Assembly:Physikfachschaft Rostock

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Description We are a small group of physics students and graduates from Rostock and we are to talk to you about light, the universe and everything.

We will bring some live experiments, lots of equations and even more science!

Members Doxva, Kaminazuki, KiNaudiz, Kröte
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions A Solution To A Problem That Did Not Exist 50 Years Ago, Collapsing Cats Towards Infinity, Hilbertspace Theory – Music Theory's New Clothes, QRNG - More Random than Pinkie Pie, Schauvorlesung Physik
chaos competence center Cluster:Art & play
Tags physics, science, mathematics
Registered on
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions maybe
Self-organized session notes Teaching science through theatre (Schauvorlesung)

A new take on music theory using Hilbert space True Randomness from Vacuum-fluctuations - even more Random than Pinkie Pie

Orga contact
Brings [[Brings::Laser, hologram, vacuum canon, glowing cucumber, potato battery ... [other stuff to be added]]]
Uses money no money handling
Need fibre no
Extra Power {{{Extra power}}}
Near passage whatever
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 2
Extra seats 8
Aread needed 9
Arrival and build up We will probably arrive on December 26th in the afternoon. We are still unsure whether we will be able to bring some larger experiments.


We are a group of people with lots of love for physics and we want to share it with you. We have brought numerous experiments like lasers, holograms, glowing pickles and much more! But in case you are interested in the really strong stuff, we got you covered, too. We have prepared sessions where we teach you the coolest things about quantum theory, general relativity, lasers, mathematical music theory and the purest of randomness. Do not hesitate to visit us!