Session:Tor Project: running Tor trainings with human rights defenders in Global South

Description Meeting the Global South community and users
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) security
Tags Village:Tor Project
Processing village Village:About:freedom, Village:Tor Project
Person organizing User:Gnunicorn
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions... ... further results

Subtitle about:stage
Starts at 2019/08/22 14:30
Ends at 2019/08/22 15:25
Duration 55 minutes
Location Village:About:freedom

In the last year Tor Project's Community and UX teams organized security trainings and UX testing with journalists, human rights defenders, activists in Global South. In these visits we learned about our users, what challenges they're facing and we started to build user personas to better understand how Tor can help them. In this talk you will learn what we have been doing and what are the next steps.