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Description | Polygon Sauna provides a space to relax and gather in a very informal cozy atmosphere. We bring a complete mobile Sauna out of recycling materials, all necessary amenities - and we invite everybody on a low threshold base to undress and chill in the heat. Workshops, rituals, and lightning talks will add to the general brain+body effect. |
Members | |
Projects | create project |
Self-organized Sessions | create self-organized session |
Tags | spa, sauna, wellness, wetwear, construction |
Registered on | |
Provides stage | no |
Location for self-organized sessions | yes |
Self-organized session notes | Drei Sauna-Workshops pro Tag mit Lightning-Talks. |
--EN-- Polygon Sauna provides a space to relax and gather in a very informal cozy atmosphere. We bring a complete mobile Sauna out of recycling materials, all necessary amenities - and we invite everybody on a low threshold base to undress and chill in the heat. Workshops, rituals, and lightning talks will add to the general brain+body effect.
--DE-- Wir bauen eine Outdoor-Sauna auf dem Kongressgelaende für alle, die nach dem anstrengenden Kongresstag die Seele und baumeln lassen wollen. Organisiert von uns werden Ofen, Aufbau, Bänke, Handtücher, Liegewiese, Isolation, Hygienevorkehrungen, Raum für Lightning-Talks, entsprechendes Knowhow und Erfahrung für die DIY-Sauna. Unser Ziel: Temperaturen bis zu finnischen 90°C und viele glückliche Gesichter.