Please note that the deadline for assembly registration is on November 15th, 23:59h CET! But you make everyone's life easier if you apply before that.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact the assemblies Team via c3-assemblies (at)
Over the last years we've seen a shift in focus away from group meetings and discussing topics at hand towards lectures and workshops. For many groups it was hard to find a decent home base to store their equipment and to get new folks interested in their community. On the other hand, for new hackers it became harder to find someone to talk to, as everybody was wandering around. At the Chaos Communication Camp, we had a solution for that: Villages. Groups of people sharing ideas, from hackerspaces or projects come together in what is called an Assembly.
So, if you're a group of hackers that likes to work and hang out together, bring your toys, work on projects, have fun, let others participate in what you're doing, and present yourself to new hackers! See also the blog post from 29C3 on this, and especially the update from this year's blogpost.
We want to have workshops or talks at our Assembly!
This is great! The Assemblies are an integral part of the congress and make up a lot of the program: Sharing knowledge and presenting your projects is central for the conference. If your Assembly also wants to offer workshops, sessions and other activities like lectures on a small scale, state that in your Assembly registration page.
If you want to have a separate place in your Assembly for ongoing sessions, tell us what your plans are and how many people you want to accommodate. Please be as specific as possible. We will probably not allocate extra workshop space for your Assembly if your registration doesn't really show the requirement for large space. Publishing a schedule in advance, topics and speakers will definitely help to convince us.
For bigger self-organized sessions there will be separate smaller and larger workshop rooms you can register for on-site. If you are not planning to have many events, please use them instead of requiring extra space at your Assembly.
What should we consider when registering?
The more you tell us about your plans, the better your chances are that you'll actually get what you want and need. Please let us know what you are planning to do, how much space you'll need, what you'll like to bring with you, how much power your gear will consume, etc. You should also mention what kind of space you want. If you only want to hang out with a few friends, you might be ambiguous about your space, but if you want to present your Assembly and discuss with people passing-by, you might want a public space. Be as specific and realistic with your plans and requirements as possible. Please note that we won't allocate space for every Assembly this year: We will reserve space for the Assemblies actively adding value to our community on site and leave it to you to share the rest of the space. Also consider organizing yourselves in chaos competence centers.
What should we bring, what will be there?
The only infrastructure provided by the congress will be:
- tables and chairs,
- a power line
- network access on location.
Though there will be a large number of power outlets and switches, you cannot rely on them being available to you. This means that you have to bring all equipment yourself, which is:
- power multipliers and strips,
- switches and network cables,
- projectors and hackerspace/project swag.
Assemblies are invited to bring their toys and also to decorate their spots on the congress and its environment, as long as whatever you bring is not inflammable or blocks exit paths (This is required! Otherwise we are forced to remove them!). If you want to bring bigger things or other uncommon stuff, please contact (c3-assemblies (at) us. There is also a special wiki site for large things you bring but cannot maintain yourself, so somebody else might take care of it during the congress.
chaos comptence center
There will be some bigger Assembly Clusters - called "chaos competence centers" - this year. Read more about it in the Blog Post. At least some of them are still looking for more participants, so if your Topic fits somehow into these chaos competence centers, consider to mark your assembly as a part of these chaos compence centers.
List of chaos competence centers
Name | Topic |
1Komona | selfempowerment, collaboration, activism, methodsharing |
Art & play | sculptures and installations |
Chaos West | moving objects |
Open Infrastructure Orbit | infrastructure and free networks |
Rights & Freedoms | digital rights politics and free software advocacy |
The Hive | digital fabrication |
List of already registered Assemblies
The list below is automatically filled using semantic information on the Assembly pages. If you want to add your Assembly to the list, just create it using the Assembly form. If you like to update the corresponding information below, head to your Assembly page and update it using the edit button. Note that it might take some time until the information below gets updated as the list contains cached information.
Be aware that this is only the list of registered Assemblies - some of them might not have an allocated spot in the house!
List of Assemblies
Name | Description | Tags | Competence Center | Website |
/dev/lol | Hackerspace from Linz/Austria | hackerspace, austria, winkekatze, mqtt | | |
/dev/space | We are a loosely connected group of people that hack on various projects and are open for discussions about any topic. | programming, free software, rust, go, scala, leipzig | ||
/dev/tal | Hackerspace Wuppertal, part of Chaos-West | hackerspace | Chaos West | |
/dev/zero | We are a group of software developers doing some cool projects like automated shooting of balloons, automatic playing of FlappyBird, showing off firework and gravity balls on LED stripes, making NFC controlled mp3 player....
Why /dev/zero? Because it is cool and contains an infinite amount of half of the electronic information in the world: Zeroes. |
raspberrypi, arduino, leds, balloons, lego, camera analysis | Art & play | |
1Komona | We focus on self-empowerment, collaboration, creative action and the exchange of knowledge with an activist scope. | collaboration, zineproduction, communication guerillla, social hacking, rave, creative action, allesallen, anarcha-feminism, queer, alternate reality gaming, self-empowerment, commons, anarchist hackers, i2p, anarchohackers, hacker ethics, decentralization, free software | 1Komona | |
34C3 CTF | We are hosting the annual C3 CTF competition. This is the 6th incarnation of the event.
This year's idea is that all teams on-site wanting to participate gather around in the same area to play and hack all the challenges we provide together. So if you are a local assembly wanting to participate with us in the same space, please specify us as the parent assembly when registering your own assembly. |
security, ctf, hacking, competition |, | |
3D Printing Berlin | 3D-printing station with a mobile 3d-printer wagon and a small chill 4 print area. | 3d, 3dprinting | The Hive | |
AG DSN | We run a FTTB and radio based gigabit network for 3000 users. | studentennetz, students, university, free networks, network, net neutrality, isp | | |
ALLES | The ALLES CTF team is looking forward to meet all of you :) | ctf, 34c3ctf | | |
Aaaaaaaaaaaa | austria, c3w, devlol, chaostreff_salzburg, it-syndikat, realraum, c3troc, hackerspace, hackspace, feldtelefon, feldtelefonie, netzpat, segvault, /usr/space, internet of trains (iot), metalab | | ||
Amnesty International | We want to present our work and engange in exchange. | human rights, digital rights | Rights & Freedoms | |
Anagrom Ataf | Sanctuary for some Muggs from Germany. Thou shalt not finkle backwards! | quiet, art, board games, glowing stuff, blanket fort | | |
Anarchist | An assembly for anarchists and people interested in anarchism | anarchism, politics | 1Komona | |
Anarchist Black Cross | Anarchist Black Cross is organization existing in different parts of the world to support anarchist and antiuthoritarian movement in their struggle against state and capitalism. ABC is involved in support of prisoners and struggle against the prison system in general. This includes penalties against anarchist hacktivists and criticism of development of antihacking legislatins. | anarchism, solidarity, legal, politics, acab, activism | 1Komona | |
Apertus | We will show our open hardware digital cinema camera and answer questions.
We like to join the Chaos Communication Cluster Audio/Video. |
video, cinema, art, open hardware, open source, free software | | | | community of on freenode | archlinux, community,, os | | |
Assembly | Themen der Assembly:
-Amateurfunk und HackRF -IT-Sicherheit -Elektronik, speziell Leistungs- und Optoelektronik -Antriebstechnik Vorhandene Werkzeuge: -Crimpwerkezug -Lötkolben -Multimeter -Labornetzteil -Kleinkram WIR SUCHEN: -Leute, die sich mit Battery Management Systemen auskennen! Bitte melden. :) |
electro-mobility, electronics, it-security, afu, hackrf | Chaos West | |
Assembly der Informatikfachschaften (AIF) | We are a group of german-speaking computer science students who meet twice a year at the "Konferenz der Informatikfachschaften". We share interest in encouraging student participation in german universities, talking about interesting topics from our field of study, as well as fiddling with hardware such as colourful LED lights. We are an open community and every person sharing our interests is invited to join. | kif, aif, fachschaft, informatik, computer science, students, university | | |
Audio & Video | This is just an ini hub for a possible "Audio & Video" orbit. | |||
Aussenstelle511 | We're an erfa from Hanover. | Chaos West | | |
Axoloti | Hacking on the open source Axoloti hardware synthesizer.
Other DIY audio or synths projects also welcome! |
audio, music, synthesizers, dsp, open source, hardware hacking | Art & play | |
BSD | BSD NOW – at congress and everywhere else | freebsd, netbsd, openbsd, dragonfly bsd, trueos, freenas, zfs, bsd, bsd license, gpl, gnu, linux, bsd jail, bhyve, vmm, virtualization, unix, security, free software, open source, illumos, openindiana, sfe, solaris, os, sticker | OS | |
Backspace | Associates of Backspace, a hackerspace in Bamberg, Bavaria. | hackerspace, franconia | | |
BalCCon | We are small group of hackers and makers from Novi Sad, Serbia. | hackerspace, community, hacking, hardware hacking, balccon, lugons, serbia | | |
Bastelbude | We love IoT. The S in IoT stands for security and we love this also.. | iot, raspberry, hackrf | ||
Belgian Embassy | The Belgian Embassy is a coalition of Belgian Hackerspaces, Fablabs and alikes. | | ||
Berndcon | KEIN
BERND IST ILLEGAL Please be aware, that we aim to provide a code-of-conduct free zone within our assembly. |
sexuality, kids, politics | | |
Bimseln | Chaos West | | ||
Binary Security | We are an open assembly for everyone interested in aspects of binary software security. We discuss and work on projects such as reverse engineering, fuzzing, CPU microcode updates, deobfuscation, exploitation, ... | binary, security, reverse engineering, fuzzing, exploitation, microcode | ||
Bitcoin | A place for all topic Bitcoin & Blockchain. We will have the Bitcoin-Sofa again for you to chill out and ask us all the questions. | bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, internetmoney | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
Blacklight | Find us. Join us. |, | ||
BlinkenArea | BlinkenArea is a group of people interested in blinking objects of any kind. We'll bring lots of small LED projects and have our usual all day, every day learn-to-solder workshop with different kits for sale. | led, leds, hardware hacking, soldering, solder, blinkenlights, blinking | | |
Bogonauten | We are a group of about 30 students of Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main organizing a field trip to the 34C3. We are mostly informatic/computer science students but also have members studying sociology, politics, physics, philosophy and other subjects.
At our assembly we would like to build a come together for other students who would like to connect. We also want to make Hardware stuff and other funny stuff with origami. We hope to provide some self organized sessions and workshops with our members like we did the previous years at the 33C3 and 32C3. |
bogonauten, students, education, youth education, frankfurt, goethe, makelab, university, bembelbots |,, | |
Bohnen in die Ohr'n | Bohnen in die Ohr'n - altes Lied auf dem Easterhegg 2017 verbunden mit neuen Ideen und neuer Technik. Wir recyceln alte Technik pimpen sie mit neuer Technik und bekommen das alles auch noch ans laufen. | voip, freifunk, reverse engineering, 42, sdr, lidar, feldtelefon, gießen, wetzlar, chaostreff gießen/marbug, dect, deaf-aid hacking | | |
Bytewerk | Ingolstadt's finest hackerspace. | | ||
C-Hack | We are a small Hackerspace from southern Germany. | The Hive | | |
C-base | hackerspace, raumstation | The Hive | | |
C3PB | Hackerspace/CCC of Paderborn, Germany. | Chaos West | | |
C3RE | Chaostreff Recklinghausen | hackerspace, chaostreff, ccc, german | Chaos West | |
C3S | C3S -- Cultural Commons Collecting Society
Die Entwicklung digitaler Märkte und des Urheberrechts erfordert neue Formen der Verwertung kreativer Werke, unter anderem die Möglichkeit zur kommerziellen Auswertung freier Lizenzen wie Creative Commons. Textdichter und Komponisten von Musikwerken schließen sich zu einem Unternehmen zusammen, das die Verwertungsmöglichkeiten wahrnimmt und ausgehend von der gegenwärtigen Marktsituation auch neue Verwertungsmöglichkeiten erschließt. Der Einzelne kann nicht alle Nutzungen seiner Werke überwachen und die ihm zustehenden Erträge einziehen, insbesondere im digitalen Zeitalter. Die diesem Unternehmen zu übertragenden Rechte werden als gemeinsame Rechte der Beteiligten verwaltet und die eingehenden Erträge und Vergütungen nach einem festgelegten Verfahren verteilt. |
Rights & Freedoms | | |
C3po | It's a post office! | post | The Hive | |
C4 | Chaos Computer Club Cologne | c4, cccc, hackerspace, german, ccc | Chaos West | |
C6 | C6 short for Chaos Computer Club Cluster Computing Council.
We organise computing power for chaotic projects. We do not only do Cluster stuff, but also HPC and other server related stuff. |
hpc, cluster, server | | |
CCC-CH | Chaos Computer Club Switzerland
Member organisations: CCC Ticino, CCCZH Zürich, Chaostreff Basel, Chaostreff Bern, Coredump Rapperswil-Jona, Ruum42 St. Gallen, Hackerfunk |
hackerspaces, hardware hacking, free software, swiss, switzerland | | |
CCCFr | Chaos Computer Club Freiburg (ERFA) assembly | freifunk, sandbox, ar, augmented reality, rgb-led, fpv_rc_car_racing, fpv, hairy_stuff | | |
CCCWI | Hackerspace from Mainz/Wiesbaden | hackerspace, wiesbaden, mainz | | |
CLUG-PL | Cracow (not only) Linux Users Group | linux | | |
CSOC | Named after the European mission control ESOC, the Chaos Space Operation Centre want to provide a space for people interested in space exploration (in a wide sense) to meet, discuss and show of projects. Please be aware, that we aim to provide a safe environment for all galactic life forms (although we are only able to provide an oxygen atmosphere). We come in peace! | space, sdr, rocketscience, satellites, cubesats | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
CTDO | Chaos Dortmund | Chaos West | | |
CTJB | CTJB is a umbrella organization covering all Czechoslovak hackerspaces such as brmlab, Progressbar, Base48 and v01d. | hackerspace, czech, slovak, czechoslovak | | |
Calliope Assembly | We will offer workshops based on Calliope ( | programming, kids, electronics, school |, | |
Cccac | Chaos Computer Club Aachen | hackerspace, german, ccc | Chaos West | |
Chaos Bodensee | Assembly of various Bodensee spaces and groups (see-base, hacknology, compurama, toolbox bodensee etc.) | | ||
Chaos Darmstadt | Chaos Darmstadt is the local chapter of the CCC and a hackerspace in Darmstadt. We have CTF team and regular IT-Security meetings, the local Freifunk team is meeting here and we have monthly python and rust events. | ctf, freifunk | | |
Chaos West | The wild west of the german hackerspaces presents moving objects and a lounge. | moving objects, lounge, talks, gaming | Chaos West | |
Chaos inKL. | Assembly of the Chaos Computer Club in Kaiserslautern | hackspace | | |
ChaosConsulting | freifunk, adsb, sticker | Chaos West | | |
ChaosZone | Assembly for and by hackers from eastern countries (former GDR and so on).
Find us:,469.58,373.34,4.99 |
chaos, east, zone, hackspace, erfa, code, network, bitcoin, datenspuren, pentaradio, zentralwerk dresden, open data, bsd, gnu, dn42, ccc, linux, nix, chemnitz, cms | ChaosZone |, |
Chaosdorf | Chaos Computer Club Düsseldorf | hackerspace, german, ccc | Chaos West | |
Chaospatinnen | Hi! We are the Chaos mentors. We support newcomers by teaming them up with mentors. | | ||
Chaospott | CCC Essen | hackerspace, ccc, erfa, german | Chaos West | |
Chaostreff Chemnitz | Der Chaostreff Chemnitz (ChCh) ist ein lockeres Treffen von technikbegeisterten und kreativen Menschen. | chaos, code, network, linux, foss, cms, hackspace, ccc, gnu, dn42 | | |
Chaostreff Flensburg | We are the most northern Hackerspace in Germany. And we are part of the MOiN cluster. Come around and say Moin ;) | chaostreff, flensburg, c3fotobox | | |
Chaosvermittlung | As we have seen on the CCCamp2015, power cuts can happen. Therefore a power independent communication channel is a must have. Furthermore would it be nice to have a way to communicate from one Seidenstraßen Node to another one. All of this and a lot more is the Chaosvermittlung | fieldphones, retro, tech, chaosvermittlung, feldtelefon, feldtelefonie, communication, network | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
Chaoswelle | ham radio assembly of D23, Chaoswelle and other friendly hams. Nerding with HF topics and equipment | radio, hamradio, hamnet, wireless community, hf, communication, sdr, electronics, dmr, ham radio | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
CiderSecurity | In Erinnerung der Opfer des CiderWars.
- Software Defined Radios - Neural Networks - Beer & Whisky |
sdr, cider, hackrf, neural networks | | |
Cocktail-Bot | We bring our cocktailbot which is based on the bartendro b15 kit provided by california based Partyrobotics. we want to connect to other robotics nerds as well as provide visitors with cocktail drinks. We wont charge any money though donations are welcome. | art, robotics, raspberrypi | Art & play | |
Coffeenerds | We enable people to discover different methods of producing (from roasting over grinding until extraction) coffee! We will bring some machines from our kitchens and also some knowledge about coffee. Similar to our past coffeenerd assemblies we will have a bean exchange locker where everybody can put and take beans (and esp. can taste beans within the assembly). | | ||
Computerwerk | The Computerwerk Darmstadt e.V. is a public charity dedicated to help people who can't afford a pc. We collect old or broken computers, repair them and give them to people in need or charity organisations. | non commercial, hardware, social, equal access, free software | Rights & Freedoms | |
Coreboot | coreboot is an extended firmware platform that delivers a lightning fast and secure boot experience on modern computers and embedded systems. As an Open Source project it provides auditability and maximum control over technology. | firmware, bios, uefi, hw, security, os | Chaos West | |
Crypto Currencies | Hack on different Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero and blockchain related technologies. Key management, threshold signatures, payment-channels, state-channels, new token standard for Ethereum (EIP777), consensus algorithms, oracle protocols, | cryptocurrency, bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain, decentralization | Chaos West |, |
Cryptocol | Discussions on advanced cryptographic protocols and their use for defending our digital rights and freedom. | crypto, security, free software, freedom, cryptography | Rights & Freedoms | |
Cryptoparty | CryptoParties are free and open for everyone, but especially those without prior knowledge, who haven't yet attended one.
CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web, and general security advice regarding computers and smartphones. To try the tools and apps directly at the CryptoParty, bring your laptop or smartphone. |
cryptography, crypto, cryptoparty, pgp, otr, tor, darknet, privacy | Rights & Freedoms | |
Curry Club Augsburg | Functional Meeting Group from Augsburg. Es ist Haskell! | programming, functional, monoidinthecategoryofendofunctors | | |
Cyberia Café & Club | An IRC community focusing on /comfy/ness | community, friends, quiet, security, privacy, /cyb/, tor, lain, cyberpunk | | |
Darkscience | Darkscience is an IRC community best described as a "virtual hackerspace". | community, quiet, security, tor, cyberpunk, meritocracy, digital rights, open hardware, open source |, | |
Das Labor | Hackerspace Bochum, part of Chaos-West | hackerspace | Chaos West | |
Datenschutzraum e.V. | We are a registered society and the local group of AK Vorrat in Düsseldorf, NRW. We campaign for privacy in the digital age and against data retention of telecommunications data. | privacy, fundamental rights, human rights, reclaim your data, video surveillance, face recognition, data retention, encryption, networking, education, anonymity, activism | | |
Dead Tree Lovers Library | A public library of hacking related books -- add yours! | books, library, reading, scifi, politics, education | | |
Deepcyber | A bunch of people (12-14), based in Hamburg, willing to enjoy the congress together. We have somewhat of a shared background in machine learning. Also we do very deep cyber. The deepest of all cybers. | machine learning, ai, deep learning, neural networks | | |
Demoscene | several people from the demoscene that did not make it to "under construction" watching demos, drinking bears... | Art & play | | |
Dezentrale | We are a recently formed local group of hackers and makers. | hackerspace, hackerspaces | | |
Diaspora | Common space for all federated social networks, organized by the diaspora* community. Allows discussions with the users, developers and interested people. Possible cookies, some catcontent and a lot of club mate. | diaspora, social networking, federated, opensource | | |
Die offizielle Assembly | Die offizielle Assembly ist der offizielle Nachfolger der „Lokalen Gruppe“ auf dem 33C3. | |||
Digitalcourage e.V. | We will place around a forum ("open sofa") some political issues like video surveillance and analyses (surveillance sensorics), face recognitions, lichtbildausweis, button production, photo copies for free, throwing cameras on faces, talks and discussions (lightning talks), postcard campaign to force the general attorney to resume the criminal proceedings against the german government, rfid detector, a place for shopping etc. | freedom, netphilosophics, politics, art, video surveillance, surveillance sensorc, face recognition, lichtbildausweis, real(ity) hacking, rfid, bigbrotherawards, big brother awards, campaigning, open sofa, talks, lightning talks, serious fun | | |
Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz | The Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz (Digital Society) is a charitable organization that is committed to fundamental and human rights, an open knowledge culture, as well as transparency and participation in social decision-making processes. | digital rights, fundamental rights, human rights, freedom of communication, freedom of information, privacy, censorship, surveillance, net neutrality | Rights & Freedoms | |
Django | We'll work together on everything related to Django (or not). If you want to learn more about Django or contribute come around! | python, django, programming, web, webvr, free software, open source, community, education |, | |
Dolphin Emulator | Developers from the Dolphin Emulator project and some friends. | emulators, console hacking, open source, programming, videogames | | |
Doubleoctothorpbuero | We are a communicative group of people gathering at a table. We bring tea, coffee, tools, parts and projects and do things. Maybe we do a workshop or something. | esp8266, arduino, coffee, tea, feiner fug, winkekatze, libreboot, android, lineage | ||
EDRi | We are an association of civil and human rights organisations from across Europe. We defend rights and freedoms in the digital environment. | policy, advocacy, digital rights, network, community, freedom of information, freedom of communication, internet freedom, fundamental rights, privacy, censorship, surveillance, international, net neutrality, trade agreements, intellectual property, europe, politics, human rights, civil rights | Rights & Freedoms | |
EE-eState-talks | Year 2017 has been extremely eventful to Estonian eID ecosystem and our e-society. Not even mentioning ROCA bug hitting Estonian eState. Sure, ppl want to ask questions.
We will not hack anything, we won't have any secret information to disseminate. But. We wish to have an organized contact point, preferrably an 1h informal talk, a Q/A session in a quiet place, for ppl from various nation states and cultures interested in those topics: a) what Estonian eID is; b) about the technicalities around; c) about the latest infosec challenges to Est-eID; d) about the philosophy behind, especially the topics tending to differ from the Western school. The goal is to minimize the entropy about the topic and serve as a guide to Estonian e-system. Plz drop an e-mail to express yr interest and ez the planning. |
estonia, estland, eid, e-identity, talks, i-voting, e-society, e-governance | | |
Electron | Hi, we are from Glasgow electron club (hackerspace) which is located in Scotland. It is going to be 5 of us this year attending CCC and we would like to have a desk. We will be showing various iot hacks and micro controllers. Also we will bring whisky for tasting sessions (of course) :) | hackerspace, scotland | | |
Electronic Frontier Foundation | Electronic Frontier Foundation is a US 501(c)3 non-profit organization in our 27th year. We do work to defend civil liberties wherever they intersect with technology. Our lawyers, activists, policy analysts, and staff technologists work to protect user rights and freedoms online around the world. | digital rights, freedom of assembly, freedom of information, freedom of speech, internet freedom, privacy, open access, open source | Rights & Freedoms | |
Elektroglitzer | Group of happy friends working on LEDs, glitter, music, electronics, home automation, 3D-Printer projects. | 3d printer, blinking, electronics, robot | Art & play | |
Elsterhack | We are a small group of people (up to 8) with 2 to 3 children in need of space for hacking and making. Also will try to start organizing a hacker camp (Elsterhack) in Summer 2018. | soldering, blinkenlights, junghacker | ||
Energy and Climate | Let's talk about energy! The grid, renewable energy, storage, efficiency, electro-mobility, climate change ... | energy, power, grid, electro-mobility, climate change | ||
Entropolis | We are the hackerspace from Karlsruhe | hackerspace | | | – for digital rights | We are digital rights NGO based in Vienna working on privacy and freedom of speech online. If you want to talk about Net Neutrality or Austrian politics, come find us. | digital rights, net neutrality, überwachungspaket, sobotka, data retention, vorratsdatenspeicherung, staatsschutzgesetz, bundestrojaner, staatstrojaner, government spyware, surveillance, freedom of speech | Rights & Freedoms | |
European CERTs and CSIRTs | Space for anyone working with a CERT, CSIRT or similiar organisation for "face-to-face" discussions after one year of digital contact. Defenders only, spies will be ratted out to their primary antagonist. | cert, csirt, freedom of communication | Open Infrastructure Orbit |,, |
FAU FabLab | FabLab at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen | fablab, digital, fabrication, lasercutters | The Hive | |
FIfF-Space | Space for learning and discussions, we are a forum! ;) | peace, cyberpeace, transhumanism, critical, computerscience, responsibility, society | Rights & Freedoms | |
FOSSASIA | FOSSASIA is a Free and Open Source Software Community in Asia. | foss, asia, open source, hardware, citizen science, free software, software | | |
FabLab Nuremberg | A FabLab on the way to become a Hackerspace, located in -you guessed it- Nuremberg | chaosvermittlung, chaostreff, hackerspace, makerspace, 3d, arduino, lasercutters, linux | The Hive | |
Fabmobil | We run a mobile Fab Lab in east Germany. For rural and decentralized areas. For Kids, Youths, Elders and all beyond and between. For positive civil societey, for an open discourse and free and explorative learning and making. Against xenophobia, racism, sexism, lookism and nationalism. | fablab, design, politics, rural, impact |, | |
Fachschaft MPI | We are the student representatives for mathematics, physics and computer science at Technical University of Munich. We built some tools that help us with our projects - or just for fun. | tum, computer science, fachschaft, free software, students | | |
Fachschaft WIAI | We are a few people from the Fachschaft WIAI (Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik) of the University of Bamberg. | fachschaft, university, students, studentennetz, franconia, computer science, informatik, academia, science |, | |
Fail0verflow | Like the previous years, fail0verflow and friends, console and other hardware hackers are getting together for 34C3. We will set up our consoles, show off our hacks, and teach people about them! We will also work on new and existing projects. | 34c3ctf, hardware, hardware hacking, electronics, console hacking | | |
Fairy Dust Forest | Assembly of the "open chillout area" kind in the theme of a forest. We'll have interactive games, nice visuals and nice people to hang out with. Organized by CCC Göttingen. | chillout, board games, visual | | |
FeM | Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V.
studentischer Verein, Studentennetz, Broadcasting, Technikspielerei |
fem, istuff, broadcast, media, streaming, 3dprinting | | |
Fedora Project | The Fedora project is a large world-wide project with the primary goal of producing the Fedora Linux distribution. | arduino, tea, bitcoin, black forest, bsd, ccc, free knowledge, stuttgart, freifunk, gnu, gnupg, hackerspace, linux, privacy, open source, foss, os | Rights & Freedoms | | | We just want to hang and bring flax to the world. 🚀 | | ||
Flipdot | We are a hackerspace from Kassel, Germany | hackerspace, ctf |, | |
FluxFingers | FluxFingers CTF Team from Ruhr-University Bochum | security, ctf, hacking, competition | | |
FlyingObjects | Collaboration of PaparazziUAV and previous-years Assembly 'Multicopter-FPV'
Paparazzi UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is an open-source drone hardware and software project encompassing autopilot systems for multicopters/multirotors, fixedwing, helicopters and hybrid aircraft. Paparazzi, being open, enables users to add more features and improve the system. Using and improving Paparazzi is encouraged by the community. 'Multicopter-FPV' is a group of hobbyists from all over europe. We construct/build/program our multicopters (a.k.a. "drones") and follow the priciple "build-fly-crash-repeat". |
opensource, uav, multicopter, fpv, autonomous | | |
Foodhackingbase | We plan to set up again food, drink and bio hub where people interested in these topics can meet, collaborate and share experience. | food, drink, fermentation, bio, tasting | | |
Forth Gesellschaft | Forth Gesellschaft e.V. is a not-for-profit organization promoting the programming language Forth.
We provide tutorials to get people started in Forth on the assembly, letting them program the Bitkanone LED array. With enough space, we'll again show our Triceps robot playing peg solitaire, controlled by an FPGA with a softcore Forth CPU, and our driving Bitkanone on the floor. |
forth, blinkenlights, robot, microcontroller, programming | Chaos West | |
FraMa | Assembly of CCC Mannheim and Frankfurt | hackerspaces |, | |
Free Software Foundation Europe | The Free Software Foundation Europe is dedicated to spread software freedom as a way and a central pillar of a free society. We do lobbying & public relations and we offer legal advice and interest representation in favor of Free Software. This assembly is hosted for and by our members, friends and supporters to offer a common space to discuss, meet, hack and organise. Let's put the hacking back into politics! | free software, free society, europe, gnu, gpl, privacy, encryption, gnupg, free your android, open standards, politics, linux, crypto, open source, public code, article13, | Rights & Freedoms | |
Freeside | Cyberpunk-influenced community with members around the globe. | cyberpunk, diy, irc, homebrewing, hardware hacking | | |
Freieslabor | A place for members and friends of the Hackerspace Freies Labor in Hildesheim to gather, show and tell. | hackerspace, freifunk, blinkenlights, unciv, making | Art & play | |
Freifunk | "Freifunk" stands for free communication in digital networks. Free means to us publicly accessible, not for profit, property of the public and free of censorship.
We plan to organize talks and workshops around the topics of free infrastructure and freedom of communication in public networks. |
freifunk, free networks, non commercial, open access, freedom of communication, wireless community, education | Open Infrastructure Orbit |, |
Freiheitsfoo | Nothing big, just some people interested in privacy, informational and other self-determination, anything about freedom of assembly, reclaim your data, watching police and other governmental action. | privacy, freedom of assembly, reclaim your data, informational self-determination |,, | |
Freitagsrunde | Studierendeninitiative an der Fakultät IV "Informatik und Elektrotechnik" der TU Berlin | | ||
Freiwurst | "Freiwurst" stands for free Wurst in analogue networks. Free means to us publicly accessible, not for profit, property of Freiwurst and free of eggs.
We plan to organize a talk and wurstshops around the topics of free Wurst and freedom of Wurst in a free world. |
freiwurst, free wurst, non commercial, open wurst, freedom of wurst, wurst community, wurstication |,, http://67uhmt6exuptujkm.onion/. | |
FuWaR | Students and alumini of Furtwangen University (HFU) | university, black forest, students, community, computer science, informatik | ||
GFF | The GFF (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte / Society for Civil Rights) is a Berlin-based non-profit human and civil rights NGO. We are explaining how strategic litigation works and presenting some of our digital rights related cases. | human rights, digital rights, internet freedom, litigation, civil rights, surveillance | Rights & Freedoms | |
Geheimorganisation | | |||
Gentoo | We will be there! Compiling all the way.
Drop by to have a chat, join fixing bugs, etc. |
gentoo, linux, os, free software, open source | | |
GfuC | Genossenschaft für untrusted Computing. A bunch of nerds from Munich. | arduino, hardware, internet, linux, relax | ||
GoeffelRip | We are group of software, hardware and cyber hackers from Bonn. We want to show some of our projects, get together and hack some stuff. | hardware hacking, hackerspace, collaboration, soldering, diy, electronics | The Hive | |
Gr1p | Central place for the gr1p network to hang out | Rights & Freedoms | | |
HSNL | Just us dutchies getting together after SHA2017. Might bring more badges. | dutch, hackerspaces, sha2017 |,,,,,,,, | |
HaSi | Hackspace Siegen | Chaos West | | |
Hack42 | WE WANT TO GO TO JAIL! | dutch, hackerspaces, sha2017, beehive4.2, en, weer, een, succesvol, hack42, project |,, | |
Hackeriet | Oslo's oldest open hackerspace, we do security, electronics, software and more. A social spot to bring your projects! | ctf, free software | | | | (aka HSGR) is a a physical space dedicated to creative code and hardware hacking in Athens. It is more than just a physical space: It is a dynamic community with ideas inspired by the Open Source philosophy. | hackerspace, open source | Open Infrastructure Orbit | | | Gathering place for anyone interested in, related to, or the operation of and associated services.
This is where you get your questions answered. |
hackerspaces | | |
Hackertours | We provide sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts. | hackertours | | |
Hacksaar | We are a hackerspace located in Saarbrücken, Germany. | freifunk, hackerspace | | |
Haecksen | Haecksen are the mailing list based female* community of the CCC. We come from every corner of Germany and beyond, gather at the XC3 every year, share projects, discuss the hurdles in life and aim to have a nice time at the congress. | women, meet & greet, discussion | | |
Haquium Marburgensis | Ancient hackspace in Marburg. With friends from Gießen, Wetzlar and so on.
„In der Ewigkeit werden Manche schweigen müssen, die hier gern geredet haben.” — Anaklet II. |
hackspace, marburg, latin, freifunk, blind, accessibility, stupid name, ancient, est. 1138, mcxxxviii, stage, oldest hackspace on planet earth, george lucas, marpvrgensis, chaostreff gießen marburg, gießen, wetzlar |,,,, | | | der Technik Podcast and Friends | hardware hacking, lockpicking, 3d-printing, diy, electronics, foo, 3d printing (maybe) | Chaos West | |
HardwareHackingArea | The Hardware Hacking Area is a huge area for people of all ages and skill levels to come together and play, teach, learn, and share in many and diverse realms of making all sorts of physical things. | hardware, hardware hacking, solder, soldering, electronics, arduino, synthesizers, esp, leds | Art & play | |
Haskell | An advanced purely-functional programming language & its users. | programming, functional | | |
HeartOfCode | Die Heart of Code richtet sich an alle PyLadies, und RailsGirls, JavaLassies und 3D-Feen, Gamerinnen, Arduinas, NetzwerkNixen, LötGören, RaspberryRabaukinnen und alle anderen Frauensternchen mit Interesse an Bits, Bytes und Basteln. | hackerspace, berlin, frauensternchen, womandandallies | 1Komona | |
Helferlein | A gathering place for people connected in past congresses and camps, who are interested in RFID, contactless payments, network and of course coffee.
Find us: |
chillout, coffee, social networking, security, community, hacking, quiet, debian, unix | | |
HiCy | Bunch of crazy nerds doing stuff ... | |||
Hive | The hive is a assembly super-structure built from 11 honeycomb-like structures that house several assemblies. It is built by c-base. | fabrication, fablab, 3dprinting, hardware, lasercutter, embroidery, knitting, diy, 3d printer, 3d, cad | The Hive | |
Humanistische Union | Get in contact, learn, discuss. | data protection, civil rights | | |
Hxp | University CTF Team, Meeting Point for Students and Employees of IT Security Chair of TUM and affiliated people. | ctf, university | | |
I2P | I2P is a mixed-license free and open source project building an anonymous network. The network is a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other. | anonymity, p2p, privacy, onion routing, open source | | |
ICMP | Intergalaktische Club Mate Party - Every two years the ICMP takes place at the source of all Mate and we have a great time :-)
This is an assembly of loosely related organizations from the Erlangen/Nuremberg area; We cover a broad range of topics, including programming projects, classic hacking, and organizing hacker events like the ICMP. If you're new in Franconia or already living there for some time and want to get in touch with the community matching your interests, just drop by and ask. We're procuring contacts and are always happy to show and discuss projects of our members with interested people. |
students, hacking, erlangen, bavaria, franconia, nuremberg, 34c3ctf | | |
Imaginärraum | An emerging hackerspace in Bayreuth | community, hackerspace | | |
Infuanfu | We basically want to sit around a table, talk, drink tea with passers-by. | tea, chillout, relax, quiet, hygiene | | | & Friends | presents their work and meets up with (internet) friends to chat, hack, drink and party hard. We'll also host a small CTF and demonstrate some 'live' hacks. | ctf, hacking, bugbounty, cyber, internet, it-security, linux | | |
Irish Embassy | A place for Irish hackers to call home during Congress, and space for people to meet Irish hackers. Cat lovers also welcome. | ireland, hackerspace, hacker, whiskey | | | | | |||
Jugend hackt | All things open. This assembly is about free and open knowledge. Learn more about different projects around free and open knowledge: Wikipedia, Wikidata, open data, civic tech, open government, freedom of information, data literacy, open source and more. Hang out with the Open Knowledge Foundation team, Wikimedia Deutschland, Jugend Hackt and family and friends. We are also planning some hands-on sessions. | open knowledge, open data, civic tech, open government, freedom of information, data literacy, open source, jugend hackt, youth, youth education, education, open education, kids | | |
Just Humans | search and rescue, human aid | Open Infrastructure Orbit | Twitter:%20@justhum4ns | |
KITCTF | CTF Team from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | ctf, security, hacking, competition | | |
Kartoffelernter | We plan to build up the assembly with a Couch and some leds under it, a 3d Printer for prototyping, some microcontroller stuff, Retro Gaming with games from the 90's on old Hardware. Multiplayer will be possible aswell. | retro gaming, 3d printing, microcontroller, ftp index | ||
Kidspace | ||||
KinkyGeeks | Kinky geeks meet here. | bdsm, kinky, bondage, reverse engineering | | |
Klassembly | We are the "klasse Klasse" / free class of the hfg Offenbach – a group of art and design students on a self-organized field trip.
Hoping to get in touch with friendly folks, like-minded or not, and learn a bunch of cool stuff at congress! |
art, design, students, offenbach am main, frankfurt am main | Art & play | http://not%20yet%20available |
LUDD | Luleå Academic Computer Society (Sweden) | hackerspace, sweden | | |
Labitat | The hackerspace in Copenhagen | hackerspace, hardware hacking | | |
Labor23 | We are a small Hackerspace from Würzburg called "labor23"
- most in Hardware, some in Software - The first adress for DIY and Handcrafting in Würzburg :) |
labor23, würzburg, hardware hacking, 3dprinting | | |
Libre Space Foundation | LSF is a non-profit foundation with a mission to to promote, advance and develop libre (free and open source) technologies and knowledge for space. | space, satellites, sdr, ham radio, open source, cubesats | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
Loaderror | Group of hackers, located at the Geheimorganisation
Lots of flashy blinking things, servers, antennas and rad{i/1}os. |
hackerspace, sdr, blinkenlights, hardware, ipv6, dn42 | | |
Lockpicking Area | The big secret of lockpicking is that it's easy. Anyone can learn how to pick locks.
Ted the tool (MIT-Guide to Lockpicking) Give it a try - learn basic lockpicking techniques - open your first lock - learn how to help yourself when you locked yourself out - what is a pin tumbler lock? - why is it working? |
lockpicking | | |
LugIn | We are the Linux and Unix User Group Ingolstadt (LUG IN)
We are a colorful mix of newcomers and professionals who like to exchange information about the different Linux systems, try to solve problems, help where they can, learn new things or just have fun in a relaxed atmosphere. Come by and visit us:) |
lug, linux, ingolstadt, | 1Komona | |
Luxeria | Hackerspace from Lucerne, Switzerland | hackerspace, security, open source | | |
MOiN - Mehrere Orte im Norden | Hackers from multiple Places in the North of Germany will gather in one joint assembly to get to know each other better, talk about next years plans, search for ways and coordinate efforts to increase the amount of hacker culture in Schleswig-Holstein und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | hackt, flensburg, lübeck, rostock, schwerin, hackerspace, hackerspaces, hacking |,,,, | |
Magrathea Laboratories (mag.lab) | We are some random hackers from Fulda, Germany. Here to meet, learn, teach, share, drink | freifunk, chaostreff, hackerspace, iot, esper, hardware hacking | | |
Mainframe | This is the Assembly of Oldenburg's Hackspace AKA Mainframe and the related local Chaostreff ( | hackspace, hackerspace, hackerspaces, oldenburg, ccc-ol, fablab, chaostreff | | |
Maschinendeck | The Maschinendeck is a hacker space from Trier, Germany. We have awesome people and Pixelflut for the masses. | maschinendeck, trier, rheinland-pfalz, pixelflut, hackerspace, hackerspaces | | |
Mikrogravitation | ||||
Milliways | the restaurant at the end of the universe | security, ctf, hacking, privacy, lounge, social, networking, open source, chillout, model train, maerklin, community | | |
Monero Assembly | Monero Assembly is the gathering of the monero community. In cooperation with Bitcoin Assembly and RIAT we are organising a larger space with workshops and talks about privacy, anonymity and the monero cryptocurrency. A Monero Hardware Wallet prototype is showcased. | monero, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, crypto, hardware, hardware hacking | Rights & Freedoms | |
Mozilla | The Mozilla community uses, develops, spreads and supports Mozilla projects, thereby promoting exclusively free software and open standards for an open web.
Die Mozilla-Community hilft mit ihren Projekten wie dem Firefox-Browser auf Grundlage der Prinzipien des Offenen Webs Menschen, die Kontrolle über ihr Online-Leben zu erhalten. |
web, webvr, js, net neutrality, a-frame, community, firefox | | |
Muccc | The muccc. Known for ACAB, Flipdots, the rad1o, Iridium hacking, AYAB, the r0ket, 4:20 and so much more. | rad1o, sdr, r0ket, muccc, acab, ayab, hakuefa | | |
NGI | Hackerspace in the European Commission. | ybti, youbroketheinternet | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
NO Drama | nodrama_de nodrama | love, peace, computer, hacking, trolling, making, art, schmuck, sex, dating, internet | Chaos West | |
Nad-lounge | make your own gameboy, make your own game, make your own weather | hacking, making, berlin, hamburg, stockholm, leds, soldering, ws2812, esp8266, esp32 | The Hive | |
Narwhals | the narwhals - a well-bound group of monodontids with polycuriosity, which got together the first time around 2009 in the impetuous seas of the Ostalb - once more will arrive in the hallow seas of the CCC to connect and hack with all the vital species thriving around our beloved hackerculture.
each individual in our band of narwhals has various specializations which each will happily share with all other personalities, e.g. reverse engineering, hardware hacking (rfid, nfc), advanced networking, advanced linux hackery. |
reverse engineering, hardware, hardware hacking, linux, ipv6, ip, kernel, stuttgart, hackery, hackerspace, nfc, rfid, android | ||
Nerd2Nerd | The Würzburg Nerds and Friends | franconia | The Hive | |
Netz39 | Hackerspace from Magdeburg (Germany). | iot, freifunk, copter, making, coding, electronics, free hugs | | |
Neu-trifft-alt | Please have a look at our CodeBug-Robotarm-Starbasic-5Bit-Relay-Adder. It's historical and modern, hard- and software, unique and common and, most importantly, it's useless.
The extended adder is one of the joint projects of hacKNology, a hackerspace in Konstanz, and CompuRama-Radolfzell, a bunch of computer historians. It would be terrible if the extended adder was already finished. But it works mostly. Let's see how you and we will promote it. |
codebug, robot, arduino, android, printer carriage, starbasic, relay, wi-fi | Art & play | |
Neuroassembly | The NeuroAssembly, like the NeuroVillage at last Camp and Congress, would like to be the meeting point of hackers interested in the brains, brain functions, the nervous system and consciousness. We'll hack with brain- and other bio-signals and acquisition devices, talk about lucid dreaming and other consciousness hacking stuff. | brain hacking, neuroscience, dream hacking, electronics, lucid dreaming | ||
New Berlin Hackerspace | Could Berlin benefit from a new hackerspace? | hackerspace, berlin, makerspace, community, build, workshop | | |
New Robot Overlords | A place for people to hang out and talk about machine learning and artificial intelligence, share tricks and knowledge, and ask questions. | machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, statistics | ||
Nintenbros | Anything console hacking | security | | |
NixOS | We will have a permanent NixOS hacking sprint in this assembly and it is open to anyone remotely interested in deployment or functional programming.
If you want to learn about Nix, NixOS or NixOps just come by and we will introduce you to it! |
nixos, nix, os, reproducible deployment | | |
NoName | NoName e.V. is a Chaostreff from Heidelberg, Germany. | chaostreff | | |
Nordlab e. V. | Der Flensburger Hackerspace, nordlab e. V. ist ein junger Hackerspace aus dem Norden. Wir sind eine kleine Gruppe von Leuten die sich jeden Montag treffen. Unser größtes Projekt ist Freifunk Flensburg. | freifunk, makerspace, hackerspace, flensburg | | |
OONI-verse | The OONI-verse is a global community measuring internet censorship.
We develop free software (called OONI Probe), analyze network measurements, and publish research. Join the OONI-verse to hack on OONI Probe, share skills, knowledge and ideas! |
internet freedom, digital rights, network measurement, network interference, community | Rights & Freedoms | |
Offensive AI | Space for people interesting in exploring methods for hacking AI systems | ai, hacking, machine learning, crypto | ||
Open Knowledge Assembly | All things open. This assembly is about free and open knowledge. Learn more about different projects around free and open knowledge: Wikipedia, Wikidata, open data, civic tech, open government, freedom of information, data literacy, open source and more. Hang out with the Open Knowledge Foundation team, Wikimedia Deutschland, Jugend Hackt and family and friends. We are also planning some hands-on sessions. | open knowledge, open data, civic tech, open government, freedom of information, data literacy, open source, jugend hackt, open education | | |
OpenBSD | Only OpenBSD and some masturbating monkeys | monkeys, masturbation, free software, bsd | | |
OpenLab Augsburg | Hackerspace in Augsburg | hackerspace, ccc | | |
OpenStreetMap | We are supporters of the project OpenStreetMap & Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), map the world, create maps, print maps, play with GPS, laser rangefinders, Newsletter Wochennotiz/weekly OSM, Podcast Radio-OSM | maps, opendata, opensource, crowdsourcing | | |
Openfpga | We do crazy shit with FPGAs. our focus is open source tool chains for reverse engineered FPGAs | hardware, fpga, programmable logic, verilog, vhdl, xilinx, altera, lattice | | |
P4 | ctf | | ||
Pasten | CTF Group from Israel | ctf | ||
Physikfachschaft Rostock | We are a small group of physics students and graduates from Rostock and we are to talk to you about light, the universe and everything.
We will bring some live experiments, lots of equations and even more science! |
physics, science, mathematics | Art & play | |
Politecnico Open unix Labs | We are the Linux User Group of the Politecnico di Milano, the largest technical university of Italy. We organize lectures, conferences and workshops about hacking, GNU/Linux, programming and open source projects. | hackerspace, hacking, linux, free software | | |
Polygon-Sauna | Polygon Sauna provides a space to relax and gather in a very informal cozy atmosphere. We bring a complete mobile Sauna out of recycling materials, all necessary amenities - and we invite everybody on a low threshold base to undress and chill in the heat. Workshops, rituals, and lightning talks will add to the general brain+body effect. | spa, sauna, wellness, wetwear, construction | | |
Ponyville | An assembly to bring ponies from all over Equestria together.
A gathering space for people liking ponies and wish to exchange on this topic. |
ponies, mlp, fillygons, friendship | ||
ProdigyBar | We try to help people get their systems running again if they fail or at least find people who might be able to. | just a gathering space | | |
PwnThyBytes | CTF team from Romania, Bucharest. | ctf, pwn | ||
Pwnies | Student hackerspace from Copenhagen university. | hacking, ctf, pwnables, pwntools | | |
Pyneo | The pyneo project collects many different aproaches for developing software for mobile devices. In the end it's a learning projects for the members. It started on the greenphone, jumped over to the openmoko when that arrived and is now using android as a platform to develop some helpful add-ons and concepts. | python, mobile, gsm, phones | | |
Python | Meeting place for Pythonistas and people interested in the programming language Python
or in projects that use Python. |
programming | | |
Qubes OS | Qubes is a security- and privacy-focused operating system. Come by and chat! | os, free software, secure desktop, security, privacy, tor, xen, fedora, debian, whonix | | |
QueerFeministGeeks | This assembly is home to all queer/feminist/trans*/intersectional people who want to meet each other, hang out, feel safe, and make friends. | feminism, politics, discussion, activism, queer | | |
RIAT | The RIAT assembly is continuing the tradition of last year's RIAT Crypto Lab ( ) and provides a space and forum for critical discourse and practice-based workshops on social implications of crypto/blockchain.
we have been planning with bitcoin and monero assemblies to do a larger combined space where we host and organise multiple workshops, talks, discussions and hands-on practice. The detailed program will be planned and organised throughout december in vienna at the riat space. |
crypto, blockchain, research | | |
Ramrod | We are a small group of people all over Germany which like to tinker with LED and everything around that (Arduino, esp ...) | arduino, bitcoin, esp8266, friends, iot, ipv6, internet, relax | | |
RaumZeitLabor | Assembly of the Hackerspace RaumZeitLabor from Mannheim | lasercutters, soldering, embroidery | The Hive | |
Rautemett | Wir sind eine kleine IRC-Community die sich aus Namensmangel einfach #mett nannte. | irc, mett | | |
Reproducible-Builds | A happy gathering point for all the lovely Reproducible-Builds folks.
A build is reproducible if given the same source code, build environment and build instructions, any party can recreate bit-by-bit identical copies of all specified artifacts. |
free software, security, computer science, open source, all reproducibles welcome, reproducible deployment | | |
Rope-Art | | |||
Rubytown | Interested in Ruby? Attended Rails Girls but then lost track of other Rubyists? Come by! | ruby, rails, rubytown | | |
Rudolfos | CTF team composed software and hardware hackers. Orga of the DatenspurenCTF. | security, ctf, hacking, competition, hardware hacking | ||
Rust Community | The Rust Programming Language Community. | rust, community, programming, love, peace, crabs | | |
Sattumat | Random people from Finland participating in 34C3 CTF. | ctf, security, hacking, competition | ||
Schinfo | We are SCHINFO (Security Computer Hacking INFO), an international group with members from Germany, Greece, Hungary, Spain, and the UK.
Come join us at our assembly where we will be playing around with hardware and software based on Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266, and Raspberry Pi and discussing about WiFi and USB related security issues. We will additionally be demonstrating some old and some completely new projects of our own. |
hacking, hardware, security, wifi, arduino, esp32, esp8266, usb, franconia, os |,,,,,,,, | |
Science Hack and Communication | Yea its Science - join us if you like!
For the second time we want to connect Scientists, Science Hackers, Open Knowledge Communicators, Citizen Science and Science Educators and others. Bring your research to do some selforganized workshops, or meet and discuss and do some science hacks. We are a small group related to all kind of other things, like Podcasting, Rocket Science, Games, Open Education Ressources, Citizen Science and/or Science Communication. PS: We try to bring a weatherballon - Find us! ;) |
science, sciencehack, science communication, science podcast, citizen science, research, networking | | |
Scottish Consulate | We're a travelling hacker collective from Scotland who represent ourselves and our country at events round the world.
We aim to provide a chilled out, primarily social workspace in the mania of hacker camps and conferences for people to visit, stay, contribute to and share. We offer an asylum program for all who are interested, the License to Kilt, a certificate of True Scotsmanship. All refugees are welcome! We run Scottish themed events in partnerships with other villages / assemblies we're friends with - whisky tastings, food nights, etc. |
whisky whiskey nancy whiskey, bbs, rf, sdr, leeloo dallas, multicast, workspace, political allegory | | |
Sdr nerds | little group of ~6 hackers which use many types of sdr hardware like a hackrf, limesdr, dvb-stick also coding hamradio software and programming µC
just need a table with space for ~4 people |
sdr, radio, hamradio, limesdr, hackrf, µc, hamnet, wireless, electronics | Open Infrastructure Orbit | http://- |
Seidenstrasse | Seidenstrasse is a pneumatic tube system made using vacuum cleaners and drainage pipe | seidenstrasse, pneumatic tube | ||
Selfnet e.V. | Selfnet runs a powerful network in the Stuttgart student dorms. | networks, isp, studentennetz, notbad | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
Sendezentrum | Podcast Community mit Sendetisch, Podcastpat:innen und weiteren Podcast-Projekten | sendezentrum, podcast | | |
Shellphish | This is the assembly for the Shellphish team for 34C3 CTF | security, ctf, hacking | | |
Sigrok | Portable, GPL'd software suite (including protocol decoders) for logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, MSOs, multimeters, function generators, and more. | open source, free software, hardware, hardware hacking, electronics, open-hardware, test&measurement, logic analyzer, oscilloscope, multimeter, mso, function generator, protocol decoder, reverse engineering | | |
Sigsegv | Small gathering of IRC people. Attended CCC since 2014 | security, networking, privacy, ctf | ||
Socat Ring of Fire | Our aim is to motivate as many people as possible to, at some point participate in a huge socat_ring_of_fire. Essentially this means that they join a ring of network port proxies forwarding to each other so that any packet inserted at one point will circle the ring indefinitely.
We will prepare a script to setup the proxy ring using socat, flashing the terminal every time a packet containing the string "fire!", in the hope that we will be seeing the packet running through the whole room. We will bring a server to run a public git (for the necessary code), probably some presentation poster, beamer or other display to explain the idea and use the whole setup to bring together all those people who habitually automate or chronically overtool their lives. Special requirements: due to long standing relations, it would be nice to be situated in the vicinity of Chaos West, the most flashy Chaos from the West. |
Chaos West | | |
Squirrel | We are a bunch of friendly squirrels | community, bitcoin, crypto, java, tea | ||
Stratum 0 | Hackerspace Braunschweig, this will not be just some random projects, this will be a hackerspace on display. | hackerspace, making, diy, ctf, hackenopenair, hoa, freifunk, coderdojo, digital courage | | |
Strings and Tea | You want to drink some nice, hot cups of tea in a cuddly atmosphere and learn how to knit some mate warmers? Come and join us. Perhaps there wil be some cookies.
If you want to mod your spoons, knifes etc. We will show you how to engrave them with some old chargers and kitchenware. |
knitting, tea, social, relax | ||
StuStaNet | StuStaNet e. V. is the ISP of germany's largest student dorm: the Studentenstadt in Munich. | isp, hackerspace, internet, linux, free software, university isp | | |
Swedish house mafia | A Swedish band of long time visitors of CCC. | python, php, crypto, selinux, seccomp, yubikey, soldering | ||
Swis.S | A small random group of Swiss geeks. Our members are into Open Source, game development, electronics and more. Come visit us if you want to talk! | open source, electronics, hardware hacking, swiss, game development | ||
Synthopia | DIY/Experimental audio & synth village | synth, diy, music, noise, audio | Art & play | |
TAMI | Tel Aviv Makers Intl. hackerspace assembly | hackerspace, hackerspaces, open hardware, hardware hacking, electronics, open source | | |
TabVillage & Catworking | We're a bunch of people mostly from Berlin who like to occupy themselves with networking, hardware, chaos, cats, quatsch and ham radio stuff amongst other topics. | networking, hardware, tabs vs spaces, ham radio, cats | ||
Tails | Tails is a live operating system that you can start on almost any computer from a USB stick or a DVD. | anonymity, privacy, secure desktop, tor, os | | |
TeaHouse | Come and enjoy some cozy, relaxing time with us! Let's share some delicious tea and analog moments for meeting, discussing, inventing, etc!
We will bring numerous delights (caffeinated or not) from all around the world! Whether you plan on becoming a tea-master (by preparing tea and helping everyone on your table have a good time and a full cup!), contributing some of your favorite tea or just relaxing, we are quite sure you will have a great time! ;) We will have a cozy workshop space as well, ranging from decentralization of services and infrastructure to political activism, meditation and other "Hacking with Care" techniques and concepts. |
tea, hackingwithcare, hackingcare |, | |
Team23 | We have the mate Server
Bunch of former Informatik Students. Project: FreiMate-Server, VereinsFnord (KassenChaos), RasperryPi teasing (OpenHab, AmbiLights, LCD Wall), NetBSD, pkgsrc, IPv6, the 10GBit Uplink Project |
bsd, netbsd, pkgsrc, openhab, linux, ipv6 | | |
Tech-Coops | Tech-coops are a growing movement of worker-owned cooperatives that operate in the information technology industry. We want to find new ways of working and making a living, based on solidarity. | commons, coops, work, labour, activism, capitalism, self-empowerment | 1Komona | |
Techinc | Amsterdam Hackerspace coming to Leipzig this year. A good collection of projects and people will be coming over! | hackerspace | | |
Temple of the moby hack | A disorganized organization for distributed (or was it disturbed?) hackers. | bsd, ipv6, windows | | |
The (un)employed schemers & lispers guild | Lisp and Scheme Hackers from all over the world gather and discuss the state of the union. | lisp, scheme, common lisp, racket, community, clojure, functional |,,, | |
The Mathematicians | A bunch of (former) mathematicians who hang around the congress each year. | mathematics, math, cryptography, crypto, machine learning | | |
Toppoint | Die Toppoint ist ein Ort, an dem man sich treffen, voneinander lernen, experimentieren, kreativ sein und neueste Entwicklungen besprechen kann. wie jedes Jahr stellen einige unsere Mitglieder auf dem c3 einige ihrer Projekte vor. Unser Assembly soll ein Ort sei an dem die Projekte vorgestellt werden, über Projekte geredet werden kann oder auch Micro Projekte (Aufwand <1 Stunde) durchgeführt werden können. Da es im Verein eine große Freifunk Communety gibt ist unser Assembly traditionell neben dem Freifunk Assembly. | makerspace, hackerspace, freifunk | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
Tor | Meeting and discussing Tor related problems, questions and technology. Also discussing the problems of how to host, what to take into account when setting up an exit for the Tor network and the problems facing when doing so. | tor, free software, free networks, free speech, the onion router, privacy, safety, anonymity, security, secure desktop, whistle blower | Rights & Freedoms | |
TorontoHackers | A group of hackers from Toronto interested in connecting on operational security, mobile security through secure Android Operating Systems (specifically CopperheadOS), data privacy, cryptocurrency, game development and anonymous communications. | cryptocurrency, privacy, tor, free your android | | |
UAVP-NG | This is a community driven open source project building modern autonomiously flying multicopter. The project has been born at 23C3 and grew to a big community of drone builders, fpv racers and photographers. | drone, race, uav, uavp, flying objects, multicopter, copter, fpv, freestyle, opensource | | |
Underground | Ok let's sum-up with keywords: friends - code - network - sysadmin - junk food - ctf. Wanna talk? :) | code, ctf, networking, friends, fun, burgers | Open Infrastructure Orbit | |
VLOMS | We are all alumni from the Howest cyber school. We are also being joined with the current generation of students there. | school, university | | |
VOC | VOC stands for video operation center. In the assembly you will be able to get to know what happens behind the scenes of the VOC. Talk to VOC-members and get in touch with us in a nice environment to talk about video, audio, live streaming, recording and other fun stuff. We might have workshops to show the full pipeline from A/V setup, recording, live streaming, encoding, post-processing until the upload to // This year we like to join the Chaos Communication Cluster Audio/Video. | voc, voc-lounge, voc-assembly, a/v, voctomix, audio/video, audio, video, streaming | | |
VR | All about VR. With workshops. | vr, virtual reality, a-frame, vive, muccc, webvr, psvr, oled | | |
Vintage Telco | We run 7 classic analogue mobile networks (some with different variations in some countries) and have many classic mobile phones: A-Netz, B-Netz, C-Netz, NMT, AMPS, TACS, Radiocom 2000. Yes, we have (software defined) base stations for all these networks. We show how to set it up with Software Defined Radio (SDR).
As every year, we provide outside telephone connectivity for the congress. Also we provide help desk for telephone questions. |
osmocom, isdn | | |
VoidLinux | Void is a general purpose operating system, based on Linux. | linux, distribution, os | | | | We are a hackerspace from south germany (black forest) | diy, make, code, cnc | | |
WHF | The community behind and the associated forum, which is involved in historical operating systems and running Microsoft's on the smallest amount of resources possible. | os archaelogy, retro, community | | |
WOBspace | Small Community around Wob, which are interested in hacking hardware like Arduino, Raspberry, BananaPi, Odriod and other cool stuff like WS2812 LED strips, robot cars ... | arduino, raspberry, bananapi, odriod, ws2812, led | ||
Warpzone | Muensters local hackerspace, this time with more moving stuff. | Chaos West | | |
Warsaw Hackerspace & Friends | Hackers from the {Warsaw, Cracow, ...} Hackerspace, CTFers from Dragon Sector. | warsaw, poland, dragon sector, ctf, hackerspace, hardware, hardware hacking, electronics, coding | | |
Wauland | as usual | | || | Assembly of some (mostly) Bavarian hacker-/makerspaces or related groups | hackerspace, community, soldering | | |
Westwoodlabs | Hackerspace from Westerwald | hackerspace, linux, it-security, embedded | | |
Whonix | Anonymous Operating System | anonymity, privacy, security, linux, libre, free, open source | | |
Wikimedia Deutschland | All things open. This assembly is about free and open knowledge. Learn more about different projects around free and open knowledge: Wikipedia, Wikidata, open data, civic tech, open government, freedom of information, data literacy, open source and more. Hang out with the Open Knowledge Foundation team, Wikimedia Deutschland, Jugend Hackt and family and friends. We are also planning some hands-on sessions. | free knowledge, open knowlegde, open data, youth education, wikidata, civic tech, jugend hackt | | |
XHain | A nice hack- and makespace in the heart of Friedrichshain, a local place for exchanges, mutual learning and fun. | hackspace, makerspace, 3dprinting, robotics, leds | The Hive | | | Hackerspace from the Sweden/Malmo-region. We do some hardware hacking such as building custom PCBs mostly for fun. CTF team as well. | hardware, ctf, sweden, hackerspace, security, kicad, pcb, hacking, friends, webscale, rf, ble, hf, ham radio, twät | | |
Young Game Players and Hackers | A place for youth (12-16ish, whatever) to experiment a bit with hacking computer games and more with playing them with each other. | jugend, youth, kids, gaming, teaching | ||
Zamenhof | Gathering place for those interested in the international language Esperanto. | esperanto, linguistics, language, communication, international, equality | | |
😏 | We are a decentral organized rookie hacker collective from Berlin, Germany. |
There are 278 registered assemblies. 0 of them registered before and 0 after the registration deadline on November, 15th (23:59:59.999 CET).