Static:Self-organized Sessions
Self-organized sessions used to be called "workshops", but we changed the naming to include everything - even if it's not hands-on or about making things - as long as it's done by YOU!
Such an event can be...
- ... a gathering of a project group or on a special topic,
- ... a contest or a game
- ... something happening outside of the building
- ... a small talk or lecture
- ... a screening of a movie
- ... something with music, literature and art
- ... a follow-up-discussion on one ob the "big talks" or another topic that happened rencently
- ... everything else you think that needs to take place at the congress!
[hide]Your Self-organized Session goes 34C3
On this page you can find a list of planned self-organized sessions by participants of the 34C3 and you'll find the necessary information to create your own one.
The idea is to provide a global workshop and talk calendar: Everyone being at the 34C3 can look at this calendar to find out what self-organized sessions are currently running besides the "big" talks in the halls.
Registering own workshops or talks
To register your self-organized sessions just use the self-organized session form.
For now, the crucial information are
- Name of the self-organized session (which will be used as the site name)
- A short description
- A valid email address that might be used by the orga team to contact you
It might even be great, if you give some information about the person and assembly performing the self-organized session and a rough start- and end-time for the schedule, as well as a location. You can always update this information later.
For a detailed description, you can use the Free text field. This field allows the usual mediawiki syntax, and it will be the body of your page at the end.
You can also select a location for your self-organized. Please book a room with tables only if you really need tables for your session!
At the moment valid locations are all assemblies that have selected maybe or yes in their local lectures field, as well as the the following locations:
in CCL:
- Lecture room 11, FCFS – with 125 square meters and 100 seats; no tables (theatre seating) [1] – with projector, microphone on tripod
- Seminar room 14-15, FCFS – with 66 square meters and 42 seats; no tables (theatre seating) [2] – with projector, microphone on tripod
- Lecture room 12, FCFS – with 47 square meters and 30 seats; tables (classroom seating) [3] – with projector, microphone on tripod
- Seminar room 13, FCFS – with 33 square meters and 21 seats; tables (classroom seating) [4] – with projector, no audio amplifier
- Hall 3, free slots FCFS – Rights & Freedom Stage with 96 seats
in Trade fair hall 2 (Messehalle 2):
- Chaos West Stage curated – with ~80 seats
- Open Infra Stage curated – (Freifunk) with ~30 seats
- KoMoNa
- Komona Aquarius free slots FCFS – Stage with ~30 seats, projector, sound, theatre seating
- Komona Coral reef free slots FCFS – with 6-7 tables and 12-14 seats for workshops
- Komona D.Ressrosa free slots FCFS – projector, sound, 6-7 tables and 12-14 seats
- Komona Blue Princess free slots FCFS – 10 seats, cosy workshopspace without further equipment
- Hive
- Hive Stage FCFS – Stage with ~50 seats
- Hive Conference FCFS – Comb H with 10-15 seats
- Jugend Hackt / Wikimedia DE / OKF
- Esszimmer curated – with ~20 seats
- See room page for more details
- Esszimmer curated – with ~20 seats
- Art&Place Space
To which extent these areas are bookable via this wiki, has to be clarified with the individual assembly/cluster.
Planning self-organized sessions within the workshop rooms and other areas marked with "FCFS" works on a "fair use policy":
- You can plan any time slot that is still free – first come, first served. Take a look into our static:Calendar or the timelines on the workshop location pages. FCFS stand for
- You may register self-organized sessions in one of the workshop rooms with a maximum duration of 3 hours. If you need more time, you might kindly want to ask one of the Static:Assemblies that provide space for workshops, if you can perform your workshop there.
- Give a valid contact on your self-organized session page. If no name given, we are not able to contact you in case of questions.
- Session Announce Lists available at the Infodesk and on most shared tables
Registered Self-organized Sessions
Already registered self-organized sessions are available as list or calendar. You can use the existing self-organized sessions as a reference, if you do not yet know where to start.
The calendar is updated using the semantics feature of the self-organized sessions form and template. This may take some time, so be patient …
There are 362 registered self-organized sessions with 491 events.
description | organized by | |
"Pen&Paper" Game Jam | Hi, wir wollen gemeinsam ein Spiel entwickeln.
Genauer gesagt machen wir einen pen&paper mini "Game Jam". Hierbei finden sich normalerweise aus allen Disziplinen der Gamesbranche Beteiligte zusammen um in einem lockeren Umfeld Spiele/Spielideen zu entwickeln. Ich möchte dieses Konzept gerne mit Kindern umsetzen; ohne Computer ;0) Es geht um Grundlegende Spielmechanismen und deren Kreative Umsetzung. Ich freue mich auf viele motivierte Kinder ;o) | Kidspace |
(Wie) Audible Magic hacken? | Audible Magic Corp., a US producer of media filtering software (see DE Wikipedia: is currently touring the policy makers in Brussels, who are about to decide whether there will be a general rule to implement content pre-filtering on all digital platforms with significant amounts of user-generated content. Such filters are meant – at least at the current stage – to prevent copyright infringements by keeping infringing content from being uploaded to the platforms. They can, of course, later also be used to censor any other kind of recognisable content, and thus pose a massive threat to freedom of speech on the net. But even for the copyright-related purpose they are probably unsuitable, as they cannot process, let alone weigh the context of an upload, as a human can. Therefore the exceptions & limitations built into copyright law would become practically irrelevant, once such a net-wide filtering infrastructure based on automated filtering is in place. In this session we want to discuss whether and how the technology behind Audible Magic's filtering solutions can be hacked in order to analyse its capabilities and shortcomings. If successful, this analysis could greatly influence the policy discussions on the EU level, that will enter a crucial phase in early 2018. | Wikimedia Deutschland |
(YBTI) Distributed Systems Workshop at Onionspace Berlin | invites you to a workshop we are holding in Berlin from 2nd through 9th of January. See the website for details. | NGI |
(what is) Transformative Justice for Communities | justice and peace without the police | Komona |
34C3 CTF Afterparty | The 34C3 concludes and we will honor the first three teams. Then there will be ample opportunity to discuss challenges, CTF in general and drink beer. | 34C3 CTF |
42birds: Dreams of the Future | Learning in science fiction movies. This talk is just for fun… And yes, there will be school violence ;-) | |
42birds: Hacker’s Digest | We'll talk about fiction and non-fiction books. | |
42birds: Hitchhiker's Towel-Yoga | We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. | |
42birds: Nerd Game Show | 🙈 🙉 🙊 You Know Stuff ☐ ☒ ☑ Answer nerdy questions on your notebook / smartphone and win a (small) price 😸 😹 😻 | |
42birds: Taskwarrior For Dummies | Taskwarrior is Free and Open Source Software that manages your TODO list from the command line. It is flexible, fast, and unobtrusive. It does its job then gets out of your way. | |
A Blueprint for Making Namecoin Anonymous | Namecoin aims to support anonymous name registrations, but our approach isn't to simply implement the Monero or Zcash anonymity features as consensus rules. I'll explain why we're taking a very different approach. | Monero Assembly |
A Solution To A Problem That Did Not Exist 50 Years Ago | Lasers are a relatively young technology. Nowadays they are an essential part of our world's technology, but have you ever wondered how they work? We are here to tell you! | Physikfachschaft Rostock |
A personal epiphany and endless inspection! Meet Sophia! | Thomas Schoenberger, Polymath, Composer and Historian has created the first ever YouTube treasure map.
What began as a quest to gather some of the most interesting minds and souls on this planet has now become a garden we can all tend together. Let us share ideas and clues together.
| |
A public identity infrastructure to defend the open Internet | Tracking users and managing their online identity across multiple services is the cornerstone of the dominance of the Internet by the big OTTs. Currently, Google, Facebook and other companies who live off user data monetization are the only ones offering Internet-wide single-sign-on services to average users; these services build more walled gardens which give no choice, no rights and no freedoms to the users. This is why it is strategically important to create an open alternative: a federated, public, free identity infrastructure for the Internet that would give users the same level of convenience and security, but empower them to choose their identity provider and control which personal information is shared and to whom. The session will open with a general presentation, including data, of how the big OTTs are growing and focusing their revenue sources on advertising and on tracking online identities, centralizing the economy of the Internet and of the world, to prove how crucial this issue is. Then, the talk will discuss introduce the work done within the DomainID/iNetID project to create a decentralized public identity infrastructure for the open Internet, going into technical details on the proposed architecture, and looking for community feedback and participation. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
A summery of my work as privacy officer in the students committee | Discussion: A summary of my 3 years of work as privacy officer in the students committee peppered with anecdotes. I would like to meet other students and privacy officers and share experiences with them. | |
A-NOC: Handmade Shots | Liquers for donation! | Anarchist |
A-NOC: Tech-support for political events | This meet-up is intended to bring people together and to check, how to form kind of a community, that connects and shares ideas, experiences and lessons-learned about bringing technical infrastructure to political activist and protest events. | Anarchist |
A/V Angel Meeting | Daily A/V Angel Meeting: Feedback and Shift Distribution | |
Abbau / Disassembly | ||
Abschluss (sva) Streaming | | Chaos West |
All Creatures Welcome | In this meeting FilmGizmo will give everybody interested a quick overview of the formation process, the status and the future of the documentary project ALL CREATURES WELCOME. And, maybe most importantly: She will answer all the questions of the people who help to realize this movie and the ones who want to become part of it in an open discussion! | |
Alle Menschen sind gleich, aber manche sind gleicher. | Alle Menschen sind gleich, aber manche sind gleicher: Vom neuen Polizisten-Sonderstrafrecht und der Notwendigkeit unabhängiger Demobeobachtung und ihrer Technik. | Freiheitsfoo |
Alpaka-Party | Zwischen 14:00 und 16:00 könnt ihr im Werkstattraum der Jugend hackt Assembly vorbeikommen (direkt neben dem Kidsspace). Dort bauen wir lustige, blinkende Alpaka Karten. Es bedarf keinerlei Vorkenntnisse und man kann einfach vorbei kommen. Eine Karte zu basteln dauert zwischen 10 und 15 Minuten, also perfekt um sich zwischendurch die Zeit zu vertreiben. Wir basteln die Karten so lange der Vorrat reicht :) | Jugend hackt |
Alternatives Wirtschaften | Alternatives Wirtschaften (Mar) | |
Anarchist Aseembly of the Anarchist Assembly | We will meet to discuss about these days during 34c3 and what we need for the (no)future | Anarchist |
Anarchist hackers - Hispagatos International anarchist-hacker collective | We will have a discussion of modern day anarchism, "anarcho-hacker" roots, and new social struggles, new culture from the old 1936 to new 2017 the fight continues - Also a place to organize actions on i2p and join our international collective: - we will help people install i2p software on your GNU/Linux system. We will most likely start with the Submedia.TV documentary "hacking the system". | Komona 1Komona Anarchist |
Angel Meeting | Daily meetings of the Angel crew. | |
Angewandte konsensdemokratie | gruppen von menschen die gemeinsam dinge tun lassen sich oft weiter demokratisieren als "nur" basisdemokratie zu machen. konsensdemokratie ist nicht nur möglich, sondern mittelfristig sogar effizienter und stressfreier. mehr spaß macht sie auch :-) | |
ArduinoForTotalNewbies | Learn Arduino using TV-B-Gone as an example project
| HardwareHackingArea |
Autocrypt | Introduction and practical demonstration to Autocrypt, an implemented specification for convenient e-mail end-to-end encryption. Bring your Android phone or Laptop to get installed with in-development releases of Autocrypt-capable clients (Delta/Android, K-9 Mail, Enigmail) and try it out with us! There are opportunities to help and feedback work to developers for future implementation. Day 2 - 13:00 - Seminar Room 14-15 | |
BBS SysOP/User meetup | Meeting for everybody who operated or used Modem/Dialup based BBSs in the good old days. | |
BeA - das neue Anwaltspostfach | Ab dem 1.1.2018 wird das besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach (beA), quasi DE-Mail für Anwälte, verpflichtend eingeführt, Anwälte müssen darüber Schriftsätze empfangen. In diesem talk möchte ich grob skizzieren, wie das System funktioniert und wie es um die Sicherheit bestellt ist. | Chaos Darmstadt |
Beer Tasting @ FHB | Beer Tasting @ FHB | Foodhackingbase |
Beweise ohne Worte (Wondrous Mathematics) | In der Schule besteht Mathematik zu einem großen Teil aus Rechnungen. Das ist aber nicht das, was Mathematik wirklich ausmacht! Dazu gehören nämlich ergreifende Aha-Momente beim Verstehen von Zusammenhängen. Mathematik ist die Kunst, das Verborgene auf das Offensichtliche zurückzuführen! In dieser Session gibt es Beweise, die ganz ohne Worte auskommen. | Curry Club Augsburg |
Bier & Bass | Komona | |
Binärgewitter Hörertreffen | Binärgewitter Hörertreffen auf dem 34c3 | |
Bisq - A decentralized bitcoin exchange | In this talk we'll explore Bisq—a decentralized, peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange that allows people to trade bitcoin for national currencies like US dollars and Euros, as well as for other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, Monero and Namecoin. Bisq has been in development since early 2014 and in production since mid-2016, with a no-compromises approach to security, privacy and censorship resistance. | Bitcoin |
Bitmask/LEAP workshop | The LEAP Encryption Access project is dedicated to giving all Internet users access to secure communications. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely available. Not only end users deserve useable programs, the barriers to entry for aspiring service providers are pretty high. LEAP's goal is to transform the existing frustration and failure into an automated and straightforward process. | |
Blocked | ||
Blue Hackers | Even the congress, with it's welcoming atmosphere, can be stressful and sometimes leave some of us in a bad state. Especially if you deal with mental health issues, being in this overwhelming location, far away from your support networks, depression or anxiety can creep up from behind, and bring you down. This session is an opportunity to meet with the people who know your struggles, a place to talk openly about how you feel, or just listen to other people. And to know: you are not alone! | Socat Ring of Fire |
Bookmaking, binding with glue or staples | Workshop: Bookmaking, binding with glue or staples (Andorra) | |
Bouldering | Let's climb some walls! | |
Bridging messengers with | Matrix is an open protocol for real-time communication. It not only provides a way to build messengers like, but it also allows bridging other messengers like IRC, Slack, Gitter, Telegram, etc. | |
Bring your own Nintendo Switch | Play wireless multiplayer games with us, especially Mario Kart. Also pull out your Switches while waiting for talks. If enough people are around you can find wireless Mario Kart multiplayer matches to join. Look out for neon JoyCons in the audience. If there is no host to join, host your own match | Dolphin Emulator |
CCC-CH GV | CCC-CH GV / Gettogether | CCC-CH |
CCChoir Flashmob | SingWat - CCChoir in der Glashalle | Aussenstelle511 |
CMS Tutoren Briefing | CMS Tutoren Briefing | |
Calliope Workshops | Kinder ab 8 Jahren sind herzlich willkommen ihre ersten Erfahrungen mit dem Programmieren zu machen.
Wer an Tag 3 oder 4 noch Lust auf Calliope Workshops hat, der ruft einfach mal an: DECT: 8843 oder mobile: null eins sechs drei 362 534 0 | Calliope Assembly |
Can't touch this 2: Introduction and more about self defense and communication for humans | Last year, the workshop was called:
Can't touch this: Introduction to self defense for women Learn the legal frame of self defence in Germany/Switzerland, the communication patterns of threat/violence and five easy techniques to avoid sexual harassment and to counter physical attacks. | |
Chaos Communication Choir | Chorsingen und Aufnahme eines Chorstückes für den Film "All creatures welcome" | |
Chaos Macht Schule Lötworkshop | Lötworkshop, der Teil des Junghackertags ist Bausätze Löten | Kidspace |
Chaos macht Schule Lötworkshop | "Chaos macht Schule" (CmS) Blinkenrocket Lötworkshop / Blinkenrocket Soldering workshop | Chaos West |
Chaos-Notizen | Vorträge mitschreiben und sich Notizen machen ist immer gut. Kritzeln macht Spaß. Sketchnotes verbinden dieses.
Wir möchten euch zeigen was sketch-noting ist, wie man selbst zum Chaos-Stenograf wird und dass Sketchnotes tatsächlich in vielerlei Hinsicht eine effektive Art sind sich Wichtiges so zu notieren, dass man später etwas damit anfangen kann. Tuwat und kommuniziere mit deinem zukünftigen Ich! | Bogonauten | and mastodon meetup | This is a meetup for all people participating in the mastodon network or maybe want to do so in the future. We also use it as an opportunity for a small get-together for the people using the instance. | |
Child Growth Monitor | We will meet at the c-base conference room Day 2, 14:00 | ICMP |
Child Growth Monitor Meetup Day 3 | A game-changing app to detect malnutrition | ICMP |
Chinas social credit system ! CANCELLED ! | Discusssion about Chinas social credit system *! CANCELLED !* | 1Komona |
Chipmaking | we're researching how we can fabricate integrated circuits ourself | |
Clubkultur, was ist das eigentlich und wer soll denn das bezahlen? | Ein Gedankenanstoss zur Frage ob Clubs auch als soziale und kulturelle Bildungsinstitute funktionieren könnten und wie/wer so ausgelegte Clubs gegebenenfalls finanzieren kann. | 1Komona |
Collapsing Cats Towards Infinity | Quantum mechanics is a fascinating field of science. That's why we'd like to give you an introduction to the basics and at the same time show you some of the coolest effects that come out of very simple calculations. Feel free to bring lots of questions! | Physikfachschaft Rostock |
Commie Curious | A warm and welcoming place for people who think they might be a little communist. | |
Computer Forensics introduction + Q&A | An introduction to computer forensics, how to use some tools and how to avoid being detected by some of them ;) | |
Critical Mass Leipzig | Be critical, be massy – #tuwat für den Radverkehr! Die Critical Mass Leipzig fährt jeden letzten Freitag im Monat auf einer kleinen Tour durch Leipzig. Bring dein Fahrrad mit oder leihe dir ein Nextbike aus und komme um 17 Uhr gemeinsam mit anderen Kongress-Teilnehmern in einer so genannten Mini-Mass zur CM Leipzig. Wir treffen uns auf dem neuen Messegelände zwischen dem Haupteingang und dem Messesee. | |
CryptOps: Moving to a world with encrypted VPSs only | An explanation of the CryptOps project | TeaHouse |
Crypto meetup | !!! This is NOT a BitCoin/AltCoin/Blockchain meetup - though underlying technology may be discussed !!!
Just like in the past few years we're going to do an informal meetup of crypto engineers / cryptographers / security nerds to talk about just that subject. We'll be meeting on Day 3 at around 2200, as day two is filled with crypto-related talks at that time. Location TBA on Twitter and in here (assume tea house or a nice bar nearby): | TeaHouse |
CryptoParty für Kinder und Jugendliche | Bei CryptoParties kommen alle zusammen und tauschen praktische Tipps aus, z.B. welcher Messenger sicherer ist, wie ein gutes Passwort funktioniert oder wie Du anonym im Internet surfen kannst. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich und sehr gern eigenes Gerät mitbringen. Offen für alle, ganz besonders alle ohne Vorkenntnisse! | Cryptoparty |
Cryptoparties, specialized content, and creative outreach | A workshop on taking cryptoparties to different settings and working with other communities to bridge gaps on understanding of how privacy, encryption, and free software is relevant to them. This workshop will start with a case study on teaching secure communications for sexting and the role of listening and finding overlapping values. | Cryptoparty |
Cryptoparty | How to use OpenPGP with Enigmail and Thunderbird. If there is time left we can do keysigning afterwards. Bring your laptops | Komona |
D Town, Christopher: Eigenes HackLab bauen! | Aufbau eines HackLabs auf VM und oder Hardware basis für jedes Budget! | Chaos West |
DHCP Anonymity | NOTE: this talk has been moved to day 30, 5pm. Install DHCP implementations that leak less identifying information. | |
DLF | DLF | |
Dat, Beaker browser and decentralized web | Informal exchange for anyone interested in Dat project, Beaker browser and the decentralized web in general. We can get you started with hosting you own website via Dat and beaker browser and talks about all things related to the Dat ecosystem and the wider decentralized web. | |
Datenschleuder | Just a short recap of the status of the current Datenschleuder | |
Daygame - meeting girls (and boys) in daily situations | ||
Deanonymization and Author Recognition with Digital Humanities-Tools | Digital Humanities research developed computational methods to attribute anonymous texts with Open Source tools. Participants will learn about the methodological foundations of authorship attribution, its possibilities and its limitations. They will then apply it hands-on to a sample text collection and / or own examples (you can bring your own text). No programing experience is required, having the R programming language installed previously would be helpful. | Open Knowledge Assembly |
Decentralized Web | Discussion about the state of the decentralized web | |
Delta Chat | ||
Demokratische Schule - Praxisbericht | Demokratische Schulen sind die wohl radikalsten Schulen in Sachen Freiheit des Lernens und Mitbestimmung der Schüler*innen die es auf der Welt gibt.
Jede Woche trifft sich die Schulversammlung (alle Schüler und Lehrer) und entscheidet über alle Angelegenheiten der Schule. Welche Lehrer*innen werden eingestellt? Wie ist der Finanzplan für nächstes Jahr? aber auch "Müssen die Schuhe ausgezogen werden, wenn man aufs Lesesofaklettert?" Dabei hat jeder Schüler und jede Lehrerin genau eine Stimme. Die Schüler*innenschaft ist also in der klaren Mehrheit. Kurse gibt es nur als freiwilliges Angebot. Gelernt wird jeden Tag, wo wann wie was und mit wem man will! Der Autor hat einige Monate an einer demokratische Schule verbracht, gründet die demokratische Schule Luana Augsburg und ist im Europaverband der demokratischen Schulen aktiv. Der Vortrag dauert etwa 60min und wurde schon oft von mir gehalten. Im Anschluss bleibt maximal 30min Zeit für Fragen. Kontakt: | |
Design in Free Software & Open Source | Design in free software & open source is improving in recent years, but we still have a lot to do. If we want people to use free software, it needs to be as simple & easy to use as proprietary counterparts. The Open Source Design collective pushes design in free software. We organize design tracks at well-known events like FOSDEM and FOSSASIA, have a job board to get designers involved, provide open design resources to developers and designers and more. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Die Drei Fragezeichen ??? - Fans treffen sich! | Du hast mal die Drei Fragezeichen gehört und möchtest deine alten Kassetten loswerden? Du bist ein Fan der drei Fragezeichen? Du suchst Gleichgesinnte oder hoffst, dass jemand seine alten Kassetten nicht mehr benötigt? ;-) | |
Digital Security for activists in Crimea | This session is part of our research about surveillance and censorship in Crimea after Russian annexation. Basically, life's very hard there - people get arrested every other week, devices are seized and searched. A specific blocklist has been developed for Crimea, especially targeting Tatar minority. However, the usage of encrypted communication tools stays very scarce and very few trainings happen there. Let's get together and think about all the beautiful and necessary tips to help activists, journalists, NGO people who live in Crimea, or the brave humans who still go there. | Cryptoparty |
Digitales Graffiti auf Facebook | Vorführung und Workshop: Digitales Graffiti auf Facebook - #netgraffiti | |
Disobedient Art / Public Space - Kunst, Politik, Intervention | Disobedient Art / Public Space - Kunst, Politik, Intervention
Grenzenüberschreitende Aktionen an scheinbar unzugänglichen Orten, medial inszenierte politische Provokation, interventionistische Gedenkkultur... Welche Möglichkeiten, welche Grenzen hat (politische) Aktionskunst? Wie nehmen wir uns den öffentlichen Raum, umgehen seine Vorschriften und Reglementierungen? Welche kulturellen Praxen halten wir den Spielregeln der freien Marktwirtschaft entgegen? Präsentation mit Wermke/Leinkauf Rocco und seine Brüder Felix Dreesen und Leonard Rokita | 1Komona |
Disrupt! | ||
Diy-ductape-wallets | We will buld wallets made of ductape (or german Gaffer). This will take you around 2h. We will have some examples walltets and a lot of ductape. You need todo the rest by yourself and the help of the other people. Here is an example: | MOiN - Mehrere Orte im Norden Chaostreff Flensburg |
DynDNS and DNS with DNSSEC, IPv6 and RESTful API | Learn how to use a free, privacy-friendly IPv6-ready dynDNS service with DNSSEC and LE support. Also, learn about desec, an open-source DNS hosting stack with a RESTful API and see it in action. | |
E-activism for NGOs | Non-governmental organizations such as Greenpeace, Amnesty International or Peta utilize more or less legal forms of activism for informing the public, influencing policy-makers and gaining visibility. However, NGOs' digital activism, or e-activism, is still in its infancy. In this talk we present examples of e-activism and discuss their risk, impact and techniques. In the second half of the talk the audience is invited to brainstorm and/or propose novel concepts. | |
EITI transparency | EITI transparency in extractive industries | Open Knowledge Assembly |
Ecohackerfarm a cross between hackbase/hackerspace and permaculture farm | Eco Hacker Farm is an umbrella organization that helps to set up and support, new and existing projects that combine hackerspaces with permaculture farms to provide a sustainable living space for people to experience a way of life that is not necessarily dependent on the system but using appropriate, open source and low cost technological solutions. We have one community at the moment that is based north west of berlin in the coutryside. We currently have one big open source app development to make a permaculture garden planner. We would love to talk to and share ideas with like minded people. | |
Edulabs-Workshop | How to improve learning and teaching with open education and digital tools? In the past year, volunteers in self-organized edulabs started to develop new concepts, tools and materials to foster participation in schools. In this workshop we discuss our experiences with improving the edu system so far, and want to invite you to start/build/share/connect your own projects. | Open Knowledge Assembly |
Eine Botschaft an Außerirdische (Wondrous Mathematics) | (Cosmic Call) Vor etwa 15 Jahren schickte die Menschheit eine Radiobotschaft an ausgewählte Sterne, in der Hoffnung, dass die Nachricht Außerirdische erreicht, diese die Nachricht verstehen und uns antworten. Die Nachricht ist nicht auf Deutsch oder Englisch verfasst, sondern bedient sich einer eigens entwickelten Symbolsprache. Schaffen wenigstens wir Menschen, die Botschaft zu entziffern? Das wollen wir in dem Workshop an uns selbst testen und herausfinden! | Curry Club Augsburg |
Einführung in Blockchain | Interaktiver Workshop (HandsOn) zur Unterscheidung von Kryotowährungen, von Beginnern für Beginner. Folgende Themen möchten wir behandeln: Entwicklung, Fork/Vertrauen und Unterscheidungskriterien | Bogonauten |
Einführung in den OpenStreetMap Online-Editor iD | In dieser Session wird euch der Online-Editor iD vorgestellt werden, mit dem ihr zu OpenStreetMap beitragen könnt. | OpenStreetMap |
Electrodibles | Smart candy, workshop for idiots. | TAMI Foodhackingbase |
Elektrogruselkabinett | Fotosesseion über falsch gemachte Elektroinstallationen (Gruselkabinett) | |
Endstation Meetup | Endstation is a group founded in early summer 2017 in Berlin on the matter of video surveillance in public space. Our main focus are the face recognition tests by German security authorities and the German train company (DB). We have been active during this year informing the public, press and people passing through the train station Südkreuz (test area) and protesting publicly.
We consist of two things: the active group meeting regularly in Berlin and the mailing list which grew rapidly during this year. The idea of our meetup is to talk in real life to those people on the mailing list and to other people interested in our action. We will meet at 1Komona BIKINI (not Coral reef) Contact best via twitter @ENDSTATIONSUEDX | 1Komona |
Ethereum AMA | There are several Ethereum Superstars at this conference, they are congregating on the Chaos West Stage to answer all of your questions about the decentralized world computer. :-D | Chaos West Bitcoin Crypto Currencies |
Ethereum's WHG Tells All: The DAO Hack, Parity Hack and Giveth | Chaos West Bitcoin Crypto Currencies | |
Experience in dissecting malware | Sharing some results from dissecting and re-implementing a rootkit. Aim was and is to understand the decisions of the orginal authors. Work is based on a re-implementation of a well-known implant. Previous Experience in Reversing Malware strongly recommended. Bring a Win7x64 system and IDA Pro. | European CERTs and CSIRTs |
Express and Extended Taro Sessions with Binaural Music | Enter the world of techno-spirituality. Perceive your future in extended condition. Choose to learn about your future from a human (extended) or a machine (express). Komona Blue Princcess | Klassembly Komona 1Komona |
FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL | Have you failed? Economically, artistically, does your Mom like your art?
We, the FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL are here to discuss all the wonderful ways of failing. Join us and become a FAILED ARTIST today! | 1Komona |
Fabmobil - Mobiles Fablab-Konzept für den ländlichen Raum | The fabmobil is mobile fablab in a double story bus. We use it visits schools and social centers the rural area oft east saxony to give classes and provide infrastructure. We want to get in contact with others who have similar plans or are just interested in the concept. | Fabmobil |
Faith in mathematics (Wondrous Mathematics) | Since Gödel's celebrated work we know: The rules of mathematics are incomplete. There are true statements for which we have proof that they don't have a proof and there are statements for which we can arbitrarily decide whether they are true or not. Learn more about this curious state of affairs in the session! | Curry Club Augsburg |
Feedback! Marshall McLuhan and the Congress | In association with the installation in the Art & Play space, we will attempt to apply some of McLuhan's ideas to some of the other themes, objects, and ideas presented at 34C3 | |
Fixing mass surveillance: one court case at a time! | Today, French and UK governments are implementing some of the worst infringing surveillance laws in the world. Activist lawyers bringing litigation to challenge these laws will look at how to fight the spread of these models to the rest of Europe and the world and what the alternative should look like in a context where fears of terrorism influence government policy and result in measures that are beyond what is necessary and proportionate. To do so let's have an overview of the measures' main elements that we tackle in the UK and France and our strategies and tactics. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Flashing (Fair-)phones with Custom Roms, F-Droid etc. | A session about ethics and technics on mobile phones, about flashing, modifying and taking back control by using Free Software. We like to exchange latest knowledge about freedom on mobile devices and have 4 Fairphones 2 to hack and dissamble. Also bring your own device to showcase. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Flunkyball | Freundliches Flunkyballmatch nach bremer Regeln:
Spielbier: 0,33 Stubbi-Flaschen (DIN 6199); bitte pro Spieler 3 Stk. mitbringen. Treffen: 29.12. 00:45 Uhr (die Nacht von Tag 2 auf Tag 3, parallel zum Hacker-Jeopardy) Throw-Off: 01:00 Uhr Ort: Seeufer Merkurbrunnen in der Nähe vom Haupteingang --- Friendly game of Flunkyball, Bremen rules apply: Game beer: 0.33L short bottle (DIN 6199); please bring 3 beers per player. Meet: 29th Dec. 12:45 am (the night of day 2 to day 3, same time as Hacker-Jeopardy) Throw-Off: 01:00 am Location: lakeside of "Merkurbrunnen" close to the main entrance | |
Flunkyball Day 2 | We (the university flunkyball team from Paderborn) are going to play some nice games of flunkyball. | |
Flunkyball Day 3 | Flunkyball on the third day. The Flunkyball team from Paderborn is playing again! | |
Food Hacking: Cheese Rendez-vous | Foodhackingbase | |
Food Hacking: Cidre Flows | You will learn what you should be focusing on when tasting the beverage, what to expect based on what do you read on the label on the bottle - sweetness, bitterness/tardiness, acidity, pasteurization etc. depending on the region et cetera. | Foodhackingbase |
Food Hacking: Gimbab Making | You will learn during this hands on workshop how to prepare popular Korean picnic food Gimbap 김밥, similar to Japanese food called sushi. | Foodhackingbase |
Food Hacking: Introduction to Tempeh Making | We make tempeh at 34c3. | Foodhackingbase |
Food Hacking: Kefir Making | At this workshop you will learn how to make your own kefir ferments using the kefir grain culture. | Foodhackingbase |
Food Hacking: Kombucha is Easy | You will learn how take care properly about our kombucha culture (mother/SCOBY) brewing lovely beverage of your own so you can continue to do that at home or your local hackerspace. | Foodhackingbase |
Food Hacking: Korean Healing Table | Korean Healing Table is a social dining event which is prepared by people interested in the subject. | Foodhackingbase |
Food Hacking: Korean healing table prep | Together we will prepare variety of Korean dishes resulting in a lovely dinner. | Foodhackingbase |
Food Hacking: Traditional Kimchi Making | Learn how to make Kimchi. | Foodhackingbase |
FragDenStaat-User-Treffen | Treffen aller bereits aktiven und zukünftigen Nutzer*innen von FragDenStaat - wir diskutieren Planungen des kommenden Jahres, kommende Informationsfreiheitsgesetze und, tada, die FragDenStaatApp! | Open Knowledge Assembly |
Freedom, Software and UserExperience in selforganised housing Projects | Session: Freedom, Software and UserExperience in selforganised housing Projects (kehehehehe) | |
Future of Communities - Unchained Chamas! | Current approaches to Communities on the Internet are ad hoc and technocratic. Communities suffer because they are either too small to administrate themselves, too large to usefully share, trust and maintain the faith.
Another failure mode is Identity - most of systems fail in that they are allocative approaches built for the interests of states or corporations, and fail to capture benefits for the ‘identified’. Some systems like PKI even go further and impose all the failure modes on the users, leaving the users no incentive to participate and every incentive to ignore the system. Webs of trust showed early promise but failed due to too much decentralisation - links with little meaning and no sharing meant little. Today we can now combine several approaches derived from diverse histories: Internet’s web of trust & PKI coupled with Kenya’s chamas added to the administration capabilities of blockchain. The combination can solve the Identity problem and unchain the social savings of a continent to enable and empower their growth. A trip from CAcert over African Chamas through blockchains to Community | |
GNUnet e.V. annual meeting | Annual meeting of the members of GNUnet e.V. | NGI |
Gehen drei Wissenschaftler in eine Kneipe | Gehen drei Wissenschaftler und eine Handpuppe in eine Kneipe...und sprechen über Wissenschaft mit Bezug auf Meere und Ozeane. Genau das machen wir, also Julia Schnetzer, Inga Marie Ramcke und André Lampe. Wir sprechen mit Menschen (fast) aller Altersklassen und Hintergründe und haben nicht nur unseren flauschigen Kollegen, den Dugong Dilhan - eine Gabelschwanzseekuh - sondern auch Experimente mit Meeresbezug und aktuelle Forschungsthemen im Gepäck. Natürlich freuen wir uns ebenso über persönliche Fragen, die wir sehr gern aus unserer Perspektive, also meist aus dem Leben eines Wissenschaftlers, beantworten. Unser Versuch, mit Leuten von der Straße über Wissenschaft zu sprechen, hat uns oft mit unvorhersehbaren Fragen und Situationen überrascht. Wir nennen unsere Arbeit in der Wissenschaftskommunikation deshalb auch #harteformate und möchten euch einen ersten Einblick und Diskussionsmöglichkeit über diese Form von WissKomm geben. Vielleicht wagt ihr euch dann auch an ungewohnte Zielgruppen, die mit ein wenig charmanter Arbeit zu tollen Gesprächspartnern werden und deren Neugier für euer Thema geweckt wird. | Science Hack and Communication |
Gentoo e.V. Mitgliederversammlung | (German) Mitgliederversammlung des Fördervereins Gentoo e.V. | Gentoo |
Geschichten aus dem Krieg | Geschichten aus dem Krieg (Ullli and melzai talking about parenting with day job and small children) | Haecksen |
Giveth: Decentralizing the Non-Profit World | Giveth is a radically transparent, not-for-profit community developing open source projects aimed at DAO-fying the non-profit world and building the future of giving. Q&A after a short talk. | Chaos West Bitcoin Crypto Currencies |
HTML, CSS and a little bit | HTML, CSS and a little bit of JavaScript - Web-Programming for Beginners | Haecksen |
Hackademia - research presentations | A space for academics researching people, technology and infrastructure to present and discuss their research. | |
Hackbases yearly meeting (coliving hackerspace projects) | Hackbases are similar to hackerspaces, but people also live in them. The 4th yearly self-org session will present the existing ones, common lessons, and the tools to organize new ones. You should come if you're interested in different ways of living to: have a job + pay rent. | |
Hacker Workflows: Tools for X | WHAT DO YOU USE FOR X?
Call out the BEST and WORST open source software, websites, and practices. Ask questions and learn from others. Tell everyone about something that is really missing and organize to solve it? Share scripts?? Etc. Relaxed get-together + Pad note-taking + Learning. Focus: Groupware / Collaboration / "Workflow". | |
Hacking Worldviews / Hacking Abstractions | Worldview change and and critique are two related topics which can both be approached as a hunt for security vulnerabilities. In this talk, I will present a model for "inflitrating misconceptions" to upgrade worldviews, and I will show how this is similar to an enantiodromial model of conceptual critique. | |
Hacking with wget | A surprisingly simple problem turns out to be a major security risk:
Downloading publicly accessible files from web servers with private data. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Hacks/Hackers Meetup | ||
Haecksen: BringYourOwnBear Happy Hour | Bring your own bear | Haecksen Chaos West |
Haecksenbreakfast | Haecksenbreakfast (female* only) | Haecksen |
Halt mal kurz | Wir spielen 1-4 Runden "Halt mal kurz" ein reallife Kartenspiel mit schnick-schnack...ach wem erklär ich das eigentlich. bis zu vier Leute werden gebraucht. Kommt bis 20:30 Uhr zu Clark, roter Teppich, sucht nach Mensch in Weißer Jacke mit Muster und einer "Halt mal kurz" Version. Auffälliges Verhalten oder aussehen von Nutzen. Laut "Halt mal Kurz" rufen klappt bestimmt auch :) | |
Hauptsache laut! | Tontechnik für blutige Anfänger - wie man bei einem Konzert laut macht, einen Podcast aufnimmt, und was es mit diesen DACs und ganzen lustigen Steckern auf sich hat. Offen für viele Fragen, Inhalt richtet nach den Zuhörern! | Warpzone |
Healthy food hack: Tasty food = Unhealthy food? | Learn about nutrition and substitution by a professional food scientist! | |
Hear What You Like To Hear | Science Hack and Communication | |
Hear What You Like to Hear | Hear what you like to hear is a citizen science project intitiated by myself as an hearing restricted person. In this session I want to introduce to our research approach and present the Open Master Hearing Aid on a Raspberry Pi 3. | Science |
Heart of Code - Creating a feminist hackspace | Heart of Code: Creating a feminist Hackspace | 1Komona |
Hedonist International Networking Meeting | ||
Hedonist International Networking Meeting & Workshop for 2018s Congress Convoy (All Interested Creatures welcome!) | 1Komona | |
Hedonist International Networking Meeting Workshop for 2018s Congress Convoy | ||
Hedonist International Networking Meeting+Workshop for 2018s Congress Convoy | Hedonist International Networking Meeting & Workshop for 2018s Congress Convoy (All Interested Creatures welcome!) | |
Hessentrojaner Meetup | Lasst uns über den geplanten Staatstrojaner für den Verfassungsschutz in Hessen sprechen ( Wir wollen ein wenig auf die bisherigen Geschehnisse zurückblicken und natürlich auch über das weitere Vorgehen reden. Natürlich freuen wir uns auch über Besucher aus anderen Bundesländern (insb. aus NRW ;)). | Chaos Darmstadt |
Hilbertspace Theory – Music Theory's New Clothes | Music theory can seem overly complicated due to a lot of old vocabulary that's not as easy to understand nowadays. But using Hilbertspace theory we might be able to create a universal language for music theory that's easy to understand for anyone – anyone who is familiar with higher mathematics, that is. | Physikfachschaft Rostock |
Hive Stage Introduction | Hive Stage Opening | Hive |
Honigdachs-Podcast LIVE | Honigdachs ist das Podcast-Angebot des Leipziger Bitcoin-Stammtisches, in dem monatlich vertieft auf einzelne Themen rund um Bitcoin eingegangen wird. Hintergründig, praxisnah und meinungsstark richten sich die einzelnen Folgen sowohl an Einsteiger, wie auch an erfahrene Bitcoin- und Blockchain-Interessierte. Auf dem 34C3 machen wir einen Rückblick über das Jahr und den Kongress und wagen einen Ausblick auf das kommende Jahr 2018. | Bitcoin |
Hosting Control Panels for self-managed infrastructure | In these crictical days of net surveillance and abusing exploitation of users' data for private businesses profit, we need more than ever, to run and manage our own infrastructure for web and email services. In this session we want to discuss which solutions we are using for control panels, to manage accounts for our users, and let our users self-manage the services. | Anarchist |
How companies manage their security: Introduction into Information Security Management Systems | This talk is an introduction into Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) as based on ISO27001. ISMS are the way companies or organisations organize their IT security in a top-down approach. It is a beginner level talk for people who want to learn more about this topic or want to work with ISMS. | |
How does artificial intelligence accomplish the feat of learning? (Wondrous Mathematics) | How a mathematical breakthrough made at the end of the 17th century is the workhorse of the artificial neural networks of today | Curry Club Augsburg |
How to Let's Play | Wir zeigen wie man mit freier Software ansprechende Let's Plays gestalten kann. In der Planung sind Let's Plays für Minecraft und dem Worldpainter für Minecraft Welten! Es gehen aber auch alle anderen bereits installierten Spiele, die gerne gespielt werden! Kinder ab 10 Jahren, die gerne ihre eigenen let's Plays erstellen möchten! Maximal 4-6 Kids, ausser wir bekommen noch Helfer! Wir gehen davon aus das Kids ihre eigene Geräte mitbringen! Bisher haben wir den Workshop immer auf Laptops geprobt!
Die Software kann unter folgenden Quellen geladen und anschließend installiert werden:
Achtung! Für die Installation wird ein Administratorenpasswort des Rechners benötigt.
| Young Game Players and Hackers Kidspace Jugend hackt |
How to be excellent to each other - a discussion | An open discussion on how to improve diversity at c3 events and on dealing with cases of harassment. | Wauland |
How to be excellent to each other - a discussion | An open discussion on how to improve diversity at c3 events and on dealing with cases of harassment. | Wauland |
How to build a mobile soundsystem for protests/raves | Slides...:
Shameless Plug...: To receive a message when we do our next open air rave in Berlin subscribe our mailinglist (at the bottom of the page): Either for a proper squat rave or for a demonstration - to empower people to reclaim space in the city, they need the right and cheap tools to do it. To achieve this, i want to share my recent experiences in building a loud and cheap (<200€ is possible) mobile sound system. First, i will give you an overview on all the important parts of a sound system and show you whats important for getting enough energy to power the amplifiers for a full night. I will also give you an overview on which amplifiertechnologies exist, and which fit best for our purpose. Afterwards i will show you how to choose the right speakers to get the biggest bang for the buck. | 1Komona |
How to deal with the law, anarchist perspective | Cancelled | Anarchist |
How to make chiptune with a Game Boy DMG | If by any chance you listened to the unicorn from ToSeBit on day 1 and want to know how it looks like on the other side this is your moment to get a look behind the curtain. I am making electronic 8bit music with my old Game Boy DMG and a program called Nanoloop. It is a 16 step looper that turns your old console into a fully fetched 4 channel synthesizer. I will play a bit around and show you what the program does and how it sounds and you will get your hands on if you want | 1Komona |
How to turn museums into open data hubs | Many museums, archives and libraries are still reluctant to share their data. Actually it is our data as it is often public domain and or financed with public money. Yet many still hesitate. #openGLAM is an international movement to motivate Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums to share digitized cultural heritage and make it open for reuse. GLAM data is so attractive for reuse. Events as Coding da Vinci ( ) or happenings as GIF IT UP ( ) do show some examples. Where to find open GLAM data and how to convince GLAMs to open up. see presentation here | Open Knowledge Assembly Wikimedia Deutschland |
Howto Let's Play | Für Kinder ab 10 Jahren, die gerne ihre eigenen let's Plays erstellen möchten! Maximal 4-6 Kids, ausser wir bekommen noch Helfer! Wir gehen davon aus das Kids ihr eigene Geräte mitbringen! Zur installation der Software ( werden unter umständen kurz Eltern (Passort beauftragte) benötigt! Wir hatten Let's Plays für minecraft oder worldpainter geplant! Es gehen aber auch alle anderen bereits installierten Spiele. | Kidspace Young Game Players and Hackers |
IOS Private Frameworks: Unboxing your iDevice | A presentation about the use of iOS Private APIs and their security risks and making use of undocumented or barely known iOS features. | |
IOSRE | A discussion forum on removing bugs from apples, helping them grow, and releasing them into the wild. | |
IT – technological offensive and social revolution | Komona | |
IT-Security Meetup | Meet some security people from all over the world, connect & chat, exchange frustrating or fun work-related stories & have a drink with us! Gathering can continue in the party area ;) | |
Improv Workshop by Yussef | ||
Inflationsphänomene und -probleme in MMORPGs | Dieser Talk ist eine Wiederholung vom letzten Jahr. Es wird sich kurz mit den Probleme der Inflation in MMORPGs auseinandergesetzt und in reale Probleme eingeführt. | Bogonauten |
Information security theater vs. Investigative journalism | Banning strong cryptography or rolling out pervasive network surveillance are just some of many policy ideas proposed or instituted not only in oppressive regimes, but also in stable democracies. Tools developed by three-letter-agencies end up in the hands of oppressive regimes, and 0-day hoarding creates a market for exploits, which puts journalists and their sources in danger.
Arguing against these very often proves difficult, as it is usually anchored in democratic principles and philosophical arguments -- something we all understand, but which is also much less concrete and easy to grasp than the terrorist threat du jour, so vividly exemplifying the purported need for the proposed measures. Having been involved in such policy discussions for many years, and having been working daily with journalists around the globe, I'd like to talk about very concrete examples of *why* the democratic principles are in place, and offer concrete arguments to all policy hackers out there who need them to fend off the current flavor of information security theater measures. | EDRi |
Infrastructure of Wikidata | How does Wikidata work, and how can I access it? Internals, Data models, APIs. | Wikimedia Deutschland |
Initiate 34c3 | Haecksen meeting: initiate 34c3 | Haecksen |
Inj4n: Habitual Automation - Because we have to script | The assembly will try to collect your tool-stories, the mysterious setup of your most mundane tasks or the most elaborate (yet unfinished) projects to code where others have been using pen and paper for ages. In workshops we will tell our own stories and help you to become as addicted to the command line as we are. Most important, we will be there for all our fellow addicts of tool-chain-optimisation to have yet another endless discussion on the advantages of shell X, editor Y, or the usefulness of using graph databases for shopping lists. | Chaos West |
Insulin hackers meetup | Type 1 diabetes meetup. Lets discuss experiences and learnings with Continuos glucose monitoring (CGM), the open artificial pancreas system (OpenAPS) and looping in general. Bring your T1D hardware! | |
Interledger: Streaming Micropayments + Connecting (Crypto)Currencies | What if money worked like the Internet, with all currencies and payment networks connected together? Interledger is an open payment protocol inspired by TCP/IP that could be the foundation for an "Internet of Value". This session presents Interledger, streaming and chunked payments, and demonstrates how the protocol can connect any type of currency or ledger. We'll discuss the implications for the business model of the Internet and the very nature of money. | |
Intro to 3D Shader Programming | Cancelled, sorry :) | |
Intro to Arduino Shield Soldering and Programing | The Intro to Arduino shield is a simple kit which plugs into an Arduino Uno or similar. It includes a button, light sensor (LDR) and red green blue LED. The LED can be controlled as a digitial or an analog output, the button is a digitial input and the sensor is an analog input. | HardwareHackingArea |
Intro to Qubes OS | Come for an introduction to Qubes OS, the reasonably secure operating system. Core developers and contributors will be there to answer any questions you have! | |
Introduction into anarchism | Ideas of the anarchism existed before the network, however hacker's community willingly took anarchism appreciating its dedication to individual and collective freedom. With this session we will have a quick look on history of anarchism and the present of the anarchist struggle in the social and political sphere around the world. This is a short presentation with a discussion round. | Anarchist |
Introduction to Latex | Introduction to LaTeX | Haecksen |
Introduction to Wikidata | Wikidata is an open source knowledge base where volunteers from all around the world add and structure data to describe our complex reality, based on sources, just as Wikipedia. Discover how Wikidata works, how you can improve and reuse the data, how the community works and which tools they use. | Wikimedia Deutschland |
Jabber/XMPP: the past, the presence and the future | The presentation is an up-to-date summary of everything
XMPP. It starts with the question of why we need decentralized communication protocols like XMPP followed by a rough introduction to how XMPP works. However, as the average visitor of 33C3 has heard of XMPP before, the talk is primarily about the innovations that XMPP has experienced in recent years and an outlook on what will happen next. Finally, there are hints on what to do to get started with XMPP. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Join a Task Force for Civil Coexistence, Preventive Justice and Liquid Democracy | After watching social implosions in several activist groups and organizations, it's time to develop better antibodies. The future needs us to stop failing all the time. Some of us have started the Structures Working Group. | |
Join us now - a choir to perform the Free Software song | Free Software Foundation Europe | |
Join us now and sing together the Free Software Song! | Free Software Foundation Europe | |
Junghackertag Wissenschaftsschnitzeljagd | Wissenschaftler wissen auch nicht alles. Ist ja klar. Aber wie finden die dann Antworten auf Fragen, wenn sie es auch nicht genau wissen? Wir machen mit euch eine kleine Redaktionssitzung und erklären euch, wie wir - Inga und André vom Wissenschaftskommunikationsprojekt „Plötzlich Wissen!“ - bei Fragen vorgegangen sind, die wir von Menschen auf der Straße gestellt und auf unserem Blog beantwortet haben. Wir sind beide Wissenschaftler und zeigen euch, wie ihr vorgehen könnt, wenn ihr auch mal an so eine Frage geratet. Wir recherchieren und diskutieren gemeinsam über eine Frage, die wir bis zum Workshop auch nicht kannten: weil sie nämlich von euch kommt! Wo finde ich gute Informationen? Welche Quelle ist seriös? Wo sollte ich lieber vorsichtig sein? Lasst und das gemeinsam rausfinden! Ab 11:00 Uhr Workshop 60-90 Minuten. Ab 10 Jahren! | Science Hack and Communication |
Kadnode | Short introduction of a simple P2P DNS resolver. | Chaos West |
Karaoke-Taxi | A Karaoke Vehikel that drives around the congress in the evening. | Klassembly |
Ki+Philosophie | Künstliche Intelligenz ist voll im Kommen. Aber manche philosophischen Probleme lassen sich einfach nicht wegprogrammieren. This Session is about artificial intelligence and its philosophical implications. We discuss some interesting dilemmas. | Haecksen |
KinkyGeeks Bondage Workshop | TBD | KinkyGeeks |
Klangteppich | Come over and meet us at our cozy music lounge in hall 2! Proudly presented by Chaos West | Chaos West |
Komona networking gathering | All creatues welcome to our networking gathering. Exchange experience, struggles and strategies from different actions, cities and countries. Establish new connections. Gather with fellows. Bring snacks and drinks. Alles allen. | 1Komona |
Kreatives Beschimpfen Pt. 2: Es gibt kein Battle | Ausgehend vom Workshop im letzten Jahr die angewandte Malediktion anwenden: offener Wettkampf, mehrere Runden nach K.O.-System, wer wird der*die Rohrspatz? | 1Komona |
LEAP | LEAP is a non-profit dedicated to giving all internet users access to secure communication. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely available. The LEAP Encryption Access project is dedicated to giving all Internet users access to secure communications. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely available. Not only end users deserve useable programs, the barriers to entry for aspiring service providers are pretty high. LEAP's goal is to transform the existing frustration and failure into an automated and straightforward process. This session will help you with any questions how to install an provider instance on one or more remote servers. | |
LEAP Platform for VPN and email providers | This session will help you with any questions how to install an provider instance on one or more remote servers. | |
Lain Marathon | We'll watch all of Serial Experiments Lain. Open to everyone! | Cyberia Café & Club |
Lainchan Meetup | A gathering of lainons at the TeaHouse | Cyberia Café & Club |
Language Confusion | Language Confusion - Programming Languages for Beginners | Haecksen |
LearnToSolder | Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.
| HardwareHackingArea |
Learning to draw for techies | We will learn mental models and techniques that anybody can use to learn how to draw and improve. You will not think of drawing as an entirely abstract, fuzzy process anymore. Also, we are going to draw cute animals. | |
Lehrerstammtisch | After a great start at the 33c3, the teachers meeting continues this year! | |
Lehrerstammtisch VR | Is virtual reality the future of education? Come and find out! (Session is for Teachers/Educators) | VR |
Let's hack words | It's a creative writing workshop. Interested participants will deal with this year's theme of #tuwat - do something. Don't wait for whatever you are waiting for. You can be active. You can change the world. You could even write a book. | |
Let's talk about practicalities of internet censorship circumvention | Let's talk about practicalities of internet censorship circumvention, from the perspective of the reader/user, and from the perspective of the publisher.
From the point of view of the reader/user, there is Tor, there are VPNs, there are proxies. While useful and effective, these tools are often illegal, and blocked, in a rising number of countries. Centralized appstores also are obviously revealing themselves as a problem (no surprise to many Internet activists) by blocking VPN apps in certain areas as requested by governments (like Apple in China). From the point of view of the publisher, a solution is needed that does not require the readers/users to install specific software. Requiring or expecting a large population of people to install Tor Browser has proved not to be a workable solution, for example. Domain fronting is in its infancy, browsers still do not support it, and we have seen SNI-based blocking of TLS traffic in the wild - not to mention, it relies on large, centralized providers to front for you. Again, this can mean a government has a way of pushing your content off of the Net simply by using the pressure points of a given large provider. Mobile apps might be a solution, but again, they require cooperation of large appstores. There really doesn't seem to be a good solution. | Teahouse |
Lets play Hedgewars! | just play some rounds hedgwars or hack some funny mods together | |
Letter writing to prisoners, sitting in jail for hacking | Hacktivism from time to time leads to imprisonment and repressions. There are several people right now siting in jail that consider themselves anarchist or did actions that are supported by anarchist community. Not to let those people alone in prison we would like to have every day 1 hour around the table, where we get to know the stories of imprisoned activists and write them some words of support with postcards/letters. You don't need any special skills for that. The postcards will be there for you. | Anarchist Anarchist Black Cross |
Lightning Talks Self Organized | Self Organized Lightning Talks to give the Waitlist for the Big thing a Chance (Organizer Zem) | |
Limlug: In der Weihnachtsbäckerei - Data Science und Kekse | Quelle von Datensätzen, Logistik von Big Data, Bildung effizienter Features, Principal Component Analysis und andere statistische Methoden, Clustering, Neuronale Netzwerke vs. Deep Learning, Wie interpretiere ich Daten, Präsentation von Ergebnissen | Chaos West ChaosConsulting |
Lingua Latina | This workshop, targeted at beginners but open to all levels, will explore reasons to learn Latin as well as introducing the fundamentals of the Latin Language itself. | Milliways |
MAKERbuino DIY game console building session | Build your own MAKERbuino game console (kids session, ages 11+) | HardwareHackingArea |
Magic Internet Money | So you've probably heard that there is this relatively new thing called cryptocurrencies, supposedly some kind of revolutionary "magic internet money", which is gaining a lot of attention (and insane valuations) lately.
But what is a crytocurrency anyway? does it work exactly? Most importantly - why does it work like that? Instead of answering these questions directly, we will answer them and more, by putting our Satoshi Nakamoto hats and inventing our own cryptocurrency from scratch. | Bitcoin Crypto Currencies |
Make Mass Surveillance Impossible Again | We tried mass demonstrations against surveillance, and failed. We are trying to stop it one court case at a time. But we could campaign for a kind of Internet that technically cannot be surveilled. And we can make it a legal requirement for a Next Generation Internet. | NGI |
Maritime Hackers | Maritime hackers meetup! | Hive |
Mate Making & Drinking | Uninterrupted Mate drinking sessions during the first three days of the Congress during the day time. Whether you just want to drink a Mate between sessions, learn how to make one or take a fresh mate with hot water to a thermos. stop by. We will be there to attend to all of your mate tea needs and answer questions. | TeaHouse |
Mathematicians acting amorally - how they harm society | Mathematicians work at the heart of most emerging technologies. Their work is re-shaping the world, and yet they have little knowledge, appreciation or training in ethical awareness. I am working to change this, and bring about a serious discussion in the mathematical community about the social impact mathematicians can have. My name is Maurice Chiodo, and I am a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics at the University of Cambridge. You can contact me at: mcc56 AT cam DOT ac DOT uk , or on twitter: @mauricechiodo | |
Matrix and usable messaging, today | Messengers are the default contemporary communication tool; can we have something both libre and usable - that is, can be recommended instead of Signal? | |
Mechanical Keyboard Meetup | Come and try out mechanical keyboards and talk about all things keyboard related. Feel free to bring your own. | |
Meet OptIn4Privacy | Curious about what Oi4P is and how we do it? Come chat! Find us at the intersection of sociology, politics and law. Oooor here: | Labitat |
Meetup for members of r0p334c3 | ||
Meetup: hack your library | You're working in a library and interested in digital education? You're wondering how to share hacking culture in libraries? Come to the meetup! Learn how to code with children, experiment electronics with Legos, create digital and free content in the library, empower the audience about digital rights, hack your library... many inspiring examples already exist. Auregann will open the discussion with a short presentations of projects that happened in French libraries over the last year, then we will be free to discuss any topic you would enjoy. | Jugend hackt |
Microdosing Psychedelics:roundtable discussion | Despite the dense and controversial history of psychedelics, since around 2000 in Europe and United States researchers have reopened investigations into the potential therapeutic applications of these drugs. However, today a variety of psychedelic uses exist both within and outside of medicine. According to numerous press reports, in Rolling Stones, Wired Magazine, Vice, Marie Claire, The Economist, Forbes, The Washington Post, The Guardian and many other journals, Microdosing Psychedelics appears to gain in popularity within different social spheres, especially in professional fields such as informatics and information technologies. It is also supported for its therapeutic dimension, as we can see it in the book of the lawyer and novelist Ayelet Waldman, A Really Good Day, who explains that microdosing helped her to recover from a depression, and, finally, according to the data collected up till now by the psychologist James Fadiman or the information on current scientific research provided by the association The Third Wave. From a comprehensive and non-evaluative sociological perspective, this self-organized session will be dedicated to the current variety of (non-) therapeutic uses of psychedelics, and will aim to share experiences and opinions related to the theme of microdosing psychedelics. | |
Mietshäusersyndikat was ist das? | ||
Modeling Trust in a Distributed Private Social Network | Deeper aspects of the design of secushare, presented by t3sserakt and xrs. | NGI |
Monero Hardware Development | This half-hour talk will spend time answering the five most asked questions, accept and answer five more and explain the state of the hardware wallet project. | Monero Assembly |
Monerujo - Android Monero Wallet | Developing a Monero Wallet for Android. Process, Tools, People. | Monero Assembly |
Museum of Care | Museum of Care: a proposal.
Workshop/tea party We are going to distribute 30 invitations for the workshop/tea party to host a gathering at the workshop area of the congress. We will serve Kurdish tea and snacks (these are very tasty!) on 2.5X2.5 meters table cloth that will map out questions for the creation of Museum of Care in Rojava, Northern Syria, which may or may not actually come into being. The aim is to use it as a basis to discuss, draw, and plan a contemporary art museum that could be built around the idea of caring by using art. We call it a visualized people's assembly. We will also be filming our workshop to project it on the walls of congress later to extend the conversation. | Art Social Political Web Drink Food |
Musterpolizeigesetz | Mitte des Jahres 2017 wurde (mehr oder weniger) öffentlich, dass die Innenministerkonferenz (IMK) hinter verschlossenen Türen und abseits kritischer Fragen und Diskussionen beschlossen hat, ein Musterpolizeigesetz als Vorlage für alle Polizeien bzw. alle Polizeigesetze Deutschlands zu erarbeiten. Ein solcher Entwurf wird vermutlich weitreichende Folgen haben und hebelt die Instanz der kritischen Öffentlichkeit weitgehend aus. Dieses Treffen soll den am Thema Interessierten dazu dienen, sich gemeinsam auf den Stand der Dinge zu bringen und ggf. weitere Überlegungen zum Umgang mit diesem Prozess zu entwickeln. | Freiheitsfoo |
Namecoin as a Decentralized Alternative to Certificate Authorities for TLS | Certificate authorities suck, but the proposed replacements (e.g. DNSSEC/DANE) aren't so great either. We think Namecoin can help here, and the code is working and released! | Monero Assembly |
Namecoin for Tor Onion Service Naming (And Other Darknets?) | Namecoin for Tor Onion Service Naming (And Other Darknets?): Fixing the usability issues caused by the longer v3 onion services. (Code is working and released.) | Monero Assembly |
Nanooq: G20 und GG§20 | ||
Nautik-1x1/Wie fahre ich ein Schiff | Wie navigiere ich ein Schiff? Was gilt es auf hoher See zu beachten. | 1komona |
NerfgunBattle | Tired of egoshooters? Feeling the need for better graphics, realistic physics and surround sound? Join the big Nerf-Gun Battle at 34c3! Come around - bring your own device - get shot! | |
Network hacks for smart attacks | A lab about practical attacks on different routing protocols (RIPv2, OSPFv2 and BGP), using GNS3 network simulation tool for creating the virtual lab and for testing the various attacks. | |
Newpipe | NewPipe currently is a FLOSS youtube frontend for android. We will talk about the development this and next year, and do a little AMA afterwards. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Nextcloud Dev Q&A | We are some of the core Nextcloud developers and offer to give insights to development related questions. Do you want to know about specific components in the server? Do you need ideas how to tackle an issue with your app? Or do you need some help getting started? Then this is the right place for you. | |
Nextcloud End to End Encryption | Nextcloud 13, about to be released, will include end-to-end encryption. We've come up with a way to encrypt files on the client without the server having any way to gain access to the plain text format, despite the server facilitating the sharing and such. In the talk we'll explain what we wanted to achieve and how we did it - input very much welcome, of course. | |
Nitrokey Q&A | Discuss how to use Nitrokey, GnuPG, email encryption, the Nitrokey device, roadmap. The meeting takes place in hall 2 in front of the Hall Inspector glass cabine. | FOSSASIA |
NixOS Meetup | A user and maintainer meetup about NixOS, an advanced Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager. | NixOS |
Numerical Weather Prediction Tutorial | A workshop about running your own Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model. | Neu-trifft-alt |
OParl: ein Datenstandard, um politische Entscheidungen transparent zu machen | OParl ist ein Datenstandard für kommunale Entscheidungen, welche in Ratsinformationssystemen gespeichert werden. Mit den Daten kann man Transparenz und Beteiligung vor Ort fördern. Auf dem 33C3 stand der Standard in den Kinderschuhen, nun findet er zunehmend Verbreitung. Wir - ein Team der Open Knowledge Foundation - wollen den Stand der Dinge präsentieren gemeinsam über die Zukunft reden: Anwendungen, Standard-Weiterentwicklung, weitere Verbreitung. Anschließend ab 19:00 gibt es einen technischen Workshop zu OParl. | |
On Scripting | ||
Open Science/Research Workshop | In this workshop about Open Research/Science we want to first identify what we can do to improve any aspect of Open Research/Science (like Open Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Peer Review, Open Data, ...). We then pick one or more of these aspects and start working on solutions (Hackathon-style).
The workshop is an excellent place to connect with other people who are interested in making research and science more open. Bring your own ideas and make sure to add them to (even better if you do so before the event)! | |
Open Source Biomedical Imaging | If you were interested in the talk low cost non invasive biomedical imaging, come and continue the discussion on medical physics and imaging technologies at this discussion session! | |
Open Source DJing | Dieser Workshop soll zeigen, wie es möglich ist mit eigenen Mitteln DJ-Controller/MIDI-Controller zu bauen. Gleichzeitig wird ein Einblick in die Open-Source DJ-Software MIXXX gezeigt und wie mit einem DIY-Controller mit eben jener Musik aufgelegt werden kann. Die wichtigsten Hardware Komponenten zum DIY-Controller bauen werden kurz vorgestellt. | 1Komona |
OpenTimestamps: Scalable, Trustless, Distributed Timestamping with Bitcoin | A timestamp proves that a message existed prior to some point in time; timestamps are occasionally referred to as “proofs-of-existence”. Being able to prove that data existed prior to a point in time is surprisingly useful. Let’s look at some use-cases to understand how Bitcoin Blockchain can help out here. We can have a hands on afterwards at the Bitcoin Assembly with Bitcoin Core Dev Peter Todd. | Bitcoin |
Operation Mindfuck | Ein buntes Potpourri aus Kunst, Computer und Kuriositäten mit Bleeptrack und blinry. Lasst uns euch nerdsnipen! | |
Organising a CryptoParty, reports and experiences from the field | You have organised a CryptoParty in the past or maybe you've been pondering the idea of organising one? Join us to discuss the main challenges you met and what the most rewarding part of the process was. How did you plan your event and how did you spread the word about it? What was the geographical, political and cultural context you worked in? What were the main challenges you had to overcome? What was the feedback you received? What went well and what could be done to do even better? Sharing answers to these questions might help us improve as a community. | Cryptoparty |
Outro | Closing meeting of the Haecksen | Haecksen |
Packaging in Nixpkgs | This Workshop will walk you through the whole process of performing a package update in nixpkgs. After this workshop you should be good to go to contribute to nixpkgs yourself. | NixOS |
Paper and non-paper libraries exchange | 1Komona | |
Pirate Parties Members Meetup | Connecting people who are members of one of the many Pirate Parties worldwide, people who would like to join, and people generally interested in what we are doing. It is a meetup and networking event for the members, the members of the board and we will discuss freely what is going on. | |
Pixel Art Workshop | Let's paint *very* tiny pictures! I'll give you an introduction to the techniques and principles of pixel art, as well as useful hints, learning resources and software recommendations. After that, we'll paint a few 16x16 pixel-sized pictures together. If you use Twitter, you'll like this format, as well! :) | |
Polyamory - Guide | Polyamory (n:n) Relationships - A beginner's guide to many-to-many relationships | Haecksen KinkyGeeks |
Polyamory - Toolbox | Polyamory (n:n) Relationships - A toolbox to make it work | Haecksen KinkyGeeks |
Polyamory - n2n relationships extended | Polyamory (n:n) Relationships - Discussion | Haecksen KinkyGeeks |
Postapocalyptic fidget spinner workshop | postapokalyptische fidget spinner basteln aus alten kugellagern und (elektro)schrott.
making postapocalyptic fidget spinner from old bearings and (electronic)scrap. upcycling workshop | Kidspace |
Powers of Tau Contributions | Come learn how to participate in the Zcash Foundation's Powers of Tau ceremony, to generate the next Zcash parameters! | I2P |
Pretty Easy privacy (p≡p) for Thunderbird via Enigmail: How it works! | It's p≡p again. This time, we wanna show some previews on a new piece of
software: Thunderbird. We're cypherpunks going for mass encryption - followed by mass anonymization. We've just started to get the first pieces of software out that do email encryption standards like GPG and S/MIME (and MOAR to come!) without additional interaction by the users - they shall just communicate as they always used to, the rest is done by software. Thunderbird is one of the most commonly used tools for encrypting emails, e.g. taught at cryptoparties worldwide. Their organizers calculate at least with an hour to have all participants sending and receiving encrypted emails. This will change soon, with the help of pretty Easy privacy as an enhancement of pretty good privacy. We'll run through some basics of the pEp concepts and its architecture, go into some of the tech behind it and show how it works - especially on the example of Thunderbird. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Privacy aware city navigation with Free Software | *** ATTENTION: TALK IS CANCELLED ***
Navigating our cities using free software community based mobile apps in 'private mode' might sound like an easy task in 2017, but with a little research you will be quickly disappointed. There are related platforms out there, but some of them are lacking good User Experience, others are not community lead or are getting away from the free software freedoms due to their partnerships with companies that do not respect our privacy online. These are only some of the reasons the CityZen app was born in Tirana, as an OSM based Android app that helps us navigate our cities without tracking our location and activities. CityZen aims to be empowered by the community in terms of development and promotion and as a digital wallet for cryptocurrency used to make payments for goods and services from POIs easily through the app. Soon CityZen will apply blockchain as a decentralized process for the management of the cryptocoin based revenue that will be gathered through the app making it one of the few platforms out there used to help you find physical POIs and buy goods without giving away your real identity.* | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Privacy-Oriented Distributed Networking for an Ethical Internet | How can distributed systems be the decentralized alternative we have been hoping for? And why are blockchains only one out of fifty building blocks of a distributed Internet? | NGI |
Public Money? Public Code! | Free Software Foundation Europe | |
QRNG - More Random than Pinkie Pie | Short presentation of my Bachelor project about a quantum random number generator by homodyne measurement of the quadratures of the lowest energy vacuum state. | Physikfachschaft Rostock |
QRNGesus | ||
Queer Feminist Geeks Gathering | Meetup for everyone who identifies as queer and/or feminist and/or trans* or otherwise non-{white+male+straight+cis}. We will network with each other, exchange projects and ideas and talk about the QueerFeministGeeks assembly. This meetup is open to people of all genders, but please be mindful of how much space you are taking up and let those this meeting is intended for take priority. We try to be newbie- and introvert-friendly, so please do come even if you don't know anybody yet! See our Code of Conduct below. | QueerFeministGeeks |
Query Wikidata in SPARQL | Discover the powerful query tool of Wikidata! With a few lines of SPARQL, you can browse any information contained in Wikidata, create wonderful list such as the list of inventors killed by their own inventions, or the list of the biggest cities having female mayors. Build maps, graphs, and other datavisualizations based on open knowledge. | Wikimedia Deutschland |
Qutebrowser meetup | Meeting other users (and developers) of qutebrowser | CCC-CH |
RHIZOM festival: an intro to everything for everyone for nothing | 1Komona | |
Radio Neu | We would like to invite you to discuss with us the possibilities of an Online-Radio-Station today. We are a group of cultural creators, musicians, artists, designers, social innovators and hackers based in Leipzig passionate to create a new non commercial Online-Radio-Station. We would like to consider the concept of the radio in the terms of modularity, adaptation to your everyday routines and moods and the impact it could have on the local scene connecting various projects, the alternative music scene, cultural institutions and events in a judicious and sensitive way. We're trying to figure in which ways it could and should be adapted to our current times without loosing its inherent qualities. | |
Real Life Magic: Tesla Coils | Small demos of small Tesla Coils that create small lightnings and plasma flames. | CCC-CH |
Reclaim Club Culture | ||
Reclaim Club Culture: Privileges in and through Club Culture | 1Komona | |
Reclaim Club Culture: Soundradikalität und Clubkommunalität (Jukebox Utopia (WiseUp) und Lukas Fakegruber (Shituationist Institute)) | Jukebox Utopia (WiseUp) und Lukas Fakegruber (Shituationist Institute) erörtern das künstlerische, gemeinschaftliche und radikale Potential von Rave. | 1Komona |
Regiotreffen | Das alljährliche Regiotreffen auf dem Congress. Das unterhaltsame MUSS für alle Regiovertreter der Erfas und Chaostreffs, wobei selbstverständlich auch interessierte Zaungäste bei diesem spannenden Chaosfamilienspaß herzlich willkommen sind! ;) | |
Replicant Install Fest | You use your smartphone more than any other computer in your posession? You wonder if you are in control over your device and your data? Is it the manufacturer, the networt carrier, the OS developer, or the app developers?
In this workshop we will shine some light into these questions. We will give you advise how to choose freedom and start to take back control over your mobile devices by installing Replicant. Replicant is a truly freedom and privacy-respecting OS based on Android. You will learn how to install Replicant on variety compatible Android devices ( You can ask questions and can also participate with your own devices. We will provide a number of compatible devices to experiment with. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Request a query | If you have an idea for a query using Wikidata but aren’t sure how to write it, or just want to hang out and discuss the Query Service with fellow-minded people, join us! | Wikimedia Deutschland |
Responsible Packaging | Reproducible-Builds | |
Responsible Packaging 2 | Reproducible-Builds | |
RettedeinenNahverkehr | Leipzig bietet nun GTFS - dank der Wikicon und dem Congress. Aber wie sieht es in anderen Städten mit offenen Nahverkehrsdaten aus? Wie schon letztes Jahr bei der Open Transport Session trifft sich die "Neigungsgruppe ÖPNV" um über Open Data im ÖPNV-Bereich und wie man da ran kommt und was man damit anstellt zu diskutieren. | Open Knowledge Assembly |
Revolutionizing Large-scale Digital Activism with Barrett Brown's Pursuance Project | Interested in harnessing the power of the internet to enable large numbers of like-minded individuals -- especially activists journalists, and non-profits -- to join forces to solve important world problems? Come to this session to learn how the Pursuance Project is building open source, end-to-end encrypted software based on the experiences and vision of our founder, formerly-imprisoned activist and journalist Barrett Brown! (This talk was moved from Day 2 to Day 4.) | – for digital rights |
Rights&Freedoms | Rights & Freedoms Cluster Stage Programme | |
SINS for LIFE | #SinsForLife feiert alle SünderInnen, die sich mit Akten des Widerstands gegen die herrschende Zustände auflehnen. Mach mit und werde Teil unserer Enzyklopädie. | 1Komona |
SPREE:PUBLIK/Nonstop Schwitzen | ||
Saunaclash - meetup for all Saunamakers and Mobile-Sauna-Fans | We have build up an geodesic dome sauna in Berlin and organized already some mobile-sauna-events (Hedonistic Worldcongress, Saunaclash, Gardenfest in our Backyard) We want get connect to more Saunaenthusiasts and other Saunamakers and talk about past events and plan future events. We are open for all people who are interested and want to know how to build up a Sauna | |
Scalable and privacy-respectful distributed systems | We tried to make federation scale. We failed.
We realized that cloud computing cannot be beaten by federated networks. Let's scale up distributed systems while maintaining metadata protection and privacy. | NGI |
Schauvorlesung Physik | Was ist eine Schauvorlesung, was ist sie bei uns? Was soll das? | Physikfachschaft Rostock |
Schleuder | UPDATE: We changed the room, now 15 minutes later and in room 11!
A workshop on the development of Schleuder, the crypto mailinglist manager: what's new in version 3, the new web-interface, what will be next, etc. Depending on the attendee's wishes, we can also take time to answer questions, discuss ideas, or provide practical help with problems. | Anarchist |
Screening: Tom Sachs - Color, Love Letter To Plywood, How To Sweep, Spacecamp | Tom Sachs and his team re-build things. For example they rebuilt a space-suit, and other objects that they copied from NASA. He sais,"he puts the same effort into his work, as the people at NASA have put into sending the first human to the moon". The Tom Sachs films are often directed by Van Neistat (the brother of the youtube star Casey Neistat), and have a documentary style, and the tone of an instruction video. Despite their often pro-US-empire tone, they are a great example for beautiful and creative knowledge sharing via moving images. | 1Komona |
Scuttlebutt introduction | Secure Scuttlebutt is a database protocol for unforgeable append-only message feeds.
"Unforgeable" means that only the owner of a feed can update that feed, as enforced by digital signing (see Security properties). This property makes Secure Scuttlebutt useful for peer-to-peer applications. Secure Scuttlebutt also makes it easy to encrypt messages. tl;dr instead of objectivity, singletons, and consensus, SSB (scuttlebutt) embraces subjectivity, social networks and local trust | |
SecureDrop | SecureDrop is an free software whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources. It was originally created by the late Aaron Swartz and is currently managed by Freedom of the Press Foundation. | |
Security Without Borders | Meetup of people interested about Security Without Borders. | |
Self-host your visual assets with Free Software | Free Open Source Software often fails to gain wider traction due to focusing on its technical aspects over other aspects. While Documentation, Design and Marketing quickly fall behind. Let's have a look at basic steps we can take as free software maintainers to offer potential contributors access to visual assets the same way we offer them access to our source code. We are going to make the process easy by introducing Identihub, a self hosted solution for visual asset hosting licensed under the AGPL v3 license. We will go through easily making your SVG files convertable for non designers without the need to send files back and forth via email. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Sharding and Proof of Stake - Vlad Zamfir | Vlad Zamfir is one of the Lead architects of Proof of Stake and Sharding for Ethereum. He has deep insights into these topics and many others at the philosophical and game theoretical heart of the blockchain world, plus he sounds really smart when he talks ;-) | Bitcoin Crypto Currencies |
Siebdruck | Bring your own shirt - We bring the rocket Der @dondario bringt Siebdruck zum @C3Kidspace Rocket Drucken mit. Sagt ihr mal euren Eltern, dass sie euch dafür ein T-Shirt, Body oder Strampler einpacken. Alternativ gibt es in der Nähe des #34c3 aber auch Kinder-Klamotten zu kaufen. | Kidspace |
Sind wir schon Cyborgs? | Sind wir schon cyborgs oder warum wir eine kulturelle techno-Revolution brauchen! (Anna) | |
SinsForHumanity | #SinsForLife feiert alle SünderInnen, die sich mit Akten des Widerstands gegen die herrschende Zustände auflehnen. Mach mit und besuche uns am 29.12.2017 von 16-22h im BIKINI/Blue Princess von Komona. | |
Smart Cities - reality or fata morgana ? | 1Komona | |
Smart Contract Hacking | Exploit Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain. Capture the flag. Bring your Laptop. | Bitcoin Crypto Currencies |
Sobtec2launch | Book launch of Technological Sovereignty, Volume 2 by Calafou contributors. Presentation of the concept, contents and process. Round table with some of the authors and contributors. Call for distributors and translators. Book is available at the event. | Anarchist |
Social Networking, powered by FreeSoftware | Most people think about the big American data silos when talking about social networking. But there is a world outside these silos, where FreeSoftware empowers the networking of people and organisations. In this talk I would like to show you a glimpse of this world, what advantages it offers and how it can be used to reach even those entangled in the siloes. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Sorting data by formulas | Sorting data by formulas with spreadsheet programs (Libre Office Calc, MS Excel)
will be in English or German, depending on who is attending, if necessary dual language wird in Englisch oder Deutsch abgehalten, abhänging von den Teilnehmern, wenn notwendig zweisprachig | Haecksen |
Speed Nomic | We want to play a quick and fun game of Nomic. Nomic is a game where all the rules of the game can be changed by the players. | |
Sport für Nerds | Wir machen hier ein kleines alternativ nerdiges Workout. ;) Mehr verraten wir nicht. | Bogonauten |
Sport für Nerds 2! | Nach der großen Nachfrage gibt es jetzt noch einmal den Nerdworkout. Jetzt neu mit Dehnübungen (aber alten Geschichte). Wir machen hier ein kleines alternativ nerdiges Workout. ;) | Bogonauten |
Stagemanager Introduction-Meeting | Introduction meeting for Stagemanagers. This meeting is mandatory if you want to be a Stagemanager during 34C3. | |
Statebox - compositional smart contracts through category theory | A short presentation on a new approach to writing programs inspired by graphical calculi developed for quantum protocols (amongst others). | Chaos West |
Sticker meet up | this session is about coming together to share your printed or self made sticker with same interest people. bring them: artistic ones, political ones, storytelling ones, yout tagsticker, your favorite sticker materials, whatever. how many? from 1 to endless items. exchange them with sticker loving people.
whatever you want to bring in. alle die bock haben sollen ihre sticker zur session mitbringen. egal ob 1 oder 1000- bring mit. je nach nachfrage können wir uns noch einmal am 30.12. treffen. spot is da wo klassembly cornert. welche sticker denn? (fast) alle! -- künstlerisch, kritisch, politisch, whatever. oder eben dein altes stickerbuch von früher. damit deine sticker bald überall ausser nur daheim kleben. | Klassembly |
Storytelling as a DJ | Storytelling as a DJ (Mar) | |
Structures for self organised societies | ||
Subtitles-Engelmeeting | Meeting for new subtitles angels. This is the one you need to be confirmed as a subtitles angel. | |
Surface mount electronics assembly for terrified beginners | Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 20 participants per session, there will be a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area. | HardwareHackingArea |
Synth Jam | Let's bring some synths, talk about them and have a fun jam session! | HardwareHackingArea |
TALEnet bidirectional QA | TALEnet bidirectional Q&A (kathia) | |
Talks | Disobedient Art / Public Space - Kunst, Politik, Intervention
Grenzenüberschreitende Aktionen an scheinbar unzugänglichen Orten, medial inszenierte politische Provokation, interventionistische Gedenkkultur... Welche Möglichkeiten, welche Grenzen hat (politische) Aktionskunst? Wie nehmen wir uns den öffentlichen Raum, umgehen seine Vorschriften und Reglementierungen? Welche kulturellen Praxen halten wir den Spielregeln der freien Marktwirtschaft entgegen? Präsentation mit Wermke/Leinkauf Rocco und seine Brüder Felix Dreesen und Leonard Rokita | 1Komona |
TeaHouse | TeaHouse | |
Tech-Coops Meetup | Tech-coops are a growing movement of worker-owned cooperatives that operate in the information technology industry (more information). We want to find new ways of working and making a living, based on solidarity. Some tech-coops also see themselves as part of broader political and social movements.
Tech-coops could be a solution if you feel alienated by big software corporations and startup culture or you feel alone and in search of solidarity as a freelancer. This meetup is for everyone that is or wants to be part of a tech-coops or is just interested. We will mainly focus on the exchange of ideas, experiences and on getting to know each other. | Tech-Coops |
Tell me a story | it's all about stories and songs. for my show on community radio upper austria, i am looking for people who tell me their favorite random story which is connected to a specific song. i will record it and might use it for my radio show. // any language is welcome :-) | |
Test 123 | ||
The Human Rights Footprint of Electronics | This workshop is about building tools for detecting – and fixing – human rights violations that occur in the production of electronics products. I'll give an introductory talk on social hotspot analyses, and then we'll discuss projects and potential applications that could aid in changing the current, dire state of affairs. | |
The gateway to decentralization: Personal Servers | Jordi Baylina presents his plan to deploy personal servers to build a decentralized infrastructure for any area. If you want to help, join Giveth's Riot channel and lets build the decentralized revolution together. | Chaos West Bitcoin Crypto Currencies Anarchist |
The many applications of digital certificates | Digital certificates appear in many unexpected places ranging from logging in to Websites (SSL/TLS) to downloading software from reliable sources (MD5). This session discovers those places, and explains in terms accessible to ordinary users the various functions that digital certificates fulfill in those places. What is the added-value of encryption with certificates over mere log-ins? Will passwords prevail in the future, or will it be Facebook/Google log-ins, encryption in the hands of users, the blockchain or something altogether different? Talk will be documented afterwards as PDF on Website below under 2017 Dec.27. | Free Software Foundation Europe |
The ultimate Free Software challenge | If you have been at the 33C3 you know that there will be noGame at the FSFE-Assembly : ) However, you can try the ultimate Free Software challenge that will let you dig deep into the history of Free Software, so deep that you might reach the big-bang-moment of Free Software. Be prepared for an inspiring and challenging journey and bring some friends (or any randomly allocated companionship) to pass it together. You know, sharing is caring!
There is no fixed schedule for this session. To participate in the ultimate Free Software challenge, simply make sure to be four to seven people and come at any time to the FSFE assembly. Bring good mood, ask and you are welcome. The Free Software challenge is kids-friendly and open for everyone from 8 years or more. No violence and no animals harmed! | Free Software Foundation Europe |
Three Ways to Enhance Metadata Protection Beyond Tor | 1. the *cover traffic* from file sharing, DHT and eventually multicast;
2. the *framing* of application data, 3. *mixnets* for high-latency applications. | NGI |
Throwies | Ein Throwie ist eine LED, die durch eine Knopfzellenbatterie zum Leuchten gebracht wird und an die man einen Magneten klebt. | Kidspace |
Tinder for Arguments – Rethinking everyday political opinion formation | Learn about my idea which wants to revolutionize how the eveyday Joe/Joanne develops his/her own opinion on any political issues. Bring in your own thoughts, ideas, questions. | Komona 1Komona |
Tiptoi-Hacking | Current and future Tiptoi hackers meet to teach, learn, hack and exchange ideas. | |
Tongue twisters (Zungenbrecher) | We will document tongue twisters by writing them down, recording them being spoken, and translating them into other languages. | |
Tor Q&A | Questions & Answers session with the Tor project | Tor |
Tor relays operators meetup | Connecting people who run Tor relays, people who would like to run Tor relays, and people generally interested in what we are doing. | Tor |
TransHackMeeting | Since many years in several European countries the mix of hacking and politics had produced national gatherings and local spaces to express contents and share ideas (e.g. Plug'n'Politix Connect Congresses, hackon, Noisy^2, Backbone409, Italian and Iberian Hackmeetings).
We think it would be great to bring the grassroot spirit and the critical view that drove these experiences to a bigger level, as it happened many years ago now in Pula (Croatia). We are proposing to whoever shares our self-managed non-institutional grassroot approach to subscribe a mailing list ( and try to create an European gathering on hacking and politics, to share experiences and ideas without being forced within political nor linguistic borders. | Anarchist |
Translation Team | Daily orga meeting of the Translation Angel crew. | |
Trickmisch | Trickfilm-Workshop:
Mach deinen eigenen Trickfilm! Du kannst dafür eigene Zeichnungen, Scherenschnitte und Bildhintergründe erstellen und am Computer animieren. Die Filme könnt ihr später auf sehen und herunterladen. Auf kann jeder eigene Trickfilme online erstelen. Alle Zeichungen aus dem kollektiv erstellten Bildwörterbuch können dafür verwenden. Viel Spaß! Die Webseite ist zusammen mit, einer Sprachschule von uns für Ankommende mit Hilfe von Trickfilmen entstanden. | Kidspace |
TrueOS install demo | BSD | |
Tuwat! gegen Fake News | Are you developing some kind of system to analyse, detect or avoid the spread of fake news, the effect of filter bubbles, echo chambers and all that crap that comes along with misinformation? Or are you an enthusiast willing to join forces? This session is here to put us in contact, debate, show others what has been done so far. Can we design protocols to integrate different tools? How can we coordinate and avoid reinventing the wheel? Come and share your findings! | |
Tuwat! gegen Überwachung | Wie erklärt man Menschen ohne Technikfachwissen, dass Massenüberwachung eine schlechte Idee ist?
Wir wollen uns weitere coole Aktionsideen, Narrative und Analogien überlegen, mit denen man das Thema greifbar und emotional machen kann. Am Anfang zeigen wir vermutlich, was wir bis jetzt so gemacht haben ( und geben ein bisschen Input. | |
Twink Geeks Gathering - Flausch für Jungs | Meetup for all the twinks! Establishing new friendships and exchanging cuddles, we try to be newbie- and introvert-friendly, so you can come even if you don't know anybody yet! We might find someone to go get dinner together after we met! | |
Ultra low-budget 3D models that can be decorated with LEDs | We will make transculent, super cheap, 3D models of our bodyparts or other stuff you bring. Kids friendly but parents should attend because the cutting out needs some help of an adult. Please bring scissors and LEDs. I will hopefully have more then one scissor there but just to be sure. It takes about 30 minutes to copy a fullsize adult leg. We will have two hours so you can make an entire body, or what ever you want. | 1Komona |
Unfucking the Web of "Trust" | PGP/gpg is good for one thing, encrypting and decrypting messages. For everything else, it relies on a very broken concept called the "web of trust". In this workshop, we'll take a look at specific issues with the web of "trust", and discuss what kinds of architecture changes could be needed to fix them. Target audience is anyone who has ever signed a key or used the keyservers. Please bring a computer and be ready to code. | Milliways |
Usertesting TALEnet | Usertesting TALEnet (kathia) | |
VR-Workshop | Introduction into Mozilla A-Frame at the VR-Assembly | VR |
Video Game Development Meetup | We're a bunch of people who participated in the game jam "Ludum Dare" this year. Whether you're curious about video game development, or a seasoned indie game developer – let's meet, talk about our experiences, and play each others' games! :) | |
VoidLinux User Meetup | Meet and greed with other void users and gals from the core team. | VoidLinux |
Warum Trump tickt wie er tickt | Warum D. Trump tickt wie er tickt (Oskar) | |
We don't need new texts - we need new languages | ||
We dont need new texts - we need new languages | session: We don't need new texts - we need new languages (Ronne Mübeck) | |
Weisswurstfrühstück | Es gibt 100 Portionen (2 Weißwürste, 1 Breze, süßer Senf). Spendenempfehlung 3€. Einweggeschirr vorhanden. We will provide 100 servings of bavarian veal sausages (2 sausages, 1 pretzel, sweet mustard). Recommended donation 3€. Disposable plates and cutlery are available. | |
Wenn die "Neue Rechte" einen so erfolgreichen "Kulturkampf" führt - können wir das als Kukturschaffende nicht eigentlich viel besser? | Wenn die "Neue Rechte" einen so erfolgreichen "Kulturkampf" führt - können wir das als Kukturschaffende nicht eigentlich viel besser? | 1Komona |
When the Dutch secret service knocks on your door | This is a story of when the Dutch secret service knocked on my door just after OHM2013, what some of the events that lead up to this, our guesses on why they did this and how to create an environment where we can talk about these things instead of keeping silent. | |
Whiskeyleaks | Bring whiskey to participate | Milliways |
Whisky | This is the seventh incarnation of the popular whisky evening. It's fairly simple: If you enjoy good whisky with nice people, or are planing to do so, join us. We'll have the virtual chimney fire going. | |
Whisky Tasting @ FHB | Whisky Tasting @ FHB | Foodhackingbase |
Why did we stop contributing to knowledge on the internet | In this talk/discussion/fish bowl, we'd like to explore the reasons for the decline of user-contributed content in commons-based peer production of Free Knowledge – or to put it more simply: You had a Wikipedia account in 2007, but what happened? How come you don't update your blog anymore?
Feel free to join us. Notes of the session: | Wikimedia Deutschland |
Wie produziere ich mein eigenes Hörspiel | Wie produziere ich mein eigenes Hörspiel mit Hilfe von freeware & free sounds (Benni) | |
Wie produziere ich mein eigenes Hörspiel mit Hilfe von freeware free sounds | Workshop: Wie produziere ich mein eigenes Hörspiel mit Hilfe von freeware & free sounds (Benni) | |
WikiTech | How does Wikimedia serve a hundred thousand Wikipedia pages second? | Wikimedia Deutschland |
WikiWat! | Du kennst Wikipedia. Aber wer zur Hölle sind Wikimedia, MediaWiki, Wikidata? Was machen die? Was können sie für dich tun? Bonus: FAQ - Was du schon immer über WikiP/Media wissen wolltest, aber dich nie zu fragen trautest. | Wikimedia Deutschland |
WireGuard | WireGuard is a next generation secure network tunnel, which uses state of the art cryptography. This workshop will discuss what WireGuard is, the cryptography behind it, some interesting kernel engineering tricks it uses, and how you too can use it. There will be copious quantities of free stickers. The session will be fairly open and free form. The creator of WireGuard will have an endless quantity of material of his own to present, but more generally, we'll open it up to whatever people want to discuss and collaborate on. If you're interested in kernel programming, networking, cryptography, or security, this is a key workshop to attend. | |
Workshop on prison and justice system | Das moderne Justizsystem ist nicht älter als ein paar hundert Jahre.
Massive Knastkomplexe, benutzt zur Bestrafung und Unterjochung von ungehorsamen Teilen der Gesellschaft, sind Alltag in kapitalistischen Ländern. Die Privatisierung der Knäste ändert das Konzept der Bestrafung in ein profitables Geschäft mit Gefangenen, welche heutzutage nicht nur Kleidung für Polizei und Militär herstellen, sondern auch in alltäglichen Bereichen von Lebensmittelherstellung, Autoteileproduktion bis zur Arbeit im Callcenter deines Internet-Providerseingesetzt werden. In diesem Workshop möchten wir uns mit den verschiedenen Begriffen, die Knäste mit sich bringen, kritisch auseinander setzen. Wie erfahren wir dieses staatliche System von Gerechtigkeit? Welche gesellschaftlichen Ideen von Strafe existieren? Was sind andere Ansätze um mit sozialen Konflikten umzugehen? Gibt es überhaupt eine Alternative zu Knästen? Wir denken ja und wir hoffen die Türen der Knäste zu öffnen, indem wir über eine Zukunft mit leeren Zellen nachdenken. | Anarchist Anarchist Black Cross |
Workshop: Bookmaking, binding with glue or staples | It is possible to create books with rather simple tools. In this workshop I will present how I bind books and what are important things to remember when doing so. Maybe we can share our experience with producing printed matter, and collect some qualities that books have. The Book or Booklet still is a great way to pass on knowledge or information.
If requested the workshop will be held in english, otherwise in german. DEU: Schon mit einfachen Materialien lassen sich Bücher herstellen. Ich werde zeigen wie ich Bücher mit Klebebindung herstellen, und die Dinge ansprechen die es dabei zu beachten gibt. Vielleicht können wir unsere Erfahrungen über das Büchermachen austauschen. Bücher und Hefte sind nachwievor sehr praktische Mittel um Informationen oder Wissen zu teilen. | Komona |
Workshop: Can Berlin benefit from a new hackerspace? | Could Berlin benefit from a new hackerspace? Let us all discuss! | HardwareHackingArea |
XMPP | Gathering of XMPP developers | |
Ybti+wefixthenet | youbroketheinternet/wefixthenet session to discuss and report progress on a secure, private post-Snowden era Internet | NGI |
Yet another cryptocurrency portfolio application (looking for contributors) | A brief talk about cryptocurrency portfolio application we are working on. | Bitcoin Crypto Currencies Chaos West |
“How To Survice 34C3” CryptoParty | Privacy is the space in which ideas are developed, to retreat into whenever you want. This space is not only physical but digital as well. Governments and companies don't want to respect that so we become active ourselves. The goal of this hands-on session is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web and general security advice for computers and smartphones. | Cryptoparty |
The following calendar shows all registered activities like workshops, talks at assemblies or in the workshop rooms, hand-ons, and stuff mentioned above.
You can find a non-javascript version of the calendar formated as a table on the Timetable-Page. If the session-calendar does not work on your system, this is a place to go and check out the timeslots for all events.
This is the calendar for Static:Self-organized Sessions. You find the complete calendar on Static:Calendar.
You may select one of the following filters:
Wednesday, 26 Mar, 2025 |
Wednesday 26/3 | |
All day |