Session:Can't touch this 2: Introduction and more about self defense and communication for humans

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Description Last year, the workshop was called:

Can't touch this: Introduction to self defense for women

Learn the legal frame of self defence in Germany/Switzerland, the communication patterns of threat/violence and five easy techniques to avoid sexual harassment and to counter physical attacks.

Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) safety
Person organizing User:Nia
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2017/12/30 14:00
Ends at 2017/12/30 16:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room 11

As the workshop was so popular last year (and everybody seemed to have a lot of fun), we aim to repeat it with a short summary of last years information* as well as new chapters about how communication helps to understand and prevent physical violence. As last year, the workshop is of course open to all humans. It was originally labeled "for women" as it was usually done by that name for different audiences which were women-focused.

Please do not expect a workshop on how to become Rambo or how to hurt other people, it is purely about legal defence against physical attacks or sexual harassment and the theory behind it. Also: As there will be no hands-on experience, nobody will get hurt, so don't be afraid! :-)

If you visited this workshop last year: I would be pleased to see you all again this year! You were a great audience!

If you didn't visit this workshop last year: Don't be afraid and drop by! We will also repeat what was told last year!

Also: As last year there were more people than chairs we increased the number of chairs and the size of the room so that this year, everybody should be comfortable!! :-))

  • Description from last year: When being physically attacked, the best thing to do is to run away. However, there are situations like physical(sexual) harassment or encounters where running is not an option. This talk shows a few simple techniques for de-escalating these situations and explains the legal frame in which self defence is possible. The participants learn five easy techniques to sharpen their defence and presence in the face of physical encounters.