Assembly:Free Software Foundation Europe
You will find our assembly in the Cluster Rights & Freedoms. The cluster itself is filling Saal 3 / Hall 3, which again is split half/half into the stage area and the assembly area. You find the FSFE assembly in the assembly area. (See here a supervision of the cluster with the stage on top and the fsfe-assembly on bottom-left.)
Saal 3 / Hall 3 is in the CCL-building, which is the "small" building on top-left in this graphic. In a side view, Saal 3 is on top right of the CCL-building.
Our Sessions
All sessions will happen on the stage in the Rights&Freedoms-Cluster in Saal 3 in the CCL-building. (except the Free Software song sing-along-sessions that happen directly at the FSFE assembly)
Day 1: Wednesday 27
13:00 Self-Host your visual assets with Free Software by Elio Qoshi
14:00 Newpipe by Chris Schabesberger
17:00 Design in Free Software & Open Source by Dina Michl & Victoria Bondarchuk
18:00 PEP with Thunderbird by the PEP Foundation
19:00 Jabber/XMPP: past, present and future by Daniel Gultsch
20:00 Social networking, powered by Free Software by Tobias Diekershoff
21:00 The many applications of digital certificates by Thomas Ruddy
22:00 Free Software song sing-along session at the FSFE assembly
Day 2: Thursday 28
14:00 *** Cancelled *** Privacy aware city navigation with Free Software by Redon Skikuli
17:30 Free Software song sing-along session at the FSFE assembly
18:00 Hacking with wget by Hanno Böck
20:00 A public identity infrastructure to defend the open Internet by Vittorio Bertola
20:45 (workshop) Flashing (Fair-)phones with Custom Roms, F-Droid etc. in Hall3/FSFE Assembly
Day 3: Friday 29
13:00 Free Software song sing-along session at the FSFE assembly
13:15 (workshop) Join us now - a choir to perform the Free Software song beyond Hall 3 -> ask at the @fsfe assembly
14:00 (workshop) Replicant Install Fest in Lecture Room 12 by Tiberiu-Cezar Tehnoetic and Ralf C. Staudemeyer
16:00 Fixing mass surveillance: one court case at a time! by Exegetes
19:00 Public money? Public Code! by Polina Malaja & Katharina Nocun
The ultimate Free Software challenge
If you have been at the 33C3 you know that there will be noGame at the FSFE-Assembly : ) However, you can try the ultimate Free Software challenge that will let you dig deep into the history of Free Software, so deep that you might reach the big-bang-moment of Free Software. Be prepared for an inspiring and challenging journey and bring some friends (or any randomly allocated companionship) to pass it together. You know, sharing is caring!
There is no fixed schedule for this session. To participate in the ultimate Free Software challenge, simply make sure to be four to seven people and come between 14:00 and 18:00 or 20:00 to midnight to the FSFE assembly. Bring good mood, ask and you are welcome.
The Free Software challenge is kids-friendly and open for everyone from 8 years or more. No violence and no animals harmed!
Free Software Song sing-along at the FSFE Assembly
"Join us now and ..." sing together the Free Software song!
Everyday at the Village of the Free Software Foundation Europe we invite you to sing together the Free Software song; We have the lyrics and a conductor. Simply come, bring your hacker buddies and your voice and maybe an instrument and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing out loud our love for Free Software!
Sing-along sessions will be at:
- Day 1, Wednesday 27, at 22:00
- Day 2, Thursday 28, at 17:30
- Day 3, Friday 29, at 13:00
- Day 4, Saturday 30, at 14:00
Join us now - a choir to perform the Free Software song
We are gathering to rehearse and perform the Free Software song. On day 3 of 34C3, at 2 pm, we will have a 2h-workshop to let the choir and conductor Benjamin Wand practice the sing-along. In the evening of day 3, most probably at 8 pm the choir is invited to perform the Free Software song publicly on the stage of the Rights&Freedoms-Cluster in Saal 3. Crowdsinging the Free Software song!
Check out all details on the dedicated wiki-page.
Here is a bunch of Free Software related graphics in 34C3 style. License is CC0, please reuse and spread!
Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.
Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. It is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press and privacy.
Free Software Foundation Europe:
- helps individuals and organisations to understand how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination.
- enhances users' rights by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption.
- Encourages people to use and develop Free Software.
- Provides resources to enable everyone to further promote Free Software in Europe