Session:Discussion on privacy-friendly green policies in the European Union

Description How can we combine environmental issues with privacy-friendly solutions? Knowing that privacy comes at a cost of efficiency, what should the red lines be in the privacy VS environment debate? Is the fight for privacy in green policy the beginning of the end for surveillance capitalism?
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political
Tags Sustainable community, Smart City, Surveillance City, green, Environment, Surveillance capitalism, Green tech, Sustainability, Smart green, EU, EU Parliament, EU Commission, EDRi
Processing village Village:About:freedom, Village:Bits&Bäume, Village:EDRi
Person organizing User:Blipp, User:Andreea (EDRi)
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions... ... further results

Subtitle about:sessions
Starts at 2019/08/24 10:30
Ends at 2019/08/24 11:55
Duration 85 minutes
Location Village:About:freedom

Here are the notes from the session:

How can we combine environmental issues with privacy-friendly solutions? Knowing that privacy comes at a cost of efficiency (in data analysis/predictions/…), what should the red lines be in the privacy VS environment debate? Is the fight for privacy in green policy the beginning of the end for surveillance capitalism?

Following the EU elections results, we were all pleased to see that environmental issues occupied an important role in the rhetoric and agendas of (successful) candidates. Moreover, the newly elected EU commissioner promises to secure a European Green Deal. This makes it likely that we will see proposals on green policies in the coming legislative period.

Let's chat about ways of building the narrative of privacy-friendly green tech and map existing good practices in the area.

Plan of this discussion round:

  • We'll first have a short introduction
    • on the current state of the European Parliament with respect to green policies, and
    • on some examples of green policies that can harm privacy
  • We'll then moderate a discussion on the questions that are listed above.

Some background:

Policies and areas where privacy might not be preserved sufficiently are for example smart meters (and energy consumption monitoring in general), and electric cars feeding back electricity to the grid. In the smart meter setting, detailed energy consumption profiles might get leaked. In the electric car setting, location and movement profiles might leak.

Technological tools to preserve privacy, so-called privacy enhancing technologies, are for example differential privacy and secure multi-party computation. This discussion session will not focus on the technical details of those. Rather, we want to hear your opinions on: Where would you draw the line between privacy and effective green policies? How much overhead would be acceptable to make a green policy privacy-preserving?

On EDRi:

EDRi (European Digital Rights) is a network of more than 50 civil and human rights organisations from across Europe. Whenever citizens’ rights and freedoms in the online environment are endangered by the actions of political bodies or private organisations, we ensure that they are respected.