Description PinMagic is a code generator and prototyping tool for platforms like the RaspberryPi
Has website
Persons working on Grindhold
Tags vala, python, programming, raspberrypi, raspi, digital, logic, kickstarter, physical computing
Located at assembly OpenLab Augsburg
Other projects...

PinMagic let's you put together digital circuits in an UI-environment. Those circuits can then be compiled down to python and be deployed on a RaspberryPi. This way you can emulate digital circuits that you otherwise would have to build yourself. A versatile helper for tinkering, prototyping and testing.

PinMagic is currently being funded via Kickstarter (see homepage). At 32C3 you have the chance to see the prototype live in action. PinMagic's creator will be happy to show you what he's got at the OpenLab-Assembly. If he is not there, call DECT 8081

Please condsider supporting PinMagic's Kickstarter campaign.

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