
Description Isomer is a new distributed application framework
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software, web, coding
Tags software, opensource, hackerfleet
Processing village Village:C-base
Person organizing User:Riot
Language en - English
en - English
Related to Projects:Hackerfleet, Projects:Isomer
Other sessions... ... further results

Subtitle An overview of what Isomer aims to be and how that might help you
Starts at 2019/08/21 17:00
Ends at 2019/08/21 17:45
Duration 45 minutes
Location Village:C-base

TL;DR: Isomer is an opensource, distributed application framework addressing collaboration between humans, crews and machines. One of the core goals is trying to bridge the existing gap between computation in sciences/engineering and human/machine interaction.

You might be interested in the Hackerfleet which effectively provided the foundations for the Isomer project and is building the Hackerfleet Operating System for vessels.

Please see the Projectpage for more details!