht so gut zerlegt. Wer verdient daran? Und was können wir tun, dass sich der Export nicht mehr lohnt? |
Emulate, fuzz, break kernels | This talk will give an introduction to kernel fuzzing using unicorefuzz. |
Environmental and IMU sensors on the card10 badge | In this workshop we're providing some more insights on the environmental and orientation sensors on the card10 badge and how to use them. |
Erfahrungsbericht Coder Dojo | Wir erzählen unsere Erfahrungen mit Coder Dojos |
Esperanto – a planned nerd language actually spoken | A short introduction into the international language Esperanto. A planned language actually spoken by nerds all over the world |
Espresso all day long | We love espresso and share it with you : ) |
Estimate and calculate carbon footprints | Make a broad calculation of carbon emissions of <foo>. |
Ethical hosting: where are your data? | feedback from CHATONS Marsnet |
Explore the botany of the camp with plant identification apps | lets go plant hunting at the lake and test some plant identification apps |
Extinction Rebellion: planning civil disobedience | Planning an action and discussing communication tech during our rebellion week in october |
Extra Thumb Workshop | Make yourself an extra functional thumb, and see if you like it. |
Eye Contact | Focus on a form of human connection that gets in a world full of technology. Nothing is required. It's a good idea to bring something comfortable to sit for the floor. |
FIfF-Stammtische everywhere - gründet Ortsgruppen | found local discussion groups |
FNIT Vernetzungsworkshop | Vernetzungsworkshop der FNIT Gruppen im CCC Raum |
FPVracing | FPV racing (Quadcopter flying & racing outside camp) |
FabScanPi - 3D Laser Scanner Workshop | Build your own Open Source 3D Laser Scanner. |
Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | Fabmobil is open for Kids and everyone new to creative technologies. Come by and explore our bus. |
Fabmobil - Open Doors | Fabmobil is open for everyone. |
Fair Ticket Sales on a Capitalist World | In this open discussion we will discuss solutions taken by organizations to address ticket sales at fair prices when demand significantly outgrows supply |
Fairydust Jewerly | Bend wire into shape! |
Fediverse-Meetup | A meetup of people doing stuff in, around and with the fediverse. |
Feierliche Verlesung des gesammelten Ärgers | Solemn reading of the collected anger |
Finding insecure third-party librarys in dependencies, containers, APIs (OWASP Top10 - A9) | The OWASP Top Ten project lists the top 10 (web) application security risks. In this Workshop we will take a close look at number 9: "Using Components With Known Vulnerabilities". we will try to use (open source) tooling to find known vulnerabilities in 3rd party libraries, containers and APIs, then take a look at how we can automate those tools in our ci/cd pipelines you don't need to know about security or vulnerability management to do the workshop, we will cover the basics and you can a lot on the way |
Flippie - Hacking Flip-Dot Displays | Hacking flip-dot displays |
Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | Come get an FPGA dev board in your USB port and start hacking! Get toolchain setup and you can get free hardware! (This is one of many cool things happening throughout CCCamp 2019 in the huge Hardware Hacking Area!) This workshop will be given multiple times (all identical): Day 1: 21-Aug, 10:00pm - 11:30pm Day 2: 22-Aug, 2:30pm - 4:30pm Day 3: 23-Aug, 5:30pm - 7:00pm Day 4: 24-Aug, 3:30pm - 5:00pm |
Forderungen des B & B | Rescheduled auf Tag 2, siehe Link. :) |
Freak Show | Der Freak Show Podcast live on stage |
Free Software Song sing-along | Everyday at 19:30 in the Cluster about:freedom we invite you to sing together the Free Software song; We have the lyrics and a conductor. Simply come, bring your hacker buddies and your voice and maybe an instrument and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing out loud our love for Free Software! |
Freedom Cruise, about:GFF | |
Freedom Cruise, about:PNR | |
Freedom Cruise, about:policelaws | |
Freedom to go - an interactive workshop from An- to F- to G-Droid | An interactive workshop to present the Free Software App repository called F-Droid and the outstanding functionalities of its clients called F-Droid and G-Droid. After that we discover the best (imho!) Android-based Free Software apps including methods of anonymization and encryption - and you will have the possibility to present your personal favorite Free Software app as well. |
Freezing your crypto-currencies - very cold storage solution | Very cold storage for your cryptocurrencies |
Freifunk Drink-Up | Social gathering for the Freifunk community and everybody interested in community networks. |
Fridays for Future - A camp for future | ES GIBT KEIN RECHT AUF KOHLEBAGGER FAHREN |
FridaysForFuture was, wie, warum? | “Wir sind nicht nur verantwortlich für das, was wir tun, sondern auch für das was wir nicht tun” |
Funkwellenausbreitung | Ausbreitung von Funkwellen rund um die Erde |
GNU Radio Workshop | Introduction to GNU Radio Workshop |
GNUMPFs Realtime Demoshow | Watch award-winning demoscene productions (c64, pc, amiga) with us in the GNUMPF village |
GOC | Gin Operation Center |
Gaby Weber @ CCCamp 2019 | Filmvorstellung durch und Diskussion mit der investigativen Journalistin Gaby Weber |
Gameboy Musik Workshop | Ein Einsteiger-Workshop für alle die schon immer mal Musik mit Gameboys machen wollten. |
Gameboy Tetris Tournament | Gameboys! Link Cables! Tetris! Competition! |
Geiger Counter Workshop | Build a working Geiger Counter |
Get to know Eco Hacker Farm | come and get to us know what ecohackerfarm is all about |
Getting to know the Haecksen | Die Haecksen - eine Vorstellungs- und Fragerunde für zB Männer |
Gigatron TTL Computer | Gigatron TTL computer introduction and workshop |
Global Climate Strike: exchange of ideas and experiences about organizing strikes and demonstrations | The climate crisis is an emergency but we’re not acting like it. Especially in political organizations like the Chaos Community this topic has to be more present, more visible. Our hotter planet is already hurting millions of people. We are not only in one of the best positions to provide technology for change, but we also should show that we belong to the people behind the movements like Fridays For Future or Global Climate Strike. |
Global Warming Sucks! | Alle reden vom Klimawandel, doch niemand erklärt was da gerade passiert. Wird es in Zukunft einfach nur schön warm oder wird die Veränderung der Umwelt die Menschheit in die Knie zwingen? Warum der Temperaturanstieg der Atmosphäre einzigartig ist und welche Folgen dies für Land, Meer und Gletscher hat, erklärt die angehende Polarforscherin Maria-Elena Vorrath. |
Granderwasser | We are going to inform the water of the lake nearby with our root CA, which will enable us to verify the water later and use the subwaterkeys to create a trust chain along the Havel. |
Graphics with LaTeX | introduction into generating graphics with LaTeX |
GroupShower | let's shower together, shall we? |
HAMNET | Highspeed Amateurradio Multimedia NETwork |
HFOS - The Hackerfleet Operating System | HFOS is the opensource vessel computer system |
Hack your nails | We will paint nails with nail polish and have a good time |
Hacker Coop Genossenschaft | Hacker eG Meetup |
Hackers Against Climate Change | Meetup/Discussion for Hackers concerned with Climate Change | meetup | an opportunity to get involved and catch up with the community |
Hacking Chromebook | Reinstall any OS other than Chrome on a Chromebook |
Hacking Licence | Your daily basic hacking learning lesson. |
Hacking on nix-bitcoin | Learn how to write modules for nix-bitcoin |
Hackleman badge building | Badge building session for HackLeman residents, outsiders also welcome. Badges cost 5 CHF/EUR/USD/Units of money |
Haeckenfryhstyck | Haecksenfryhstyck | | Wir binden den Hambi ans WWW an. |
Hello Badge Workshop | Solder a hello badge (only four easy solder joints) |
Henna Tattoo Workshop | Make henna paste from scratch and hack your skin with it |
Home made syrups | You will learn about fruit syrups and make some for yourself to keep. |
Hosting for non-geeks: communication needs | Making ethical hosting projects accessible to non-geeks needs good communication. If you want people to use your hosting services, they should be able to find and use them. I think every hoster should be a team of technicians and communicators. Communication means heaps of work, maybe we can do it together in a network? If we want a change and make people (some/many) turn away from the GAFAM we have to explane and translate tech topics to simple language. Collaboration is necessary to manage this big task. Can we work together on this in the Librehosters network? This session is an invitation to talk about that. |
How to collaborate better | |
How to design a DIY keyboard for you | Describe my experience of DIY keyboard and introduce important points to do it by yourself. I am a DIY keyboard enthusiast. I made several keyboards and found some techniques to customize sold products for me. I will talk about my latest keyboard in order to transfer knowledge behind it. I also discuss about working environment, related to keyboards. |
How to get ordinary people using Jekyll, LaTeX, Gitlab CI and other magic | How to set up a Gitlab project to automatically generate a Website and PDFs from the same source and make normal people use it... |
How to talk to the badge - a (micro-)python introduction for BEGINNERS! | @Heart of Code dome in the 1komona Village. We will give a short python introduction and then focus on finding out together how to talk to the badge, let LEDs blink and use the environment sensors :-) |
How2kicad | kicad pcb schematic beginner workshop |
Hybrid DTN & Mobil Adhoc Routing Protocol | We currently develop a network agnostic routing protocol which covers mobile ad hoc routing as well as delay tolerant package store and forward routing. This routing protocol is part of the project, an Internet independent wireless mesh communication app. In this session we would like to discuss and develop our ideas and concepts further. Everybody is invited to contribute ideas and/or just learn more about the subject. |
IXP Meetup | Meetup for Camp IXP members and friends |
Ice Dragon - A Lightning Network paywall service | We're going to present the project Ice Dragon that we created during a hackathon |
Icibici | build a simple brain-computer interface for €20 |
Illegal content online – Bringing rights-based solutions to the EU table | EDRi proposes a political workshop to stress-test human rights-based solutions to ongoing debates in EU Brussels bubble: platforms' responsibilities towards illegal content online, prosecution of online crimes and conditions for law enforcement to access online evidence. |
Implementation of the Copyright Directive: How to prevent the worst in your home country? | |
Implementation of the Copyright Directive: How to prevent the worst in your home country? Implementation of the Copyright Directive: How to prevent the worst in your home country? | |
Improvisation für Einsteiger | Ein praktischer Einstieg in die Improvisation |
Information Overload e Social Overload | Digital Right |
Ink!: Write Wasm smart contracts with Rust | A comprehensive, end-to-end tutorial for building an ERC20 token using Parity Substrate and ink! - build on Rust and wasm |
Intergalactic Hacker Face Painting | Lasst euch von uns tolle Motive ins Gesicht malen. Wir haben auch UV-reaktive Farbe! |
Introduction to Lindy Hop / Swing Dance | A brief introduction to Lindy Hop dancing for beginners. |
Introduction to Live Coding with Sonic Pi | Learn how to create music with code |
Introduction to LoRaWAN | An introduction to building IoT sensors and applications using the LoRaWAN standard The Things Network as free network provider |
Introduction to Tempeh Making | You will learn how to make your own tempeh. |
Introduction to infoshop | what is a infoshop - a short input / was ist ein infoladen - ein kurzer input |
IoT Meetup | Open meeting to discuss design & ethics of IoT |
Isomer | Isomer is a new distributed application framework |
ItalianGrappa Party | ItalianGrappa Party |
Join CCC Sustainability (c3sus) and help make CCC events sustainable | CCC Sustainability is a young orga team that tries to make CCC events more sustainable by proposing solutions to existing teams and help to implement them |
Jugger | Wir spielen Jugger an der Badestelle |
Junges Chaos Bildet Banden | Wir wollen Junge Leute im Chaos Umfeld vernetzen und die Jugendarbeit in den einzelnen Spaces stärken. Komm vorbei, trink eine Mate und lass die Welt verändern. |
Kidspace-Schnitzeljagd | Schnitzeljagd für Kinder |
Kidspace-Schnitzeljagd-Orgatreffen | Ideen zusammenwerfen und startklar machen |
Kimchi Making | Hands on making kimchi. |
Knoten für Anfänger | Hands-on Workshop begleitend oder alternativ zum Vortrag Knoten 101. |
Kubernetes Security Overview | Kubernetes makes it easy to deploy microservices. However, the price is a huge amount of complexity. If you use Kubernetes, it is high time to learn the basics of container and Kubernetes security. Handson workshop on selected topics of Kubernetes security. |
Learn To Solder | Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek. This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area! All day & all night, throughout all of CCCamp2019. |
Learn to drive unicycle | Learn to drive unicycle |
Learning to see in 3D | Can you hack how you see with Virtual RealiTy to rediscover your full sense of 3D? Try out the new system, meet other interested people, plot and plan. |
Let's go there by land not by air | Suffering of flygskam? Find your therapy here. |
Let's hack words! | Let's hack words is a session for everyone, who wants to explore creative writing, build worlds and lets characters dive into adventures. Or - for a start - just wants to get rid of hacker's block. |
Let’s play EmptyEpsilon (Bridge Simulator) | Let’s play a spaceship bridge simulator together (we are noobs) |
Lh lightning talks | |
LibrePCB Meetup | Let's meet to talk about LibrePCB, the free EDA software. We can also give you an introduction if you don't know the software yet. |
Like2hear OpenHearingAid for field research | Introduction to and testing of the #like2hear hearable research prototype |
Liquor Tasting | I made some liquor with fruits and herbs and you can try it |
Logbuch:Netzpolitik | Live-Podcast |
Make a FOSS iPod Touch / Secure Messenger | |
Make-up & Styling Sharing and Support | Let's support each other in getting ready for Camp Pride. Bring your stuff and talent <3 |
Maritime Hackers Meetup | Maritime hackers meet for socializing and discussion |
Mastro Gippo's Ghost Talk | Pen Test of security controls |
Mechanical Keyboard Meetup | Try out a mechanical keyboard or show off your collection. |
Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source | Meet CADUS, the humanitarian aid organization with its Crisis Response Makerspace in Berlin. During the "consultation hours" you can ask all the questions you may have about CADUS and humanitarian aid, hear about its projects, and gather ideas how to get involved. |
Meet librehosters | A daily timeslot to meet existing librehosters members and an open invitation to join the discussion of the directions of the network. |
Mental Training Against Sexual Harassment | Once I told a friend about a situation where I was sexually harassed and froze, could not move, shrinked. She asked me to describe the situation and about my preferred reaction. Then we role played the situation. This scheme helped me a lot for real situations. This is what we want to do. More info below... |
Mine cart dance party | Party at the mine cart (de: Lore) at the crossing 'Royal Raceway' and 'Kalimari Desert' |
Mobile Sauna Festival Meetup | We are organizing a mobile sauna Festival in Berlin at the Plötzensee. We are searching for Saunaenthusiasts and People who are interested in making an festival or someone who has a mobile sauna to participate |
Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks | A livestream at Milliways of CCC being modded into a videogame |
Movie screening "weird Germany series" - day 2 : Kasper Hauser goes techno | An even weirder movie about the story of Kasper Hauser starring a beautiful soul called Bruno S. in the role of the legendary German foundling boy. |
Movies screening "weird Germany series" - day 2 : The old Kasper Hauser | Feature movie about the story of Kasper Hauser starring a beautiful soul called Bruno S. in the role of the legendary German foundling boy. |
Moving objects | Treffen von Leuten, die gerne fahrende Dinge bauen. Hier gibts support und tipps für alles mit elektrischem Antrieb, insbesondere mit Hoverboard-Teilen. Hauptsächlich Elektronik-und Firmware-patching, aber auch vorort-Grobmechanik ist wohl möglich. |
Märchenstunde (für Erwachsene) | Achtung, fällt aus! Tag 3 gehts los |
Nacktbaden | Let's go skinny dipping! |
Naked Tea Party | Cozy tent plus tea minus clothes |
Naked Walk | let's walk together, shall we? |
Net Neutrality updates: How 5G is used to water down the protections of the open internet | |
Net Neutrality updates: How 5G is used to water down the protections of the open internet Net Neutrality updates: How 5G is used to water down the protections of the open internet | |
Networking Basics on the Command Line | @Heart of code-dome, by Theresa! What's an IP address and how do you get it? How does your computer manage to reach the whole world? How can you check what part of it went wrong? This hands-on workshop will give a basic overview of some networking concepts and tools, such as ip, ping, and traceroute. Then you will have time to try out the tools for yourself. Please bring a laptop. |
New Packet Radio | Einführung in New Packet Radio |
News Nerds Meetup -- Hacks/Hackers | Meetup for news/journalism nerds |
Nice View Reporter | Projektwoche an einer Schule in Msambweni, Kenia |
Nix packaging | A social ad-hoc Nix packaging workshop, we try to solve packaging workshop together and get a feel for how to upstream Nix packages. |
NixOS / QubesOS fusion | |
NixOS Group Photo | Group photo for everybody interested in Nix/NixOS |
NixOS Install Party | Try NixOS on your laptop or in a VM |
NixOS contribution discussion | discussion about NixOS contribution workflow |
Nixery | Nixery builds container images on-demand via Nix and serves them via the standard Docker registry protocol. In this talk we look at how it works, which implementation challenges came up and how it is useful in the so-called "real world". |
Numerical Weather Prediction tutorial | Run your own weather model |
OONI Hackathon | Come join us to hack on OONI code: |
OONI: Measuring internet censorship around the world | Participate in a global community measuring internet censorship around the world. |
OctoPrint User Meetup | Meet and greet of OctoPrint users at the camp. foosel will also be there and bring stickers! |
Offene Werkstätten und Hackerspaces: eine Community? | Was haben Offene Werkstätten und Hackerspaces gemeinsam? |
Ola Bini: unfairly persecuted | Ola Bini has been unfairly persecuted for almost 130 days in Ecuador. Let's discuss about that! |
Open Yoga Lesson | Sun salutation and deep relaxation of Yoga Nidra. |
OpenCMOS: the why and how of truly open hardware | With so much activity in the the open hardware world, why do we have no open source silicon chips yet? Why do we need them and what do we need to do to get them? |
Oscilloscope Music Workshop | Open lab on how to create music that generates images and animations when graphed in x/y mode |
Oscilloscope Music: Jerobeam Fenderson Performance | Come see Jerobeam Fenderson perform his mind-blowing music that when graphed out in x/y mode on a oscilloscope makes amazing visuals |
Ottobot Workshop | Wir basteln gemeinsam einen laufenden Roboter |
P2panda | p2panda is the idea of a p2p protocol to run decentralized and self-organized festivals initiated by the association "Liebe Chaos Verein e. V." based in Berlin - this session is a discussion of interested people of all directions, a space for strange, challenging and radical ideas on how we want to run the festivals of the future 8-) |
Packet Radio Meetup | Packet Radio Enthusiasts get together |
Particle Matter Sensor Workshop | Build your own particle matter sensor by using COTS electronics components even without soldering (design by OK Lab Stuttgart) |
Patterns for Decentralization | @Heart of Code dome, by Eileen! Discussion and hands-on workshop on UX patterns we want to see in decentralization. Open to all, prior knowledge on decentralization required (you should be familiar with at least one decentralization protocol/app/platform, such as dat, XMPP, Mastodon, Tor, ...). We'll bring sharpies! |
Payment Systems in India (Rescheduled) | A primer to the state of Digital Payments in India |
Pentagame | New abstract board game explained and played |
Permaculture for hackers | a presentation and discussion about how hackerculture can be mixed with permaculture and the benefits of this union |
Pile Farty | Bring your Files, we are having a Party! |
Pimms O' Clock | Pimms O' Clock, drink some pimms! |
Planet A Handshaking Party - Popcorn and Berliner Luft available! | Come to the Social Dist0rtion Protocol Village to get your Planet A passport and meet fellow players to handshake and coordinate! |
Planet A Networking Party. Bring your LinkedIn and enjoy some soothing lounge music! | Come to the Social Dist0rtion Protocol village, hang out, enjoy the music and handshake with others! |
Planet A embassy is open! Come and get your passport! | The Planet A embassy is open. Come to the Social Dist0rtion Protocol village to get your passport and play the game :) |
Plant & grow | Vernetzungstreffen Basics vertical gardening with solar power and LED. |
Pluto is a planet | We want Pluto to be a Planet again |
Poly*-/RA-Meetup | Let's hang around, talk about concepts of interpersonal relationships |
Portraits of Hackers - 2019 | Come and have your own Portrait taken! |
Postapokalyptic jewellery | living in the postapocalypse and noticing the beauty of relicts of human civilisation, we start to adorn and grace ourselves with it. the workshop offers to create more or less pretty jewellery things out of a big collection of found objects. bring your own nuggets or choose from provided material. there will be a donation box as sad enough the apocalypse didn't make capitalism history. |
Powerplant team meeting | an opportunity for the powerplant team to meet and discuss progress in person |
Powerplant: an opensource permaculture garden planner for everyone | a perfect opportunity to find out what powerplant is all about |
Project novis - free & open amateur radio web services | We want to establish an open and free platform for amateur radio related web services everyone can participate |
Proof of ignorance | RESCHEDULED TO THM Day 1 (recorded) – A rant about liberty and autonomy for some! |
Pseudo-Yoga | Kleine Trainingssession für den Rücken |
Public Viewing - Dota2 International | The biggest eSport tournament of the year |
Quadcopter Help | Just two guys who want to help you if you have Quadcopter build, config or repair questions. Read full Text for Details. Or contact before the camp. DECT 2706 |
Quereinstieg IT | Erfahrungsaustausch |
R5 Meeting (CCC working group) | Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Rethink, Redesign (R5) is a working group of the CCC. This session is for people that are already part of it, and people that would like to get involved. |
RSA Verschlüsselung selbst rechnen | deleted, sorry! |
Re-boot yourself! | Yoga für diejenigen, die bisher hauptsächlich die Computer-Asana praktizieren. Auf deutsch, bei Bedarf auch Englisch. (Asana= (sitzende) Körperstellung im Yoga) Yoga for people who practice Computer Asana most of the time. In German, english as needed. (asana = (sitting) body posture in Yoga) |
Reaper on Linux - let's make it work | I'm looking for people who are using Reaper on Linux already to produce,mix/master songs including the use of VST plugins known from windows |
Redhat | RHEL/CentOS meetup |
Regio Mediation | Streitigkeiten, die sich schon tiefer in einen Verein eingetreten haben oder sogar mit Machtgefällen behaftet sind, sind nicht einfach aus der Welt zu schaffen und können eine gute Vereinsarbeit über lange Zeit lähmen. Wir glauben, um diese Probleme zu lösen, könnenn uns die Techniken der Mediation weiterhelfen. Wir vermuten außerdem, dass schon viel Erfahrung im CCC und seinen Mitgliedern schlummert und wollen euch einladen mit uns Idee noch weiter auszuarbeiten. |
Reproducible Builds Meetup | Meeting and discussion about the Reproducible Builds project. |
Restauration antiker Autoradios | Technische und optische Restauration antiker Autoradios für Oldtimer |
Retro hardware meeting | Retro Hardware meetup - bring your old computers and consoles, or just talk about them! |
Robot Soccer | RoboCup: demonstration of humanoid robots playing soccer autonomously. ⚽ |
Role-Play Games | We play role-play games with you. |
Run your own Matrix server | Hands-on matrix server |
Rust l0dables on the card10 badge | Write applications for the card10 in the Rust programming language |
SDR-Stick als Spektrumskop | ZF-Auskopplung als Spektrumskop mit RTL-SDR-Stick und HUP-RF Auskoppelverstärker |
SUSI.AI Open Source Voice Assistant | We are developing a smart speaker that can play music through voice commands. Users can play music from online resources such as radio stations, YouTube, their cloud folder (e.g. Nextcloud) as well as from locally connected USB sticks or music available in the local network. |
Scottish Drinking Night | Come and join The Scottish Consulate for our semi regular outreach event, learn to drink like a true scotsperson. |
Scottish Pro Wrestling | Come and watch some wrestling with us |
Screenprinting | Print CCC and Hacker designs on your textiles, laptops, whatever (flat surfaces). Get Information on how to set up your own screenprinting operation. |
Singerunde | We are singing using analog instruments and our very own voices. Bring some instruments, songbooks and candles if at hand. |
Sinn von Unsinn unterscheiden - Glaub ich's oder glaub ich's nicht? | Pyramiden wurden von Außerirdischen gebaut! Impfen macht Autismus! Gott hat die Welt geschaffen! |
Smart Contracts with ink! | A comprehensive, end-to-end tutorial for building an ERC20 token using Parity Substrate and ink! - build on Rust and wasm |
SocialTech | Workshop: Accessibility and Inclusion - Hacking everyday communication practices to change the world. |
Soft circuits: sew a tiny squishy torch with DIY pressure sensor | Make a tiny squishy torch with DIY pressure sensor: an introduction to soft circuits |
Soldering Workshop | Learn soldering |
Soldering last things | solder your last things before leaving |
Solifoto für Unteilbar | Wir machen ein solidarisches Foto für die Unteilbar-Demo am Samstag in Dresden. |
Sonne, Socken - solare Einsatzleitung | Autarkes PV-Inselsystem zum Laden von allen elektrischen Verbrauchern |
SpaceAPI Meetup | Let's meet to talk about the SpaceAPI! |
Spreading nix to the Bitcoin ecosystem | CANCELLED: Why Nix and Bitcoin are a perfect match |
Stainless Steel Etching - Edelstahl ätzen | We will etch your cutlery set or coffee mug. Bring your vector graphics. |
Stand with Hongkong | We want to meet, discuss Hongkong / Chinese Politics and come up with ways to support HK |
Stargazing with a telescope | Wir beobachten Planeten und Sterne mit einem Teleskop. We are gazing at stars |
Sticker Exchange Party | Come together and have fun exchanging stickers at mobile infoshop. Infoshop has a large collection of political stickers. |
Substrate Collectibles - Build your own blockchain-backed asset exchange | This workshop will take you through building your own collectibles blockchain - think "CryptoKitties" - using Substrate, Rust and WebAssembly. |
Substrate verifiable credentials - build your first infrastructure blockchain | In this workshop you'll learn to build your own infrastructure blockchain (for verifiable credentials) using Substrate, Rust and WebAssembly. |
SumoRobot programming | DECT 7866 - You will be able to write your awesome algorithm and get a blast on the SumoRobot match. |
SumoRobot soldering | DECT 7866 - Come solder your own SumoRobot and have a blast later at the SumoRobot match. |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners | Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 17 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area. |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - electronic kitten EXPERIMENTAL WORKSHOP | Experimental new workshop - Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building an electronic touch-activated purring kitten. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 5 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area. |
Surviving Calc/Excel | basic formulas for sorting data without as much pain as usual |
Systemabsturz - Datenschutzelektropunkstrash Konzert | Datenschutz-Elektropunktrash |
Systemabsturz - Konzertvorglühen | Datenschutz-Elektropunktrash |
TaiChi - Introduction | Get to know the first 3 basic forms of Tai-Chi |
TaiChi - Introduction 2 | Get to know the remaining 3 basic forms of Tai-Chi |
TechCoop Meetup | MeetUp for worker owned collectives and interested people |
Ternet censorship around the world` OONI: Measuring internet censorship around the world | |
Terraform and Docker to selfhost | |
Terranix | A NixOS way to create terraform json files. |
Tesla coil show | Omega Verksted will demo their home-made tesla coil, now in the dark.. |
Testing economic incentives on the Kusama Blockchain | soon Kusama, the Polkadot Chaos Canary network, is going to launch. In this session we'll dive into how this blockchain network will be used to test ecnomic incentives |
Tetrapixels | We build blinking objects with Tetrapacks and Arduinos |
The Future of HOPE | The HOPE conference run by 2600 Magazine is in trouble and needs your help |
The camp LTE network | The camp LTE network |
Toki Pona | an introduction to the language of good |
Tor Project: running Tor trainings with human rights defenders in Global South | Meeting the Global South community and users |
Tor Relay Operator Meetup | Come learn about Tor Project and privacy, and hang out with Tor contributors |
Tree climbing (with ropes and knots) | (Again on day 4!) Do you want to try out how tree climbing feels like? Hambi forest is too far away? We prepared a short climbing course, feel free to join us! |
Treffen und Diskussion zur Netzpolitik in der Schweiz | Netzpolitik-Frühstück: Kaffee & Gipfeli ab 10.30, Vorstellung und Diskussion der aktuellen und anstehenden Themen im Herbst (E-ID, E-Voting, Datenschutzgesetz, Netzneutralität, ...) ab 11.00 Uhr |
Trickmisch - Trickfilme erstellen | Animate your own drawings or use our huge collection of images made by newcomers. you are kindly invited to animate them analog on a lighting table or online on You find us in the heart of code dome. (a very warm thank you at this point to Heart of Code for hosting us! :) |
Tschernobyl | Tschernobyl Reisebericht + Q&A / Chernobyl travel report and Q&A |
Unison | To everyone with a sound system, let's play this amazing song all together at 4:20 PM, CCC Time. We have to be in unisone. Link: |
Verstehbahnhof and beyond -- building the ultimate digital playground | Less than two years ago, we set out to create a hacker-and makerspace in the rural countryside of Brandenburg, twenty something minutes north-west of camp, in Fuerstenberg/Havel. Dubbed "Verstehbahnhof", as it is located in the local (and still operating) trainstation, the space was setup as an open educational space for the up- and coming and a shared workshop and space for like-minded grown-ups. This project, by now, has grown into much more than that. And we think it is time for you to know about a few things. |
Visit Zehdenick Farmer's Market by Bike | Support your local food supplier, but don't go alone. |
Vorlesestunde / reading hour | Kinderbücher vorlesen |
Werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes | werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes ist eine Objekt gewordene Handlungsanweisung die dazu anregt sich mit anderen menschen zu verbinden. Im Workshop bauen wir diesen analogen synthesizer, jeder kann mitmachen, vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich, für menschen ab 8. |
What the weather | Learn about how models are used in weather prediction and more |
Whiskey tasting | Tasting different whiskeys |
Whiskyleaks | The traditional Milliways Whiskyleaks, bring a nice bottle of liquor and a glass and share it with other fine human beings, donations welcome. |
Why NixOS? | A Presentation about NixOS for newcomers. |
Wie funktioniert ein Sicherheitsgurt | How seatbelt retractors work |
Wifi4EU - broken by technical specifications | With the Wifi4EU programm the EU is planning to spend 100 million € by 2020 to subsidise a centralized surveillance infrastructure for centers of public life in the EU. The talk will lay out how Wifi4EU is supposed to work both administratively and technically, where there are problems with the later and what is and can be done about it. |
Wikipedia Edit-a-thon about wom*n in STEM | We will imporve wikipedia by starting, adding, and translating pages about wom*n in STEM fields |
WoW! Dancing like a Blood Elf... | Learn how to dance for real like the male blood elf in world of warcraft in 5 steps. Beginner's class. All gender welcome! |
Workshop feminist library | Workshop to start the feminist library |
Xspace – Solution to an annoying TeX quirk | Let's have a look how xspace.sty makes TeX's treatment of whitespace more predictable! |
You broke the internet, let us build a GNU one | GNUnet meetup for the community |
YunoHost workshop: install your own! | Self-hosting apps for your friends and organization should be easy! |
ZpS - Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung | Zentrum für politische Schönheit |
Über die Nachhaltigkeit von Software | Software ist essenzieller Bestandteil und Ressource unserer Dienstleistungs- und Wissensgesellschaft sowie unserer Infrastrukturen. Als Ressource betrachtet verhält sich der Konsum und Erhalt von Software jedoch in vielen Dingen konträr zu natürlichen Ressourcen. Eine Reflektion über die besonderen Eigenschaften der "Ressource Software" und wie wir diese nutzen können um Software nachhaltig zu gestalten und damit auch für die Zukunft zu erhalten. |
The following calendar shows all registered activities like workshops, talks at assemblies or in the workshop rooms, hand-ons, and stuff like mentioned above.
You can find a non-javascript version of the calendar formated as a table on the Timetable-Page. If the session-calendar does not work on your system, this is a place to go and check out the timeslots for all events.
Has event title | Session | Start | Duration | Location |
DIY electronics recycling into jewelry | DIY electronics recycling into jewelry - DIY and Hands-On | 21 August 2019 00:00:00 | 6,840 min | Jewelry Hackers |
2m Foxoring | 2m Foxoring - 2m Foxoring - Day 1 | 21 August 2019 00:00:00 | 1,440 min | |
Jugger | Jugger | 21 August 2019 08:00:00 | 780 min | Kidspace |
Quadcopter Help | Quadcopter Help | 21 August 2019 10:00:00 | 7,200 min | |
Hackleman badge building | Hackleman badge building - Let's build our badges fellow citizens | 21 August 2019 10:00:00 | 120 min | HackLeman |
Building dome tarps with PVC fabric | Building dome tarps with PVC fabric | 21 August 2019 11:00:00 | 180 min | Metalab Dome |
Explore the botany of the camp with plant identification apps | Explore the botany of the camp with plant identification apps | 21 August 2019 11:00:00 | 30 min | Kidspace |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 1 afternoon | 21 August 2019 12:30:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
Toki Pona | Toki Pona | 21 August 2019 13:30:00 | 30 min | Haecksen |
Substrate verifiable credentials - build your first infrastructure blockchain | Substrate verifiable credentials - build your first infrastructure blockchain | 21 August 2019 14:00:00 | 175 min | About:freedom |
Surviving Calc/Excel | Surviving Calc/Excel | 21 August 2019 14:00:00 | 45 min | Haecksen |
Introduction to Tempeh Making | Introduction to Tempeh Making | 21 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | Foodhackingbase |
Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source | Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source - Location: Feuerstelle (Workshop) | 21 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis von Klima und Wetter | Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis von Klima und Wetter - about:stage | 21 August 2019 14:00:00 | 30 min | About:freedom |
ConTeXt für Anfänger | ConTeXt für Anfänger | 21 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | LaTeX |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 1 afternoon | 21 August 2019 14:30:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
Creative commons | Creative commons - verstehen, anwenden, weiterdenken | 21 August 2019 14:30:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Analog Photography: Borrow a Camera + Film | Analog Photography: Borrow a Camera + Film - Handout Day 1 | 21 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | |
Kubernetes Security Overview | Kubernetes Security Overview - Kubernetes Security Basics | 21 August 2019 15:00:00 | 90 min | C-base |
Moving objects | Moving objects | 21 August 2019 15:00:00 | Chaos-West | |
Einführung in LaTeX | Einführung in LaTeX - (Individual 1h events, not a series - you can come to any of those) | 21 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | LaTeX |
Board Meeting | Board Meeting - Meetup for e-longboards and related e-vehicles | 21 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Chaos-West |
Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis der Energiewende | Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis der Energiewende - about:stage | 21 August 2019 15:30:00 | 30 min | About:freedom |
SUSI.AI Open Source Voice Assistant | SUSI.AI Open Source Voice Assistant - Learn about SUSI.AI and how to build your own smart speaker | 21 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Hackcenter |
Chaos Microgrid Working Group | Chaos Microgrid Working Group - Second Meetup | 21 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Infuanfu |
Digital Self-Defense Workshop | Digital Self-Defense Workshop - Passwords & File Encryption | 21 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Digitalcourage |
Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices | Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices | 21 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Hackcenter |
HFOS - The Hackerfleet Operating System | HFOS - The Hackerfleet Operating System - Updaates! What happened since last camp? | 21 August 2019 16:00:00 | 45 min | Harbor |
Awarenessteam-Vorstellung | Awarenessteam-Vorstellung - Vorstellung | 21 August 2019 16:15:00 | 90 min | Goldberg (Workshop 2) |
Isomer | Isomer - An overview of what Isomer aims to be and how that might help you | 21 August 2019 17:00:00 | 45 min | C-base |
Learn To Solder | Learn To Solder - Day 1 | 21 August 2019 17:00:00 | 419 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Geiger Counter Workshop | Geiger Counter Workshop - Geiger Counter Workshop 1 | 21 August 2019 17:00:00 | 120 min | HardwareHackingArea |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 1 evening | 21 August 2019 17:00:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
Let's go there by land not by air | Let's go there by land not by air | 21 August 2019 17:00:00 | 60 min | About:freedom |
Net Neutrality updates: How 5G is used to water down the protections of the open internet | Net Neutrality updates: How 5G is used to water down the protections of the open internet - about:stage | 21 August 2019 17:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Role-Play Games | Role-Play Games | 21 August 2019 17:00:00 | Backspace | |
A capella | A capella | 21 August 2019 17:30:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
Vorlesestunde / reading hour | Vorlesestunde / reading hour | 21 August 2019 17:30:00 | 60 min | Kidspace |
Postapokalyptic jewellery | Postapokalyptic jewellery - scrap tinkering - schrottbasteln | 21 August 2019 17:47:00 | 61 min | 1komona |
Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks | Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks - Low-poly buildup pt.1 | 21 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | Milliways |
Estimate and calculate carbon footprints | Estimate and calculate carbon footprints | 21 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | About:freedom |
Tor Relay Operator Meetup | Tor Relay Operator Meetup | 21 August 2019 18:00:00 | 115 min | About:freedom |
Cloudlog | Cloudlog | 21 August 2019 18:00:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
Bandpläne | Bandpläne | 21 August 2019 18:30:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
Knoten für Anfänger | Knoten für Anfänger | 21 August 2019 19:00:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 1 evening | 21 August 2019 19:00:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
GOC | GOC - Introduction & Selection of Botanicals | 21 August 2019 19:00:00 | 90 min | Schaffenburg |
Camp Pride Orga Meeting, 1st (open for all) | Camp Pride Orga Meeting, 1st (open for all) - Bring your ideas for the Pride | 21 August 2019 19:00:00 | 75 min | 1komona |
Poly*-/RA-Meetup | Poly*-/RA-Meetup | 21 August 2019 19:00:00 | 120 min | ZSH - Zelt Stadt Hessen |
FridaysForFuture was, wie, warum? | FridaysForFuture was, wie, warum? - Location: Feuerstelle (Workshop) | 21 August 2019 19:15:00 | 30 min | Three Headed Monkey |
HAMNET | HAMNET | 21 August 2019 19:30:00 | 60 min | Chaoswelle |
Free Software Song sing-along | Free Software Song sing-along - ad-hoc choir | 21 August 2019 19:30:00 | 10 min | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - electronic kitten EXPERIMENTAL WORKSHOP | Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - electronic kitten EXPERIMENTAL WORKSHOP - EXPERIMENTAL Day 1 - 20:00 | 21 August 2019 20:00:00 | 100 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Dogeville | Dogeville | 21 August 2019 20:00:00 | 402 Payment Required | |
Nice View Reporter | Nice View Reporter - location: Planke (Bühne) | 21 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Wie funktioniert ein Sicherheitsgurt | Wie funktioniert ein Sicherheitsgurt | 21 August 2019 20:00:00 | 45 min | Haecksen |
Cheese Rendezvous | Cheese Rendezvous - Session I. | 21 August 2019 20:00:00 | 120 min | Foodhackingbase |
Stargazing with a telescope | Stargazing with a telescope - looking up | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 120 min | Sft / pwnda village™ |
Restauration antiker Autoradios | Restauration antiker Autoradios | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Chaoswelle |
Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs | Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs - Hands-on cryptocurrency wallet | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Pile Farty | Pile Farty - Bring your Files, we are having a Party! | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 120 min | 402 Payment Required |
Let’s play EmptyEpsilon (Bridge Simulator) | Let’s play EmptyEpsilon (Bridge Simulator) | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | |
Workshop feminist library | Workshop feminist library | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
Buchclub: Texte im Feminismus | Buchclub: Texte im Feminismus | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
Systemabsturz - Konzertvorglühen | Systemabsturz - Konzertvorglühen | 21 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | About:freedom |
Über die Nachhaltigkeit von Software | Über die Nachhaltigkeit von Software - location: Planke (Bühne) | 21 August 2019 21:10:00 | 30 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | 21 August 2019 22:00:00 | 90 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Whiskey tasting | Whiskey tasting | 21 August 2019 22:00:00 | 90 min | Foodhackingbase |
Märchenstunde (für Erwachsene) | Märchenstunde (für Erwachsene) - Teil 1: Was haben die Hexenverbrennungen mit Computergeschichte und Frauen* zu tun, hä? | 21 August 2019 22:00:00 | 1 min | Haecksen |
Systemabsturz - Datenschutzelektropunkstrash Konzert | Systemabsturz - Datenschutzelektropunkstrash Konzert | 21 August 2019 22:00:00 | 60 min | About:freedom |
Anti Capitalist CTF | Anti Capitalist CTF - NO BORDERS NO FLAGS ANON ANARCHIST ACTION a(A)a | 21 August 2019 23:59:00 | 240 min | 1komona |
Has event title | Session | Start | Duration | Location |
2m Foxoring | 2m Foxoring - 2m Foxoring - Day 2 | 22 August 2019 00:00:00 | 1,440 min | |
Kidspace-Schnitzeljagd | Kidspace-Schnitzeljagd | 22 August 2019 | Kidspace | |
Jugger | Jugger | 22 August 2019 08:00:00 | 780 min | Kidspace |
Ottobot Workshop | Ottobot Workshop | 22 August 2019 10:00:00 | 180 min | Kidspace |
Pseudo-Yoga | Pseudo-Yoga | 22 August 2019 10:00:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
Ink!: Write Wasm smart contracts with Rust | Ink!: Write Wasm smart contracts with Rust | 22 August 2019 10:30:00 | 175 min | About:freedom |
Treffen und Diskussion zur Netzpolitik in der Schweiz | Treffen und Diskussion zur Netzpolitik in der Schweiz - about:stage | 22 August 2019 10:30:00 | 85 min | About:freedom |
Introduction to LoRaWAN | Introduction to LoRaWAN - LoRaWAN Basics & Building your own sensor node | 22 August 2019 11:00:00 | 120 min | Munich Maker Village |
Bristlebots for kids! | Bristlebots for kids! - Day 2 | 22 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Visit Zehdenick Farmer's Market by Bike | Visit Zehdenick Farmer's Market by Bike | 22 August 2019 11:00:00 | 120 min | |
Powerplant team meeting | Powerplant team meeting | 22 August 2019 11:00:00 | 90 min | Ecohackerfarm |
Body Workout Session | Body Workout Session | 22 August 2019 11:00:00 | 45 min | |
Learn To Solder | Learn To Solder - Day 2 | 22 August 2019 11:00:00 | 779 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Camp Pride Route Scouting | Camp Pride Route Scouting - Help welcome. | 22 August 2019 11:30:00 | 75 min | |
EU Feedback Wall | EU Feedback Wall | 22 August 2019 12:00:00 | 10,000 min | Munich Maker Village |
Why NixOS? | Why NixOS? | 22 August 2019 12:00:00 | 45 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Argumentationstraining Datenschutz | Argumentationstraining Datenschutz - about:stage | 22 August 2019 12:30:00 | 85 min | About:freedom |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 2 afternoon | 22 August 2019 12:30:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
OONI: Measuring internet censorship around the world | OONI: Measuring internet censorship around the world - about:sessions | 22 August 2019 12:30:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
NixOS Install Party | NixOS Install Party | 22 August 2019 12:45:00 | 75 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Get to know Eco Hacker Farm | Get to know Eco Hacker Farm | 22 August 2019 13:00:00 | 60 min | Ecohackerfarm |
Xspace – Solution to an annoying TeX quirk | Xspace – Solution to an annoying TeX quirk | 22 August 2019 13:00:00 | 15 min | LaTeX |
Arduino For Total Newbies | Arduino For Total Newbies - Day 2 | 22 August 2019 13:00:00 | 210 min | HardwareHackingArea |
GroupShower | GroupShower | 22 August 2019 13:00:00 | 20 min | |
Einführung ins Podcasting mit Reaper/Ultraschall | Einführung ins Podcasting mit Reaper/Ultraschall | 22 August 2019 13:00:00 | 60 min | Backspace |
Tetrapixels | Tetrapixels | 22 August 2019 13:00:00 | 180 min | Kidspace |
Reproducible Builds Meetup | Reproducible Builds Meetup - Reproducible build introduction and discussion | 22 August 2019 13:30:00 | 60 min | Goldberg (Workshop 2) |
Naked Walk | Naked Walk - Day 2 | 22 August 2019 13:30:00 | 30 min | |
Implementation of the Copyright Directive: How to prevent the worst in your home country? | Implementation of the Copyright Directive: How to prevent the worst in your home country? | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Getting to know the Haecksen | Getting to know the Haecksen | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | |
Tree climbing (with ropes and knots) | Tree climbing (with ropes and knots) - Hands-on introduction | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | |
Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source | Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source - Location: Feuerstelle (Workshop) | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
ConTeXt für Anfänger | ConTeXt für Anfänger | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | LaTeX |
Henna Tattoo Workshop | Henna Tattoo Workshop | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 90 min | |
Poly*-/RA-Meetup | Poly*-/RA-Meetup | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | ZSH - Zelt Stadt Hessen |
Home made syrups | Home made syrups | 22 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | Foodhackingbase |
Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | 22 August 2019 14:30:00 | 90 min | HardwareHackingArea |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 2 afternoon | 22 August 2019 14:30:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
Tor Project: running Tor trainings with human rights defenders in Global South | Tor Project: running Tor trainings with human rights defenders in Global South - about:stage | 22 August 2019 14:30:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Educational Filk: Der Hacker-Song | Educational Filk: Der Hacker-Song | 22 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Backspace |
Particle Matter Sensor Workshop | Particle Matter Sensor Workshop - Particulate Matter Sensor Workshop I | 22 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Munich Maker Village |
Blockchain: Proof of ignorance | Blockchain: Proof of ignorance - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 22 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Einführung in LaTeX | Einführung in LaTeX - (Individual 1h events, not a series - you can come to any of those) | 22 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | LaTeX |
Substrate Collectibles - Build your own blockchain-backed asset exchange | Substrate Collectibles - Build your own blockchain-backed asset exchange - First Iteration | 22 August 2019 15:00:00 | 205 min | About:freedom |
New Packet Radio | New Packet Radio | 22 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Chaoswelle |
Analog Photography: Borrow a Camera + Film | Analog Photography: Borrow a Camera + Film - Handout Day 2 | 22 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | |
Werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes | Werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes - location: Lagerfeuer (Workshop) | 22 August 2019 15:15:00 | 120 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Postapokalyptic jewellery | Postapokalyptic jewellery - scrap tinkering - schrottbasteln | 22 August 2019 15:15:00 | 122 min | 1komona |
Building dome tarps with PVC fabric | Building dome tarps with PVC fabric | 22 August 2019 15:30:00 | 120 min | Metalab Dome |
Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices | Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Hackcenter |
Bits&Bäume & Co: How to shape a responsible world? | Bits&Bäume & Co: How to shape a responsible world? - Starting Panel | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | About:freedom |
Chaos Microgrid Working Group | Chaos Microgrid Working Group - Third Meetup - Desigining a power usage survey | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Infuanfu |
Digital Self-Defense Workshop | Digital Self-Defense Workshop - Private and Anonymous Web Browsing | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Digitalcourage |
Regio Mediation | Regio Mediation | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Metalab Dome |
Intergalactic Hacker Face Painting | Intergalactic Hacker Face Painting | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | |
SocialTech | SocialTech - SocialTech Workshop #1 | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Harbor |
Camp19-Schnitzeljagd | Camp19-Schnitzeljagd | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | |
Reaper on Linux - let's make it work | Reaper on Linux - let's make it work | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | ||
FPVracing | FPVracing | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | |
Stainless Steel Etching - Edelstahl ätzen | Stainless Steel Etching - Edelstahl ätzen - Bring your own Besteckset/Coffee mug | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Singularity City |
ArtesMobiles - SpeculativeAI | ArtesMobiles - SpeculativeAI - 4pm - 6pm every 15 min | 22 August 2019 16:00:00 | 15 min | 1komona |
Dissecting the AMD Platform Security Processor | Dissecting the AMD Platform Security Processor - location: Planke (Bühne) | 22 August 2019 16:15:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Role-Play Games | Role-Play Games - Unknown Armies - Camp Edition | 22 August 2019 17:00:00 | Backspace | |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 2 evening | 22 August 2019 17:00:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
CCChoir | CCChoir - Bach vs Pythagoras, Runde 1 | 22 August 2019 17:00:00 | 90 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Meet librehosters | Meet librehosters | 22 August 2019 17:00:00 | 30 min | Librehosters |
Pentagame | Pentagame | 22 August 2019 17:05:00 | 90 min | C-base |
Graphics with LaTeX | Graphics with LaTeX | 22 August 2019 17:30:00 | 90 min | LaTeX |
Hello Badge Workshop | Hello Badge Workshop | 22 August 2019 17:30:00 | 30 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Vorlesestunde / reading hour | Vorlesestunde / reading hour | 22 August 2019 17:30:00 | 60 min | Kidspace |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners | Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - Day 2 - 17:30 | 22 August 2019 17:30:00 | 100 min | HardwareHackingArea |
AREDN | AREDN | 22 August 2019 18:00:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
CryptoParty Meet & Greet | CryptoParty Meet & Greet | 22 August 2019 18:00:00 | 155 min | About:freedom |
Gameboy Tetris Tournament | Gameboy Tetris Tournament - Round 1 | 22 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Metalab Dome |
OctoPrint User Meetup | OctoPrint User Meetup | 22 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Seating area south of Milliways (S9 on map) |
Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks | Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks - Low-poly buildup pt.2 | 22 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | Milliways |
Nix packaging | Nix packaging | 22 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | | | - We meet at POC / Treffen am POC | 22 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | |
Als Netzaktivistin im Bundestag – Insider Einblicke und Mitmachmöglichkeiten | Als Netzaktivistin im Bundestag – Insider Einblicke und Mitmachmöglichkeiten - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 22 August 2019 18:15:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Pimms O' Clock | Pimms O' Clock - Pimms O' Clock, come drink some pimms! | 22 August 2019 18:15:00 | 105 min | EMF |
Analoge neuronale oszillatoren | Analoge neuronale oszillatoren - location: Lagerfeuer (Workshop) | 22 August 2019 18:30:00 | 120 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Bits&Bäume wächst: Forderungen und eine neue Bewegung | Bits&Bäume wächst: Forderungen und eine neue Bewegung - about:sessions | 22 August 2019 18:45:00 | 45 min | About:freedom |
Blinking Selfmade LED Ear Ring Workshop | Blinking Selfmade LED Ear Ring Workshop - Hands-On Workshop Day2 - evening | 22 August 2019 19:00:00 | 30 min | Königlich Bayerisches Amtsvillage |
Ice Dragon - A Lightning Network paywall service | Ice Dragon - A Lightning Network paywall service - How to earn money with our blog without annoying ads | 22 August 2019 19:00:00 | 60 min | 402 Payment Required |
Funkwellenausbreitung | Funkwellenausbreitung | 22 August 2019 19:00:00 | 90 min | |
2nd Camp Pride Orga Meeting | 2nd Camp Pride Orga Meeting - open for all interested parties! | 22 August 2019 19:00:00 | 90 min | |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 2 evening | 22 August 2019 19:00:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
Rust l0dables on the card10 badge | Rust l0dables on the card10 badge | 22 August 2019 19:00:00 | 45 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Arch Linux Meetup | Arch Linux Meetup | 22 August 2019 19:00:00 | 120 min | Goldberg (Workshop 2) |
Free Software Song sing-along | Free Software Song sing-along - ad-hoc choir | 22 August 2019 19:30:00 | 10 min | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Denn so wissen wir, was sie tun: Das Berliner Transparenzgesetz | Denn so wissen wir, was sie tun: Das Berliner Transparenzgesetz - location: Planke (Bühne) | 22 August 2019 19:30:00 | 30 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners | Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - Day 2 - 20:00 | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 100 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Whiskyleaks | Whiskyleaks | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 300 min | Milliways |
Developing Film with Coffee | Developing Film with Coffee - Bring Back Films Day 1 | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 30 min | |
The Future of HOPE | The Future of HOPE | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | Milliways |
CiTiZEN KiNO | CiTiZEN KiNO | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 235 min | About:freedom |
EightOS | EightOS | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | Hackcenter |
FNIT Vernetzungsworkshop | FNIT Vernetzungsworkshop | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 120 min | Haecksen |
Environmental and IMU sensors on the card10 badge | Environmental and IMU sensors on the card10 badge | 22 August 2019 20:00:00 | 45 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Logbuch:Netzpolitik | Logbuch:Netzpolitik - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 22 August 2019 20:15:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Hacking on nix-bitcoin | Hacking on nix-bitcoin | 22 August 2019 20:30:00 | 45 min | 402 Payment Required |
Soft circuits: sew a tiny squishy torch with DIY pressure sensor | Soft circuits: sew a tiny squishy torch with DIY pressure sensor | 22 August 2019 20:30:00 | 120 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Esperanto – a planned nerd language actually spoken | Esperanto – a planned nerd language actually spoken | 22 August 2019 21:00:00 | 120 min | Goldberg (Workshop 2) |
Freifunk Drink-Up | Freifunk Drink-Up - Social gathering, meet, talk, celebrate | 22 August 2019 21:00:00 | 120 min | AFRA |
Cidre Flows | Cidre Flows | 22 August 2019 21:00:00 | 120 min | Foodhackingbase |
Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs | Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs - Hands-on cryptocurrency wallet | 22 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Draht, Blut, und schwarze Magie | Draht, Blut, und schwarze Magie | 22 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Chaoswelle |
Movies screening "weird Germany series" - day 2 : The old Kasper Hauser | Movies screening "weird Germany series" - day 2 : The old Kasper Hauser - psychik video's "weird Germany series" at Librehosters' cinema | 22 August 2019 21:30:00 | 105 min | Librehosters |
15 Jahre | 15 Jahre - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 22 August 2019 21:30:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Der Goldene Schuß - Lesung am Späti | Der Goldene Schuß - Lesung am Späti - Klolektüre und Schnaps-Tasting | 22 August 2019 21:30:00 | 90 min | ChaosZone |
Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks | Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks - Low-poly buildup pt.3 Live @ Whiskyleaks | 22 August 2019 21:30:00 | 120 min | Milliways |
Märchenstunde (für Erwachsene) | Märchenstunde (für Erwachsene) - Fällt aus, an Tag 3 gehts los! | 22 August 2019 22:00:00 | 30 min | Haecksen |
Singerunde | Singerunde | 22 August 2019 22:00:00 | 240 min | ZSH - Zelt Stadt Hessen |
Movie screening "weird Germany series" - day 2 : Kasper Hauser goes techno | Movie screening "weird Germany series" - day 2 : Kasper Hauser goes techno - psychik video's "weird Germany series" at Libre Hosters' cinema | 22 August 2019 23:00:00 | 90 min | 1komona |
Portraits of Hackers - 2019 | Portraits of Hackers - 2019 - Portraits of Hackers - 2019 Edition | 22 August 2019 23:30:00 | 60 min | Italian Hackers' Embassy |
Chilli tasting | Chilli tasting | 22 August 2019 23:59:00 | Foodhackingbase |
Has event title | Session | Start | Duration | Location |
2m Foxoring | 2m Foxoring - 2m Foxoring - Day 3 | 23 August 2019 00:00:00 | 1,440 min | |
Naked Tea Party | Naked Tea Party - Day 3 | 23 August 2019 | 90 min | |
Chaos Ballett | Chaos Ballett - Chaos Ballett Kick-Off for the day | 23 August 2019 05:00:00 | 60 min | Chaos Ballett Bett (Drahti Trampolin) |
Jugger | Jugger | 23 August 2019 08:00:00 | 780 min | Kidspace |
TaiChi - Introduction | TaiChi - Introduction | 23 August 2019 10:00:00 | 60 min | |
Bits&Bäume & Co: How to shape a responsible world? | Bits&Bäume & Co: How to shape a responsible world? - Follow up | 23 August 2019 10:30:00 | 150 min | About:freedom |
Substrate verifiable credentials - build your first infrastructure blockchain | Substrate verifiable credentials - build your first infrastructure blockchain | 23 August 2019 10:30:00 | 175 min | About:freedom |
Learning to see in 3D | Learning to see in 3D - Introduction, Hands-On | 23 August 2019 10:30:00 | 60 min | Goldberg (Workshop 2) |
Robot Soccer | Robot Soccer | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | 30 min | RoboVillage |
Chaos Ballett | Chaos Ballett - Chaos Ballett Restart | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | Chaos Ballett Bett (Drahti Trampolin) |
Learn To Solder | Learn To Solder - Day 3 | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | 779 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Introduction to LoRaWAN | Introduction to LoRaWAN - Building an application that consumes your sensor data | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | 120 min | Munich Maker Village |
Bristlebots for kids! | Bristlebots for kids! - Day 3 | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | 150 min | |
Body Workout Session | Body Workout Session | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | ||
Haeckenfryhstyck | Haeckenfryhstyck | 23 August 2019 11:00:00 | 90 min | Haecksen |
Fridays for Future - A camp for future | Fridays for Future - A camp for future - Fridays for Future | 23 August 2019 12:00:00 | 30 min | |
Anfänger/Kinder-Lötworkshop | Anfänger/Kinder-Lötworkshop | 23 August 2019 12:00:00 | 300 min | Backspace |
Plant & grow | Plant & grow - Just drop by after noon and ask for Buschi | 23 August 2019 12:00:00 | C-base | |
Fairydust Jewerly | Fairydust Jewerly | 23 August 2019 12:00:00 | 420 min | |
Camp CTF | Camp CTF | 23 August 2019 12:00:00 | 2,880 min | |
Global Climate Strike: exchange of ideas and experiences about organizing strikes and demonstrations | Global Climate Strike: exchange of ideas and experiences about organizing strikes and demonstrations - about:stage | 23 August 2019 12:30:00 | 85 min | About:freedom |
Mechanical Keyboard Meetup | Mechanical Keyboard Meetup - Hands-on | 23 August 2019 12:30:00 | 90 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Der Haecksen-Hack | Der Haecksen-Hack | 23 August 2019 12:30:00 | 90 min | Haecksen |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 3 afternoon | 23 August 2019 12:30:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
BurnerConnect | BurnerConnect | 23 August 2019 13:00:00 | 90 min | |
Befreie deine WLAN Steckdose | Befreie deine WLAN Steckdose | 23 August 2019 13:00:00 | 120 min | |
Numerical Weather Prediction tutorial | Numerical Weather Prediction tutorial | 23 August 2019 13:00:00 | 180 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Make-up & Styling Sharing and Support | Make-up & Styling Sharing and Support - Let's support each other in getting ready for Camp Pride. Bring your stuff and talent <3 | 23 August 2019 13:00:00 | 56 min | |
Planet A embassy is open! Come and get your passport! | Planet A embassy is open! Come and get your passport! | 23 August 2019 13:00:00 | 180 min | Social Dist0rtion Protocol |
Arduino For Total Newbies | Arduino For Total Newbies - Day 3 | 23 August 2019 13:00:00 | 210 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Espresso all day long | Espresso all day long | 23 August 2019 13:13:00 | 480 min | |
C3Sus Ride excellent with each other | C3Sus Ride excellent with each other - about:sessions | 23 August 2019 13:30:00 | 85 min | About:freedom |
Naked Walk | Naked Walk - Day 3 | 23 August 2019 13:30:00 | 30 min | |
Extinction Rebellion: planning civil disobedience | Extinction Rebellion: planning civil disobedience - about:dome | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 115 min | About:freedom |
Binärgewitter Hörertreffen | Binärgewitter Hörertreffen | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | NixOS |
Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source | Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source - Location: Feuerstelle (Workshop) | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Camp Pride | Camp Pride | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 45 min | |
Extra Thumb Workshop | Extra Thumb Workshop | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 180 min | Goldberg (Workshop 2) |
IoT Meetup | IoT Meetup | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | Fri3d Camp |
An introduction to the post-apocalyptic skill of spinning yarn | An introduction to the post-apocalyptic skill of spinning yarn | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | ChaosZone |
Wifi4EU - broken by technical specifications | Wifi4EU - broken by technical specifications - about:stage | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
ConTeXt für Anfänger | ConTeXt für Anfänger | 23 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | LaTeX |
Chaos macht Schule MeetUp | Chaos macht Schule MeetUp | 23 August 2019 14:30:00 | 60 min | |
Powerplant: an opensource permaculture garden planner for everyone | Powerplant: an opensource permaculture garden planner for everyone - find out what it is and join the dev team | 23 August 2019 14:30:00 | 60 min | Ecohackerfarm |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 3 afternoon | 23 August 2019 14:30:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
Granderwasser | Granderwasser | 23 August 2019 14:55:00 | 30 min | Kidspace |
Freedom to go - an interactive workshop from An- to F- to G-Droid | Freedom to go - an interactive workshop from An- to F- to G-Droid - about:sessions | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 115 min | About:freedom |
Analog Photography: Borrow a Camera + Film | Analog Photography: Borrow a Camera + Film - Handout Day 3 | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | |
Erfahrungsbericht Coder Dojo | Erfahrungsbericht Coder Dojo | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Backspace |
CCC-CH Gettogether | CCC-CH Gettogether | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 45 min | CCC-CH |
Soldering Workshop | Soldering Workshop | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Königlich Bayerisches Amtsvillage |
Trickmisch - Trickfilme erstellen | Trickmisch - Trickfilme erstellen - Trickfilmworkshop | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | 1komona |
Packet Radio Meetup | Packet Radio Meetup - The state of play | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Scottish Consulate |
Decentralized Autonomous Organization. | Decentralized Autonomous Organization. - Hands on Aragon DAO. | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Particle Matter Sensor Workshop | Particle Matter Sensor Workshop - Particulate Matter Sensor Workshop II | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Munich Maker Village |
Club culture against the monopoly of Facebook | Club culture against the monopoly of Facebook | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 90 min | AFRA |
FabScanPi - 3D Laser Scanner Workshop | FabScanPi - 3D Laser Scanner Workshop - Build your own 3D-Scanner | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 240 min | Kidspace |
Terranix | Terranix | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 45 min | NixOS |
Freedom Cruise, about:GFF | Freedom Cruise, about:GFF - about:stage | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Einführung in LaTeX | Einführung in LaTeX - (Individual 1h events, not a series - you can come to any of those) | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | LaTeX |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Advi Weekly Aufnahme | Advi Weekly Aufnahme | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Backspace |
TechCoop Meetup | TechCoop Meetup | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 90 min | 1komona |
Offene Werkstätten und Hackerspaces: eine Community? | Offene Werkstätten und Hackerspaces: eine Community? | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | ChaosZone |
BSD Users and Developers Meetup | BSD Users and Developers Meetup | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Scottish Consulate |
Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 150 min | |
Sinn von Unsinn unterscheiden - Glaub ich's oder glaub ich's nicht? | Sinn von Unsinn unterscheiden - Glaub ich's oder glaub ich's nicht? - location: Planke (Bühne) | 23 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Finding insecure third-party librarys in dependencies, containers, APIs (OWASP Top10 - A9) | Finding insecure third-party librarys in dependencies, containers, APIs (OWASP Top10 - A9) - location: Lagerfeuer (Workshop) | 23 August 2019 15:15:00 | Three Headed Monkey | |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Hybrid DTN & Mobil Adhoc Routing Protocol | Hybrid DTN & Mobil Adhoc Routing Protocol - agnostic routing protocol which covers mobile ad hoc routing | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | AFRA |
SUSI.AI Open Source Voice Assistant | SUSI.AI Open Source Voice Assistant - Learn about SUSI.AI and how to build your own smart speaker | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Hackcenter |
Join CCC Sustainability (c3sus) and help make CCC events sustainable | Join CCC Sustainability (c3sus) and help make CCC events sustainable - about:dome | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | About:freedom |
ArtesMobiles - SpeculativeAI | ArtesMobiles - SpeculativeAI - 4pm - 6pm every 15 min | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 15 min | 1komona |
Chaos Microgrid Working Group | Chaos Microgrid Working Group - Fourth Meetup - Complete survey site | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Infuanfu |
Bootstrapping NixOS | Bootstrapping NixOS | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | NixOS |
Junges Chaos Bildet Banden | Junges Chaos Bildet Banden | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Haecksen |
Information Overload e Social Overload | Information Overload e Social Overload | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Italian Hackers' Embassy |
Poly*-/RA-Meetup | Poly*-/RA-Meetup | 23 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Emulate, fuzz, break kernels | Emulate, fuzz, break kernels - location: Planke (Bühne) | 23 August 2019 16:15:00 | 30 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Postapokalyptic jewellery | Postapokalyptic jewellery - scrap tinkering - schrottbasteln | 23 August 2019 16:16:00 | 122 min | 1komona |
Fediverse-Meetup | Fediverse-Meetup - Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed, Peertube & co | 23 August 2019 16:30:00 | 90 min | Chaos-West |
FIfF-Stammtische everywhere - gründet Ortsgruppen | FIfF-Stammtische everywhere - gründet Ortsgruppen - about:stage | 23 August 2019 16:30:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
SpaceAPI Meetup | SpaceAPI Meetup | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 60 min | CCC-CH |
Aufbau eines Sensornetzes mit LoRaWAN | Aufbau eines Sensornetzes mit LoRaWAN | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 60 min | Singularity City |
Testing economic incentives on the Kusama Blockchain | Testing economic incentives on the Kusama Blockchain - about:sessions | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Redhat | Redhat - Meeting | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 120 min | Chaos-West |
Xspace – Solution to an annoying TeX quirk | Xspace – Solution to an annoying TeX quirk | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 15 min | LaTeX |
Cryptography of Killing Proof-of-Work | Cryptography of Killing Proof-of-Work - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 30 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Role-Play Games | Role-Play Games - Mission-I | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | Backspace | |
EightOS | EightOS | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 120 min | Hackcenter |
Meet librehosters | Meet librehosters | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 30 min | Librehosters |
Let’s play EmptyEpsilon (Bridge Simulator) | Let’s play EmptyEpsilon (Bridge Simulator) - Take 2 | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 90 min | NixOS |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 3 evening | 23 August 2019 17:00:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
Pentagame | Pentagame - An abstract board game | 23 August 2019 17:05:00 | 90 min | C-base |
HFOS - The Hackerfleet Operating System | HFOS - The Hackerfleet Operating System - A short repetition of the talk from day 1 before the maritime hackers meetup | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 30 min | Harbor |
Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 90 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Quereinstieg IT | Quereinstieg IT - Erfahrungsaustausch | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
Hackers Against Climate Change | Hackers Against Climate Change - about:dome | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 90 min | About:freedom |
R5 Meeting (CCC working group) | R5 Meeting (CCC working group) - about:stage | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Vorlesestunde / reading hour | Vorlesestunde / reading hour | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 60 min | Kidspace |
2050: A Co2 Odissey | 2050: A Co2 Odissey | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 45 min | Social Dist0rtion Protocol |
Bodymind Operating System | Bodymind Operating System | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 120 min | Hackcenter |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners | Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - Day 3 - 17:30 | 23 August 2019 17:30:00 | 100 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks | Modding Milliways - Low-poly Whiskyleaks - Low-poly buildup pt.4 | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | Milliways |
Networking Basics on the Command Line | Networking Basics on the Command Line | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 90 min | 1komona |
DIY Merch - Print your own T-Shirt! | DIY Merch - Print your own T-Shirt! - First printing session | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Hacksaar |
NixOS contribution discussion | NixOS contribution discussion | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | NixOS |
Fabmobil - Open Doors | Fabmobil - Open Doors | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | |
Bare Metal Camp | Bare Metal Camp | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | AAAAAAAAAAAA |
Intergalactic Hacker Face Painting | Intergalactic Hacker Face Painting | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 180 min | |
YunoHost workshop: install your own! | YunoHost workshop: install your own! | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Arranged Marriage | Arranged Marriage | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 1komona | |
IXP Meetup | IXP Meetup | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Dragon Sleep Pwn Sector |
Amateurfunk für Dummies | Amateurfunk für Dummies | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
Maritime Hackers Meetup | Maritime Hackers Meetup | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Harbor |
Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs | Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs - Hands-on cryptocurrency wallet | 23 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Beer Tasting | Beer Tasting - 1st round of Beer Tasting | 23 August 2019 18:15:00 | 120 min | Backspace |
E-Mail-Privatheit und Mailbox-Verschlüsselung | E-Mail-Privatheit und Mailbox-Verschlüsselung - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 23 August 2019 18:30:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
CryptoParty | CryptoParty - CryptoParty | 23 August 2019 18:30:00 | 360 min | About:freedom |
Ola Bini: unfairly persecuted | Ola Bini: unfairly persecuted - about:stage | 23 August 2019 18:30:00 | 30 min | About:freedom |
Aus- und Weiterbildung im Amateurfunk | Aus- und Weiterbildung im Amateurfunk | 23 August 2019 18:30:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
Introduction to Lindy Hop / Swing Dance | Introduction to Lindy Hop / Swing Dance - location: Lagerfeuer (Workshop) | 23 August 2019 18:45:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Terraform and Docker to selfhost | Terraform and Docker to selfhost | 23 August 2019 19:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Blinkenpoi | Blinkenpoi - Hands-on | 23 August 2019 19:00:00 | 120 min | Hackcenter |
Blinking Selfmade LED Ear Ring Workshop | Blinking Selfmade LED Ear Ring Workshop - Hands-On Workshop Day3- evening | 23 August 2019 19:00:00 | 30 min | Königlich Bayerisches Amtsvillage |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 3 evening | 23 August 2019 19:00:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
Free Software Song sing-along | Free Software Song sing-along | 23 August 2019 19:30:00 | 10 min | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Customizing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Firmware | Customizing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Firmware - Binary patching for Broadcom Wi-Fi/Bluetooth combo chips | 23 August 2019 19:30:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
Elektroschrott - Welchen letzten Weg geht mein PC? | Elektroschrott - Welchen letzten Weg geht mein PC? - location: Planke (Bühne) | 23 August 2019 19:45:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Blåhaj-Versammlung | Blåhaj-Versammlung - All Fischies welcome! | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | MOiN |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners | Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - Day 3 - 20:00 | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 100 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Developing Film with Coffee | Developing Film with Coffee - Bring Back Films Day 2 | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 30 min | |
Run your own Matrix server | Run your own Matrix server | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Cheese Rendezvous | Cheese Rendezvous - Session II. | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 120 min | Foodhackingbase |
WoW! Dancing like a Blood Elf... | WoW! Dancing like a Blood Elf... | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 45 min | Chaos-West |
Scottish Drinking Night | Scottish Drinking Night | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 300 min | Scottish Consulate |
Anarchist Networking Party w/ Las Vegas Lady and Planète Concrète | Anarchist Networking Party w/ Las Vegas Lady and Planète Concrète | 23 August 2019 20:00:00 | 240 min | 1komona |
Geiger Counter Workshop | Geiger Counter Workshop - Geiger Counter Workshop 2 | 23 August 2019 20:30:00 | 120 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Planet A Handshaking Party - Popcorn and Berliner Luft available! | Planet A Handshaking Party - Popcorn and Berliner Luft available! | 23 August 2019 20:30:00 | 210 min | Social Dist0rtion Protocol |
Debate Night - Bitcoin for Socialists and Environmentalists | Debate Night - Bitcoin for Socialists and Environmentalists | 23 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | |
Lh lightning talks | Lh lightning talks - Present your project (lightning talk style) | 23 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Tesla coil show | Tesla coil show | 23 August 2019 21:00:00 | 30 min | Milliways |
Stargazing with a telescope | Stargazing with a telescope - looking up | 23 August 2019 21:00:00 | 120 min | Sft / pwnda village™ |
APRS | APRS | 23 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Chaoswelle |
Märchenstunde (für Erwachsene) | Märchenstunde (für Erwachsene) - Märchenstunde: Computergeschichte und Frauen* | 23 August 2019 22:00:00 | 30 min | Haecksen |
Deviser & trummerschlunk – Modular Synths Impro LIVE performance | Deviser & trummerschlunk – Modular Synths Impro LIVE performance - about:stage | 23 August 2019 22:00:00 | 120 min | About:freedom |
GNUMPFs Realtime Demoshow | GNUMPFs Realtime Demoshow | 23 August 2019 22:00:00 | 120 min | |
BornHack Party | BornHack Party | 23 August 2019 22:00:00 | 420 min | BornHack |
Liquor Tasting | Liquor Tasting - Aufgesetzter von SiriusLee | 23 August 2019 22:00:00 | 45 min | Chaos-West |
AfD-Plakate entsorgen! | AfD-Plakate entsorgen! | 23 August 2019 23:30:00 | 240 min |
Has event title | Session | Start | Duration | Location |
Plant & grow | Plant & grow - Just drop by after noon and ask for Buschi | 24 August 2019 | ||
2m Foxoring | 2m Foxoring - 2m Foxoring - Day 4 | 24 August 2019 00:00:00 | 1,440 min | |
Drumm and bass - benks | Drumm and bass - benks - about:stage | 24 August 2019 01:00:00 | 60 min | About:freedom |
Chaos Ballett | Chaos Ballett - Chaos Ballett Kick-Off for the day | 24 August 2019 05:00:00 | 60 min | Chaos Ballett Bett (Drahti Trampolin) |
Jugger | Jugger | 24 August 2019 08:00:00 | 780 min | Kidspace |
Open Yoga Lesson | Open Yoga Lesson | 24 August 2019 09:45:00 | 75 min | |
TaiChi - Introduction 2 | TaiChi - Introduction 2 | 24 August 2019 10:00:00 | 60 min | |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 10:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Icibici | Icibici | 24 August 2019 10:00:00 | 120 min | HardwareHackingArea |
CoderDojo | CoderDojo - CoderDojo | 24 August 2019 10:00:00 | 240 min | C-base |
Discussion on privacy-friendly green policies in the European Union | Discussion on privacy-friendly green policies in the European Union - about:sessions | 24 August 2019 10:30:00 | 85 min | About:freedom |
Bits&Bäume & Co: How to shape a responsible world? | Bits&Bäume & Co: How to shape a responsible world? - Follow up | 24 August 2019 10:30:00 | 150 min | About:freedom |
Chaos Ballett | Chaos Ballett - Chaos Ballett Restart | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | Chaos Ballett Bett (Drahti Trampolin) |
Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 150 min | |
Re-boot yourself! | Re-boot yourself! - location: Lagerfeuer (Workshop) | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Bristlebots for kids! | Bristlebots for kids! - Day 4 | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | HardwareHackingArea |
SocialTech | SocialTech - SocialTech Workshop #2 | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 120 min | Haecksen |
Learn To Solder | Learn To Solder - Day 4 | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 779 min | HardwareHackingArea |
GOC | GOC - Destillation | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 600 min | Schaffenburg |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Robot Soccer | Robot Soccer | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 30 min | RoboVillage |
Screenprinting | Screenprinting | 24 August 2019 11:00:00 | 480 min | CCCFr |
Substrate Collectibles - Build your own blockchain-backed asset exchange | Substrate Collectibles - Build your own blockchain-backed asset exchange - Second Iteration | 24 August 2019 12:00:00 | 205 min | About:freedom |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 12:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Permaculture for hackers | Permaculture for hackers | 24 August 2019 12:00:00 | 60 min | Ecohackerfarm |
Solifoto für Unteilbar | Solifoto für Unteilbar | 24 August 2019 12:00:00 | 15 min | Fairydust |
Planet A Networking Party. Bring your LinkedIn and enjoy some soothing lounge music! | Planet A Networking Party. Bring your LinkedIn and enjoy some soothing lounge music! | 24 August 2019 12:20:00 | 120 min | Social Dist0rtion Protocol |
Blockchain Interoperability | Blockchain Interoperability | 24 August 2019 12:30:00 | 25 min | About:freedom |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 4 afternoon | 24 August 2019 12:30:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
ArduTouch music synthesizer | ArduTouch music synthesizer | 24 August 2019 13:00:00 | 180 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Bandwidth Matters, Information controls in a conflict state in India | Bandwidth Matters, Information controls in a conflict state in India | 24 August 2019 13:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 13:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Between rationality, transhumanism and AI alarmism | Between rationality, transhumanism and AI alarmism | 24 August 2019 13:00:00 | 60 min | NixOS |
Hacker Coop Genossenschaft | Hacker Coop Genossenschaft | 24 August 2019 13:00:00 | 120 min | ChaosZone |
Stainless Steel Etching - Edelstahl ätzen | Stainless Steel Etching - Edelstahl ätzen - Bring your own Besteckset/Coffee mug | 24 August 2019 13:00:00 | 120 min | Singularity City |
Naked Walk | Naked Walk - Day 4 | 24 August 2019 13:30:00 | 30 min | |
News Nerds Meetup -- Hacks/Hackers | News Nerds Meetup -- Hacks/Hackers | 24 August 2019 13:30:00 | 45 min | Metalab Dome |
LibrePCB Meetup | LibrePCB Meetup | 24 August 2019 13:45:00 | 60 min | CCC-CH |
Fairydust Jewerly | Fairydust Jewerly | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 300 min | |
Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices | Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices - Time changed!!!!! | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Advanced Probiotic Brewing | Advanced Probiotic Brewing | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 120 min | Foodhackingbase |
Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source | Meet CADUS! Humanitarian Aid goes Open Source - Location: Feuerstelle (Workshop) | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
You broke the internet, let us build a GNU one | You broke the internet, let us build a GNU one | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 90 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Freedom Cruise, about:PNR | Freedom Cruise, about:PNR - about:stage | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 85 min | About:freedom |
Nacktbaden | Nacktbaden - Saturday | 24 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | |
Gigatron TTL Computer | Gigatron TTL Computer - Introduction, Hands-On | 24 August 2019 14:30:00 | 90 min | HackLeman |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 4 afternoon | 24 August 2019 14:30:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
Global Warming Sucks! | Global Warming Sucks! - location: Planke (Bühne) | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
DIY Merch - Print your own T-Shirt! | DIY Merch - Print your own T-Shirt! - Second printing session | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Hacksaar |
How to get ordinary people using Jekyll, LaTeX, Gitlab CI and other magic | How to get ordinary people using Jekyll, LaTeX, Gitlab CI and other magic | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | LaTeX |
Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 150 min | |
Mental Training Against Sexual Harassment | Mental Training Against Sexual Harassment | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 90 min | 1komona |
Ethical hosting: where are your data? | Ethical hosting: where are your data? | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Ink!: Write Wasm smart contracts with Rust | Ink!: Write Wasm smart contracts with Rust | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 205 min | About:freedom |
Soldering Workshop | Soldering Workshop | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 120 min | Königlich Bayerisches Amtsvillage |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Let's hack words! | Let's hack words! | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 90 min | Metalab Dome |
Wikipedia Edit-a-thon about wom*n in STEM | Wikipedia Edit-a-thon about wom*n in STEM - ask for Pooja | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
NixOS / QubesOS fusion | NixOS / QubesOS fusion | 24 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | NixOS |
Postapokalyptic jewellery | Postapokalyptic jewellery - scrap tinkering - schrottbasteln | 24 August 2019 15:15:00 | 183 min | 1komona |
How to design a DIY keyboard for you | How to design a DIY keyboard for you | 24 August 2019 15:15:00 | 30 min | Hackcenter |
Gameboy Musik Workshop | Gameboy Musik Workshop - location: Lagerfeuer (Workshop) | 24 August 2019 15:15:00 | 120 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | Fomu, the FPGA in your USB Port | 24 August 2019 15:30:00 | 90 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Illegal content online – Bringing rights-based solutions to the EU table | Illegal content online – Bringing rights-based solutions to the EU table - about:stage | 24 August 2019 15:30:00 | 85 min | About:freedom |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Stand with Hongkong | Stand with Hongkong | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Fairydust |
Hosting for non-geeks: communication needs | Hosting for non-geeks: communication needs - talk, brainstorm, worksession... let's see what form this is going to take | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Kimchi Making | Kimchi Making | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Foodhackingbase |
Digital Self-Defense Workshop | Digital Self-Defense Workshop - E-Mail Encryption | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Digitalcourage |
Payment Systems in India (Rescheduled) | Payment Systems in India (Rescheduled) | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 30 min | Moose Hillhackers |
DIY reading session / DIY lese session | DIY reading session / DIY lese session | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Mobile Infoshop |
Mastro Gippo's Ghost Talk | Mastro Gippo's Ghost Talk | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Italian Hackers' Embassy |
Chaos Microgrid Working Group | Chaos Microgrid Working Group - Fifth Meetup - Swap contact details, skills matrix, survey completion | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 120 min | Infuanfu |
P2panda | P2panda | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 45 min | 1komona |
ArtesMobiles - SpeculativeAI | ArtesMobiles - SpeculativeAI - 4pm - 6pm every 15 min | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 15 min | 1komona |
Like2hear OpenHearingAid for field research | Like2hear OpenHearingAid for field research - Hear How You Like To Hear | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Hackcenter | meetup | meetup | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Ecohackerfarm |
HFOS - The Hackerfleet Operating System | HFOS - The Hackerfleet Operating System - HFOS@c-base | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 30 min | C-base |
SUSI.AI Open Source Voice Assistant | SUSI.AI Open Source Voice Assistant - Learn about SUSI.AI and how to build your own smart speaker | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Hackcenter |
OpenCMOS: the why and how of truly open hardware | OpenCMOS: the why and how of truly open hardware | 24 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | NixOS |
Climate breakdown – the bleak reality | Climate breakdown – the bleak reality - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 24 August 2019 16:15:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Unison | Unison - Start | 24 August 2019 16:20:00 | 3 min | |
Brainstorming about Camp/Congress Schedule 2019 for Android | Brainstorming about Camp/Congress Schedule 2019 for Android - Users-developer-meeting | 24 August 2019 16:30:00 | 30 min | C-base |
What the weather | What the weather | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 45 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
SumoRobot programming | SumoRobot programming - Day 4 evening | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 90 min | RoboVillage |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Meet librehosters | Meet librehosters | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 30 min | Librehosters |
Oscilloscope Music Workshop | Oscilloscope Music Workshop - Open Lab | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 60 min | TEUrCamp |
Tschernobyl | Tschernobyl - Tschernobyl Reisebericht und Q&A | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 60 min | Singularity City |
Let’s play EmptyEpsilon (Bridge Simulator) | Let’s play EmptyEpsilon (Bridge Simulator) - Take 3 | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 90 min | NixOS |
Digital Activism Training - Infrastructuring for the upcoming rave protests for climate | Digital Activism Training - Infrastructuring for the upcoming rave protests for climate | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 120 min | AFRA |
Advanced web tracking methods | Advanced web tracking methods - about:stage | 24 August 2019 17:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Pentagame | Pentagame | 24 August 2019 17:05:00 | 90 min | C-base |
Beer Tasting | Beer Tasting - 2nd round of Beer Tasting (what‘s left from 1st round) | 24 August 2019 17:15:00 | 120 min | Backspace |
Improvisation für Einsteiger | Improvisation für Einsteiger | 24 August 2019 17:30:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
Graphics with LaTeX | Graphics with LaTeX | 24 August 2019 17:30:00 | 90 min | LaTeX |
Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - electronic kitten EXPERIMENTAL WORKSHOP | Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners - electronic kitten EXPERIMENTAL WORKSHOP - EXPERIMENTAL Day 4 - 17:30 | 24 August 2019 17:30:00 | 100 min | HardwareHackingArea |
How to collaborate better | How to collaborate better | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
SDR-Stick als Spektrumskop | SDR-Stick als Spektrumskop | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
Body/Mind Hardware/Software | Body/Mind Hardware/Software | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | Hackcenter |
Patterns for Decentralization | Patterns for Decentralization | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | 1komona |
EightOS | EightOS | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | Hackcenter |
Poly*-/RA-Meetup | Poly*-/RA-Meetup | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | ZSH - Zelt Stadt Hessen |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Tree climbing (with ropes and knots) | Tree climbing (with ropes and knots) - Hands-on introduction | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | |
Pluto is a planet | Pluto is a planet | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 30 min | |
ItalianGrappa Party | ItalianGrappa Party - Come on and Have fun with us! | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 300 min | Italian Hackers' Embassy |
Decentrathon | Decentrathon - Pitches | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 90 min | About:freedom |
Fabmobil - Open Doors | Fabmobil - Open Doors | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 120 min | |
Introduction to Live Coding with Sonic Pi | Introduction to Live Coding with Sonic Pi | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Goldberg (Workshop 2) |
Gameboy Tetris Tournament | Gameboy Tetris Tournament - Round 2 | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | Metalab Dome |
Developing Film with Coffee | Developing Film with Coffee - Workshop: Develop Film with Coffee | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 60 min | |
Introduction to infoshop | Introduction to infoshop | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 30 min | Mobile Infoshop |
GNU Radio Workshop | GNU Radio Workshop | 24 August 2019 18:00:00 | 90 min | Singularity City |
OONI Hackathon | OONI Hackathon | 24 August 2019 18:30:00 | 999 min | Hackcenter |
Chaosradio 254 | Chaosradio 254 - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 24 August 2019 18:30:00 | 120 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Cryptpad | Cryptpad | 24 August 2019 19:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Aktuelle Digimodes | Aktuelle Digimodes | 24 August 2019 19:00:00 | 60 min | Chaoswelle |
Distortion Social Party | Distortion Social Party - 80s cool synth dance | 24 August 2019 19:00:00 | 90 min | |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 19:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
SumoRobot soldering | SumoRobot soldering - Day 4 evening | 24 August 2019 19:00:00 | 120 min | RoboVillage |
Free Software Song sing-along | Free Software Song sing-along - ad-hoc choir | 24 August 2019 19:30:00 | 10 min | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Decentrathon | Decentrathon - Hacksession | 24 August 2019 19:30:00 | 990 min | About:freedom |
Freezing your crypto-currencies - very cold storage solution | Freezing your crypto-currencies - very cold storage solution | 24 August 2019 19:30:00 | 20 min | 402 Payment Required |
Digital Services Act: The future of Internet in the next rules on Intermediary Liability | Digital Services Act: The future of Internet in the next rules on Intermediary Liability - Panel on Intermediary Liability @ about:stage | 24 August 2019 19:30:00 | 60 min | About:freedom |
Fair Ticket Sales on a Capitalist World | Fair Ticket Sales on a Capitalist World - Welcome to capitalism where prices regulate the differences between deman and supply, or do they? | 24 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | Johnson (Workshop 1) |
Lh lightning talks | Lh lightning talks - Present your project (lightning talk style) | 24 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | Librehosters |
Camping Cryptographers Meetup | Camping Cryptographers Meetup | 24 August 2019 20:00:00 | Ecohackerfarm | |
How to talk to the badge - a (micro-)python introduction for BEGINNERS! | How to talk to the badge - a (micro-)python introduction for BEGINNERS! | 24 August 2019 20:00:00 | 90 min | 1komona |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 20:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Sticker Exchange Party | Sticker Exchange Party | 24 August 2019 20:00:00 | 90 min | Mobile Infoshop |
Make a FOSS iPod Touch / Secure Messenger | Make a FOSS iPod Touch / Secure Messenger - Hands-On workshop to create at least 5 devices | 24 August 2019 20:30:00 | 120 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Distortion Social Party | Distortion Social Party - Eurodance, yeah | 24 August 2019 20:30:00 | 90 min | |
Retro hardware meeting | Retro hardware meeting | 24 August 2019 20:30:00 | 120 min | Dolphin Emulator 🐬 |
Card10 ECG Cable Workshop | Card10 ECG Cable Workshop - Session 1 | 24 August 2019 20:30:00 | 60 min | HardwareHackingArea |
How2kicad | How2kicad - how2kicad | 24 August 2019 20:30:00 | 120 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Project novis - free & open amateur radio web services | Project novis - free & open amateur radio web services | 24 August 2019 20:30:00 | 30 min | Chaoswelle |
Freak Show | Freak Show - Location: Planke (Bühne) | 24 August 2019 20:45:00 | 120 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 24 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Hacking Chromebook | Hacking Chromebook | 24 August 2019 21:00:00 | 60 min | Milliways |
Mobile Sauna Festival Meetup | Mobile Sauna Festival Meetup - Festival in Berlin | 24 August 2019 21:00:00 | 30 min | Three Headed Monkey |
All Creatures Welcome | All Creatures Welcome - Film von Sandra Trostel | 24 August 2019 21:00:00 | 90 min | Singularity City |
Card10 ECG Cable Workshop | Card10 ECG Cable Workshop - Session 2 | 24 August 2019 21:30:00 | 60 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Oscilloscope Music: Jerobeam Fenderson Performance | Oscilloscope Music: Jerobeam Fenderson Performance | 24 August 2019 22:00:00 | 45 min | Milliways |
Distortion Social Party | Distortion Social Party - Proper Electronic | 24 August 2019 22:00:00 | 60 min | |
Role-Play Games | Role-Play Games - Ten Candles | 24 August 2019 22:00:00 | Backspace | |
Distortion Social Party | Distortion Social Party - Straight Techno | 24 August 2019 23:00:00 | 120 min | |
Feierliche Verlesung des gesammelten Ärgers | Feierliche Verlesung des gesammelten Ärgers | 24 August 2019 23:00:00 | 60 min | Haecksen |
Portraits of Hackers - 2019 | Portraits of Hackers - 2019 - Portraits of Hackers - 2019 Edition | 24 August 2019 23:30:00 | 60 min | Italian Hackers' Embassy |
Mine cart dance party | Mine cart dance party | 24 August 2019 23:30:00 | 42 min | |
Chilli tasting | Chilli tasting | 24 August 2019 23:59:00 | Foodhackingbase |
Has event title | Session | Start | Duration | Location |
2m Foxoring | 2m Foxoring - 2m Foxoring - Day 5 | 25 August 2019 00:00:00 | 1,080 min | |
Plant & grow | Plant & grow - Just drop by after noon and ask for Buschi | 25 August 2019 | ||
Public Viewing - Dota2 International | Public Viewing - Dota2 International - Finals | 25 August 2019 08:00:00 | 300 min | |
Jugger | Jugger | 25 August 2019 08:00:00 | 780 min | Kidspace |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 25 August 2019 10:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Free Software Song sing-along | Free Software Song sing-along - ad-hoc choir | 25 August 2019 10:30:00 | Free Software Foundation Europe | |
Robot Soccer | Robot Soccer | 25 August 2019 11:00:00 | 30 min | RoboVillage |
Re-boot yourself! | Re-boot yourself! - location: Lagerfeuer (Workshop) | 25 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 25 August 2019 11:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | Fabmobil - Kids Workshop | 25 August 2019 11:00:00 | 150 min | |
Learn To Solder | Learn To Solder - Day 5 | 25 August 2019 11:00:00 | 359 min | HardwareHackingArea |
Algorithms and AI for democratic governance | Algorithms and AI for democratic governance - about:stage | 25 August 2019 11:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
The camp LTE network | The camp LTE network - how the camp LTE network is built | 25 August 2019 12:00:00 | 45 min | Singularity City |
Eye Contact | Eye Contact | 25 August 2019 12:00:00 | 60 min | NixOS |
Fairydust Jewerly | Fairydust Jewerly | 25 August 2019 12:00:00 | 420 min | |
Hack your nails | Hack your nails | 25 August 2019 12:00:00 | 120 min | Singularity City |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 25 August 2019 12:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 25 August 2019 13:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Sonne, Socken - solare Einsatzleitung | Sonne, Socken - solare Einsatzleitung | 25 August 2019 13:00:00 | 60 min | |
Böser Sprechworkshop | Böser Sprechworkshop | 25 August 2019 13:00:00 | 90 min | Haecksen |
Gaby Weber @ CCCamp 2019 | Gaby Weber @ CCCamp 2019 - about:stage | 25 August 2019 13:00:00 | 120 min | About:freedom |
NixOS Group Photo | NixOS Group Photo | 25 August 2019 13:00:00 | 10 min | NixOS |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 25 August 2019 14:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Proof of ignorance | Proof of ignorance - about:stage | 25 August 2019 14:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Capitana vs. Benito Salvini - über die Erosion von Grundrechten und was wir dagegen tun können | Capitana vs. Benito Salvini - über die Erosion von Grundrechten und was wir dagegen tun können | 25 August 2019 15:00:00 | 30 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Fabmobil - Open Doors | Fabmobil - Open Doors | 25 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | |
Freedom Cruise, about:policelaws | Freedom Cruise, about:policelaws - about:stage | 25 August 2019 15:00:00 | 55 min | About:freedom |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 25 August 2019 15:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Postapokalyptic jewellery | Postapokalyptic jewellery - scrap tinkering - schrottbasteln | 25 August 2019 15:15:00 | 183 min | 1komona |
Improvisation für Einsteiger | Improvisation für Einsteiger - Wiederholung (fuer Neueinsteiger:Innen und Wiederholer:Innen) | 25 August 2019 15:30:00 | 90 min | Haecksen |
ZpS - Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung | ZpS - Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung - location: Planke (Bühne) | 25 August 2019 15:45:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Soldering last things | Soldering last things - HELP !! Need soldering Iron for 1 hour | 25 August 2019 16:00:00 | 180 min | Milliways |
Digital Self-Defense Workshop | Digital Self-Defense Workshop - Smartphones | 25 August 2019 16:00:00 | 90 min | Digitalcourage |
Hacking Licence | Hacking Licence | 25 August 2019 16:00:00 | 60 min | Digitalcourage |
Verstehbahnhof and beyond -- building the ultimate digital playground | Verstehbahnhof and beyond -- building the ultimate digital playground - location: Planke (Bühne) | 25 August 2019 16:30:00 | 60 min | Three Headed Monkey |
Do you hear the people sing – the song of the Hong Kong protests | Do you hear the people sing – the song of the Hong Kong protests | 25 August 2019 17:30:00 | 30 min | Haecksen |
CCClasse – bezahlen für Arbeit? / CCClass – to pay for work? | CCClasse – bezahlen für Arbeit? / CCClass – to pay for work? | 25 August 2019 18:00:00 | 35 min | Mobile Infoshop |
Scottish Pro Wrestling | Scottish Pro Wrestling | 25 August 2019 20:00:00 | 180 min | Scottish Consulate |