Assembly:Wikimedia Deutschland

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Contact Merle,
Description All things open. This assembly is about free and open knowledge. Learn more about different projects around free and open knowledge: Wikipedia, Wikidata, open data, civic tech, open government, freedom of information, data literacy, open source and more. Hang out with the Open Knowledge Foundation team, Wikimedia Deutschland, Jugend Hackt and family and friends. We are also planning some hands-on sessions.
Members Bene, Johl, Lucas Werkmeister
Projects MediaWiki, Wikidata, Wikipedia
Self-organized Sessions (Wie) Audible Magic hacken?, How to turn museums into open data hubs, Infrastructure of Wikidata, Introduction to Wikidata, Query Wikidata in SPARQL, Request a query, Why did we stop contributing to knowledge on the internet, WikiTech, WikiWat!
Related to Assembly Assembly:Jugend hackt, Assembly:Open Knowledge Assembly
Tags free knowledge, open knowlegde, open data, youth education, wikidata, civic tech, jugend hackt
Registered on
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes OParl hacken, LoRaWAN und TTN, Wikidata, SPARQL
Orga contact
Brings We will bring a flat; kitchen, living room, workshop space...

For our workshop space we need quite a lot of chairs and tabeles. Would be great if we could get them via the CCC

Projects Wikidata, Wikipedia, Freedom of Information, Oparl, LoRaWan,
Uses money no money handling
Need fibre yes would be great
Extra Power {{{Extra power}}}
Near passage would be great
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 40
Extra seats 0
Aread needed 200
Arrival and build up 22.12.2017


All things open. This assembly is about free and open knowledge. Learn more about different projects around free and open knowledge: Wikipedia, Wikidata, open data, civic tech, open government, freedom of information, data literacy, open source and more. Hang out with the Open Knowledge Foundation team, Wikimedia Deutschland, Jugend Hackt and family and friends. We are also planning some hands-on sessions. We will offer a cosy flat where open family gather at the kitchen table.