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Website not yet available
Contact 34c3 (at)
Description We are the "klasse Klasse" / free class of the hfg Offenbach – a group of art and design students on a self-organized field trip.

Hoping to get in touch with friendly folks, like-minded or not, and learn a bunch of cool stuff at congress!

Members Lisi 0ne.raw, Schongo
Projects Museum of Political Aesthetics
Self-organized Sessions Express and Extended Taro Sessions with Binaural Music, Karaoke-Taxi, Sticker meet up
chaos competence center Cluster:Art & play
Related to Assembly Assembly:Bogonauten
Tags art, design, students, offenbach am main, frankfurt am main
Registered on
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions no
Self-organized session notes Nothing planned yet.

(update: self organized session "sticker meet up" will take place at our assembly spot for each 60 minutes.)

Orga contact
Brings Art, like this artificial bamboo forest -> (this installation produces sounds... :D )

Publications, posters, info. Digital Art might be presented in some way (interactive, non-interactive, video, 3D-prints etc)

Projects Not sure yet, as it's a first for us.
Uses money no money handling
Need fibre no
Extra Power {{{Extra power}}}
Near passage would be great
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 6
Extra seats 0
Aread needed 22
Arrival and build up At least one of us will be arriving in leipzig on 25th, possibly even earlier, like 20th, or so.

Logistics not yet decided, as far as transport of materials is concerned.


The "klasse Klasse" is a group of art and design students from hfg Offenbach, venturing to go on a self-organized field trip to 34c3. We are hoping to meet a bunch of friendly people, like-minded or not! =)

The free class of hfg was in part born out of discontent concerning certain structures and situations at our school. But more importantly it was also born out of an upswing in student participation and the development of new approaches to our studies and the way we produce art or design. Right now the free class is an open concept. It can be a lot of things. It can for example be a messenger for our school, but not by blindly promoting the institution itself, but by presenting things that have personally made a difference for us in the last year. These can be personal artwork by individual members of our group or things from a broader context. The presentations will probably not have event character, but everyone's free to hang out with us, trink a tea and look at the stuff we've brought.

- There will be a presentation of some sort of a queer performance party series that has been running now for a year, called Opencreek Shownight, that has also spawned a collective of people that continue to engage in various forms of performance and queer practices.