Session:A-NOC: Tech-support for political events

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Description This meet-up is intended to bring people together and to check, how to form kind of a community, that connects and shares ideas, experiences and

lessons-learned about bringing technical infrastructure to political activist and protest events.

Type Meeting
Kids session No
Keyword(s) political, hardware, software, inside, network
Tags Assembly:Anarchist
Processing assembly Assembly:Anarchist
Person organizing User:Revo
Language de - German, en - English, es - Spanish / Castilian
de - German, en - English, es - Spanish / Castilian
Related to Projects:A-NOC
Other sessions...


Starts at 2017/12/29 18:00
Ends at 2017/12/29 19:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Assembly:Anarchist

Exactly one year ago, on 34C3 a workshop introduced the idea of an A-NOC, an Activist Network Operation Center. The outcome basically was an encrypted mailing list of people who raised interest for activist tech support during major political events.

Out of this list two events have already been supported; one being an ecological protest camp in 2016 and the other being the G20 protest camps in 2017, each by a different subset of people. After a workshop about the experiences at G20 at Hack-On in Amsterdam 2017, even more people asked to be added to the list; however this list remained silent for quite a while.

This meet-up is intended to bring together the remaining list members and other interested people in order to discuss, how to move forward and what fields of activity (hardware stock, roll-out scenarios, community) might be relevant for further efforts.

On request, a replay of the Hack-On workshop is available; however there might not be the infrastructure for displaying it properly.