Session:Digital Services Act: The future of Internet in the next rules on Intermediary Liability

Description CDT - Center for Democracy & Technology, will discuss with valuable guests the political and legislative initiatives already in place and the safeguards that the new Digital Services Act must take into consideration in order to do not harm freedom of expression, access to information, and innovation and entrepreneurship on the internet.
Type Discussion
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political
Tags UploadFilter, IntermediaryLiability, DigitalServicesAct, eCommerceDirective, FreedomOfExpression, EuropeanCommission
Processing village Village:Italian Hackers' Embassy
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions... ... further results

Subtitle Panel on Intermediary Liability @ about:stage
Starts at 2019/08/24 19:30
Ends at 2019/08/24 20:30
Duration 60 minutes
Location Village:About:freedom

Policymakers are considering policy and legislation that will ‘hold platforms accountable’ and make them ‘take more responsibility’ for the content they host.

In European countries, there is a growing sentiment that existing legislation, notably the European E-Commerce Directive (ECD) should be updated. The ECD establishes the principle that content hosts are not liable for user-uploaded content, unless they have been notified of illegality. The Directive’s provisions are general, and have been implemented differently in different Member States.

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has issued a number of rulings that clarify certain questions, but guidance as to the expectations content hosts must meet to maintain safe harbour protection remains vague.

CDT has argued that the Directive should be supplemented with additional notice-and-action guidelines or legislation, but the Commission decided not to move forward with this type of initiative.

Now, however, the European Commission is understood to be preparing policy options for new rules for content hosting; a Digital Services Act.

The Act would add to several pieces of EU legislation adopted or proposed in the past few years, and to several Member State legislative initiatives focused on illegal and or harmful content, and overall regulatory supervision of content hosts.

CDT - Center for Democracy & Technology, will discuss with valuable guests the political and legislative initiatives already in place and the safeguards that the new Digital Services Act must take into consideration in order to do not harm freedom of expression, access to information, and innovation and entrepreneurship on the internet.


Chloé BERTHELEMY, Policy and Campaigns Officer at EDRi - European Digital Rights. Twitter: @edri

Martin HUSOVEC, Assistant Professor at the Tilburg University (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society & Tilburg Law and Economics Center). Twitter: @hutco

Marcel KOLAJA, MEP (Czech Pirate Party - Greens group), Vice President of the European Parliament. Twitter: @PiratKolaja


Vincenzo TIANI, EU Affairs Analyst at CDT - Center for Democracy & Technology Twitter: @VincenzoTiani - @CDTeu