Description This is a meta project to include all discussions and job related to techncal tools developped for and by La quadrature du net.
Has website,,
Persons working on Okhin
Tags advocacy, empowerement, tools
Located at assembly TeaHouse
Other projects...

This is a project including all tools developped for and by LQDN.

Those tools are mainly developped to help for advocacy, to give the power back to citizens, and to document uses and abuses for later legal actions or name and shame politics.

We'd like to discuss about the needs of this kind of tools for civil society for instance. Those tools includes - but are not limited to:

  • Piphone: a tool which allow citizens to call their elected representative free of charge, with helps and argument to help the citizen convince their representative.
  • Respect My Net: Respect My Net is a census tool used to collect evidence of net neutrality violations made by private or public operators throughout the whole European Union.
  • Memopol: document the political memory. What a politician said and when, can now be monitored. It can be used to efficiently find allies or adversaries in the political debates. It's currently under heavy development so no website visible for now … sorry.
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz