Session:Packaging in Nixpkgs

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Description This Workshop will walk you through the whole process of performing a package update in nixpkgs.

After this workshop you should be good to go to contribute to nixpkgs yourself.

Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software
Tags nixos, nixpkgs, functional
Processing assembly Assembly:NixOS
Person organizing User:Mic92
Other sessions...


Subtitle from zero to upstream in 60 minutes
Starts at 2017/12/29 17:00
Ends at 2017/12/29 18:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Room:Hive Stage

This Workshop will walk you through the whole process of performing a package update in nixpkgs containing of the following steps:

As a contributor:

  1. cloning nixpkgs
  2. changing the expression
  3. Testing the expression and binary
  4. creating a PR

As a package maintainer and reviewer:

  1. checking the package evaluation
  2. checking the package build

After this workshop you should be good to go to contribute to nixpkgs yourself.