Session:Like2hear OpenHearingAid for field research

Description Introduction to and testing of the #like2hear hearable research prototype
Type Hands-On
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software
Tags hearable, hearingaid, sound, raspberrypi, science, audio, audioprocessing, health, python, openscience, opendata, hackathon
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions... ... further results

Subtitle Hear How You Like To Hear
Starts at 2019/08/24 16:00
Ends at 2019/08/24 17:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Room:Hackcenter

How will we listen to the future?

I'll give some brief introduction of the first open source software and hardware for a hearable field research, the #like2hear-box with app control.

Following I invite you to take a soundwalk on the camp fields with the #like2hear box, which is part of the research. (more soundwalks at the camp will take place at midnight and 24th 10am, contact me)

This open source prototype for citizen science field research we developed at Fraunhofer IDMT in the framework of the citizen science project "Hear How You Like To Hear".

Being moderately hearing impaired myself I initiated this project for any kind of people being interested to hear how they like to hear.

From people who hear to much oder too less with an interest in being able to dynamically adapt and improve their own hearables to scientists and artists with working about sound environments - everyone can share ideas within this citizen science project.

Feel also warmly invited to our interdisciplinary #hack4ears hackathon in Berlin, 8./9.11.2019