Session:A Blueprint for Making Namecoin Anonymous

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Description Namecoin aims to support anonymous name registrations, but our approach isn't to simply implement the Monero or Zcash anonymity features as consensus rules. I'll explain why we're taking a very different approach.
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software, security
Tags Namecoin, Cryptocurrency, Anonymity, Monero, Zcash
Processing assembly Assembly:Monero Assembly
Person organizing User:JeremyRand
Language en - English
en - English
Related to Projects:Namecoin
Other sessions...


Starts at 2017/12/28 18:45
Ends at 2017/12/28 19:10
Duration 25 minutes
Location Room:Chaos West Stage

It's well-established that Bitcoin isn't anonymous. One might assume, therefore, that Namecoin also can't be anonymous, unless perhaps it softforks to add the anonymity features from Monero or Zcash. We don't think that would be the best approach. This talk will cover why Namecoin is taking a different approach to anonymity, which utilizes the ongoing work by projects like Monero and Zcash more effectively (and more cooperatively) than simply baking anonymity into the Namecoin consensus rules.