Session:Feierliche Verlesung des gesammelten Ärgers

Description Solemn reading of the collected anger
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) political
Tags Village:Haecksen, anger, anger management, Psychohygiene, rage, temper, choler, annoyance, displeasure, fury, irration, outrage, gall, mad
Processing village Village:Haecksen
Person organizing User:Piko
Language de - German
de - German
Other sessions... ... further results

Starts at 2019/08/24 23:00
Ends at 2019/08/25 00:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Village:Haecksen

Come and exchange your anger at our Anger Exchange Point!

Are you angry about something? Are you sick of being angry about that thing?! Exchange your anger for someone else's!

In 6 easy steps:

1. Enter the booth at our anger exchange point. 2. Grab an AEP-form and write it all out 3. Put it in the box (enjoy the rage!) 4. Exit the booth and walk to the other side 5. Withdraw someone else's paper 6. Done! Congratulations, you can now be angry about something new!

We will read out the left over anger in this session.